#let's be real egon is a closeted rom-com fan too
obwjam · 6 months
Hey Loved your ghostbusters fics!!! idk if you're still doing the prompts but can you do 20 with Egon?
“I’m not above sticking you in a jar.”
this one is so perfectly egon 😭 the scenario is a continuation of the fic where my oc and venkman get shrunk bc i think it's so perfect and i want to do more with it
from this post
“Egon! Come on! I know you can hear me.”
It had been a few weeks since you and Peter Venkman had been shrunk by some mysterious red slime. Somehow, you had managed to adjust – mostly – to your strange new reality. No longer did you get dizzy every time you looked up at your giant friends, nor did you wake up every morning with a persistent feeling of dread and the urge to vomit everywhere. 
That didn’t mean it had gotten any easier.
A feeling you didn’t anticipate now dominated your days: helplessness. You were too busy being terrified of the possibility of dying that you didn’t stop to think about what everyday life would be like at this diminished height. You decided it was incredibly boring. Watching Egon work tirelessly to find a way to reverse your condition without being able to help was mind-numbingly agonizing.
“Spenglerrrrr… Spengler. Egon Spengler. Egon Spengler, is, ignoring me. He’s pretending I don’t exi-iiiist,” you sang, horribly off-key and with no discernable melody. You might as well have a little fun.  
“Del, please,” he said finally, giving a disgruntled sigh. “I’m trying to concentrate.”
“Can’t I help? You know I know what I’m doing.”
“I know.” You stared intently as he quickly jotted something down, though from your perspective, his arm seemed to move in slow motion. “But, no.”
“Why not?”
A sigh. “I’ve told you a thousand times.”
“Tell me one thousand and one, then.”
“You don’t need me to. Maybe Ray doesn’t care as much, but I do. I don’t want anything happening to you that could be easily preventable.”
“Going over notes or sharing ideas isn’t going to kill me, you know!”
“You say that like it’s a certainty.”
You swallowed down the growing icky feeling. “If that were the case, I would have dropped dead weeks ago.”
Egon seemed to consider that, but he was clearly done having this conversation. He silently went back to work, but you didn’t even give him a few minutes before pushing him again. God, the boredom was consuming.
“Seriously, I could just brainstorm over there while you do the actual work! It’d be fine, I’ve taken plenty of naps today, I –”
Suddenly, he slammed his pen down. Well, it wasn’t really a slam, but to you, he might as well have shot it out of a cannon. “I’m not above sticking you in a jar.”
Shocked, you crossed your arms and frowned. You knew he was being playful in that deadpan Egon way of his, but a sick feeling entered your stomach when he said that. Oh, yeah, you thought. He could do anything to me without even thinking about it.
You were quiet for a while after that, but his comments made you too scared to even move, so you just sat there, stupidly, watching him continue on like nothing had happened. Thirty minutes or thirty hours could have gone by, you wouldn’t have noticed the difference. All you could think about was how long you'd be able to last with limited oxygen if you were sealed shut inside a clear airtight prison.
Egon had a feeling his joke didn’t go over well, and the ensuing stretch of silence filled him with unease. Venkman joked about it all the time, but that was just his coping mechanism. You didn’t like to do that so much, and sometimes, Egon forgot that.
Resigned, he put his pen down and turned to you, so helpless and small sitting on the table. You were very intentionally trying to ignore him.
“I’m sorry,” he offered. “I won’t actually stick you in a jar.”
“You sure about that?” you snapped, still refusing to look up. “You could do anything, and I couldn’t stop you.”
“Well, maybe you couldn’t, but Ray or Winston certainly could.” No response. “That was a joke.”
You grunted. “Not a very good one.”
Egon pinched the brim of his nose. He had really messed this one up, huh?
“You haven’t talked about it all that much.”
You looked at him out of sheer surprise. “What?”
“The psychological effects. Of your… circumstance.”
“What?” you repeated defensively. “Yes I…” you stopped. You’ve certainly thought about it every day, and you even vented to Venkman about it occasionally, but you thought it didn’t really need explaining.
“I mean, I just… assumed it was obvious.”
“Not necessarily,” Egon countered. “Venkman’s basically been the same.”
“Yeah, well, he’s a shitty example.”
For the first time today, you and Egon locked eyes. Even through the discomfort of staring at a human being that was as tall as a building, you could sense his genuine concern. He just didn’t quite know how to ask.
“Nothing is… wrong, per se. It’s not like the shrinking forced me to think a different way. It’s just been hard to… I can’t, I can’t do anything like this. You won’t even let me help figure out a way to fix myself! I–I’ve just… I’ve been noticing that you’ve…” You took a shaky breath. This was harder to say than you thought. “Well, you’re kind of treating me like a child.”
Egon raised his eyebrows, a little embarrassed by the observation. “A child?”
“Well, yeah. You’re ignoring me, getting frustrated when I try to get your attention, and despite always working by your side when I was normal human height, you suddenly act like I can’t contribute anything meaningful anymore. Like my intelligence is all gone, somehow.”
Egon felt his cheeks flush red. It was so obvious now that Del was pointing it out. He was babying them. Acting like any little movement would kill them. They already had enough on their plate – Egon acting like his mother only served to make matters worse.
“I’m… sorry, Del,” Egon said finally, his voice a little hoarse. “This is all so unprecedented, I didn’t want to do anything wrong, or hurt you without knowing.”
“If you were hurting me, I’d say something!”
“Sure,” Egon said, clearly not believing you. “But, truthfully… I’m getting nowhere, Del. I – I can’t even begin to describe how complex this all is.”
“Egon, I have a PhD and a Master’s. I’m smart too, you know.”
“I know, I know.” He shook his head. “But even after going over your test results and obsessing over this slime, I don’t even have a clue. How am I supposed to get you back to normal?”
You smirked. “Why are you acting like you have to do it alone?”
“Huh.” Egon huffed a laugh. “Checkmate, I suppose.”
“Just… let me help you on this. Please.” You padded over to his hand, which was resting comfortably next to his notebook. You placed your miniscule hand on his knuckle, forcing yourself to find the juxtaposition more endearing than terrifying. “Maybe you wouldn’t think I was so annoying if I actually had something productive to do.”
The giant snickered. “The less squeaking out of you, the better.”
He smiled warmly when you actually laughed at his joke. “Well, I don’t think I’m getting anywhere with this tonight.” He flipped his notes over and pushed the beaker of goo to the side. “How about a movie?”
“Really?” you perked up. “Can we have popcorn?”
“Well, I don’t think that…” he rolled his eyes when he saw the shit-eating grin on your face. “Sure, Del, I’ll make some popcorn.”
You climbed eagerly onto Egon’s hand. “And candy?”
“Let’s not push it.”
“But you don’t even know about Venkman’s secret stash.”
Egon couldn’t pretend he wasn’t curious. “What secret stash?”
“I’ll tell you… if you let me pick the movie.”
“Oh, good,” Egon deadpanned. “Another riveting romantic comedy, then?”
“Well, when you told me you’ve never seen When Harry Met Sally before…”
As the two of you fell back into normal banter, you felt as normal as you had since this whole thing occurred. Even if you were curled up in a small portion of a blanket that was bigger than an airport, and you could only eat three pieces of popcorn before getting full, you were still right where you wanted to be. 
For the first time in weeks, you didn’t feel so small.
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