#like i don't want this working 45-50 hours a week thing to go on indefinitely
killerchickadee · 2 years
I usually work 7-3:30pm but I went in at 5 so I could get more done.... the idea though is that if you go in early you can leave early.
So of course I didn't get to leave until.... 3:30.
Part of why I wanted to leave early is so I could go grocery shopping, but by the time I got off I was like... nope. But I'm starving so pizza time I guess.
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2-forthem-2-play · 1 month
I'm Just not Happy,
I feel ugly, I think I look fat,
I think I'm old
I think I'm lonely because of this
I'm angry
I hate the mirror
I don't want to go out anymore
I don't want to drink because I want to get rid of my belly,
I punish my self when I eat , I call myself fatso before I take a bite
I sing to myself
Fatty fatty fat so
Ugly ugly fat so
Eat fatty eat fatty eat eat eat
I frown at the mirror
I say I hate you to myself
I want to escape and go somewhere , ( some places tropical and never return ( Costa Rica maybe )
I've been keeping my phone on do not disturb indefinitely, I never answer it
I barely answer text .. I work and come home
I only speak to people at work but usually just wish they'd leave
I slept for 72 straight hours last week . I didn't bother to wake up until bi had to go to work
My family, trys to message me on Facebook but I don't answer .( Fuck um) They weren't here when I was really down when thing were really hard when everyone was dying and now that , things are better they want to talk .. why should I
I've got some money coming my way
I know I won't tell anyone .. I'm wondering if I should just bank it and leave . Just throw my phone in a lake ..
Get new email. New phone number, new Facebook ( or no Facebook,) and start a new)
Go off .loose this belly, do the thing I like instead of the things I'm susposed to like
( I hate drinking) I don't like bars ( even though I work in one) I hate crowds , I'm actually kind of shy ,( I have a persona that's " on stage" That's what a degree in comunicatins teaches you , I'm a great public speaker ,
But really I'd rather be at home with some close friends quietly playing a game or watching a movie
Or having sex
Or doing something spiritual
I just want to be quiet in water then be anywhere
I see people as energy vampires who take and take and take, who want me to dance for them like a trained monkey , " entertain us , more more more,"
But at the end of the day they give me little in return
I sat in my house, with no TV on. No music literally no noise for two whole days it still wasn't enough
I miss sentuary depravatin chambers they used to have them here you pay like 50 bucks your put in ( well it's a coffin with water that's at your body temp no sound or light ( God it was magical the fad didn't really catch on but I loved it
So nice 45 minutes of just silence
So great .. but people need stimulus, loud music, action
Yuck !!!!!
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