#like it's genuinely becoming a problem I am filling my sketchbook up with saw
gargoyl3city · 6 months
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Saw is taking over my fucking sketchbook
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shoftiiel · 3 years
bound to you: 4
"and i quote.."
synopsis: y/n is the new girl in town, she would like to escape from her past and begin a new life without any romance drama, but what happens when she caught the attention of a certain boy who happens to be one of her brother’s best friends.
word count: 1. 1 k
warnings: i think there is none, but if you feel like something should be added lmk :))
a/n: i think this will have more written parts than i originally intended, also if you asked to be on the taglist and you don't see yourself its because i cannot tag u
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When your class ended you felt nervous, you didn't understand why, you were just meeting sunoo’s friends, it was not a big deal.
“come on y/n it is not that big” you said to yourself, besides if they are friends with sunoo they must be nice like him.
“Y/n!! over here!” you snapped out of your thoughts when you heard your name, when you turned around you saw sunoo with two other boys, they did seem nice.
“h-hi” sunno giggled, “don't be shy y/n” he said with a reassuring smile, the other two boys just laughed along.
“hi, i am jungwon” one of the boys said, he had these cute dimples when he smiled, he gave off a warm vibe, he looked like the happiest person on the planet.
“and my name is niki, nice to meet you” the second boy said, he looked younger than jungwon, but still he was taller than both sunoo and jungwon. Hewas just a freshman and looked like a giant baby.
“You know y/n” Sunoo said, snapping you out of your thoughts for the second time that day, “niki is also a foreigner” you turned to niki, he just nodded. “I am from japan”.
“Why did you leave?” you asked, niki just smiled and you swore that kid got like 3 centimeters taller, he looked excited, just as if he had been waiting his whole life to be asked that question.
“you see, I want to be a dancer and be lift high has one of the best dance programs in the country, japan does not” that last part did not sound so excited “so i plan on auditioning, tryouts are supposed to be next week”
He reminded you of Jake, he also left Australia to become a dancer, now you kind of understood why Jake was the way he was towards you, you felt the need to protect niki, he was so cute for his own good.
“how about you?” jungwon asked “where are you from and why did you leave”
“Well my family is Korean, but I used to leave in australia and i left mostly because of family issues, my parents are barely home”
“oh” sunoo just looked at you
“Well, we are now all your new family” niki said with the same big smile he had while he was talking about how he wanted to become a dancer.
“Wait, you are a sophomore, right?” jungwon suddenly asked.
“Yes I am” you said proudly, for some reason.
“Then why didn't we see you in any class today” jungwon looked very puzzled “omg y/n are you skipping classes already? it's the first day!” and before you could say anything sunoo said,
“well you see” he said in a cocky tone “miss y/n here is in advanced classes, because and i quote “her brain cells actually know how to do their job”
The other two boys almost choked laughing, they couldn't breathe. At first you were really embarrassed, then you just laughed along, at that point you could not remember why you were nervous in the first place.
“and how about extracurriculars?” Jungwon said still laughing, he was trying to keep it together, he failed but at least he tried.
“Well, i saw that there’s an art club” the moment you said that sunoo became another person, he looked possessed which freaked you out to be honest.
“You want to join the art club!?” he almost yelled at you “ummm… yeah??? Is there a problem with that'' you were genuinely confused at his reaction, but then he looked happy?
“gil you should have told me earlier!” in the two days you had know sunoo you had never seen him so excited “well you are talking to the art club president himself, so consider yourself the newest member of the art club”
“this is awesome y/n!” jungwon was very excited as well “we’ll see each other more often”
“heeeeeey!” niki sounded upset “what about me?” he indeed was a giant baby, cute you thought.
“don't worry niki, when you start practicing with the dance team we’ll visit you and we’ll take you snacks”
“from now on y/n is my favorite” hugged you right afterwards.
you were very happy it was only your first day of class and you had already made friends, if you had the y/n from two years ago she would not believe you. The bell rang and you left for your last classes of the day. During the last periods you did not pay any attention at all, you were thinking about your new friends, usually you take notes but you did not this time, you were doodling the whole time.
Finally the bell rang one last time that day, you quickly grabbed your things and rushed out of the classroom, the hallway was filled with students that were eager to leave, just like you were. You bumped into someone, you just said sorry bearly looking back and just continued walking, you were going out with your brother and you had to get ready, you did not have any time to lose.
What you failed to notice was that you dropped your sketchbook, the boy you bumped into picked it up and when he looked up you were gone. He just stood there with the sketchbook in hand wondering who you were. Naturally he opened it to see if there was a name, sadly there wasn’t. For some strange reason, he didn't leave it on the lost and found, he was curious, he wanted to find the owner and give it to them.
He was mesmerized by the drawings he found there, they were mostly flowers, landscapes and lots of frogs, some had hats, others had wings, that just made him more curious. There were also some short poems in there, from what he read, whomever it belonged to was very sad, the one that caugth his attention was
“i supose i love my scars,
because they have stayed with me longer
than most people have”
He needed to find who the sketchbook belonged to.
taglist: @ncityy04 @dumbwonpil @markleepooh @papiibuprofen @ghjasksdk
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