#like they're past root canal they're fucked down to the bone
stupot · 1 month
Guess who needs dental implantsssssss
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contentment-of-cats · 28 days
Omnibus: cooking, exes, ouch that's gonna hurt, and erotica for people with short attention spans.
The whole week: has been nuts, and I am getting a root canal v. soon because chemo and radiation apparently do very fucked things to your mouth bones. Yes, teeth are bones, mouth bones. It's going to run me an ouchy amount, and I'm also getting a deep cleaning. Back when I was in active chemo, I broke out with mouth sores and could only swab in the Magic Mouthwash, so there is some damage to my gums, too. The root canal is under a decades old filling, and ought to last about another 15 years.
It was great to get out to the farmers' market! I picked up two flats of strawberries and the apricots were too good to resist. Ginger roots, garlic, a batch of onions to caramelize and freeze, likewise with herbs. So here's a bunch of cooking stuff.
Freeze fresh herbs in olive oil. Wash, destem, and then chop your herbs. Put them in a bowl and stir in olive oil Stir to combine. Freeze. You can keep them in the trays, but I like to put them in freezer bags. I only have so many ice cube trays.
Ginger garlic paste. Okay, I cheated and bought the pre-peeled cloves. My hands are no longer up to peeling that much garlic when I also need to wash and peel the ginger. Use a 1:1 ratio of garlic to peeled fresh ginger. I used 8oz to 8oz. Put it in a blender or food processor or even a Magic Bullet with 2 tablespoons of any type of oil - but stick with something not strongly flavored. Olive is fine. Blast it until smooth. You can also get out those ice cube trays and freeze it for up to three months.
The strawberries are destined to go into ice cream and preserves, while the apricots are all going to preserves. I only hull the strawberries (pull the green part out) after they're washed, My grandmother never peeled apricots, peaches, or plums when canning, as she considered it wasteful and the peels are broken down in cooking. I think it adds extra flavor and color to leave the peels on, so I just stone them.
I mentioned that the side gig responded to my joking pitch about ficlets, which are stories that come in at about 1000 words. I did ten of them and they were accepted. So, there's going to be a book of short stories from 'guest authors' - we're all ghost writers at the side gig. I have a break between now and the beginning of July, which is very welcome.
So, for some reason my exes have ended up in Texas. Both are a HAM, but only one is malign. Remember the Only Fans thing? Yeah, that one.
The Himbo I am on good terms with, loved him, loved his family, but it never worked out and we were honestly too young and roustabout at the time. He left LA when his father developed cancer, and stayed in east Texas. The Malign Ex... well, he's turned into kind of a romance scammer. Looks for younger women because anyone over 35 is going to read him right away. Anyway, he left a message asking for money to leave San Antonio.
Yeah, I know. I'm thinking of getting rid of my landline, but the situation sounds like a country song.
Well, I'm leaving San Antonio Didn't work out, don'tcha know I packed up moved out of LA But now I gotta get away Dug my own hole Kept on diggin' Car broke down No more Uber giggin' Send me some cash darlin' please
Apparently it Didn't Work Out there for him. After all, what decades younger-something wants a dusty old wannabe gigolo still making child support payments and he's almost 60?! SO glad I didn't have kids with him. SO GLAD.
Also, it's been 24 years, man. A decade since I saw him last. Can he just Let It GO?
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Also, ignoring Filoni.
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