#like yeah pharma is the murderer and you can't blame ratchet for that
lord-squiggletits · 4 months
I think my favorite part about the Luna-1 hotdog-style Ambulon incident is the "fuck around and find out moment" of Ratchet taunting Pharma with his insecurities only to be surprised/fearful when Pharma brought in Ambulon and First Aid to be bisected.
Like, aside from the fact that I love Pharma and think he deserves some murder as a treat
It's actually kind of a really good character moment for Ratchet where he super fucked up, like it's extremely rare in the whole of IDW for Ratchet to have made a mistake that bad and it's a fun addition to his character imo. He clearly thought he was in control of the situation and felt some kind of arrogant/clever about thinking he'd successfully manipulated, only for it to turn out "oops you just ended up escalating the situation and putting your friends in danger instead." Arrogance/recklessness aren't something you typically associate with Ratchet so I think the situation is really cool if only bc we got to see an aspect of Ratchet's personality that doesn't really come out otherwise.
Also it means that Ratchet 🤝 Rung -> Making a really stupid decision to provoke/taunt someone emotionally unstable in the middle of a hostage situation and just making it worse
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