#lilith isnt 'the queen' or 'the first woman'... shes 'lucifer's wife'
loserifer · 21 days
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i survived another week under capitalism's thumb. w me. anyway, here's some Tension >:)
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Lucifer x Lilith X Eve (does that have a ship name yet? Forbidden Fruits?) before the fall is so fun, its three variants on the born sexy yesterday trope running around in the wild trying to figure out this whole being alive thing
(angel that was never really supposed to be a whole person with feelings, first woman who fucked off before anyone could tell her about being human, second woman who was told she was made subservient, free will is a new concept to all three)
Makes it less weird when they're all learning together
they are all silly!!! Sincere silly x scheming silly x gremlin silly
Eve and Lucifer are more husband and wife in law, they're very close and comfortable around each other, best friends with light playful romantic tension, not quite in Love not like they are with Lily, Eve isnt going to turn it down if Lily's oh so pretty boytoy wants to show her what that snake tongue does
Lilith gets a wife and husband she deserves it, her short queen and her shorter king
I just need to get Eve away from Adam and in a supportive environment and I need the girls to bond and help each other through all of this, they have exact opposite energies I know it
first humans and their emotional support inhuman non-threatening malewife solidarity
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strangestcase · 4 years
really hating how Hazbin Hotel treats demonology and religion. I hate most of what that show does (racism, queermisia) but let’s just say nothing good can come out of a cartoon based on religion made by an Annoying Asshole Atheist type like Vivienne (who is btw also a pedophile-- and yes it also affects her shitty interpretation of religion).
I’m not going to talk about how she hates Christianity as a whole because, not gonna lie, it’s understandable to some extent. I mean her racist, inaccurate depiction of Vodou and hoodoo as “Southern Cannibal Doll Evil Religion” (ewwwww), and her bastardization of demonology/demonolatry. Her Dantian Hell is fucked up as is, but also lacks a fundamental respect towards Satanism and demonology. This hell not only doesn't have punishments but it also is filled with actually harmful, wrong portrayals of demons. which are, as far as I know:
-depicting Stolas as a sexual predator and a cheater
-also depicting Stolas as... anything but a demon of knowledge, really? Helluva Boss is only a pilot, but still
-depicting Lilith as a demon of lust (she isn’t even a demon?) married to Lucifer (she’s married to Asmodeus, depending on the source) and not giving her much agency besides “queen of Hell” (I'm sure she isnt...?) and Magical Horny Powers. BTW apparently the only person immune to her Succubus Horny Magic that makes u want to fuck her is a random gay man. Nobody else. Not even her daughter. Sweet. /s
-showing Stolas’ sigils everywhere in his palace (potentially putting people in danger because some can and will try to summon him without protection)
-while im all for original portrayals of Hell, mixing up actual demonolatrous imagery with a version of Hell that apparently doesnt even work correctly is... off? it doesnt sit right with me. Good Omens for instance had rather accurate demons, and it was a PARODY. 
-and, keeping in mind Vivziepop has already subtly ruined Asmodeus by giving his wife to someone else, has her Hell be overrun with sexual predators that never get consequences for her actions (something that literally wouldn't happen in an accurate Dantian Hell but ok), makes sexual jokes 24/7, and is herself a pedo... I'm pretty sure she’s going to make the Circle of Lust some sort of r*pist haven when, in reality, it is anything but. that would piss off (and potentially harm) demonolaters. I mean she already fucked up Lilith with the whole Horny Powers thing. This might be me overthinking tho. 
oh also? some of those inaccuracies are rather harmful to JEWISH PEOPLE. yes, Jewish people, given that Lilith is an important part of Judaism, and Vivziepop making her only confirmed Jewish character, Mimzy, be a straight up antisemitic caricature in every possible way, that’s not good. and while satanists are just seen as a kooky bunch, jews are historically the most targeted religious group. Viv is feeding into that. 
...and that’s without taking into account the butchered, incomplete vevés she depicted! Vodou’s a closed practice that a white woman like Viv shouldn't be mangling, and vevés arent “aesthetic”, they’re important religious symbols, each representing a loa.  putting them into a cartoon is already rather disrespectful to both loas and Vodou practitioners, but associating them to a cannibalistic villain is WORSE, keeping in mind how white people demonized Vodou, a religion that liberated Black slaves, by linking it to witchcraft and cannibalism-- and making them incomplete is the icing on the bullshit cake.
TL,DR: Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss (and of course their creator, Viv) treat minor religions like utter shit. She misrepresents, mangles, and stereotypes at least three separate practices, the first two of which are closed and often attacked: Judaism (her portrayal of Lilith + antisemitic stereotypes), Vodou (everything about Alastor but specially the scene in which he manifests vevés), and demonolatry/Satanism (inaccurate and harmful depictions of demons, such as portraying Stolas as a rapist and Lilith as a temptress). 
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