metalshockfinland · 2 years
LILLASYSTER Release New Single 'Forty Four Boxes'
LILLASYSTER Release New Single ‘Forty Four Boxes’
Photo by Jean-Paul Bastiaans With nine national TV performances, The Swedish Eurovision Outtakes two years in a row, and two songs on Spotify’s Top 50 in Sweden with ‘Pretender‘ and ‘Till Our Days Are Over‘. One thing’s for sure: LILLASYSTER has built up anticipation towards their 6th album which is also their first one entirely in English. Today they are releasing their new single ‘Forty Four…
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wileys-russo · 4 months
hidden in plain sight II i.engen x rolfö!reader
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prequel of the number switch requested here - all non english is translated from DeepL so i apologise if anything is incorrect! hidden in plain sight II i.engen x rolfö!reader
the first time you'd properly met ingrid was when she was still playing for wolfsburg with your sister and frido had brought her home for easter because ingrids family were away on a trip.
you'd of course seen ingrid around in passing and all over your sisters social media but easter was the first chance you had to really talk to her, not that frido gave you much chance swooping her away most days to show her around your home town.
"you play for linköping yes?" ingrid asked despite already knowing the answer, your whole family sat around for dinner one night you'd ended up sat next to her with frido elsewhere occupied in catching up with some of your cousins at the other end of the table.
up until that night the two of you had been a little awkward around one another, exchanging pleasantries but you strayed away and spent time with your parents. which was odd to them considering you and ingrid were only a six or so months apart in age.
it didn't help that not having seen you for months herself your sister was taking every and any opportunity to tease or embarrass you, her own special way of showing how much she loved you, yet another reason to avoid ingrid.
ingrid, though you'd never admit aloud for fear of your sister, you found quite enamoring with her sharp jawline, rosy cheeks, striking green eyes and raven hair. your mother joked to her the day she'd arrived that she reminded her of a disney princess and you couldn't help but agree.
but the one question about football a topic you could both finally find some common ground on, seemed to break the ice and by the end of dinner both of you felt much more comfortable around one another.
"lillasyster, dishes!" you winced as frido smacked the back of your head in passing, shooting her a glare as ingrid hid a smile behind her hand finding your relationship quite endearing not having any sisters herself.
"i can help you." the defender decided, not really an offer but more of a statement as she dismissed your sisters attempts to call her over into the living room by the fire and instead the norwegian followed you into the kitchen.
you smiled seeing how well she got along with your family despite having only known them a few days as she chatted away with your mother and aunt, and with the extra set of hands everything was washed and dried in record time.
you shouldn't have been surprised when not long after dinner the real festivities began and you rather enjoyed watching everyone else get drunk and silly as you only nursed a singular glass of red wine with a coy smile.
"bah you have had this for hours, drink!" you tensed up as your sister dropped down beside you and forcefully held your head back, quite literally pouring the rest of the wine down your throat, the older girl already a bottle and a half deep herself as you coughed and spluttered.
"rövhål!" you swore as a few drops splashed onto your jumper, lunging at her as the two of you fell to the ground and rolled around, your cousins cheering you on as if it was a live wrestling match.
broken apart by your mothers strict warning she would make you both sleep outside you collapsed back onto the couch beside ingrid, kicking away your sister who kissed your cheek leaving a bright lipstick red mark with a grin as you wiped it away and swore at her again.
though ten minutes later you were leaning into frido's side with her arm draped over your shoulder and catching her up on all the latest drama within your team as if you'd not just been trying to rip one anothers hair out moments earlier.
a sight which again had ingrid grinning in amusement seated on your other side, knowing that despite the ongoing bickering and teasing frido was constantly checking up on you and forever telling her teammates all about you very proudly.
it was around two in the morning by the time everyone had slowly headed off to their own homes or filtered off to bed. having taken off your makeup and changed you were settled in your room when there was a soft knock at your door.
calling out to come in you were surprised when it was ingrid who poked her head in with an apologetic smile. "your sister snores very badly when she is drunk." the norwegian frowned as you laughed quietly and waved for her to come in.
"i would sleep on the sofa but your father is there." the girl gave you a somewhat awkward smile as you chuckled, having seen just how much he drank it wasn't the biggest surprise he wasn't able to make it upstairs and into bed.
"did you want to..." you trailed off gesturing to your bed, ignoring the blush which you felt creeping up your neck which you just attributed to the alcohol pulsing through your bloodstream.
"only if it is okay? i don't want to make you uncomfortable." ingrids normally rosy pink cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red as you shook your head. "no! no not at all, please." you assured, moving over and pulling back the covers.
you tried to ignore the way your body tensed up as she slipped into bed beside you, the two of you shuffling about for a moment before settling as you reached over to flick the lamp off.
"so, what is your favorite color?"
you weren't sure what time it was when you and ingrid had finally fallen asleep but it felt like you'd talked for hours asking all sorts of questions big and small. swapping stories and hastily covering one anothers mouths to stifle laughter when someone was a little too loud.
when you eventually awoke much much later you were surprised to find an arm draped protectively across your midsection, raven hair sprawled across the pillow next to you as ingrid lay still sleeping peacefully.
your mouth dry and head pounding you very gently slipped out from her hold, breathing a small sigh of relief when the norweigan remained sleeping as you closed your door behind you with a soft click.
your parents already up and awake you greeted them both tiredly, graciously accepting the coffee handed your way by your mother and kissing her cheek in appreciation before settling at the bench.
a short while later you heard another door open and your sister slumped into the seat beside you, burying her head in her arms as you chuckled. "have you seen ingrid?" frido turned her head to the side to look up at you as you nodded behind you to your own room.
"she slept with you? why?" she was immediately sat up straight and frowning down at you accusingly. ever since you were much younger frido had done her very best to drive away or intimidate any partner you had claiming none of them were ever good enough for you.
there had only been one she approved of and that itself had taken months, though when inevitable heartbreak struck and it shattered, the whole ordeal caused her to become even more overprotective and overbearing than before.
the five and a half year age gap between you meant you often complained she acted more like your second mother than a sister, the taller girl constantly babying you.
"yes she did, because you snore like an åsna when you drink and the poor girl could not stand it!" you rolled your eyes, whining as she hummed and stole your coffee, downing the last couple of mouthfuls and pushing you away as you reached for it.
"good morning." everyones heads turned as ingrid appeared from your room with a tired smile, frido quite literally shoving you from your seat and patting for ingrid to take it as you sighed and moved over to another.
"morning." you greeted the defender softly who echoed the same word back, both of you shyly avoiding one anothers gaze as your parents engaged ingrid in conversation and you slipped off to your room to shower.
when you returned the girls bags had already been packed as frido busied herself saying goodbye to your parents. "it was very lovely to meet you." ingrid smiled as you wrapped one another in a hug that maybe lasted a second or two too long, a slight blush on both of your cheeks as you pulled away.
ingrid desperately wanted to ask for your number to stay in touch but as your sister trapped you in a bear hug and she gave her thanks to your parents for so graciously hosting her it felt as though she blinked and suddenly she was in the car on the way to the airport, glancing at your retreating figure as she sped away.
you'd messaged back and forth on instagram for awhile before exchanging numbers finally. but with football and life commitments nothing much really came of it and you didn't see ingrid again until the champions league final months later.
you watched on with your parents and some of your sisters friends from home with a sullen stare as the final whistle blew and frido dropped to her knees, runner up in the final as the lyon players raced around celebrating.
you'd clapped and cheered in support as she accepted the second place medal, putting on a fake smile and a brave face but you knew the blonde far too well to believe it was sincere.
once the formalities were over and the crowd began to clear you all made your way down to greet her, waiting patiently as she passed from friend to family giving hugs and a small smile.
finally reaching you, you made no move to speak only pulling her into a tight hug as her taller form slumped into you. mumbling in her ear that you were very proud of her the older girl kissed the crown of your head and broke away to speak with your parents.
it was over her shoulder as she let go of you that you spotted ingrid, catching her eye and sending a small smile. you hesitated to make your way over to her, unsure if she would want yet another person reminding her of how well she played despite how terrible she would be feeling after the loss.
ingrid really wanted to go over to you, she did. but with the embarrassment of the loss hanging over her she retreated within herself hardly saying more than a few words to her friends and family still needing time to process everything.
so as your own family started to make plans for dinner you caught the norwegians eye again, sending her a warm smile and a small wave which she returned and just like that you were gone again.
months passed once more before the two of you saw one another again, the new year ticking over and ingrid would be lying if she said you hadn't crossed her mind more than a few times, finger hovering over your contact to send you a message.
but then she'd heard wind from frido that you were seeing someone, your sister seething that you were clearly keeping this from her as she showed ingrid story after story on your social media trying to pick apart who this mystery person could be.
you of course had denied things profusely anytime frido called to try and confront you or trick you into confessing. you were in fact seeing someone but it was early stages and still recovering from the broken heart your last relationship left you with you were taking things slow.
thankfully frido's interest in your personal life simmered down as her transfer to barcelona took her main focus, ingrid also signing with the club and moving from wolfsburg as the two grew even closer.
your own break nearly to an end you finally gave into your sisters begging and made plans to come and visit her in barcelona.
touching down you passed through security with a great amount of difficulty not speaking more than a few words of spanish, but when you finally pushed through to the arrival gates you grinned as you spotted your sister immediately, the blonde swede towering above most of the locals around her.
"you look so pale lillasyster! but we can fix that." frido grinned, pulling you into a tight hug as you laughed, shoving her shoulder as she let you go and grabbed your bags for you.
you were a little taken aback as suddenly another familiar face appeared, having ducked off to the bathroom. "hello?" you greeted ingrid with surprise, pulling the slightly taller girl into a hug as she rubbed your back.
"i hope its okay i came too, i thought we could all go for breakfast." ingrid offered as you let her go, trying to dismiss the way your hairs seemed to stand on end at her touch.
you shouldn't have really been so surprised to see the norweigan considering you'd known her and frido were currently renting a place together while they hunted around for their own respective spaces to settle into long term.
"ingrid is a big coffee nerd, we have not even been here a month yet and she already claims she knows all the best places!" frido teased her best friend who rolled her eyes and pushed her as you all headed out to the car.
"see that thing? it is called sunshine! and feel the air? how it is nice and warm?" frido teased with her arm slung over your shoulder guiding you through the streets of barcelona, having already dropped your bags off to their apartment and gone for breakfast.
ingrid had headed back home after breakfast wanting to give you and your sister some time together, frido more than happy to help you fuel your shopping addiction as you wandered through the city from store to store.
"so. how is your secret little girlfriend?" the blonde asked with a raised eyebrow, cornering you as you flicked through a rack of clothes with a roll of your eyes.
"don't have one." you shrugged, your sister sighing at the answer. "do you think i'm stupid?" she asked, clearly rhetorical as you gave her an amused smile. "do you want me to be honest?" you teased, nodding for your sister to follow as you headed back outside not finding anything you really liked.
but despite your consistent denial your sister refused to believe you, asking over and over as your patience wore down thinner and thinner. you tried to engage her in other conversations but the very moment the topic died down she would bring it right back to your love life.
"lillasyster why are you lying? i have a built in lie detector you know this." frido claimed with a scoff as you sighed, the two of you arriving to her building.
"because i am not lying, stop ruining my trip with this frido!" you warned as she let the two of you in, your sister seeming to finally drop it.
"do not burn my apartment down while i am gone! ingrid should be back soon." frido warned as you rolled your eyes playfully, your sister needing to go to a meeting with a potential new brand deal as you cooked yourself some food.
"make sure to use the personality where you're polite and smart and easy to work with. not your actual personality where you're grumpy, bad mannered and impatient!" you patted her shoulder, ducking with a grin as she swung at you and swore in swedish.
"behave!" your sister warned with a stern finger pointed in your direction as you held your hands up in defence. "and save me some!" she added on nodding to your food on the stove before the front door closed after her.
you were dishing up when you heard keys in the door, a thud heard as ingrid burst inside with a curse, frido having warned you the lock could be sticky sometimes and need a heavy hand.
"are you okay?" you gave her a smile of amusement, grabbing out another bowl and the norweigans cheeks flushed pink as she hung up her keys with a nod.
"hungry?" you offered holding up the empty bowl as she nodded eagerly. "please! that smells wonderful." ingrid sighed as you dished her up some, the two of you moving to the table to eat.
taking the time to properly catch up with her not really having talked properly for months now the time flew by, empty bowls pushed aside and laughter filling the apartment as you threw your head back, knees tucked up to your chest.
"really? she just walked in?" ingrid gasped in disbelief as you nodded with a groan. "yeah! i told you she has no regard for privacy unless its her own, and then she chased the poor girl out of the house half naked in the middle of a swedish winter!" you sighed shaking your head at the memory.
"so she is protective." ingrid chuckled as you gave her a look. "over protective. sometimes i swear frido thinks she gave birth to me the way she treats me!" you rolled your eyes, ingrid propping her head up on her chin.
"she loves you, very much. i think i know more about your life and your career than you with how much she speaks about it." ingrid teased gently as you sent her a smile.
"sorry about that, i'm not very good at the whole texting thing. its why fridolina calls me anytime she has even the smallest question!" you huffed at the annoying habit.
"i like talking to you though. it feels...easy." you admitted, slight blush on your cheeks as you cleared your throat and grabbed the bowls, excusing yourself to the kitchen as ingrid followed.
"well i like talking to you too."
your week in barcelona flew by and before you knew it was your last night and you were cramped into a bar in the middle of the city surrounded by a few of your sisters new teammates as you struggled to try and keep up with the conversation.
you appreciated most of the girls did their best to speak to you in english but as the alcohol flowed the spanish became quicker and you stepped out for a new drink and a breather, your head spinning a little.
you hadn't noticed a certain pair of green eyes on you all evening but ingrid had been carefully watching, checking in every now and then subtly reminding her friends that you didn't speak spanish and to slow it down when your attention was elsewhere.
so as you stepped away from the group she was quick to follow you toward the bar, your sister far too drunk to notice as she was engaged in a heated conversation about god knows what with caro and marta.
"are you okay?" you jumped slightly as her hand landed on yours not having heard anyone follow you but you settled the moment your eyes met her concerned gaze. "think i might need a spanish tutor for next time i visit." you joked with a smile.
"just a water, thank you." ingrid answered the bartender at his questioning, sliding you your own drink as the norweigan took her water. "you're not drinking?" you asked in surprise, the two of you hovering at the end of the bar where it was a little quieter.
"i had a couple but i am not really in the mood." ingrid shrugged sipping on her water. "if you wanted to leave soon i can come with? i know you fly back home tomorrow." ingrid offered as you shook your head.
"no please! you should stay out and enjoy the time with your team before the season starts up, they all seem very friendly." you dismissed, quickly finishing the last mouthful of your drink and leaving the empty glass on the bar.
"no really it is okay, i am a little tired and i thought maybe we could go for breakfast tomorrow before you leave?" ingrid offered somewhat hopefully, spinning around the straw in her glass.
"with frido! of course." the defender clarified, neck slightly flushed as you nodded.
"yeah i'd really like that." you agreed with a soft smile, a strange feeling settling in your stomach as the brunette sent you a toothy grin back, pushing her raven hair to one side and leaving her glass as you both agreed to go and say your goodbyes.
"lillasyster nooo you are not leaving!" frido whined with a slur as you smiled in amusement at her disheveled state. "i am. i have to fly home tomorrow and i don't want to have my head in a toilet throwing up on the plane!" you teased, wrenching her hands away where they grabbed at you.
"i will make sure we both get home safe." ingrid promised as frido seemed to relax a little at that. "good good! go be boring together then both of you. boo!" your sister jeered as you kissed her cheek with a smile, waving goodbye to the rest of the girls.
your uber already outside you both slipped in, a comfortable silence falling as you were dropped home and ingrid got you both inside the building.
"every time!" the brunette huffed as she struggled to open the front door. "stop laughing at me." the girl frowned, ramming her shoulder into the wood as it popped open.
"i wasn't laughing at you, i was laughing with you." you clarified with a grin, closing the door after the two of you as she hummed and hung her keys up.
"whatever you say vakker." ingrid smiled with a playful roll of her eyes. "what does that mean? vakker?" you questioned with a confused frown, hovering in the doorway of their spare room.
"guess you'll have to learn spanish and norweigan before your next visit." ingrid smiled slyly, ducking off to shower and change in her own room. "ingrid! thats not fair." you groaned, but when you didn't receive a reply you gave up and retreated.
"is this you trying to help me work on my texting or just being lazy?" you teased as you joined ingrid in the living room a short while later, holding up your phone where the older girl had texted asking if you wanted to watch a movie as it wasn't too late.
"du er veldig morsom." the girl replied in norweigan as you collapsed onto the lounge beside her. "let me guess, you won't tell me what that means?" you looked across at her as she simply smirked, answering your question for you as you kicked her gently.
"du är mycket irriterande." you quipped back in swedish with a proud smile, but it was wiped away as she replied back in your mother tongue that you were just as annoying. "you speak swedish!" you scoffed in shock.
"i have been friends with your sister for years, you think we have not taught each other our languages?" she laughed as you groaned and crossed your arms over your chest with a frustrated huff, tensing a little in surprise as ingrid pulled your legs to rest in her lap and turned on the tv.
the two of you eventually agreeing on a movie you settled in with hands wrapped around a mug of hot chocolate. the temperature oddly cool tonight a gust of wind bellowed through the open balcony doors and you shivered lightly, goosebumps appearing up your legs which wasn't missed by the girl whose lap they were sat in.
"are you cold? i can close the doors?" she offered kindly as you waved her off. "no its okay! the fresh air is nice i just didn't pack a sweater or anything. frido told me i wasn't allowed to because my skin needs all the sun it can get." you rolled your eyes making her laugh before she tapped your legs so she could stand up as you moved them.
you assumed she was using the bathroom as she darted away but within seconds she was sitting back down beside you, a bundle of material in hand which she offered your way as you sat up.
"thank you." you smiled sincerely, accepting the sweater and pulling it over your head. something stirred within ingrid seeing you wearing her clothing but she dismissed it with a slight clear of her throat turning her focus back to the movie.
however despite the warmth and comfort of the norweigans sweater covering you the goosebumps on your legs did not go away as ingrids eyes drifted downward having pulled them back into her lap.
before she could think about it much more she'd tapped at your knee as you turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow. "did you want to...?" she asked with a somewhat shy smile, raising one arm and gesturing for you to move a little closer.
"thank you." you repeated again, cheeks warm as you sat up and shuffled a little more into her, her arm draping over your shoulder as you tucked yourself into her side, both of you doing your best to focus on the movie despite how hard both your hearts were racing.
absentmindedly your hand settled on ingrids knee, fingers tracing shapes against her skin as you both laughed at the movie and shared a grin.
your gazes hovered upon one anothers features a few seconds too long, breaking apart as you both blushed and tried your best not to dwell over how you were each feeling.
growing a little more tired your head came to rest on ingrids shoulder and the older girl hesitated for a moment before her arm shifted, hand tangling in your hair and scratching gently at your scalp.
once more you both laughed, making comments to one another and once again your gazes locked as you pulled your head up, your eyes staring deep into the rich green of her own.
subconsciously you found yourself craning your head upward a little, ingrids hand slipping down to settle on the back of your neck and you didn't miss the way her eyes darted ever so briefly down to your lips.
hit with a surge of confidence you leaned up even further, giving her time to pull away if she wished but she stayed where she was and with the slightest of nods suddenly your lips were connected.
if you thought you'd ever kissed someone who knew how women liked to be kiss, all of that flew out the window as ingrids mouth pressed perfectly into yours.
her other hand moved to rest on your cheek, palm soft and welcoming and her touch tender as you lent into it tilting your head slightly as ingrids breath caught at the new angle.
her tongue traced along your bottom lip, dipping in the small cracks and grooves before you parted them and it slipped inside causing you to hold back a quiet moan at the sensation. her own lips slightly chapped but still so plump and inviting as they moved in rhythm against your own.
but right as both of her hands dropped to grip your hips and she pressed her body into you starting to have you lay down on the lounge there was a loud thump and a bang as you sprang apart from one another.
"oh fuck!" your sister groaned, sat on the floor holding her head where she'd gone crashing down as both you and ingrid hurried over to help her.
ingrid slung an arm around her and helped her up, stumbling a little as frido swayed left to right and you closed the front door before hurrying to balance her from the other side.
both of you struggled as your sister was hardly able to hold herself up and you carried her into her room, dropping her down on the bed with a shared grunt.
"i can look after her, you should head to bed." you assured ingrid, both your cheeks flushed crimson and it was clear neither of you were going to talk about the kiss tonight as she nodded and darted out of the room as your sister moaned.
"oh i think i am going to throw up!"
that next morning you weren't sure quite how to go about things, having laid awake tossing and turning as the memory of the kiss haunted you.
you were the first awake and you still had a few more hours before you needed to be at the airport, having already packed yesterday.
"good morning." you looked up from your phone at the new voice, meeting ingrids somewhat bashful gaze as you sent her a soft smile and repeated the greeting.
a silence fell between you two as she busied herself making a coffee, and you weren't sure if it was one you found comfortable or uncomfortable as you pretended to be occupied with your phone.
"did you still want to get breakfast?" ingrid asked as she placed down a coffee in front of you somewhat hesitantly. "do you want to get breakfast?" you countered, murmuring a quiet thanks as you sipped on the warm drink.
"i asked you first." she gave you a small smile which you returned. "yeah, i'd like that." you nodded in confirmation, another silence falling as you both appeared caught up in your own worlds momentarily.
"about last night-" "we should talk about-"
it would seem you both snapped out of your daydreams in sync as you spoke at the same time, smiling awkwardly at the shared thought.
"frido said you are seeing someone." ingrid blurted out first, cheeks warming with a slight embarassment at the abruptness of her statement.
"no, she just thinks that. i was for a little while but it didn't amount to anything, we had different intentions with what we were looking for." you answered honestly which seemed to relax her slightly as her shoulders dropped a little of the tension they held.
"but i go back to sweden today, and you live in spain." you quietly pointed out the obvious, lips turned downward at your words as ingrid nodded in understanding, expression mirroring your own.
"but. i would-i would like if maybe we spoke more when i leave? i promise to get better at the texting." you blushed properly now which ingrid found adorable as she nodded.
"i would like that too. and i could even call you, save you with the texting!" she teased gently, a mutual agreement of sorts seeming to have fallen between you as the tension eased off and once again you both jolted as with a bang your sister appeared, leaning in her doorway with her eyes shielded by a comically large pair of sunglasses.
"i think i have been hit by a truck."
as the months once again flew past what started off as speaking weekly, ingrid calling you most thursdays when she knew you both had your rest days, soon turned into every few days.
and then before you could even blink you found it a part of your daily routine to call her, somehow the two of you never running out of things to speak about as the calls turned to facetimes and the pair of you grew even closer.
you weren't really sure what to make of everything though.
you found if days passed where you spoke less or one of you was unable to call that they seemed to drag on even longer, your mood souring at not being able to see and speak with the norweigan.
you were still yet to see her in person again since your last visit to barcelona, but the way you spoke to one another it was obvious that with the pair of you there was something there.
something just simmering below the surface as you'd both accepted it for whatever it was and maybe even pushing the real feelings down a little considering you lived in separate countries.
the first time you were able to see her again was on international duty, a friendly set between sweden and norway in preparation for the upcoming euros tournament in late summer.
you'd loved being back on camp not having seen many of the girls you'd grown up around for months and months, seeing some of them more like sisters than friends.
and of course your actual sister was thrilled to see you again, though on national duty she respected a little more that you weren't her little baby and to her credit made an effort not to tease you too much.
plus, she hardly got her chance among your other teammates taking it in turns anyway.
"off!" you ordered shoving away magda who'd made it her mission to make up for lost time, pestering you relentlessly as you tried to lace up your boots and ready yourself for the game, shoving her away and snatching your shin guards out of her hand.
your phone buzzing with a message a small smile graced your lips seeing who it was from, slipping out of the change room almost unnoticed as everyone else was busy preparing.
following the instructions texted to you it was no surprise when you were suddenly tugged around a corner and pulled into a hug, a flash of bright red spinning across your vision.
"hi." you breathed out with a grin as your face pressed into her shoulder, the two of you embracing tightly before gradually pulling away. "hello vakker." ingrid grinned right back as the tips of your ears heated up now knowing what the word meant.
"i should not be fraternizing with the enemy." you clicked your tongue with a playful shake of your head, finger tapping at the norway crest on her chest. "you are not...yet." ingrid smiled suggestively and once again you caught her eyes drop down to your lips.
though right as you leaned up to kiss her there was a noise from beside you and you sprang apart, magda standing with her arms crossed a few feet away and a steely look on her face.
reminding you that the game was about to start in swedish you nodded, letting go of ingrids hands as your face paled. one more hard look from the older swede ingrid's own rosy features faded, and with a quick kiss to your cheek she was gone.
you and madga engaged in a firm staring contest as you searched her eyes for any sign of what her next move would be, both of you awaiting the other to speak first and break the showdown.
"please don't tell frido! you need me alive for the match, no?" you tried with a guilty smile, withering under the older girls hard gaze. though right as you were ready to drop to your knees and beg did that facade crack, a large grin replacing the stern frown.
"snälla! i would not tell frido i am the cool one!" magda scoffed, rounding on you and pulling you into a headlock of sorts as she started to march you both back toward the tunnel.
"you know i am actually quite proud of you liten. we did not think you had any game!" magda shrugged as you gave her a look. "we?" you questioned with narrowed eyes.
"me and z, we had a bet going! but i did not factor in that the first serious girlfriend you keep from your sister would be her best friend. i think z might owe me even more money now." magda whistled as you smacked her shoulder.
"she's not my girlfriend." you mumbled with a huff, walking alongside her as the rest of your teammates came into view and magda gave you a look of surprise, stopping the two of you for a second.
"no? well i see the way she looked at you liten. i do not think it will stay that way for very long, in fact i would even bet on it!" and with a wink she was off and you hurried to catch up with her.
you also had the chance to make a transfer of your own by the end of that year, your performances with your national team peaking the interest of multiple clubs both in and out of europe as your contract with linköping was coming to an end.
the three offers your agent had recommended you take most interest in were from barcelona, wolsfburg and from chelsea. with time running out to make a decision and your mind an absolute mess you called the one person you knew would be upfront with you.
"lillasyster what is holding you back from making a decision?" frido asked softly as you sighed and laid down in bed, spending the weekend at your family home seeking out any sort of comfort you could to try and help sway your mind.
"i don't know. england would be a fantastic step for my career and exposure, and i would be with z and magda. but barcelona is a huge club and proven winners, and i would be with you. but so are wolfsburg and i know a lot of the girls there already. england is exciting but it is far from home, germany and spain is a little closer but-" you hesitated, unsure if to say your next words or not.
"hey, its just me. vara ärlig!" your sister encouraged gently, knowing the choice she was hoping you'd make but not wanting to hold any influence over your career and your choices.
"but i don't want people to think i am just following whatever you do and wherever you go." you mumbled quietly, frido smiling to herself as her guess had been correct.
"älska nobody would think that! nobody who is important anyway. this needs to be your decision but you know i would love nothing more than to play alongside you for club and country and to be able to see you every day. but i will always be so proud of you no matter what you do or where you go, and i will support you in whatever choice you make. show no fear, nobody can ever take advantage of a weakness if you do not show it!" your sister spoke firmly but kindly, and you appreciated her more than you could.
and so after a few days of grueling thinking and balancing up all the odds, you called your agent and made your decision.
having forgotten to draw the curtains last night the moment the sun began to properly rise high in the sky you rose along with it, the golden morning sun bathing your face.
quite enjoying the subtle wake up you exhaled deeply and stretched, your girlfriend dead asleep on her stomach beside you as your eyes fluttered open and you rubbed them sleepily.
a slow adjustment into reality you continued to blink tiredly, reaching over for your phone in which a quick tap of the screen showed it was nearing nine in the morning.
you knew you both had the day off from training which is why she'd ended up staying over, the two of you still in the early stages of building a proper relationship together since the transfer it felt too fast to move in together.
there was of course the other glaringly large barrier in the way, which was your sister.
from the get go both you and ingrid had been in agreement that frido was not to know for the sake of both your newly blossomed relationship with one another and your existing relationship with her.
as you shifted around a little you heard a quiet sigh from beside you, and glancing over your shoulder you saw bright green eyes blinking sleepily back at you.
"good morning älskling." you smiled, head thumping down on the pillow as she sighed again, reaching out for you and pulling you close, burying her face in your neck. your nose scrunched as her hair tickled your nose and you smiled, hands slipping up the back of her top as your nails scratched up and down.
"that feels nice." she hummed quietly, warm lips kissing lazily at your skin. "oh we have the whole day off." ingrid remembered with a content groan, squeezing you a little tighter as you laughed softly.
"mm we do, we could even stay in bed all day." you sung out as her head pulled back to lay on the pillow again staring back at you. "all day in bed with you? what could we possibly do in bed all day kjære." ingrid grinned toothily, thumbs rubbing circles into your hips.
"no idea. we may have to put our heads together to think of something." there was a rustling of sheets as you climbed on top of her, hair falling around the two of you like a curtain as the defender grabbed the back of your neck and tugged you down toward her with a smirk.
"well together i'm sure we can work out a solution kjærlighet."
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knappharvel · 3 months
Inget fel på det framträdandet, men vet inte om de har rätt å kalla lillasyster pojkband.
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i discovered this song less than an hour ago and i'm already obsessed with it
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 4 months
Stephen King’s IT, it’s so obvious that this man grew up in the 50s, because all the 50s cultural references is exactly how someone would remember their childhood. The tv and radio celebs, the movie snacks, the comic books they read… And he references is the way he’s assuming everyone knows these references. Like you were there too, in 1958 in Derry, Maine.
And let’s just say, being born in the early 2000s in Sweden, all these american 1950s cultural references went completely over my head. I knew not a single celebrity mentioned. I could not imagine how Richie’s imitations sounded because I didn’t know the people he imitated.
But even if I can’t relate or understand much references, I do see that this is King describing his childhood, so of course there’s gonna be so much references to stuff he grew up with. That’s how he remembered it!
But it made me wonder how it would look like if I was writing it. If Derry, Maine wasn’t in 1958 in the US but instead in around 2008 in Sweden.
”The radio was playing Thank You by Amy Diamond at the BR toy store. They walked past the Skrållan dolls, who little children kept pushing the bellies of. ’Jag heter Skrållan!’ ’Min lillasyster heter Lillan!’ ’Hehehahahahehe!’ Right next to Skrållan dolls was yet a new Barbie doll, this time from the new fairytopia movie that released the year before.
They continued their way through the street. In a window, they could see the CD from the latest Hannah Montana season, right next to the CD for Melodifestivalen 2008. Lay your love on me by BWO was playing in their heads just looking at the cover.
As they got home, they put on the TV. Johan was tonight’s host and told them clearly that right now, they were going to watch Pomos Piano.
Suddenly it all went silent. They didn’t know what happened. All they could hear was the sweet melodies of Rolando Pomo.
Nu är vi här, nu är vi här, underbart att du är där, klappa pappa samma mamma, så dem stannar där dem är, och det är din fest, för du är bäst, du är hos oss och vi gillar dig mest! Nu är vi här, nu är vi här, nu är vi här!”
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Är låten bra? Nej
Är Kiana jättegullig? Ja
Hoppas ju liksom inte att hon vinner, men hon ger mig lillasyster-vibbar så vill inte heller att hon kommer sist liksom?
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messier111 · 1 year
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Porträtt utav min lillasyster, 2023. © Jennifer Boström
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qinghe-s · 11 months
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please enjoy the cucumber patch and national health service pin @lillasyster-stormhatt gave me just because i happen to like sqq & nhs a totally normal amount 💗
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ocheeva · 11 months
made my girl annika get a tumblr today after years of trying to lure her in, please send condolences to @lillasyster-stormhatt 💖
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metalshockfinland · 2 years
LILLASYSTER Release New Single 'The Firestarter'
LILLASYSTER Release New Single ‘The Firestarter’
Photo by Jean-Paul Bastiaans With nine national TV performances, The Swedish Eurovision Outtakes two years in a row, and two songs on Spotify Top 50 in Sweden with ‘Pretender‘ and ‘Till Our Days Are Over‘. The list is long, and one thing’s for sure: LILLASYSTER has built up anticipation towards their 6th album set for release in November, which is also their first one entirely in…
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Min lillasyster har tre kompisar här hemma som tittar med oss och sekunden Victor Crone började sjunga började alla fem av oss fnissa hysteriskt
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livetmedmio · 2 years
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Igår söndag var det kalas för Fenix lillasyster Ylva som precis fyllt ett år. Det var kul att se pojkarna leka och interagera med varandra. Mio var riktigt stilig i sin nya skjorta och jeans!
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heliocentrisk · 1 month
Mina tankar är lite av ett tomrum till och från. Just nu är allt jag tänker på min lillasyster.
Hon är inte lika vacker som jag. Häromdan försökte hon döda sig själv. Nu kommer hon med kakor.
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anniekimsvedin · 2 months
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Det rullar på här hemma. Lara är gärna vaken på natten och bajsar, hon är inte direkt missnöjd när hon är vaken utan ska nog bara vara vaken 🤷🏻‍♀️
Ofelia är så snäll och så fin med lillasyster, ska hålla och klappa och stryka på. Igår ner till affärn skulle hon promt styra vagnen själv.
Sen blev ju Ofelia helt plötsligt JÄTTE stor 🫣 Alltid tyckt att hon varit så liten, nu är hon mammas lilla stora tjej 🤎
Annars väntar jag på att förlossningen/BB ska ringa och kolla hur det går, dom skulle ringa idag. På måndag ska Lara på läkarundersökning. Första efter 6 timmar såg bara bra ut 🙏🏻
Och jag, jag är bara mörbultad i hela kroppen. Har ont från axlarna ner till tårna nästan 😂 Tog verkligen på krafterna att gå några dagar med värkar, knappt fått sömn och sen föda barn i raketfart 🚀🙈
Men vi njuter i bebisbubblan 👶🏻🫧💘
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messier111 · 1 year
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Fjäderflicka i lövelund. Porträtt utav min lillasyster, 2023. © Jennifer Boström
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vydumaj · 3 months
När man blir äldre går det in längre att samla alla människor man älskar i ett rum. Som liten är det mer rimligt. Man har sett mindre av världen, och de man älskar och som älskar en är oftast ens närmaste familj och lågstadieklasskamrater. För många bor de i de nära och skulle absolut komma om kontaktade på förhand. Men sedan växer kontaktnätet. En pianolärare, någon vän flyttar bort, kanske har man otur och skaffar sig brev- eller internetvänner som man även efter åtta års vänskap inte kan träffa. Och sedan kommer det. En dag finns en person du älskar bara inte längre. Men alla färger, sånger, blommor du associerat med hen finns kvar. Och jag hakar upp mig på tanken att jag aldrig kommer att se hen skämta med min mamma, eller prata om morfars konstutställning med mig igen. Aldrig mer kommer jag få en påskkyckling tecknad på mina pianonoter.
Kanske har jag haft tur i oturen i det att min familj är utspridd på tre kontinenter och tekniskt sett aldrig alla varit i samma rum. Har mormor, morfar, farmor och farfar alla ens träffats? Ja, jo, farmor och farfar var här när min nu artonåriga lillasyster föddes. De har alltså varit i samma rum. Men pappas syskon var inte här då. De skulle kunna ha kommit om omständigheterna var annorlunda, men det är de aldrig. Det finns alltid hinder och aldrig någon som inte kan. Pengar som saknas. Folk är sina egna människor och böjer sig inte för mina egoistiska tankeexperiment. Idén slår en inte. Jag tror inte jag tänkt på det här förrän idag. Och sen en dag går det inte ens i teorin att samla alla du älskar i ett rum. Vad ska man göra med den vetskapen? Hur lever man med denna tanke i huvudet? Att man aldrig får återse de man älskar, och inte ens kan se dem glatt skämta runt med varandra? Jag vet inte. Men jag antar att det här är det det innebär att vara en levande och dessvärre tänkande organism. Det är vad det är.
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