#loaded the save and chose astarion instead
micropoe10 · 5 months
We need to talk about Gale...
I'm not anything if but dedicated...I'm an Astarion girly but I gave up (1 RUN) to romance the Wizard of Waterdeep.
I had a little extra time early this morning to play, and there are somethings you should know about this run so far...
I've run the nicest playthrough yet. (For myself, no Murderhobo!)
Lae'zel is dead...my rolls are shit sorry I sparred you once girl, but Shart's wrath supercedes my dice rolls.
Shart is 78% Approval
Astarion is 60% Approval (THIS IS PAINFUL)
Gale is 100% Approval
I have seen the magic trick!
I have seen Gale talk to himself!
EVERYONE wants to fuck me....EXCEPT Gale....
I figured upon reaching the tiefling party, after all of the above mentioned that he would take me to see the stars (IFYKYK) faster then Astarion took me in the woods.... NEWP
Instead this man tells me, that he and his love would sit by the fireplace, wrapped up in each other, reading books for hours...
YOU BETTER not be talking about MYSTRA sir!!
Newp.....just his cat.
Who according to him, I remind him of....most men want to take their significant others back to meet their mother....NO...Gale wants to show you off to Tara. Which is fine, it's kind of endearing...
Upon going to bed...I'm given options...on who to sleep with...
Astarion or
Think of all the things Gale could do with you in the weave...
Gale, Gale, Gale, Gale, GALE...... Goes to Bed..... BY MYSELF!?!?
EXCUSE ME??? That was not the option I chose..... So I go and comfront him...and I'm slapped with the... "What can I do for you?"............... SIR..... CUSTOMER REPRESENTATIVE!!!!!!!!
*LOAD SAVE* . . . goes and sleeps with Astarion.
All is right with the world ONCE AGAIN!
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lokiina · 9 months
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I'M GONNA- THERE'S BIG SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT. So if you don't wanna hear about end game stuff don't click it cuz I'll be 100% explaining my ending and adding some screenshots in there too. You have been warned.
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Proceed with caution. Like Gale hiding behind Cas.
Kay omg. SO, I'm really curious now how other choices end up playing out cuz for the most part this was a fairly happy end. Not 100% happy, as some people didn't get important things but all things considered things went well.
I chose to side with the Emperor for this play. I know it was kinda sus on whether or not he was lying and using you as a means to an end for his own selfish needs, but I decided to take the chance and just follow through with the things he wanted. (Except taking the fancy worm to evolve, I was too scared to do that.) I only used a small handful of the worms through my play, and it ended up not being a problem at the end. My boy was completely fine and cured of his brain worm problem.
also this happened while trying to confront the brain the first time. LMAO
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Siding with the Emperor and putting complete trust in him involved giving him the nether stones and it did end with the Githyanki prince guy dying. Cuz in order to leave the prisim properly to help me with the fight he had to absorb his abilities.... which meant eating his brain....
RIP Prince guy. Sorry for that....
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But after that unfortunate event he was able to adventure with me outside the prism and I could control him in all the fighting as an allied companion. So I had a crew of 5 running around instead of just 4.
BUT I ALSO LEARNED MY BABY OWLBEAR WAS OKAY. He had previously like.... vanished from my camp and I was pretty sure it was a bug. But the lil babu was all grown up! AND IN ARMOUR!
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The allies became quite useful, you could call on a handful of people to come as allied game controlled characters in some of the fights cuz damn them end game fights didn't fuck around. They just swarmed you with enemies.
In the end moments I genuinely thought there was gonna be a moment when the Emperor was gonna pull some shit to like take control of everything himself but he never did. He genuinely just wanted the brain gone. So we were 100% on the same side and so giving him the stones and everything was not an error it worked out.
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Now in the cut scenes following the destruction of the brain my game kinda shit itself and stopped loading textures so things started to look absolutely bonkers for me and was a lil hard to follow. I think it's cuz I had been playing for so long my poor lil baby system was struggling to keep up with all the stuff it was throwing at me so I had to save, close the game and relaunch in the middle of the end stuff. Lae'zel peaced out, she was obviously not vibing with the fate of the prince guy. Understandably so. She did thank me for everything else that was done tho. Astarion was really upsetting cuz he was all ready to party, and then the poor guy started to burn in the sun and had to book it. kfdjghdkfjgh and then Karlach. Oh GOD. My poor heart.
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I almost fuckin cried fam. She was about to die, and Wyll bust in going NOT ON MY WATCH and the pair of them peaced out to Avernus to save her and kick ass together. I would have offered to go with them but I had a funky lil wizard to worry about too. But I knew with the two of them they'd be okay.
The Emperor was just content everyone was free he said he'd miss my boy and thanked me for trusting him when most people wouldn't have. dkjfghdkfg He's a pretty cool dude.
And then there's this guy. This loveable lil nerd.
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It's actually fucking cute as hell and very fitting. I hadn't given Casvius a surname at all cuz they;re hit and miss with Tieflings. Some have some some don't, it's often a reflection of whether or not they keep family ties or if they've grown up outside of human culture influence and the like. I had it head canoned that he basically grew up in the Baldur Gates streets without a family but like managed and turned out okay. But he didn't have a surname at all cuz he didn't know what family he came from and didn't really care to find out. He figures his parents fucked up and he was the first tiefling in their bloodline and they panicked abandoning him. It wasn't an uncommon thing to have happen so it's what he kinda adopted as his own scenario too.
BUT NOW, HE CAN HAVE ONE. He can go marry Gale and be Casvius Dekarios. A name he's happy with and more than glad to adopt as his own.
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ANYWAY This fuckin game is brilliant, and I hope it wins game of the year. Fuck. It deserves it. The scope of this game is unreal and you can tell a lot of love was poured into making it.
I'm probs gonna remake this boy and play again later so I can go back through parts that had been previously bugged and patched after I had passed them.
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cellestiallys · 9 months
Noooo I talked to astarion and he made me choose between him and wyll so I chose him but when I talked to wyll he was so sad abt it that I decided to load my last save and choose him instead but then I went to talk to shadowheart and now SHE was the one that was sad 😭😭😭 I don't know who to choose this is so bad
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