#look I have proof read this several times but Danas kept interrupting me so forgive any mistakes left... it's his fault
Flesh for Fantasy
Note: what can I say, it's a good song.
Warnings: smut 18+!!! mention of weed and smoking.
pairing: "modern"!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Sihtric invited you over to play some games and listen to a record.
wordcount: 4,6k
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There he was; Sihtric Kjartansson. You saw him across the record store as you browsed through the newly released vinyl section with your friend, Eadith. Sihtric looked so effortlessly stunning when he was just standing there, leaning back against the wall next to the checkout while he spoke to his friends; Uhtred, Osferth and Finan, the latter who owned the record store.
Sihtric's friends were also handsome, you couldn't deny that, but Sihtric was truly something else. He was always a little different and a little more extravagant looking than the other boys, like today. He was wearing untied black leather boots, fitted leather pants and a KISS shirt that was cut into a crop top. Sihtric often wore crop tops and you loved it, as it showed off his well trained body. Around his neck he wore a hammer pendant, which he wore religiously, and around his wrist he had a chunky silver chain bracelet. His hair was partly shaved off, his beautiful curls only gracing one side of his perfectly scarred face. Sihtric was into punk and rock music, and he often wore shirts of bands you liked and sometimes those you had never even heard of. You also knew he drove a black BMW M3, and he was always blasting music loudly in his car as he drove. And last but not least, the pretty boy had two different coloured eyes.
You simply had the biggest crush on him ever since the first time you saw him in that very same record store, and you sort of knew each other, but only vaguely. Eadith had a thing for Finan and they had hooked up more than once in the past. And since she was your best friend, you had hung out with the guys too on several occasions when you joined Eadith at a party. But you never spoke much with Sihtric as he made you a nervous wreck.
Sihtric had glanced at you from across the store a few times already while you searched for a specific single, but to no avail. You eventually gathered the courage to walk up to the guys so you could ask Finan if the vinyl was still in stock, leaving Eadith browsing on her own. Your heart was beating rapidly as you neared them, and you swallowed hard when Sihtric looked at you as you stood right next to him, waiting for Finan to ask you if he could help you, but he seemed rather busy as he argued with Uhtred about how great that new Men at Work single was, and Osferth got caught up in the discussion too. You flashed Sihtric a shy smile while you waited, and he returned a sly smile. He then used the fact that Finan was too busy to acknowledge you to his advantage.
'Hey, sugar,' Sihtric said smoothly, his sly smile still set on his face.
'H-hey,' you blushed heavily.
'Looking for something, doll?'
'Eh, yeah,' you chuckled nervously, 'but I can't find it, so…,' you shrugged.
'What are you looking for then?'
'That new Billy Idol single.'
'Flesh for Fantasy?'
'Yeah,' you smiled, 'it's really new.'
'Mhm, I know,' Sihtric pushed himself away from the wall, 'let me have a look with you then,' he said and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, walking you with him to the newly released records section.
Technically, Sihtric didn't work in the record store, nor did Uhtred and Osferth, but they all often helped Finan out since they loved records as much as the Irish man himself. So whenever someone needed help and they were around, none of them would hesitate to help out.
'I already checked here,' you said, feeling all giddy as you were closer than ever to your crush right now, 'but it's not here.'
'Really?' Sihtric frowned and let go of you, then quickly flipped through numerous vinyl to find your desired single, 'hm, looks like you're right, sweetheart. Guess we sold out already. I'm sorry, love.'
'Ah, man,' you pouted, 'I really wanted to listen to it.'
'I'm sure there will be a restock next weekend, so you'll have to hang in there a little longer,' he winked, 'also, MTV plays it like every hour, just switch on your tv, doll.'
'But then I have to sit through the rest of the shitty music they play too,' you argued.
Sihtric chuckled and looked you up and down while he leaned back, his elbows on the countless vinyl next to you, 'Well, if you really want to listen to it,' he said, 'I got a copy back home, darling. Why don't you stop by sometime?'
'What?' you asked wide-eyed, 'oh, n-no, I don't, eh, want to be a bother or anything.'
Sihtric smiled when you looked away, desperately trying to hide your flushed face, which he thought was adorable and he couldn't help but chuckle again.
'You're not a bother, angel,' he said and nudged your elbow, 'besides, it's more fun to listen to music together anyway, isn't it? We could also play some video games too. I saw you coming out of the game store a few days ago,' he confessed, 'so I figured you like to game too, correct me if I'm wrong. But we could play some games and listen to some records, you know, veg out. No pressure though.'
You looked with panic in your eyes towards Eadith, who was behind Sihtric, and she mouthed a 'do it!' to you.
'I, eh, I- I guess, yeah, s-sure.'
'Rad,' Sihtric smiled, 'hm, you got any plans tomorrow afternoon?'
You looked at Eadith again, who shook her head and mouthed 'no.'
'Not… not really, n-no,' you said to the pretty boy, who still smiled at you and leaned in a little too close for it to not be flirty.
'Well,' he said, 'then if you'd like to, we can meet up here at four? I'll give you a ride to my place.'
'Yeah, o-okay.'
'Rad,' Sihtric said again, 'I'll see you tomorrow then, sugar,' he winked.
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You were so nervous to meet up with Sihtric the next day that you had called Eadith hours before four. You went on and on about how you didn't want to get your hopes up with him, that there's no way he would be into you and eventually you even decided you didn't want to go anymore.
'You're going!' Eadith hissed through the phone, 'he clearly likes something about you, so find out what he wants.'
'But… but what if he only wants to… you know, like, have sex?'
'Well, then you have sex with him! Christ, girl,' Eadith sighed, 'you've liked him for so long, you can't not meet up with him now that he finally made a move!'
'I don't know…'
'Come on,' your friend groaned, 'what are you afraid of?'
'God, I don't know,' you sighed as you laid on your bed, twirling the telephone wire around your finger, 'what if he just meant it friendly?'
'Did you not see the way he was eyeing you up? There was nothing friendly about that. Besides, it's not the first time I've seen him check you out. He always glances at you when you're in the store. And he even remembered seeing you a few days ago. This is not just friendly, I promise you. It will be fine. Sihtric is a nice guy, okay? He's not going to use you once and just dump your ass. He's not Uhtred. Sihtric is the loyal type of guy, everything will be fine, just go for it.'
With those words kept in mind, you got ready to leave for the record store. You put some light blush on your cheeks, some black mascara and eyeliner, and you put a popping pink lipstick on your lips, which matched your pink eyeshadow. You were dressed in a short black dress with fishnet tights and black sneakers underneath, and a pink denim jacket draped over your shoulders. You put on a necklace with a lightning pendant before you left out the door, and you walked to the store while butterflies taunted your stomach. You were so nervous for your date, as you weren't even sure if it was a date date, that you felt like throwing up. Regardless, you made it to the record store without getting sick, and you found Sihtric already waiting for you at the parking lot. He was wearing a white Vikings crop top with denim jeans underneath. His jeans were tucked into his black signature boots and held up by a black leather belt. You felt your heart skip a beat when you neared him while he sat on the hood of his car, smoking a cigarette. Unlike yesterday, he was wearing several rings on his tattooed fingers today, and he fidgeted with one while he stared towards the record store entrance.
He only averted his eyes from the store when he noticed a movement in the corner of his eye, and he smiled when he saw it was you approaching. He breathed out the smoke he had inhaled and flicked away his cigarette while he jumped up.
'Hey, sweetheart,' he said, so smoothly again as he embraced you.
'Hi,' was all you managed to say, and you inhaled his scent; a mixture of cigarettes and fruity bubblegum.
'You look bodacious,' he smiled, 'how are you doing today?' he asked and opened the car door for you.
You lied and said you were doing perfectly fine, while your nerves almost got the best of you, and you took a deep breath when Sihtric slammed the door shut and made his way over to the driver's seat. He smiled at you as he started his car, and soon the familiar sound to Black Sabbath's Crazy Train blasted through the car. 
'I like your necklace,' he said, 'lightning. Matches my pendant,' he winked, and you were glad that the music filled up the silence when Sihtric drove off the parking lot, because you forgot how to speak after his compliment.
'So,' Sihtric then said and lowered the volume of his radio, 'what game did you get the other day then?'
'Hm? Oh, eh, I, eh… Donkey Kong 3,' you mumbled.
'Really? You played it already? I heard it's wicked.'
'Oh,' you chuckled, relieved to find out Sihtric didn't think you were a loser, 'y-yeah, it's pretty wicked. You could, you know, maybe, like, borrow it sometime?'
'Really?' Sihtric smiled, 'yeah, that'd be nice. Hey, you can check out some of my games, and if you see anything you like you can borrow them too.'
'Really?' you fought a smile.
'Of course, why not? Sharing is caring, right?' Sihtric chuckled and smoothly placed his hand on your knee while he kept his eyes on the road.
You silently gasped at his sudden touch, but you didn't pull away. Instead, you felt yourself blush and completely melt when he began to slowly rub his thumb over your skin.
'I got the latest Mario Bros game,' he said, 'we could play that one today if you like.'
You agreed to his plan with a smile, and Sihtric kept his hand on your knee until he had to shift gears several times. Then, he kept his hand on his gear stick, while lightly tracing your knee with his fingertip as you sat close enough. Once he pulled up at his house, he was quick to get out of his car and open your door, and he walked you up to his apartment.
As soon as you stepped through the door you felt intimidated by how cool Sihtric was. Even cooler than you thought. His small but cosy place was decorated with flags of some of his favourite musicians; Aerosmith, Mötley Crüe, KISS, AC/DC, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Blondie, The Clash, Iron Maiden, and last but not least; Billy Idol. He had a few cabinets that held several skulls as decoration, as well as a variety of headphones and game consoles. On one wall a sword was mounted, and underneath it you saw a reverted pentacle, which he had painted on the wall himself, simply because he thought it looked cool. He had a tv, a record player, a stereo with a huge speaker set, loads and loads of videotapes and hoards of vinyl and videogames. Here and there were some clothes scattered around, and his small place didn't have a couch, only a bed, one recliner chair and a table with two chairs next to the kitchen. Sihtric noticed you were a little taken aback by his home, and he smiled while kicking off his boots.
'Too messy?' he asked.
'N-no,' you chuckled and took off your sneakers, 'no, it's fine. I just… I- I like your… decor. It's pretty rad.'
'Yeah?' Sihtric smiled, a little cocky, 'thanks.'
He told you to get comfortable and offered you a drink. You awkwardly sat down on the side of his bed and waited until he returned to you with your drink.
'No need to be shy, darling,' Sihtric laughed softly and joined you on his bed, 'just act like you're at home.'
He laid down comfortably and beckoned you to sit closer. You scooted over and propped up a pillow to lean back against while Sihtric shuffled even closer to you. He turned to lay on his side and you caught him looking down at your legs, while he slowly licked his lips and bit down on his lower lip. A cheeky smile appeared as he brought his hand back to your knee again, and he lightly trailed his fingers up and down your thigh.
'So,' he said softly, 'you want to play a game first or listen to that single?'
'W-we could play a game first,' you said as cool as possible while his warm hands set you on fire.
'Mhm,' he hummed and looked up at you, 'you're really pretty you know?'
'I bet you say that to a lot of girls,' you blurted out.
Sihtric stared at you, surprised, and an amused smile appeared on his face.
'You're right,' he admitted, 'I do. But I only do that in the record store,' he shrugged, 'you know, fake flirting.'
'So you're fake flirting now?'
'No, I'm not. I only fake flirt at the store to boost the sales for Finan,' Sihtric revealed and continued to slowly caress your skin, 'I'm never serious when I flirt there. However,' he paused to look back into your eyes, 'I'm very serious right now.'
'Oh,' you mumbled and looked away. 
Sihtric enjoyed watching you being at a loss for words for a moment, and he then chuckled softly again before he sat up.
'Well, let's play some games then.'
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After two hours of gaming, you finally felt more relaxed while Sihtric became more flirty. As the game was loading to the next level, he pulled you in his lap and sat back against the bed's headboard, and he snuck his arms under yours, around your waist, locking you in as he held his Nintendo controller with both hands. You sat back against his chest, feeling a mixture of nerves and comfort when he leaned his chin on your shoulder. You watched him play the next game and giggled when he lost, terribly, to which he gave you a teasing squeeze.
'Are you laughing at me, darling?' he asked playfully, 'this is a hard level, okay?'
'Sure,' you laughed, 'or maybe you're just not that good.'
'Oh, really?' Sihtric dropped the controller next to him on the bed, 'like you're so good, lady.'
'Better than you,' you grinned as you looked back at him, 'I won the most games here.'
'How dare you?' he squinted his eyes, 'insulting me in my own house?'
Sihtric gave you a mean glare but then broke out in smiles and started to poke your ribs. You yelped and tried to fight him, and soon you were playing pretend wrestling with the handsome Dane on his bed. It didn't take long before he had you flipped over on your back while you were both laughing, and out of nowhere he suddenly cupped your cheek and kissed you firmly. The sound of both your laughter was silenced instantly, and for a moment the only sound being heard was the nintendo menu soundtrack and the beating of your own heart in your ears. When the kiss was broken after a few long seconds, Sihtric looked at you with a half smile and he slowly traced his thumb over your lower lip. When he felt your hands move up his body and underneath his cropped shirt, he leaned back in to capture you in another firm, head spinning kiss. Soon, the sound of heavy breaths and soft gasps filled the room along with the cheerful Nintendo melody, and your hands moved through his hair while he squeezed your waist as you made out on his bed.
'Hold on,' Sihtric husked and pushed himself up from the bed, 'let me put on that record now, sweetheart.'
He quickly grabbed the vinyl you had been looking for at the store the day before, and he switched on his record player and pressed auto-repeat. When the song began to play, Sihtric took a small box out of a drawer and returned to you on the bed. You sat up and leaned in when he beckoned you closer. He opened the box and looked at you as he leaned his shoulder against yours.
'You want to share some devil's lettuce, baby?' he asked, sweetly.
'W-what?' you frowned, confused, 'I… hm, what is that?'
Sihtric smiled at you, but then realised you were truly confused and didn't know what he meant.
'Devil's lettuce,' he smiled and held up a half smoked blunt, 'is weed, sweetheart.'
'Oh,' your eyes grew big, 'oh, I, eh… I've never… you know…'
'Wanna try it with me, love?'
Your eyes darted between Sihtric and the blunt he held up, and you smiled nervously while you considered his offer. But Sihtric already knew your answer, and he didn't want you to do anything you didn't truly want only to impress him or whatever you thought you had to do. He already liked you for you and didn't want to change you.
'Hey, it's okay, doll,' he almost whispered and held your chin, 'you don't have to try it if you don't want to.'
'Yeah, I… I don't think I want to,' you admitted shyly.
'No worries,' he pecked your lips, 'mind if I smoke though?'
You told him it was fine, and you sat back watching him as he lit the blunt and took a few long drags. He closed his eyes and smiled, then threw his head back slowly and exhaled the strongly scented smoke through his lips.
I am experienced, oh yeah…Face to face… and back to back…
You watched him in awe, the way he sat next to you with his eyes closed, his head thrown back and his lips parted in a smile, his neck tattoo completely exposed and his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed; it was enough to turn you into the neediest lady. And then he slowly opened his eyes, put the blunt on an ashtray and turned to look into your eyes.
You see and feel… my sex attack…
You gazed at each other and he leaned in, cupped your cheek with one hand and pulled you in for a heated kiss.
Flesh… Flesh for Fantasy…
He pushed you down on the bed, his hands shoving underneath your skirt, pushing it up and easily pulling down your fishnet tights and panties at once. You were quick to remove his shirt and worked his belt while he kissed you, holding your face with his warm, slightly trembling hands, his tongue in your mouth allowing you to taste the Devil's lettuce he just smoked.
We want…
Flesh… Flesh for Fantasy…
Sihtric took off his jeans and boxers and then completely took off your dress, leaving you both completely exposed while the music blasted through his room. He quickly grabbed a condom out of his nightstand drawer and pulled the blankets over you both. He then climbed on top of you, slowly grinding and teasing you with his hard cock, rubbing it against your soaked folds to the rhythm while he kissed you hungrily. He brought one hand to your throat and moved his other slowly down your side, to your waist. Your breath hitched when he lightly squeezed your throat, and your eyes widened as that was not something you were used to. Your previous lovers had been rather boring, so to say, and you looked up at Sihtric with uncertainty in your eyes while you placed your hands on his wrist.
'Relax, darling,' he murmured against your lips, 'you're safe with me, I promise,' he pecked your lips and then flicked his tongue teasingly, 'and if you don't like it then you'll have have to say it, and I'll stop, okay?'
You hummed in agreement and slowly released your grip on his wrist, then brought your hands up into his hair again, adding pressure to keep his lips locked with yours while you kissed. He then teased your clit with his fingers, earning soft moans and gasps from you even before he slid his fingers inside you. And when he did, you tensed for a moment at the stretching sensation, but you relaxed just quickly when you felt his lips drag down from your chin to your neck. You smiled and squirmed while he slowly thrusted two digits in and out of you, completely dissolving into the pleasure he gave you. Sihtric watched you with hazy eyes, admiring the pure bliss on your face and the sounds you made just for him and because of him.
'You're making such a mess for me, sweetheart,' he purred and continued to pleasure you with just his hands, to which you smiled and bit down on your lip.
Sihtric watched you closely with an intense gaze, desperately wanting to see your eyes roll back in pleasure, just for him, so he picked up his pace to get you to the edge as fast as possible. But he also wanted this moment to last; he wanted to torture you in the most pleasant of ways as long as he could. He wanted to break you, lovingly though, and he wanted to make you beg. He worshipped you and adored you, and he didn't want to hurt you, ever. But the thought of making you cry was one that wouldn't leave his mind while he watched you gasp and moan so sweetly for him. He wanted to see your eyeliner and mascara run down your face, and see your pink lipstick smudged and have his own lips and neck covered with the popping colour. He wanted to see your eyeshadow stains on his pillowcase when he was done with you, as well as feeling the burning sensation of the scratches that your nails would leave on his skin. Sihtric wanted to fuck you. Fuck you to the point you're all marked up and claimed by him. He wanted to own you, but not in a psychotic kind of way, no, only in a loving way.
And as he felt your walls clench around his fingers, knowing your climax was approaching, he pulled away from you. You gasped at the sudden loss, a surprised look painted your face as you looked up at Sihtric, who smiled slyly as he watched you being all needy and desperate for him.
'S-Sihtric,' you breathed, 'please…'
'I know, sugar,' he cooed and repeatedly kissed your lips gently, 'I know you want more.'
'Please,' you begged.
You heard his soft chuckle in your ear and then he swiftly moved to lay behind you. He placed his big, warm hand on your hip, pulling you flush against his body underneath the sheets and he wrapped his other arm around you. He peppered your neck with soft kisses while he smoothly slid his hard, twitching cock inside you. A sharp gasp escaped you, smiling, and the music in the background suddenly became quiet as the record player prepared itself to repeat the single. Seconds later you heard the familiar beat again, and you threw your head back at the feeling of Sihtric's slow, deep thrusts inside you. He kept his pace steady, rhythmically, and he cupped your breast only to massage it before he squeezed your soft flesh.
'Fuck, ahh,' he breathed, then chuckled and grazed your ear with his lips, 'I've never had a pussy this good.'
He brought his hand back to your throat, lightly squeezing it, and he growled when he felt your walls clenched tightly around him while a needy cry left your mouth.
'Hm,' he hummed, 'you like it, don't you?'
'Y-yes,' you whined, and moaned when you felt his grasp on your hip becoming firmer.
Sihtric trailed his fingers over your neck, up your chin, and he traced your lips lightly.
'Suck my fingers for me, doll?' he whispered brokenly while he began to thrust harder into you.
You did as he asked, sloppily sucking the fingers he had fucked you with before, and the sound of his heavy breathing only made you suck his fingers more eagerly.
'That's good, darling,' Sihtric rasped, 'just like that. Keep going for me.'
Your moans were muffled as your mouth was full, and only a faint cry of pleasure snuck out when he suddenly slapped your sensitive spot. You squirmed in his embrace, desperately wanting to reach your climax, but he continued to tease and edge you while he fucked you slow and steady. 
You cry…
Flesh… Flesh for Fantasy…
You brought your hand up to the back of his neck, clawing at his skin, turning your face to the side so you felt his hot breath on your lips and in your mouth as he pulled out his fingers. His pace became rougher, and each time you neared your climax he slapped your pussy hard and sunk his teeth in your neck, marking you, until you begged him to let you finish as tears ran down your face.
'P-please,' you cried, 'I n-need to… c-cum.'
And then he finally flipped you over, face down and pressed into his pillow, and he grabbed your waist to fuck you relentlessly. The fire in your lower abdomen rose quickly, and your muscles tightened up as the heat finally exploded inside you and spread through your entire body. You grabbed onto Sihtric's arm he had around you, digging your nails into his flesh while you came with loud moans, and inaudible curse words left your lips while he fucked you through your climax, chasing his own. And when his pace became sloppy, he dug his fingers in your your waist and you felt him pulsate when he stilled inside you. You were both breathing hard and heavy, gasping for air while you collapsed into each other's arm, and you were only brought back from your highs when you suddenly heard the record player preparing itself to repeat the record again. 
You looked into Sihtric's eyes as he held you, slowly caressing your cheek with his thumb while he gazed back into your eyes. You both had flushed cheeks and yours were covered with your smudged make-up, which Sihtric thought was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. And you loved seeing your lipstick stains on his lips, cheeks, and smudged all over his chin, neck and shoulders. He leaned in and sweetly pecked your lips, then smiled at you.
'So… you heard that record enough now?'
'I think so, for today at least,' you chuckled and buried your face in his neck.
'Hm,' Sihtric hummed, smiling, 'well, we could always listen to it again tomorrow.'
'Only tomorrow?'
'Tomorrow,' Sihtric whispered and kissed your forehead, 'and every other day after.'
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @andakth @succnfuccubus @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1 @foxyanon @djarinsgirl27 @sigtryggrswifey @diiickbrainn @sihtricsafin @lexwolfhale @dixie-elocin @m-a-s-h-k-a
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