#mainly astarion being intended as a sacrifice so cazador could ascend
Flower Girl
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Name: Pero Ophiin (She/Her)
Race: Wood Half-Elf
Class: Druid (Circle of the Land)
Background: Outlander
So, last we left off, we entered a secret temple dedicated to Shar called the Gauntlet of Shar. While down there, we learn from Shadowheart that this temple is one of the many few dungeons where Sharite devotees come to become Dark Justiciars and be forever favored by the Dark Lady. When Pero asks Shadowheart her intentions on becoming a Dark Justiciar, she says that it's for power against the Absloute. However, Pero didn't really like that answer as she has seen what Shar's people can do and are capable of and does not like their vibe. Especially since the mortality rate of Sharites completing the trials of Shar are few and far between, and who knows what failing could mean. From what we seen in this dungeon, could mean death.
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While exploring, we discovered 3 skeletons who were controlled by a parasite, but there's also another source that's manipulating the tadpole. After a brief back and forth, we were then attacked by undead Shar worshipers and Dark Justiciars. During the fight, the Bones Malone guys ended up getting @-ed, but don't worry, we will see them multiple times.
While explore, I saw a Displacer Beast and decided to follow it, only to be faced with the rival of Raphael, Yurgir. First time around, I tried to slightly talk with them, but ended up fighting them regardless and it ended in tragedy. So I decided to skip the dialogue, find a more advantageous position and kill the fucker that way. Also, fuck Displacer Beasts, that mf and his AOO clones were annoying as shit.
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With Yurgir dead, when we made camp, Raphael came to visit.
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Raphael explains that the poem on Astarion's back isn't necessarily a poem, but instead a ritual rite for a spell called the Rite of Profane Ascension, an infernal ritual so terrible, it's never been performed. Cazador intends to sacrifice a bunch of people, including his own vampiric spawn, so that he may ascend to a higher state of being. To walk among the living, while also having the powers of a Vampire. His ritual could be nearly complete, but Astarion is currently missing, and he would need him to finish the ritual.
Great, just great! So Wyll is stuck with Mizora to do her twisted bidding, Gale is a nuke and has a forced mission to blow himself up to destroy the Absolute, Karlach could burn herself up to death, so now Astarion risks being used for a sacrifice that could ascend them to become the most dangerous Vampire on Faerun. While Pero's anger could never amount to what Astarion is feeling, she's peeved right now. She confirms with Astarion that they will stop Cazador and she will protect him.
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Also, little cursed thing, when I showed my friends the pics of Astarion and Pero together, one of them mentioned how Pero looks like Astarions' little sister and......Fuck, now I can't unsee it! Welp, it's not a proper harem if there's no Little Sister option XD.
While camping, we also come back to Arabella and her coming to terms with her parents death. Wither explains that with her grief and her newfound powers, Arabella's powers are unbalanced and she will have to leave camp. Pero objects to this, recognizing that Arabella is a child and will most likely not survive on her own, especially in the state the Cursed Lands are in. But Withers shows Arabella a vision of her future, which gives her the strength to move on and continue her own journey. So Arabella left the Party.
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With those few camp activities out the way, we venture back into the Gauntlet of Shar. Finally found the check point and encountered some fucked up rats. While down there, we meet Balthazar! MF is down here with a few ghouls and some beeg mf looking for a certain artifact for Ketheric. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to sus out any further information about what this item is, but Pero decided to follow along for the time being (mainly because I don't think I'm ready to fight this mf rn).
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While exploring, we found this weird spider carcass and...Well, licking it made Pero feel a little something and...She's not doing that again. Didn't need Astarion calling her out on that (fucking remembering that scene, they really are brother and sister lmao). We also completed one trial of Shar, but Pero is noticing that there is conflict within Shadowheart. When the time comes, Pero might consider helping Shadowheart to consider those feelings as a warning.
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