#maybe someday I'll get to it in comics or prose or something
lynxgriffin · 5 months
Okay, i'm curious about something after doing a re-read of the comics(They're all awesome btw! Really love your work), what exactly happened with the Dreemurs after the "failed" sacrifice of Kris? I don't think they would just react like nothing happened, we saw a little bit of Toriel's reaction, but that looked more like frustration from the sacrifice "failing", and not something about losing Kris.
Thank you very much, glad that you're enjoying everything! :D
And yeah, there definitely would have been more of a reaction to it, it just happened offscreen. Asgore and Toriel were both devastated, and would've gone straight to mourning as soon as they got back home. The ruined expectation of the demon showing up and then the shock hitting them would've delayed an instant reaction!
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unhumanrights · 10 days
Every so often, I remember just how little time I have each day. On the other hand, I NEVER FORGET THIS. Time is my great obsession.
What made me focus on this fact now, though? Wanting to read all day, spend time collecting stuff, and still try to learn piano and music theory in the hopes of eventually making my own music, but also being very impatient to just start doing it. I would like to start a creative project, having languished for so long and letting my creativity wither but I'm not ready to start trying to make music in earnest, so I'd like to maybe write some prose, but that leaves less time for all the other stuff I want to do. It sucks, not having enough time to do everything I want to do. And it's not like I'm ever going to get more time. That's just not how life works.
So, I guess it's time for me to evaluate my time and figure out where my priorities lie. Music might have to become more of a long-term study project than originally planned. Maybe someday I'll reach my goal of putting together some silly little tunes, but I think if I'm really wanting to do something creative now, I need to stick with something I can already do.
Oh yeah, another way I want to spend my time: clipping episodes of TV shows I like (currently, X-Men '97). So THERE'S another big time sink for me!
Actually, I was pondering writing X-Men fan fiction. Well, not about the characters, because I don't know enough about the characters and their history (I haven't read the comics since I was in high school, and I'm sure I've hinted before about the eons that have passed since then). I wouldn't mind playing around with the setting (or some kind of AU) and an original character or two, though, just for the practice. Probably end up being self-indulgent fluff, but nothing wrong with that.
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