#melinda watches afi's 100 greatest
bodybebangin · 1 month
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AFI's 100 Greatest American Films Of All Time 97. Blade Runner (1982)
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bodybebangin · 2 months
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AFI's 100 Greatest American Films Of All Time 99. Toy Story (1995)
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bodybebangin · 8 days
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AFI's 100 Greatest American Films Of All Time 94. Pulp Fiction (1994)
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bodybebangin · 30 days
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AFI's 100 Greatest American Films Of All Time 96. Do The Right Thing (1989)
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bodybebangin · 2 months
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AFI's 100 Greatest American Films Of All Time 100. Ben-Hur (1959)
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bodybebangin · 2 months
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AFI's 100 Greatest American Films Of All Time 98. Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)
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bodybebangin · 16 days
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AFI's 100 Greatest American Films Of All Time 95. The Last Picture Show (1971)
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bodybebangin · 2 months
100. Ben-Hur (1959)
it took me several days but i finally got through this one. it was quite the epic. i really had no clue what this movie was about. i thought maybe something about chariot racing and there was that. i didn't know it was religious but i probably should've guessed that. there were several moments that felt very homoerotic which was fun. i loved how dramatic people were when they cried. they'd just throw themselves against a person or a surface of some kind to sob. i think it could also be considered a stealth christmas movie since it did have the birth. anyway. i loved seeing messala getting his ass trampled. i'm not sure how it was fair for his chariot to have weapons. i guess the others should've thought to do that too. the accents and the casting felt a bit suspicious. the sheer scale of this movie was impressive. there were so many people and so many horses. i really loved the mom and the sister being lepers and that whole storyline. of course they were cured miraculously at the end. i personally could've done without that whole jesus part (although i did like them never showing his face) but is this supposed to be a story from the bible?? i honestly don't know and don't care. it was nice for them to have that sweet reunion at the end with judah but i sort of feel like this movie should've ended on a sad note instead maybe. i don't know. or at least a wedding with esther.
i'd never watch this again but i enjoyed it for the most part. if you've seen it, what'd you think?
next up is toy story!
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bodybebangin · 17 days
95: The Last Picture Show (1971) -
I had zero idea what this was about or who was in it so all of it was a surprise. And what a surprise it was! I really loved this one. It was Cybill Shepherd's first movie and she was really fun and kind of a piece of work which I enjoyed. I loved Ellen Burstyn as her hot mom. I wasn't expecting all the nudity. I certainly wasn't expecting a teenager to be fucking a gorgeous Cloris Leachman either but they were sweet together and I was into them. The ending was so sad but seemed fitting for the film. This was great. The cast was great. Highly recommend checking this one out if you're like me and didn't really know it even existed. One complaint is I wish it hadn't been in black and white and sometimes it was really dark and hard to see but other than that I thoroughly enjoyed it.
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bodybebangin · 1 month
96. Do The Right Thing -
I feel like I'm not the target audience for this movie so I doubt it connected with me the way it was intended to. I found the opening with the dancing confusing especially since Tina didn't end up being that much of a focus. It really should've said introducing Rosie Perez's tits. Not sure why we needed that shot when the rest of the movie wasn't sexual. That bothered me a little. There were a lot of characters but I didn't feel like we really got to know any of them that well. The ending was intense and unfortunately still very topical which makes this something I'd have no desire to watch again. I appreciated the messaging though.
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bodybebangin · 1 month
97. Blade Runner (1982) -
Was this visually stunning? Yes. Was I confused for most of it? Also yes. I had no idea what this movie was about going into it and never would've guessed it was what it was. I was fully expecting a futuristic action thriller and I don't really even know what I got instead. It looked very cool. I liked the romance. Daryl Hannah's flips were fun. I liked the creatures/creations the Sebastian guy made. But I really didn't understand what was going on. If they hadn't put the text in the beginning explaining it there's no way I would've understood who anyone was supposed to be or what they were doing because it felt like the movie was something else entirely. I guess the point was that the main character (don't remember his name oops) was having some internal conflict with what he was tasked with doing because he fell for one of the targets. I don't know. The whole thing was strange.
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bodybebangin · 2 months
98. Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)
i had no idea what this one was about but suspected it was a musical and based on the song. it was, sort of. it had musical performances. it told the (true-ish) story of george m. cohan from when he was a child performing with his parents and sister to becoming a big star on broadway. had i heard that name? i don't think so. should i have? but "you're a grand old flag” and “give my regards to broadway” are two of his hits that i've definitely heard. the rock i live under isn't that large. this movie was pretty fun with all the performances. i liked the way it was presented. you see him come up with a song and then it's performed on stage as part of a production so it's like we're seeing the show. there was a nice variety. his tap dancing style is so interesting. one thing that bothered me was the aging. in the beginning he's supposed to be a teenager but he clearly wasn't. the actor was in his early 40s and they kept saying how young the character was. i was confused. then they showed him and his wife in later years (by giving them white hair) but apparently she had just turned 17 in real life at the time. yikes. but i guess with a black and white movie you just go along with it. would i watch it again? no. but i liked it for the most part. it was entertaining. i can see why it made the list.
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bodybebangin · 2 months
99. Toy Story (1995)
of course i've seen this one but it has been a while. i don't remember being that into these movies growing up. i forgot how simple the story was. woody is such a dick to buzz but i get it. i was a bit ~triggered~ by sid tormenting his sister because i dealt with that a lot growing up. it's weird watching these movies as an adult but it was a fun adventure and i loved the songs. woody and buzz are honestly my least favorites of the toys though.
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