#my sister will occasionally hug me but it always feels super awkward and kinda forced so i don't even get to enjoy
altruistic-meme · 2 months
6 and 17!
yayyyy <3
6. How do you feel about general intimacy? (Kissing, cuddling, etc)
I love cuddlinggggg I love holding hands I love hugs please I crave physical affection soooooo much and I never get it;;;;;;;;
i wanna try kissing cus I've never done it and it doesn't seem... Bad....... though it does seem kinda weird in theory which is so interesting fjajjfjs
17. How do you feel about sex/love songs?
I enjoy them!! I'm so biased about music just in general but i find them fun!! sex songs especially tend to be super good :)
[ ask me asexual questions bc its international asexuality day ]
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