#ngl a part of me kind of wants to smash out UtB so it's off my schedule
not-poignant · 1 month
April 2024 Writing Round-Up
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Here’s the monthly round-up of everything written and posted in April 2024!
Here’s the chapters that were released:
Underline the Black 85
Underline the Black 86
Underline the Black 87
Underline the Gold 07
Underline the Gold 08
Constellations 05
The Nascent Diplomat 43
The Nascent Diplomat 44 (Augus+Gwyn Tier+)
Underline the Gold 08 (Augus+Gwyn Tier+)
Underline the Gold 09 (Augus+Gwyn Tier+)
Constellations 08 (Gary+Efnisien Tier+)
Chapter Commentary - Underline the Black 39 (Mosk+Eran Tier+)
Chapter Commentary - Underline the Black 40 (Mosk+Eran Tier+)
Birthday Spotlights
Ohlo Ohlo Temsen
Crielle Ferch Fnwy
Janusz Bodanowicz
A Stain that Won't Dissolve 35
A Stain that Won't Dissolve 36
Palmarosa 22
I managed a paltry 14,233 words this month across only 4 chapters. The burn out hit spectacularly hard and I have spent a lot of days staring at nothing, or being really sick, or going through incredibly bad mental disorder spirals. I wrote one chapter for Palmarosa, and three chapters for Underline the Black.
One thing I did which I don't often note, is that I plotted out the rest of Underline the Black, and know it will end around chapter 130-140. So we're absolutely over halfway.
Unfortunately I am going into hiatus for two months for Underline the Black and A Stain that Won't Dissolve, as well as the birthday spotlights.
Everything else will continue as normal. My secret hope is that I'll recover faster and actually be able to come back to a normal schedule sooner, but the reality is I may need the full amount of time (or worse, even longer), especially as Toby gets desexed next month and keeping him occupied / not jumping will be a task!
I'll still be around, and I'll still be posting content not just on Patreon and Ream (just not very much of it). As per usual, for every one Underline the Blue or Underline the Gold chapter that goes up in subscription, one will go up on AO3. And of course The Nascent Diplomat is finishing next month as well. <3
I’ll see you all in May!
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