#not that it isn't what this whole saga's about LMFAO
deadtower · 10 months
I genuinely can't wrap my head around why you'd be fired for using a swear word in front of a coworker? Was this coworker a loon? Or was the swear word a slur? I am baffled by the whole saga
you and me both man. i can assure you the swear word was not a slur. i don't use slurs, ever, under any circumstances, unless i'm pissed off on here and call myself an evil [k slur] bitch, but that's literally the only time i have ever used a slur anywhere, and i do NOT use it in public
i was baffled, too. i sat there in shock during the meeting because all he had told me was that some servers didn't like the way i spoke in front of them and that i was being let go because he takes it "very seriously". i told him i would have loved the chance to, you know, apologize for whatever was said and fix it. and, you know, have a fucking warning. but he just said "i know. i hate having this conversation" and that was the end of that
it wasn't even until later (when i got home) that he texted me "to clarify that it was because [i] used profanity". that he "had no doubt [i] would get another full-time job, was willing to write [me] a glowing recommendation letter, and to let him know if there was anything else he could do". i told him the letter would be appreciated, that i also would have appreciated being given the chance to fix what i had done but that it was apparently too late, and gave him my email. lo and behold 48 hours later nothing in my inbox lmfao.
i literally don't even remember what i said, it was that casual (i don't swear when i'm mad irl. it's actually when i STOP swearing that you know i'm beyond pissed), and i wasn't told what was said, who i said it to, or when it was said, so i'm literally flying blind. which is why i've been reblogging my dono post and my working-class guide post, because i've got interviews but a job isn't guaranteed, especially when i was fired from my last one, lmao. so i'm like... a little desperate here, and hurt, and angry, and upset, and i just. don't know how to feel
reddit has been mostly helpful, except for the people who are convinced i'm lying and must have done something else that warranted firing, as if i don't know how to act professionally, as if i'm 30 fucking years old and haven't had a ton of jobs that i know how to act at. why on earth would i make a thread asking what to tell future employers about getting fired for swearing if it was a different reason i'm not talking about. the advice would be meaningless if that was the case lmfao
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bellaslilpapercut · 3 years
Oh boy New Moon! I've got some Thoughts a brewin' babey:
1. Smeyer: you do not need to remind your audience what happened last book, they aren't stupid. Imagine if SC started catching fire with ANOTHER explanation of what the hunger games are and that's the vibe of the first chapters of new moon. We remember james, we know what vampires are, we know that Bella is white, stop reminding us!
2. Bella has the worst self esteem of all time. Every bad thing that has happened to her since the Van Incident has been Edward's fault but she still blames herself and idk if this is Intentional Insecurity or if smeyer is protecting edward's "character" or both but gdamn it's depressing.
3. The reason I said Jasper was Inconsistently Written jumped out at me again. Smeyer dedicated a whole paragraph to pointing out how terrible jasper is at the diet or whatever but in the guide, smeyer tells us jasper actively tried to starve himself in the past because of how difficult his gift made feeding. He was one of only two Cullens to show bella empathy, he smelled her blood before, why does he attack her? The weakness of this decision is pointed out in the exposition: if it really were likely that Jasper would attack Bella, she wouldn't have needed a superfluous paragraph dedicated to telling us how bad he is at self control. If the story had convinced us of that beforehand, we would have believed the attack without the addendum.
4. The party is my least favorite part of the whole series and I will die on this hill: edward should have attacked bella. Bella should have tripped into something glass and edward should have lost it because he tasted her blood before and couldn't help himself. That way: edwards self loathing makes sense and he's forced to recon with his superiority complex from the ending chapters of twilight AND bella's self blame makes sense. A vamp who was able to starve himself before he even heard of the cullens should not have lost it around someone he spent days in close quarters with, building rapport and friendship. Edward got too high and mighty after he fed from Bella in Twilight, that should have had real consequence.
5. The writing is getting a little better as we near Edward leaving. "Better" isn't a good word actually but it's getting closer to the prose in twilight (which was flowery and annoying but at least it didn't constantly feel like being spoonfed exposition every paragraph). Hm wrote this blurb while I was still on chapter 3 and the vibe of being spoonfed reminders has not really dissipated lmfao.
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We remember Sam Uley, smeyer, you introduced him four chapters ago. Just quick question: did anyone proofread this?? I think it's fair to say: when she isn't reminding us of things that we remember the prose is more similar to twilight. A little annoying but interesting enough to forgive the errors (or at least move past them easily enough lol).
6. I'm on chapter 8 now (I'm gonna break this up into three parts so I don't forget stuff like I did during the twilight reread) and there's a very heavy Vibe that smeyer is setting Jake up to be a parallel for twilight-era Bella. This line here is a pretty clear parallel for Bella telling Edward not to hold his breath in Twilight when he tells her she might get tired of him.
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7. This line here "almost happy in a shallow kind of way" really jumped out. What Bella's narration says about Jacob versus her conversations with him (and her one paragraph about his happiness being effortlessly contagious) are at odds. It doesn't read like shallow happiness when she's with Jake. However, Smeyer is also a bad writer, she thinks the story she's telling us is literally what the narration says and not what the action shows and I think she realizes this in Eclipse (but obviously I'm not there yet so I can't say for sure).
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8. I really can't get over the drop in writing quality. I know that she had already mostly finished Forever Dawn by the time Twilight was published (or was halfway done, I think her website said she had over 300 pages of forever dawn complete when she found out Twilight was getting published). I think the writing quality really reveals that she was not prepared to write New Moon. It's sloppier than Twilight in a way I'm not able to articulate (by that I mean I personally have a more intuitive than technical understanding of grammar and syntax so I don't have the language to break down the differences). Twilight itself is ripe with technical errors and plot errors and awkward exposition so it's not an overt drop in quality but I think it very much reads like a rushed writing job. She was committed to forever dawn, her publishers wanted New Moon, it shows.
9. I think New Moon was when I first started physically editing my copies of the saga lol. Even reading it now I'm so tempted to open up a word document and cut half of the useless shit out and fix all the grammatical mistakes. I can't even talk shit because I am also a comma-abuser but I hoped an editor would at least catch the errors before publishing. Guess not! Brevity is very clearly not meyers strong suit and this would have been a much stronger sequel if she had been able to reign herself in a bit. New Moon isn't supposed to be as narration heavy as twilight, there's already more action in the first seven chapters than the there was in the first 19 of twilight but she always delivers exposition via awkward dialogue or Bella's narration. Again, we already got a lot of the exposition in twilight, we know how vampires work et cetera. You can show us how bella feels instead of making her tell us and the story would run a lot more smoothly.
10. I'll end on a nice note! Little treat!
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This is my favorite part of the book so far. I whited-out the useless dialogue tag because the line reads better without it ( line originally ends with "I emphasized" but she could have been brief and just ended the dialogue with an exclamation point for the same effect). The dialogue is natural and shows the J/B relationship that lives in my head way better than anything else I've seen on the page at this point. Like, I literally love this line more than any dialogue that preceded it (including twilight) lol.
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