#now you put him near torchwood. he'd be right at home in the worst way (which means he'd probably bite people)
talentforlying · 7 months
i can't remember the details, but at some point i decided that aliens and alien politics is absolutely where constantine draws the line on plausible otherworldly bullshit. he flatly refuses to consider what all the fuck is Out There and if he sees proof of something coming from Out There, he'll rationalize it as being some kind of demonic entity, demigod, or tulpa.
yes he loved star trek as a kid, no that doesn't mean he's willing to risk a non-exorcisable fourth doctor-esque bubble wrap caterpillar monster slugging down the street at him!! no fucking thank you!! yes he has met members of the justice league, doesn't mean he wants to think too hard about what they're protecting humanity from, and all the implications that follow!! he ALREADY gets sucked into potentially world-ending events he doesn't want to be anywhere near because he gets curious and starts poking around, he's not adding potentially world-ending events from space to the list!! this gif is his exact reaction!! space is Too Much for him fuck you and fuck off!! unless he has to deal with it or fight it in some way, in which case do NOT leave him unattended thank you very much!!
( he says as he's taking the very first opportunity he gets to run out there and explore, because he's obsessed with learning and acquiring knowledge that's been previously forbidden to humanity and he will pursue it, even if it means kubrick-staring out the door of the TARDIS for half an hour. )
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