#of course that aspect applies to p4 verse since she's more likely to hide aspects of herself to meet the needs and expectations of others
iiguess · 3 months
What spirit of the Zodiac possesses you?
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You have been chosen by the spirit of the Cat to be the outcast. You must fight your way into deserving anything in your life... or at least that is how it feels sometimes. You have the ability to gain some perspective and let go, allow yourself to do so. You have great passion and incredible instincts.
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You could be anything, but sometimes it’s easier to be what others need you to be. You feel deeply, and act as clay molded by the hands of others. Maybe you feel like you can be sacrificed so long as others are happy. But you find that that is a difficult venture when not everyone can be made happy. This is why the Rooster has chosen to possess you.
TAGGED BY: @chibitantei TAGGING: @everlastiingiimmortals, @epitomees, @phantomuheist, @spaced-out-muses and you!
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