#or she does and Orion is Forced To Healer
mariekavanagh · 3 years
Hi there! I love your stories! I was wondering if you could write a prompt about Walburga feeling baby Sirius kick or move around for the first time?
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At the sound of his wife's surprised gasp interrupting the tranquil silence of the drawing room, Orion Black looked up from behind his evening newspaper.
"Are you quite alright?" he asked Walburga, who was staring down at her swollen stomach from the armchair across the fireplace from her husband, her hands grasped around the bump, her embroidery hoop carelessly thrown aside.
"It's just- I thought I'd felt- Oh!"
She suddenly let out a second gasp, staring wide-eyed down at her middle.
Orion set aside his newspaper, frowning with concern at the peculiar turn his six-month-pregnant wife had taken.
"I'll send for Healer Farrows" He sprang to his feet. "We may just catch him before-"
"There's no need, Orion"
Walburga's husband paused beside his wife's chair. His brow furrowed.
"But the child-"
"Our child is perfectly fine" Walburga assured him, her hand still draped protectively over her bump. "It's completely natural. I just hadn't given much thought to precisely how it would feel. "
Orion, his earlier alarm calmed by his wife's assurance, now peered down at her curiously.
"To what, pray tell, are you referring, madam?"
As though by way of a reply, the fabric of Walburga's evening gown stretched over her pronounced stomach suddenly seemed to pulsate under her hand, only for a moment, but a clear enough gesture to answer her husband's question.
"He's kicking" said Walburga, her voice soft with fondness. "I hadn't felt him kick before now. Indeed I was rather beginning to wonder if he would at all"
Orion stared, wide-eyed as he watched his wife's hand twitch yet again under the force of their unborn child's gesture.
"By Merlin..." he muttered, shocked by the strange sight.
"How strange it feels" Walburga remarked, softly, staring down at her middle.
"What... does it feel like?" Orion cleared his throat awkwardly, instantly wishing he'd held his tongue. The subject of childbearing was hardly a topic on which he felt either equipped, or permitted, to make enquiries of. This was women's business - it was hardly the place of any wizard to take such an interest. And yet, somehow, he'd been unable to prevent his question from slipping out.
To his relief, his wife seemed far too preoccupied with her newfound state to sternly remind him of his impertinence.
"Rather like... a thud. A dull thud"
Orion cocked an eyebrow.
"A thud?"
"How peculiar"
Distracted by her husband's unexpected interest, Walburga turned to look up at him searchingly.
Orion looked away.
"Would-" Walburga hesitated, her words catching in her throat.
Orion looked back at her.
"Would you- care to feel it?"
His wife appeared as uncomfortable to be uttering such a question as Orion had his. But he could not help but find himself feeling glad that she had.
"If- it would not be improper" he replied, stiffly.
Walburga dealt him a smirk. A rare, almost mischievous look which never failed to bring out a particular glimmer in her silver eyes. A look which her husband so adored - privately, of course.
"As my husband, I hardly think that experiencing our child's first movements could be anything described as improper"
Orion cleared his throat again, unable to construct anything which resembled a suitable reply. He shuffled from one foot to the other, his hand hovering awkwardly in mid-air, quite at a loss as to how best to proceed.
Luckily for the father-to-be, four years of matrimony had not dulled his wife's famous boldness.
"Here-" Walburga reached out and took hold of her husband's hand, pulling it down to rest atop the bump in her middle. "-Press, just a little, and then..."
As if on cue, a sudden, dull thud from within his wife's stomach kicked out into Orion's palm, startling him.
"I say..." he gasped, flinching at the curious sensation.
"He certainly developed quite an enthusiasm" Walburga remarked, smiling down at the slight pulsing in her gown as the child within her gave yet another kick into his father's hand. "I daresay he shan't see fit to stop, now he's gotten into his stride"
"Indeed..." said Orion, absentmindedly, his gaze transfixed downward in his somewhat awkward position, his hand still resting stiffly atop his wife's stomach.
"Oh!" Walburga suddenly jumped a little, and Orion immediately retreated backwards.
"What is it? Did I hurt you?" he asked, alarmed.
"No, no" Walburga enveloped her bump in her arms. "I'm perfectly fine. That particular kick was quite strong, is all"
She paused, smirking up at her husband.
"Your son seems to have suddenly developed quite a fondness for it"
"My son..."
Those two words - those precious words he had waited so long to hear spoken, triggered something within Orion. Scarcely aware of his actions, he came forward once more and laid his hand atop his wife's middle.
Walburga, far from being put out at the uninvited gesture, looked on silently. The corners of her mouth curved ever so slightly upward in a faint smile.
"Our boy will be strong" Orion remarked as the baby aimed yet another kick at his palm. His hand moved slowly across the swell of his wife's stomach in a gentle caress. "I'm sure of it"
"Of course he will" Walburga replied, firmly, smiling proudly down at her bump as her husband's hand came to rest close beside her own. "He is a Black - he is destined by blood to be nothing less"
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MBTI personality types as ancient Greek gods and godessess
ESFJ Aphrodite (Ἀφροδίτη): Born out of the foam of Uranus’ (God of sky) castrated parts that his son, Titan Cronus, had thrown to the sea. Thus, she emerged from the Ocean in all her beauty and grace and all the water Nymphs and all the Winds came to bow before her. Goddess of love and beauty, of pleasure and of passion as she was, all the men desired her and all the women envied her graces. She married Hephaestus, she desired Ares and she loved Adonis. One could always glimpse her winged son, Eros, god of desire, flying above her as she would’ve often whispered to his ear the next mortal whose his heart was about to be shot by Eros’ arrows.
ENFJ Apollo (Ἀπόλλων): God of light, of sun, of music, of poetry, of truth, of knowledge and protector of the arts. He was everything and he knew it all. People worshiped him all over the known world and build him the most gracious and marvelous temples and oracles, where sunbeams would make the white marbles shine as bright as the sun. In return, Apollo through the voice of gifted diviners would reveal to them what would the future hold. He played his lyre and his daughters, the Muses, would come over from the valleys to accompany his sweet melodies. He loved and protected the young as he, himself, remained a young man forever. He was a healer, but if the mortals were to infuriated him, he would bring the greatest of the plagues on them.
ISFP Artemis (Ἄρτεμις): Twin sister of Apollo as they where both children of Zeus and Leto. Quieter and humbler by nature than her twin brother, she found her call in the deep forests, the mountains and the moon. She befriended all the living things of the wild and devoted herself to their protection. Always bearing a bow in the hand and a handful of arrows on her back, she would hunt in the forests, but she’d never become violent, always honoring her prey. Although she took an oath to remain a virgin, young Orion became her hunting companion and he managed to win her heart. Their love was never meant to blossom, as Artemis shot Orion with an arrow by accident and killed him.
ESTP Ares (Ἄρης): Son of Zeus and Hera as he was, he would grow to become a forceful and a fearful one. Gifted with great physical strength and an everlasting blood lust, he excelled in the battlefields and become a soldier model for the Spartans. He was Aphrodite’s secret lover and together they had many children like Eros, who followed his mother, and Deimos (god of terror) and Phobos (god of fear), who both followed Ares as his warfare companions. The other gods tended to avoid him and on the great Trojan war he was on the losing side, therefore triggering Zeus’ anger towards him. Later, the Romans acknowledged his military intelligence and worshiped him by the name of Mars.
ESTJ Athena (Ἀθηνᾶ): If someone contrived to impersonate the essence of the ancient Greek spirit, it would look like her. It does not surprise that she was goddess of wisdom, handicraft and warfare as well. All three basic elements of the city that she fought with Poseidon for, thus founded and gave it her name, Athens. Athena always wore a helmet, brandished a spear and kept her shield with Medusa’s head on it (that Perseus had gifted to her for helping him in murdering that marine beast) by her side. Legend has it that she was born fully armored from Zeus’ forehead. However, Athena would never initiate an  unreasonable, blood spilling war against her enemies like Ares would do. Wise and strategic as her mind was, Athena favored those with strength and bravery, like Hercules and Perseus, with courage and valiance, like Bellerophon and Jason, as well as those with a sharp mind, like Odysseus, aiding them in multiple ways.
ENTJ Poseidon (Ποσειδῶν): He is known as the sea god, but in fact there was not an element that wouldn’t bow to his will. Poseidon was ruler of the seas, the rivers and all the running waters. He was commander of the earth, the soil, the storms and the mighty earthquakes. He was protector of the noble horses and, as many say, he was the true king of Atlantis. Although he lost supervision of Athens to Athena, the Athenians didn’t forget his volition to become their guardian and they worshiped him almost as much as her. They build him a magnificent temple on the windy top of Cape Sounion, where the waves of the great Aegean sea would crush the rocks beneath it. Poseidon would often help seafarers reach their destination safe and sound. Damn those who would dare sail without a sacrifice to his name for appeasing the tides. A tremendous storm created by a swing of his trident would crash their ship to an unknown land or, even worse, he would drag them all the way down to his wet kingdom. 
ENTP Zeus (Ζεύς): The father of the Gods wasn’t an easy one. As every king that walked the earth, the sea or the skies before and after him, he was whimsical, temperamental and stubborn as a bull. In fact, there were times that he would take the form of a real bull or an eagle, a swan, a bear, a serpent, a flame or even a shower of gold, always to seduce a new love interest of his own. Europa, Cassiopeia, Leda, Alcmene and Ganymede are just a handful of all the women and men he desired and approached while transformed into a creature of beauty, with the sole intention of sleeping with them. It’s no wonder that his wife, Hera, was always mad at him, thus she was the only one that ever managed to scare him a little bit. However, he was Father of everyone and everything. Mortals should not forget that without Zeus, the world would still be at the hands of his tyrannical father, Titan Cronus, whom Zeus with the help of his brothers and sisters managed to overthrow. Thus, he became the true ruler of the skies, bearer of the thunder and enforcer of law and order as well. Among mortals, he was yet another mighty symbol of civilization and justice.
INTJ Hera (Ἥρα): She wasn’t the wife next door. She was the queen of Gods and protector of all the women. Someone could even see her as one of the very first symbols of feminine power in ancient cultures. Her rightful rage towards her unfaithful husband, Zeus, was the fuel of her many vengeful actions against him and his lovers. Although she refused Zeus’ first marriage proposal, after marrying him, she became goddess of marriage and patron of the household and childbirth. Hera could be your worst enemy (even Zeus was sometimes afraid of her), but also your most valuable ally. But, most of all, she was true to herself and to her worshipers. After all, she was the queen-mother of the world.
INTP Hades (ᾍδης) or Plouton (Πλούτων): After the Gods defeated the Titans at the beginning of time, the males ones (Zeus, Poseidon and Hades at that time) gathered together to drew lots of ruler-ship over the world. Although Hades was the eldest between them, Zeus received the sky, Poseidon the earth and the sea, but Hades’ fate was to become king of the underworld. He took Persephone, Demeter’s daughter, for his wife and made her queen at his side. A giant three-headed dog guarded the doors to the underworld, thus making entrance to anyone alive almost impossible. Hades didn’t care for the affairs of the world of the living, or even for the matters of the rest of the gods. Although he wasn’t evil, mortals avoided to refer to him by his name in case they drew his attention. They mostly called him Plouton, which meant “rich”, as all the precious minerals came from the underground, thus the boundary of Hades’ kingdom.
ISFJ Demeter (Δημήτηρ): A rather motherly figure and a well-respected goddess. Demeter loved the earth and everything that came from the soil. She protected farmers and brought to them a good harvest year after year. The humblest seed took root whenever blessed by her. Nothing was more precious to her than her own daughter, Persephone. When Hades abducted Persephone with the intention to marry her, Demeter fell in deep sorrow and not a single thing would grow anymore. Everyone was desperate, and an era of great famine was upon the humans.
INFP Persephone (Περσεφόνη) or Kore (Κόρη): It is said that before her abduction by Hades, Persephone was called Kore, which means maiden or daughter. She was, in fact, the beloved daughter of Demeter, that one day while she was peacefully gathering flowers, Hades came and abducted her, as he was deeply in love with the girl. Demeter was so angry and sad after that incident, that forbade the earth to produce and she begun to wander around looking for Persephone. Zeus heard the cries of the hungry mortals and persuaded Hades to release her. Hades tricked Persephone to eat the seeds of a pomegranate before leaving the underworld, but she ignored that if someone tasted underworld food, they were obliged to come back. Demeter agreed that Persephone would spent half a year on earth and half below it. As a result, the time that Persephone returned to Hades as queen of the underworld, Demeter’s sorrow of her daughter’s absence would make winter on earth. As soon as Persephone come back to earth, she would bring the spring with her. Thus, people worshiped her as a goddess of the springtime and the flowers.
ENFP Dionysus (Διόνυσος, Diónysos) or Bacchus (Βάκχος): This one knew how to enjoy life to the fullest. As the god of wine, theater and ecstatic dance, Dionysus was an emblem of freedom and basically... fun. With vines in his hair, a thyrsus in his hands (a wand of ivy vines and leaves) and a smile on his face, Dionysus would stroll the valleys with his many followers, dancing ecstatically, driving them to divine mania. Mortals would call him “the god who comes”. His companion included goat-legged satyrs and maenads. The last ones were women who, after coming to ecstatic frenzy through dancing and drinking, would please Dionysus through blood-offerings, which in some cases meant that maeneds would kill men with bare hands. Dionysus is said to be a god who dies and rises back from the dead. His many, divine powers still remain a mystery to many of us, mortals.
ISTP Hephaestus (Ἥφαιστος): His form and character does not remind of a god. He was a shy one and would rather spend his time crafting weapons on his hot anvil. However, Hephaestus was the god of fire and served as a blacksmith of gods and heroes. His many creations include Hermes' winged helmet and sandals, Aphrodite's girdle, Achilles' armor, Heracles' bronze clappers, Helios' (god of the Sun) chariot, Eros' bow and arrows and all the thrones of the Gods in Olympus. The legend has it that he was Hera’s son, one that she made by herself out of jealously of Zeus giving birth to Athena out of his head. However, Hera ejected him from mount Olympus, because he was lame on one leg. Hephaestus took revenge against Hera by crafting her a magical golden throne, which, when she sat on, it didn’t allow her to stand up, thus making both her legs useless.
ESFP Hermes (Ἑρμῆς): Also known as the “divine trickster”, the messenger of the gods and the guide to the underworld. Hermes was a pleasant god who protected travelers, merchants, shepherds, athletes and thieves, as he was all of those things himself. His appearance is quite known. A young man with the top of his head full of playful curls, wearing winged sandals, winged petasus (traveller’s hat) and holding the kerykeion (a short staff entwined by two serpents and surmounted by wings). Always being on the move, Hermes loved playing tricks on other gods and mortals.
ISTJ  Hestia (Ἑστία): Hestia was one of the six children of Kronos and Rhea (among Zeus, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Demeter) and therefore one of the oldest Gods. She was goddess of the home and domesticity as her name suggests (Ἑστία means “hearth”) as well as protector of households. Mortals used to gift her the first offering of every sacrifice in the household. During the founding of a colony, flame from Hestia's public hearth in colonizers’ mother city would be carried to the newly founded one. Hestia rejected both the marriage proposals of Poseidon and Apollo, and took an oath of virginity (like Artemis). She cared little for the conflicts of gods and mortals and tended to her domestic matters. Hestia was the simplest and humblest between gods and even offered her place in Olympus to Dionysus, making him the 12th Olympian god in her place, thus showing her divine magnanimity.
INFJ Asclepius (Ἀσκληπιός): He was originally the son of Apollo and a mortal woman. His father offered him, when still an infant, to centaur Chiron to mentor him. Chiron taught him the art of medicine, but an ancient legend says that a snake returned a favor of Asclepius back to him by licking his ears clean and passing him secret knowledge of healing. In order to honor the snake, Asclepius made a rod wreathed with a snake his divine symbol. This very rod is still nowadays associated with healing and medicine. Asclepius mastery of healing reached the level of bringing people back from the dead. This act infuriated Hades and forced Zeus to kill Asclepius and turn him into a constellation known as Ophiuchus ("the Serpent Holder"), which many claim it to be the 13th sign of the zodiac circle.
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
So I’m writing a short story in my Changelings ‘verse for a galaxy brain commission that was simply “Boyd gets a boyfriend.” Nothing wrong there. But it does mean I feel like I finally gotta nail down the full intricacies of Boyd’s magic, which is unnecessarily....extra, due to the existence of the Curse of the Specialist Snowflake that afflicts me. 
Like, I couldn’t just give him one physical change and one magic like most other Changelings, nooooooo, he’s gotta be the Zodiac Kid and have twelve completely different changes and magics, one for each sign and he changes throughout the year in accordance to the changing of the signs. Why’d I do it that way? Cuz I gotta, obviously. Hahahaha, shut up, me.
I mean, there was a point to it originally, like, his sister Alicia’s Change and magic is that she’s surrounded by ghostly versions of a bunch of her alternate universe selves at any given moment, and she can communicate with them and call upon their skills and is sometimes called Sibyl around town, so like, the common thread/theme of her and Boyd’s magic is like, an infinity of self, but also, by “there was a point to it originally” I also just mean I couldn’t settle on and pick what I wanted Boyd’s magic to be so I was like here’s a fun thing I could do, make up a reason for him to have even MORE options.
.....I feel like, potentially, this self-created problem I’m having could have been avoided somehow, but gosh, fuck if I can see how.
So most of Boyd’s magic is hammered down....
In his Sagittarius phase, he’s physically a centaur whose lower half looks like a night sky studded through with starfields and moving constellations, and his magic from November 23rd to December 21st is uncanny intuition, a kind of off-the-top-of-his-head divination. He just instinctively knows the answers to questions when he’s in his Sagittarius phase, the more specific the question the more accurate his answer. He doesn’t have context, he doesn’t KNOW how he knows the things that he knows, he just knows them. 
You ask him if you’ll meet someone who could very plausibly be the love of your life within the next week, and if he says yes, its absolutely, one hundred percent true and accurate.....but if you ask him then how can I find them, he might say well first thing you gotta do is get out of my face and stop bugging me, and then walk down the street and turn left.....and that too, would be absolutely true and accurately point you in the direction that answers your question but like, that’s all he’s got and you’re missing a few steps at that point. So. Its not an exact science or anything. 
There’s definitely tricks to maximizing the intel you get out of him when he feels like being hit up for intel and doesn’t just string you along to be a total troll. Which he is. Hence why he also spends most of December filling in all of Alicia’s large stockpile of crosswords and sudokus, as he just instinctively and whimsically knows what to fill in even if he doesn’t actually have a clue WHY the Mesozoic Era is the answer to 49 Down. Alicia maintains this is cheating. He maintains he doesn’t care, and answers 64 across with “Johannesburg.” Fuck if he knows why.
In his Capricorn phase, he sublets his apartment in Bordertown and takes a month lease on a place underwater in Sub Francisco.....as for this period he’s more of a classical merman, but also if a classical merman has goat horns. But like, whose to say they don’t? Have you ever met one? Thought so. His magic during this period is horns of plenty.....he touches something to one of his horns, and comes away holding two of that item. So it basically only works on things that can be hand-held, but other than that it could be food, physical items, medicine, etc.
In his Aquarius phase, he’s physically the same as he was when a normal mainstream human....except that his skin has a faintly translucent quality as if that of water, with faint stars spiraling in distant patterns in the depths of his slightly watery form. He’s not invisible or actually translucent, like you can’t see through him or even see his organs or anything....rather, its more like most of the time he just looks like normal, human Boyd, albeit wearing a lot of glitter for some reason....but then he turns and catches the light just so, and for a moment you can see how the light is shining THROUGH him similar to the way it shines through the surface of a body of water. His magic in this phase is based on Ganymede, the cup-bearer of the gods.....water he touches becomes imbued with healing properties. 
Like, he unscrews an ordinary bottle of Evian and reaches in with the tip of his finger, and whammo, you’ve got a healing potion whose magic will last until the last of the water is gone, even if its not used until after his Aquarius phase. Once he’s imbued a source of water with his magic, its a healing potion from then on out, which makes his shop a useful place to find healing magic year-round.....or at least until he runs out. You come into his shop even in late July, if he’s still got some healing potions lying around they’re as good as ever....but if he’s already out of stock, you’re out of luck until next year’s Aquarius phase rolls around, and you gotta go look elsewhere on Mercy Row for a healer in the meanwhile.
In his Pisces phase, he goes back to his Sub Francisco apartment as his physical Change here is that of a centaur-triton....kinda the classic ithyocentaur, but also he’s got kinda webbed-like wings spanning from his back.....its a whole thing. But a good look. His magic in this phase is ‘the perfect pair’....he cups his hands and forms a magical, elemental construct in the shape of a koi fish that’ll swim off in the direction of the perfect complement to something or someone. Like a personal, magical compass guiding him or whomever he makes one for to like, the magnetic north that exists somewhere as the perfect counterpart to an already present south pole. Whatever, this makes no sense and is super confusing, I get that. But it makes perfect sense and is not confusing in my head. Still just working on translating from point Head to point Paper without the concept getting lost in the translation.
In his Aries phase, he’s his ‘normal’ mainstream-appearing base form....but also he’s got golden wings and ram horns. And his magic is that he breathes fire. But its magic fire, and it doesn’t burn things it touches, it turns them to gold. Its a whole Golden Fleece thing mixed with a King Midas thing.
In his Taurus phase.....idk yet. I mean, bull horns seems a pretty obvious go-to motif, but haven’t decided for his magic yet. Mostly because @sunwukxng is a Taurus and he takes things like this juuuuuuuust personal enough that I know if I don’t come up with something good here he’ll decide its a mortal insult towards all Tauri and thus him as well, and he’ll declare a blood feud against me that shall last five hundred years. And he’s already got like, six of those in progress, so....trying to avoid racking up anymore.
In his Gemini phase, he splits into two selves, his physical self and astral self, so he’s basically followed everywhere by both his shadow and a spirit version of himself he can astral project elsewhere. And when his astral self goes through something, kinda like how there’s that idea that when a ghost passes through someone they feel a chill or as if they almost left their body for a second.....his astral self can kinda like....yoink other peoples’ astral selves out of their physical forms temporarily. Yoink is of course the highly technical, scientific term for the phenomenon. Obviously.
In his Cancer phase.....idk yet. Look, its hard to be classy and deep concept-y about crabs, okay? I’m sorry Cancers, but even in the original myths about the constellation the gods were like yeah, this crab constellation was a mistake, we just felt bad about Artemis kicking that one all the way up into the heavens after it pinched Orion, the only himbo she ever almost made a boytoy out of. A lot of other Zodiacs featured animals that had the common perception of being viewed as pushing the sun across the sky, so there’s maybe something there in that direction....idk yet.
In his Leo phase, Boyd mostly appears as his ‘normal’ base mainstream-human looking self....except he’s big in a way that is not exactly Giant Big (and there are a good couple dozen giant-sized Changelings living in Bordertown, so like, he isn’t officially anywhere near that) but he is possessed of a height and size that are nevertheless best described as Ridiculous. Like he’s bigger than the Strange Angel, but not as big as Teddy the Sun-snake. That means nothing to anyone but me. Whatever. Moving on. Anyway, in his Leo phase he also has a fiery red mane kinda....that’s threaded through with silver stars in the Leo constellation shape. His magic in this phase is his ‘roar of command’....basically, he can imbue anything he says with the force of his will, and thus like.....make inanimate objects do what he tells them. He’s like “Open sesame” and a locked door is like you got it, boss.
In his Virgo phase.....I am not entirely sure what he looks like yet. I’m pretty sure its mostly his mainstream-looking ‘base self’ but like.....with an unnatural charisma, but also something a little less generic than that. Needs a specific hook still, beyond just “I’m ridick pretty.” Like, he’s Sinqua Walls. He’s always ridick pretty. Its a thing. But his magic in this phase is like.....an aura of inspiration. He just sorta puts out a vibe that inspires people around him in various ways that are unique to the individual. 
He’s also way shorter than he used to be even before his Change hit, or like, shorter than he is in any of his other phases. Like, we’re talking five and a half feet max. Is there any reason for this whatsoever beyond me being amused at the juxtaposition of him going from his Biggest and Most Ridiculous Phase immediately to his Smallest and Most Ridiculous Phase? No. No there is not. Fear the deep profundity of my creative process, for it is deep and it tis profound.
In his Libra phase....I’m not sure yet what his physical change is, but I do know his skin has a scaled texture, and I know those aren’t the scales normally associated with Libra but there’s a point to it, its just......missing some ingredients still to totally make sense. But he also tends to wear a blindfold a lot of the time during his Libra phase because I know his magic here has to do with viewing things in terms of overlapping possibilities and potentialities, like, he looks at things and sees not just the way they ARE but also a whole bunch of different ways they COULD be, and his magic enables him to kinda tweak things from the way they are more towards one of those other possibilities, in a sense that’s all about ‘balancing’ things.
However, the sensory stimuli of all those potentialities 24/7 is honestly overwhelming and gives him serious migraines, so he mostly tries to rest his eyes behind some kind of blindfold most of the time and just take it off to focus on specific things in order to utilize his magic, and only a little at a time. This is probably the most technically ‘powerful’ of his magics in terms of both versatility and scope, but it takes a toll and he really tries to pace himself during his Libra phase or it just gets to be too much, really fast.
And then lastly, in his Scorpio phase, he’s got a whole scorpion tail and barbed stingers along the outsides of his arms.....but rather than lean into the whole ‘eww Scorpios are duplicitous and manipulative’ and also ‘eww scorpions,’ his magic here calls back to how scorpions are actually protective guardians in a lot of mythologies and folklore, and there’s also plenty of Zodiac lore about the idea of the Scorpio sign being all about uncovering truths at any cost, etc. So his magic here is another ‘liquid/mutable’ type and takes the form of venom from his stingers that’s almost like drops of amber.....and that have various properties aimed at uncovering truths and exposing lies and falsehoods. Like, elixirs made during his Scorpio phase are another highly sought ware at his shop, because depending on the venom concentration he places in each, they have different properties. Like, he’s got vials where just a drop placed in your drink or on your food will reveal if its been drugged or poisoned, or vials of elixirs that basically act as magical truth serum.....and then other vials where like, you splash a little of it on something you suspect to be an illusion or a magical disguise of some kind, and it’ll dispel the false magic and reveal what’s truly there. 
“What happens if like, I splash it in the face of someone I think is wearing an illusion disguise and it turns out they’re not and that’s really just what they look like?” A customer asks.
Boyd shrugs. “Then they’ll just be wet. And probably a little pissed, I imagine. That’ll be $49.95 please.”
“I thought you said it was $29.95!”
“That was before the Asked Stupid Questions tax was applied,” Boyd smiles placidly. “Will that be cash or credit?”
 Okay. So. Typing that all out cleared up some of that for me but not quite as much as I was hoping as Cancer and Taurus apparently still persist in Vexing me.
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Moss, what kind of attire that RO wore?
I’ve answered a few questions about clothes previously here and here
That said, specifics: 
The robes are worn into battle to help differentiate knights of Ilder from warriors of Roerhn. The two colors (Ilder is red/silver, Roerhn is purple/gold). That said, some of our lovely ROs don’t wear their robes all the time.  
Vik: Notorious for not wearing their robes during the day, though they are prudent enough to wear them into battle (which they believe is the only time that it matters to wear them). Otherwise, typically, they dress in well-tailored tunics with leggings and breeches. Occasionally, during formal events, Viktoria will wear a gown or dress, while Vikander will wear a jacket and tie. They always wear their circlet crown. 
Alice: She tends to wear a healer’s robes, white with a stripe of Ilder’s colors across the front and the royal crest. During down time, she’ll wear a simple frock or dress.  
Marcol: He usually in his knight’s armor, the robe over the armor, like a cape. Out of the armor, he’ll be in leggings and breeches and a simple loose shirt, usually a dark color. 
El: They are in their mage robes consistently, the colors of Roerhn, purple and gold. Underneath they wear a thin, loose shirt, and leggings. They both have their amulet tucked hidden underneath their shirt or behind the collar of the robe. 
Orion: They usually wear a frock shirt and loose pants, occasionally with their robe on or around the waist. 
Talarae: She usually wears a loose shirt and leggings and breeches. She never wears the robes, only when forced to into battle, though if she could get away with it in battle too, she would. 
Yenia: Her natural form usually wears a dress made of leaves, though she does not find clothes all that important. When in a physical form while visiting earth, she’ll blend in with whatever clothing the people are wearing around her. 
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hpdabbles · 4 years
Bittersweet Regret P2
Five years go by.
No one has been able to find Regulus, much less heard from him throughout that time. He’s all over the papers for months after his disappearance, his parents convince he hadn’t gone willingly with a half-blood and pressure the Aurors to bring their underage son home.
As a child of an Ancient and Noble House, the search takes one of the top priorities even with the war raging on, but by the end of the first year, it’s pretty clear they won’t find him.  
Sirius watches them desperately search and search from the safety of the Potter Manor. Seeing Regulus ran made it clear he should do the same. That summer, Sirius packed up his bags finally able to breathe relief when he realizes he will never have to go back, ever.
His mother shrieks she’ll disown him acting as if that would mean anything to Sirius and he has the pleasure of shouting back  “It won’t matter if you do! You don’t have any sons left who want to carry your name! Unlovable Hag!”
He barely dodges the hexes and the curses she flings but he does and Sirius accepts James’ hug feeling high on the feeling of joy. He finishes his education at Hogwarts- a little disorientated when he glances at the Slytherin table and doesn’t see his brother two years below him- only slightly aware of the changes.
Around a few months after Regulus leaves, he pulls a prank on Snivellus which gets out of hand. He didn’t mean for it to get that bad, really, it was only supposed to spook him a bit not put his life in danger. It was an accident. 
Luckily the whole thing is kept under wraps, so only the five students, the school healer (she looks murderous ever time she seems him afterward) and the headmaster know what could have happened. That doesn’t mean there aren’t any repercussions. Moony refuses to speak or look in his direction for months on end and Snivellus, just....never returns.
After swearing to never share Moony’s secret with a Life Debt to seal the deal,  the half-blood is given a few days to recover from the encounter, choosing to go home for his rest. Sirius was so busy trying to get Moony to forgive him he hadn’t noticed the Slytherin wasn’t back after the three weeks of the prank.
Dumbledore worries that he could share the secret and sents someone over the Snape household for the student. They instead find a sobbing woman who begs them for her boy and a drunk of a father sneering that he couldn’t care less where his son went off to.
Apparently, mere days after getting home a pair of young teenagers arrived at her door. They were charming in a secretive way, refusing to come into her house but determine to speak to her son. She knew they were wizards since she could see the slight reflection of a disguising spell on their hair and eyes. 
Snivellus exchanged some words with them then agree to go to the local park for a longer conversation. When he came home that evening he had been more thoughtful than she’s ever seen him, acting like someone had taken his whole viewpoint and flip it on its head.
The next morning he packed up all his belongings minus his school robes and walked out the door.
She hadn’t heard from him since.
Sirius couldn’t care less where the greasy creep went, but he held Remus’ secret and the Aurors believes his mysterious visitors could have been his wayward brother. Though what Regulus could possibly want with Snivellus was a mystery.
Not that it mattered. Moony forgave him, it took until half the year to get that kind of forgiveness, but he did. They join the Order right out of Hogwarts, because the war is getting out of hand, too many people are dying and there doesn’t seem to be a future with the Death Eaters winning more and more battles.
Sirius spent a few mornings wondering about his brother, a spare thought of what and where he could be, but he’s so busy with the war, with his relationship that starts to fall apart the longer Moony spends with the werewolf packs, James’ and Lily’s marriage, keeping Peter alive in the fights, and his own career plans of opening a store. 
A book store, because they struggle but Sirius wants to spend the rest of his life with Moony. Silly romantic ideas of the two growing old with the lingering smell of books since Moony loved them so. 
Life goes on.  Five years past. 
A part of him worries his idiot of a brother has joined the Death Eaters if only because he doesn’t want to fight him. He doesn’t want to be the one that may end up killing him. 
He doesn’t see hair or tail of Regulus though, and his mother is still searching. Orion Black died wondering what happened to his son. At the funeral- one Sirius hadn’t bothered to go to but read and heard about enough- witnesses claim three unknown cloak strangers were spotted at the edge of the cemetery, many worried they were Death Eaters but the three had done nothing but watch the burial.
Once Orion had been lowered they left as silently as they came. Though the three had come close to allow one to place a red rose and a purple hyacinth on the grave. 
The purebloods know the meaning of those flowers, as does Sirius. red rose meant “I love you” and purple hyacinth meant “I am sorry," "Please forgive me" and "Sorrow." 
No one bothered to stop them when the three left. Though his mother had called out in a desperate voice just as they disappeared into the fog.  “Regulus?”
She got no reply.
Harry is born then and Sirius is suddenly so overwhelmingly in love with the little bundle of joy he can pretend Moony hasn’t been home in months, Wormtail hasn’t smile in weeks and he has to bury some friends who didn’t move out of a cruse fast enough.
He adores the little baby, almost as much as if Harry was his actual son, and he swears if things work out with Moony the two will blood adopt. If Moony still loves him. If Moony isn’t...hasn’t...betrayed him in more ways then one.
There is a mole in the Order. They figured it out after Gideon and Fabian were nearly killed. The two had been cornered while undercover and the enemy knew everything about their operation, down to the very letter. The only reason they survived was due to some random masked wizard that arrived and fought his way through eight Death Eaters to reach them.
Now Fabian was down a leg and Gideon had yet to wake from his coma, a few months off of never waking at this rate. His family stayed at his side around the clock despite the danger
James and Lily were also in danger, though they were maybe more since little Harry, his precious baby Fawn, had a target painted on his body bigger than half the order and they needed to hide him. 
Sirius figured he can be the Secret Keeper, completely prepared to go through it when suddenly He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named is attacked. It comes without warning but somehow, a wizard drags out the Death Eaters, until the leader himself arrives. 
It’s in the middle of Hogsmeade, civilians running in horror as a battle raged out while two sides clash against each other. It started off as a raid, aimed at the refugees that had run to the wizarding village, and the Death Eaters wanted to make an example of never escaping them.
They just weren’t expecting a waiting army ready and willing to run them out of the village. Three cloaked wizards lead a force of werewolves, vampires, Veelas and a few Squibs with muggle weapons. 
The reason the Death Eaters were such a big problem was that they made an organized army against the few handfuls of Aurors, who needed years and specialties to be trained properly. There just wasn’t enough of them to stop the blood purists.
The average witch and wizard weren’t willing to join the fights- well if they weren’t the Order- and slowly they were losing the power of the streets. 
This battle, however, turned the tables of the war. Suddenly the people the wizards treated the worst were doing everything they could to protect them, and they were winning. 
Sirius rushes over to lead a wand just in time to watch the leader of the rebelling army force He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named to retreat, nearly beating him. As soon as the Dark Lord runs ordering his forces to do the same, the leading wizard voice commands against the fighting.
“Spead out! Give medical aid to anyone you find! We won’t lose any more tonight!”
A roar of approval break from the force that follows him all wearing the same type of cloak but none hiding their faces. Every civilian can clearly see who saved them. Can see the fangs of the vampires, can see the yellow eyes of the werewolves, the flames of the Veelas, and the lack of wands of the Squibs.
They rush about, saving as many lives as they can and they succeded. It’s awe-inspiring to see them work so easily and well in tune with each other. Healers arrive with half the patients stable, and the rumble being cleared. 
The wizards and witches keep a wary eye on them, but the magical creatures barely spare them a glance. They are there to defeat the Death Eaters, defend the village and save them. 
Then suddenly Sirius feels his heart stop as the three wizards leading them finally allow their hoods to drop as the Aurors demand to know who they are. The magical creatures (plus the Squibs) bristle at the wand weaver’s tones but almost as if they receive a signal all of them go to stand behind the three wizards. 
A silence settles across the villages, then very slowly the three reach up for their hoods.
He almost doesn’t recognize them. Neither resembling who they once used to be. Gone is the long hair, the thinness and the haunted look replaced with people so vibrate and confident, it’s jarring.
Regulus and Snivellus, in an odd mix of muggle clothes and robes, flocking the Prongs clone.
The Prongs clone who smiles and shouts loudly  “The DA”.
Sirius has one second to process that before a bright circular Rune glows under the feet of the visiting army and then they blink out of existence. Bypassing the wards that should have stopped them.
It’s been five years....and Regulus seems to be doing well for himself.
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edificationcoach · 3 years
A Message to the people of Earth from an E.T Commander Valiant Thor for the years to come! 2021 and beyond…Any December 21st and various agendas. (This must be read by every human on this planet)! CRITICAL!!! Ways to Be a Better Human Being
This post is about an interesting interview done by Elisa Herrera with Commander Valiant Thor channeled by Elena Danaan. Elena Danaan channels some higher benevolent beings and of them is her protector Thor-Han through an implant in the back of her head.
Thor-Han activates this device and Elena begins to channel his words. I highly recommend you to read her book “A Gift From the Stars” here. It’s worth reading as it tells you a lot of things that happened to Elena personally but also shares important information about humanity especially the Powers that are controlling us from shining forth and putting us humans in a vicious circle of imprisonment which dearly affects our evolution.
Elisa Herrera is an amazing healer and quantum hypnosis specialist (QHHT) with who I plan to have a session within the near future. She collaborates with Elena to do live sessions and interviews on Elena’s Youtube Channel (Elena Danaan) and her channel (Quantum Healing of the Soul – Elisa Herrera) also make sure to check out her website for Quantum Hypnosis sessions at https://www.quantumlifetransformations.com/
Commander Valiant Thor is a benevolent  E.T who was sent by the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Council of Five to Terra (Earth) in the past and met with many country leaders one of them was the 34th U.S. President of the U.S.A Dwight D. Eisenhower advising him and some other leaders from the coming danger which was plotted by malevolent Extreaterrstial beings. Commander Valiant Thor spent some time in the Pentagon guiding and advising President Eisenhower.
There are some names that I may have misspelled like: Nibiru or Nibu? But I made sure to spell Ciakahrr pronunced Sicar or Sycar and Maytrei pronunced as Mytra correctly. I also assure to make the necessary changes to some of the Alien names as I don’t want put a blame on any wrongly. If you spot any errors of any kind please share them immediately in the comment section.
Note: Make your own judgment when you read, use your heart chakra, and put your intention upfront to discern and find the truth. I hope this helps humanity.
Let the interview begin.
Elena: This interview was requested for a very long time. Valiant Thor wasn’t available, until recently a few days ago, Thor-Han surprised me that Valiant Thor accepted to connect and answered his request, and long story short, he’s here with him upstairs, as I say, and I am going to connect. I will be able to interact with you. I am going to connect with Thor-Han and relax, connect to him telepathically and let us all surround ourselves in a Merkabah of light.
Elisa: Yes. Okay, so let me know when you’re ready for the first question.
Elena: I am connected with Thor-Han, and he’s in a room, such a round table, and Valiant Thor is there at his right hand in front of him there is the high commander of the station supervisor of the station.
I don’t know what they are…Well, Ardana is here to supervise the conversation. So I am ready to hear the first question, and Thor-Han will pass it to Valiant Thor and we tell you what he answers.
Elisa: So first I want to say hi to Thor-Han and tell him we all love him very much and we are so very thankful for putting this together for us. And I know you can tell them telepathically so I won’t wait. Well, he can hear me. So as you.
The first question is I want to make sure I’m addressing him as he would like to be addressed I don’t know again if Valiant Thor is his name or what exactly would he like for me to address him?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Commander Val.
Elisa: All right fantastic. So, Commander Val, thank you so much for being here we are so very thankful. So how did the decision to come to Earth come about so people are aware of why you came.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): I was commanded by the Council of five. And the Galactic Federation, to help the Terrans to not compromise themselves in making a bad choice. You were about to make a big one. Which eventually happened at the end. I was commissioned to help you find a way, not to accept to commit to an unfortunate agreement. This is why I came.
Elisa: Well, first tell us what your message was and then we can see what would happen…
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): My message was, and still is. We cannot interfere at your place. We need your decision. And your agreement. You have the free choice. You have free will. We are not deciding for you. This is the law of all species in this galaxy. And the other protection of the Federation. And the great Council of Five. They were nine at the start but now are five.
Now, you have always the choice. You always had the choice. You always will have this choice for your destiny. I needed to ask and the answer. I didn’t have it, you had it in a time of despair, fear, you were about to make an unfortunate decision. My Council and the Federation, have tried to convince your leaders, not to make this mistake.
At the time, a fleet of (CIAKAHRR) allied to a fleet from the Nibiru you call Orion came to enforce the ground forces of those, you call reptilians. They came to offer an agreement to your leaders.
We came to ask him not to commit to this because they always do like this. They always ask and seduce with the best technology, weapons, and powering the weak. When I say weak. I mean, those under the weakness of their greed.
 The federation and the great Council of the five offered you help and assistance. This help and assistance were turned down. I stayed a few years on a mission to keep on influencing your leaders to change their minds. Most of them didn’t. I left. This took me three years of relentless effort.
The leader of the USA was a very kind, clever and enlightened, man. His soul was mixed, not from here your Terra (Earth). This leader couldn’t move. He was a prisoner in his own house. I tried to work to convince him to be stronger than the ones around him lying to him, luring him but he didn’t succeed, and before he left, he left a message. This message was a warning against who truly controlled, your planet. My message, the message I was telling at this time, and I tell today more than ever.
The reason why I came is to tell these words again. You have free choice. It is only of your free will. That you will ask for assistance. Ask not as begging the Federation, and the council. Ask not in fear, not like children or scared animals. Ask as equal. If you want to enter membership with the Federation. You need to consider yourselves as such, ready to enter because you are peaceful people, equal in wisdom to the heaven required to enter membership. Ask assistance, ask with your heart as equal.
Ask for our assistance as equal, and we will answer, not begging, not with anger, not with despair. But with a strong will as equals. You have a free choice we cannot assist you.
If you do not ask officially, as equals, do not consider the Federation, and the Council as superior beings, as long as you do this, you will not be able to assert your authority. If you consider yourselves as inferior beings, you will not be even. I need to tell, as well, that there are many operations, going on, on your planet, which I will not disclose but tell this…
We are helping you liberating your planet. As much as we can without the agreement of your leaders. It is all in the universe. The question of agreement, free will, and flow. Stand up, look at the sky not as something above you but as you in it then request assistance from the Galactic Federation, and the Council of Five as free human beings, considering you inferior to the power, such as the Galactic Federation is not putting you in a place of power. It is putting you in a place of a slave, you require assistance to liberate yourselves from a state of slavery. So do not consider yourselves as slaves to a religion, to political power, not even the Galactic Federation to require assistance from slavery to not consider yourselves as slaves, as inferior but as much evolved and powerful as all the members of the Galactic Federation. This is the message I wanted to assert ask for assistance this way. Begging won’t be answered.
Elisa: Thank you. So, what would have been different? How do you think the world would be different now if we would have been able to do what you asked us to do?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): You would have medical technology. Your world would be in peace and had less war and would be insignificant. You would have changed your system of energy. All the big establishments would have been dismantled. The power would be for the people of Terra, which I like to call Earth. If you had listened, we would have intervened openly eradicating all the reptilians from your undergrounds. Because agreeing with us, you would have broken your agreement with the reptilians. That is all you needed to do. But this help was always turned down by your governments.
Enslavement is first in the mind. Secondly, it is physical enslavement is eradicated by will request assistance officially. Some of your leaders have started two of them to understand. The two most powerful of your leaders have requested assistance, not in the right way. But we are working with them. Once they will have eliminated those who tie them down. They will be free and we will intervene. We cannot kill your people. We cannot eradicate those who turned to the dark unless you start doing it yourself and request assistance in your work.
This is not diplomacy. This is the law of the universe. You need to request the right way.
Elisa: So, do you know if our current President is aware that he has the option to request help from you? Does he know that he can do that?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Yes. We told him.
Elisa: When you were here as you know we have many leaders, all over the world. Did you also try to speak to any other leaders? Like the Russian leader back then? Or any of the other leaders and other countries, or was it just the US?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): No, I went everywhere.
Elisa: Okay. So, they all said no?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): My time, among the leaders, is over. But I met a few some decades ago. The American leader was clever and wanted to refuse agreement with the Ciakharrs, and he planned to do so. But he didn’t know that behind his back that his military complex and generals had decided otherwise. The CIA is not a good institution and not helping humanity. There is something I wish to say, Commander Ardana wishes not.
Elisa: What comes to mind is that those agencies that were controlling the president at the time and still do. If they’re infiltrated by reptilians, and they are the ones you know, actually making the decisions. Then, they’re never going to agree to ask for help from their enemies. So I just don’t see how we would have been able to get out of that anyway…
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): We are neutralizing reptilians in power. A senator and a President had decided to request the assistance of the Federation and break the agreement with the Ciakharrs, and the Orion alliances.
They were both assassinated. Now, times have changed things will be done differently. Assistance has been requested. I do not tell who requested. Three leaders requested. But now it is the moment when we do clean up around and I will not disclose operations. I will just say, Oh, the Terran human race, needs to request assistance, because it is a whole race, it is not necessary that the whole planet, does it just a good number. Every night go outside, look at your sky. You may see a little dot, which means the station where I stand, you will not know it is there. request assistance. As a member of the Galactic community. Say that you are all ready and request assistance. You will see things change.
So how can you hear us? I mean I know I go out there all the time asking for people to show up and nothing ever happened so how do we know that you’re hearing us.
Elisa: How do we know that you are hearing us?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): They hear your hearts. When you elevate your consciousness you become visible to them in the Federation, because they are more elevated in consciousness. If you elevate your vibration, your consciousness, you become at the same level and ready to talk to them. This is why I was telling you do not request in anger or in a feeling of inferiority but request with a high vibration consciousness open being part of the whole and everything. You are spiritual beings. Do not forget, and you are free. You just need to acknowledge it and to embrace it and to claim it to the universe. You are free beings.
Elisa: If we or they were to go outside, they would need to say I have free will. And I’m requesting help from the Federation the Galactic Federation of Worlds.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Yes.
Elisa: Okay, and I would think that we want to do that as we concentrate in our heart space?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Push away all anger, push away resentment. Do not be manipulated. Be sure we will answer. Do not keep bitterness in your heart. This won’t be heard. They only hear when you speak equal to equal.
Elisa: I think we can do that, hopefully, we can get the message out, and as to as many people as possible to get this moving. Do you think there’s, there has to be like a certain percentage of people to do it?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Everywhere around your planet. It is not the number. Yes, it matters. Surely, but what is important also is that it happens everywhere in all countries, part of your planet diversified geographical positions.
Elena asks Commander Val: Could you please have an idea? Give us a number, say a rough number please? 100 million, a 100 million of Terrans (humans) would be enough.
Elisa: Okay, well, there’s our answer.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): You need to grow in consciousness. You can be surprised how many Terrans are awakened on this planet. A 100 million seems to you, a big number, but in truth, there is such a number of awakened Earthlings. They just don’t have all the confidence and the opportunity to speak out. We have the Council of five, they’ve done good work of awakening the souls and the vibrations of this planet.
Elena asks Commander Val: I have a question for you. I know you spoke about the Council of Five, you are a member of the Council of Five and the Federation as well? Could you please explain?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): I am a member of the Council of Five because my planet is administrated by the counsel of Five and the Galactic Federation has an outpost there, for which I am working. I have the uniform of my people in the regulation of the Galactic Federation. I work for both the Council of Five and the Galactic Federation.
Elena: Thank you.
Elisa: I know I heard that you came and then you decided to stay after you left! Did you actually come back and stay for a little while, are you still here?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): After I left, I didn’t come back for a while…Five years. And afterward, I was commissioned again against my liking. I requested a different mission. I now order the fleet from my planet, and interact very few with your leaders. I keep on contacting sometimes with main leaders. And this is all. At the time, I was living in the United States of America. I didn’t stay all the time there. I visited other countries of your world, to meet with other leaders. So I didn’t really stay in one place. Hmm. Okay,
Elisa: So then the three years that you were in the Pentagon. Then, were you in and out, like, I know that you were that you’re able to be dematerialized and go elsewhere. So were you at that time also visiting different leaders as well during those three years in the Pentagon?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Yes, I was. As I said I didn’t stay in the same place. I was mainly living, staying in this pentagonal building because this was the eye of the operations for your planet. There was made agreements with the grey species that you dislike, and the reptilians. It was where all your fate started.
Elisa: Are you able or allowed to tell us what agreements were made on our behalf? Because I think these agreements were made on our behalf! I think we should have the right to know what was agreed for us.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Yes. These agreements were made. First, with the (Zahrog from shant vahaly. You call this system Zeta Reticuli.
These were sent to teach you crying for help in exchange for technology. They asked your leaders about the material for their genetic experiments to enhance their race, which they said was dying. The (Zhrogd) was with the solipsiray) both races are clones denaturated with altered DNA slaves to the Ciakharr Empire. Agreements were made with (solipsiray). These agreements, once made allowed the Ciakharrs to settle, as well as the Nibiru alliances, search us. The Maytre the Kiily Tokurts), the grey and other races, mainly (Maitra) from (Megopay) that you call Andromeda.
They have a presence in Nibiru area Orion, you say. These agreements were as such that your government in America, offers facilities, under the ground to conduct experiments to store, people and in exchange, they would give you useful technology to enhance your weapon systems, your devices to make war and give the one who makes the agreement, great power upon all his enemies.
The agreement for the abductions was that prisoners would be borrowed, as well as sick, mentally sick people from hospitals that is why in some hospitals you have undergrounds.
There was a set number of abductees allowed by the American government but the Nibiru and the Ciakharrs overpassed the agreements and the abductions didn’t respect what first was agreed.
Slowly the setup mind control centers and dug a big web of undergrounds and they are all main military bases. The government of America couldn’t refuse, because they were tied by fear, and the more they wanted to resist the more, the (Maytrei and the Ciakharrs) were offering gifts to shut them down. This is how very fast progress has been made in your war devices. Prototypes, new ways of piloting your devices but in exchange your governments closed their eyes upon the horrific practices happening with their consent under their ground. These were the agreements, the (Ciakharrs) always do the same. They never show themselves at first, they always send (The Zerog) and (Salipsaray) to trick.
You made agreements with the greys. But in truth, you made agreements with the (Ciakharrs) Empire and the (Nibiru) alliance. These were the agreements. I tried to tell you not to do this, that if you accept our systems, we can help you to deactivate all your weapons and help you get on together in peace. And the technology… We will pass to you, will be for the good of your people, medical devices to harness free energy. But it was declined. Because war and greed were more seducing your leader. At the time I met him, wanted to listen to us and agree with us but his military and their helpers decided otherwise. Have you understood?
Elisa: Yes. And so that I just want to make sure we confirm that..the President was President Eisenhower right?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Yes. He was a friend to me. I tried to help him.
Elisa: So, how the reptilians get involved in all of this?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): There were a presence and an ancient contingent living on the ground, who was not very harmful.
How did they get involved…They go through the galaxy, seeking worlds to concur. They found yours. They just wanted to have it, the food, the genetic material to create, mostly for their empire, and trade them with the (Nibiru). You know, these two groups do not get on together. But for some causes they do.
Elisa: Were the reptilians here, when the greys came to try to do this treaty, this agreement?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): An ancient colony of Naga in your underground world. They were not interfering with the surface. They were not in contact anymore with the Ciakharr Empire, although there was an ancient colony of them.
When the Ciakharr Empire, came back. They allied with their ancient colony, which was already underground living peacefully. But they get them to ally once again, to the filling of conquest. So there was an occupation of reptilians already, but not having to do with the agreements. You’re better not know everything that is going on under your feet.
Elisa: Yes, I agree. I want to know more, I want to know but I also don’t want to know too much because I don’t want this conversation to go into a lower vibrational space. We want to make sure that we keep it higher vibrational. But I think it was important to know what was happening at the time when you came so it gives people a reference point of why you were here.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Yes. I’d like the people of Earth to think and to know that they have the power themselves to chase the reptilian and Greys alliances and their empires from their world. We cannot group for them. You need to realize this fact. You have the willpower your energy is not trapped but it’s an illusion. Enslavement is an illusion first in the mind. This is like a matrix. The enslavement is an illusion physical portion but if you decide to take back your power the chains will break because what keeps you vulnerable to the physical (Ciakharrs, Nagas, and Nibiru) is here.
If you elevate your consciousness, they will be fearful, they will not attack you. Fear is the illusion we have many contingents working together with your contingents allied to your armies that you do not know. I tell you now to physically wipe out all these beings from underground your planet. Many operations are going on now at the moment as I speak to you. And this is our job yours is to elevate to your consciousness as fast as you can. Keep your feelings as high as you can. This is difficult to comprehend but believe me, it makes sense and it is your solute.
Elisa: Okay. All right. Thank you. So, something that I’m hoping will help is to get people to believe that you really were here, and, you know, what can you tell us to provide proof to those that you know don’t believe that you were here and met with our leaders. Is there any information that you have that you can say that, you know, that would prove that you were real and that you were here?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): This is a difficult question. I cannot show myself. I cannot disclose the private life publicly of the persons, I met. What do you want me to tell you?
Elisa: I don’t know I’m trying to think of maybe something that you saw in the Oval Office when you met with the president or maybe something you saw in the Pentagon something that can be verifiable somehow.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Let me think. There were many objects in this room. But I remember something on the edge of the desk. There was a sphere of glass. It was pretty with bubbles steel inside the glass. It had blue in color. There was on the wall, two swords crossed under a pattern, like arms. There was an eagle this beautiful bird sculpted above this. There was a lot of light coming through the window. There were very thin curtains. But I didn’t come to describe to you the decoration of the President’s office.
Elisa: Right! So I think that’s plenty. I really appreciate that. What did you when you were here, was there anything that surprised you about us positively as humans?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Positively. Yes, your ability to be curious to always wanting to know more than you know. This is the very ability that encouraged the Galactic Federation, to help you. Because of this ability to be curious of always wanting to know more, your thirst for knowledge. This we call it hope for a species. When a species doesn’t want to learn and stays stable in its certainties like the (Ciakharrs), the species does not evolve, spiritually, your ability to connect inter-dimensionally is something that amazed me. You have so many abilities. I like your curiosity.
 Sometimes you imagine too much. That is not a good point. You need to channel this ability if one thing I liked about your people is curiosity.
 The second one is love. You love each other, your family, your children, your partners, your parents, and your friends. This also is hope. I found many loving people. My friends that you name…I don’t know, yes they say… Oh, my friend… My friend, Dwight Eisenhower was a very loving man. His heart was very gentle. His love for his family touched my heart. At the time, I didn’t have children. And his love for his family that I sensed in his heart made me wanting my own family. He was enlightened. So, I have met many people who became friends. Their hearts were filled with love for their siblings. Love is your power. Curiosity is what will save you. Because always, you will want to be better to know better to do better. This is how evolution works.
Elisa: How are you able to stay in touch with the President? How were you able to stay in touch with him somehow once you left?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): When I was there, his bodyguards hated the way I was materializing at will. So they asked me to stop doing this. So that is why I moved to this building. And the President would come to this pentagonal building to visit me. It wasn’t that far from where he lived. And when I wanted to visit him, I was brought there in a car it was long and annoying, but I was following and respecting their procedures. After I left, I kept in contact twice with him. He could tell you if he could but he regretted it when I left.
Elisa: Oh yeah, I’m sure.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): We kept good contact twice. I contacted him. We had a long conversation. And I said I am sorry many times to him. He understood.
Elisa: So did you make any other friends while you were here that you kept in contact with our human friends?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Yes, I will not disclose all their names. Yeah, I met a strange man. His name was Frank!
Elisa: Yeah, he wrote the book? (Frank E. Stranges: Stranger at the Pentagon)
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): He wrote many books about me. That is why I stopped seeing him. He was very enthusiastic. I wanted to meet all representatives of the religions of your people. I met one of each. This one was very enthusiastic. He wanted me to confirm his beliefs. You know, we have a rule of noninterference. Even in your religions. I encouraged love and peace that is taught in the religion of this man…Christianity.
At the start, it was, I believe, a very positive spiritual person, who became an institution for power. I will not speak too much because I do not wish to tell things that are upsetting for these videos…
 My friend was an acquaintance. He said I was his friend. I liked him. He was amusing, I brought him on board to my ship because he was close.
This…He wrote in his book, but I was sad to read that what he retained from his experience in my ship. And my encounters with him were through the eyes of his religion, everything I said… I am authorized to tell you. I gave him information about free energy, about the way your people could heal. I told him he can write about it. But he did it still throughout the eyes of his religion.
If you acquire his writing, you need to decrypt beyond the belief of his religion because in this galaxy there isn’t any global religion. Every culture has its own beliefs. Primary before one day they open and elevate their consciousness and discover that all the gods, they imagine a one and only flow of life, energy, and love that all the people in the galaxy and I suppose the universe call source. The source is consciousness. But you understand this only once you have left the religions, which are part of primary culture. There is no dogma. There are no rules. There is only energy, and an energy that is conscious and sentient that animates everything with life.
 Do not be mistaken, source is not a God nor goddess nor anything above you. The source is within everything. And you can connect to it by connecting with your self. Your heart is like a portal to the source. We do not choose to harm primary beliefs, because we have the law of nonintervention that forbids any member of the Galactic Federation, to alter primary beings.
Elisa: But you could say, you could agree that what was written in his book was not how you said it to him.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Absolutely not.
Elisa: It was not that you stated, all these things that I mean, we’re very religious and talking about Jesus Christ and the Lord and all these things and so I just have to make the comment that I find it amusing that a man of God would lie would go, you know, write a book and lie. So, that was a little bit disappointing to see but I wanted to make sure that I could confirm with you that the things that are religious in his book did not come from your mouth.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): It did not. But at the time, people needed it. In that time, in this place in the world, your people considered this religion, very importantly, what was written in this book was speaking about love. But in the way that people understand. It was unfortunate because my teachings do not include any Earth, religious systems. I also met with other religious representatives. They did not feel compelled to write a book. This man, Frank was very original and wanted to prove that his religion was above all the others on your planet directly high on the planet where I leave that you call Venus. We do not have Earth, religions. We have adopted the belief in a manner source.
Elisa: Well, I think religions are manmade right? They were made on earth so they belong…They’re just on our Earth.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): The message of your Jesus Christ was love. He was elevated highly in wisdom. This only message would have sufficed but it didn’t because leaders in your ancient times took the opportunity of their popularity, to create a system of power and mind control. Now, this mind control power is the Vatican infiltrated until its highest positions, by those who are not your allies. The green-skinned once. I’m not allowed to say more…
Elisa: Thank you very much for that confirmation. Okay. Did you have any encounters with the men in black at all when you were here? Or did they leave that for mere humans?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): I saw some. They were just starting to be created by the service of the CIA. A secret faction, working with Ciakharrs. They are not all humans. Some are synthetic life forms, based on a simple structure known as reptiloid. They by groups in the group, you will have a mind-controlled human from Earth. Here is what they are. Sometimes you can meet the human, once you can speak with them. But the synthetics are very dangerous. They are employed to scare, those who feel compelled to speak. This is what I can say!
Elisa: okay, but they didn’t. They didn’t try to court you in any way or tried to get you to leave or, you know come after you. They didn’t come after you?!
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Their presence was becoming asserted when I left. They also work with the military complex. There were 12 high-grade officers that were controlling everything. These 12 men had power greater than the president. The president needed to request authorization to have access to the files containing what they knew. These 12 men. This institution is still operational. It hasn’t been dismantled. It is no more secret. And I will not disclose where they moved.
Elisa: Now this is the Air Force right? It’s the Air Force that started all of it? The US Air Force?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Partially.
Elisa: Um, what happened to the rest of your crew I know you came with your brother and two ladies that came with you? What happened with them?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): One of the ladies became my wife.
Elisa: Oh, okay. Interesting.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): My brother was with me. The two other women, and two other men. We were a crew of seven that became 12 at the end, the technicians, and the pilots. I can also pilot as I have had a military background. Now, I am a Commander. Also having the great of ambassador. My crew if you want to know all came back with me on Nara. Nara is the planet you call Venus. I sometimes come back for my new missions with my brother here on Earth.
Elisa: Okay, so you have a new mission Are you able to tell us what that is?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Surveillance and reporting.
Elisa: Okay, so you don’t get involved with any humans.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): No, I wish not to. I have learned my lessons. This time is an exception.
Elisa: Yes, and we’re grateful. Trust me, We’re so grateful.
So, everybody went back to Venus, and can you tell our audience, how are you able to live in Venus if we know that the atmosphere is not conducive to live right now?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): We live in biodomes half-buried cities. The atmosphere is 96%, carbon dioxide. And we have created a shield that reflects the light and the power of your star from this shield of acidic, sulphuric acid clouds reflecting the sunlight. We gain energy and it helps us powering our cities, our engines. And from this shield also we draw protection. You cannot see what is happening under the shield. We live in, doom cities. And a lot of our cities are extended underground, where we recreate viable environments.
Elisa: So it’s like half on the top and half on the bottom kind of thing.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): 10% on the top. We need this because the atmosphere of Nara has changed. In the past, there was water and continents. And when the great war in your Sun system occurred we needed to change and go underground, because the atmosphere of our planet was ripped off, partly, and the balance changed because the radiations from the Sun hit the surface and destroyed everything. This is when we created the shield to stop the radiations.
Elisa: I mean you were here and you need didn’t need any special equipment to live here. Why wouldn’t you guys just move here?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): There are many of us already here. We look like you but you don’t see or notice us. But in order to be able to breathe in your atmosphere, we need to alter our DNA and modify ourselves also prepare our skin to bear the radiations of your Sun as it reaches through your atmosphere. We do not usually breathe the same atmosphere. So all of us who are able to come and leave and work on Terra (Earth) have received an enhancement to be able to breathe and not die from the radiations. There is also the gravitational adjustment.
Elisa: Okay so did you have to do anything when you went back to Venus or you’re fine when you go back since they had to change your DNA to be here for those three years when you went back was there…Did you have to do a change?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Yes. This is why the missions are long. We need to adjust. All the facilities related to the Federation and the Council of Five have regulations in the air pressure and gravity. So you can go any places anywhere in any outpost of the Federation. And you have average regulation of the pressure and gravity. Then everyone can breathe the same air and bear the same gravitational ratio. This is difficult to comprehend for you, but it is the science, which, when you understand it, will be is easy and simple.
Elisa: What dimension and density are you?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): We are in the same dimension as you are. The density we can move between three and five. This is just a molecular attunement and you will be able to do this.
Elisa: You mean in the future?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Yes.
Elisa: So based on your experience and all the observations made since the last time you were here openly. Do you see more aperture and maturity in the human society, to make great changes to a new paradigm and a new lifestyle for the good of all people? Have you seen a change in us?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Well yes I have seen you have evolved since the time I came the openness of your heart, and consciousness. You are more aware that you are not alone in the universe, because your heart can sense, other life forms around you, and comprehend that now you are only a pebble in the great universe, the consciousness have opened your souls and you are starting to encounter the awareness of their true nature I’ve seen the difference. When I came the first time, your minds were very restricted in very restraining structures of thinking.
Now, you have liberated your words and your speech. You have a better way of expressing yourselves. You have developed technologies that allow you to speak throughout the whole planet freely. You have developed satellites that allow you to do so. You have grown up in spirituality. You are now going through the great awakening of these species. This is the difference I have seen. But unfortunately not enough. You need to work, keep on working more. You need to find peace within your feelings then you will make peace with everyone else. This is what I have noticed…The opening of consciousness.
Elisa: Good, I’m glad that you did, and have noticed a difference. I would have been worried if you said no…(laughing)…Sorry only I didn’t mean to laugh at you but…
Elena smiles saying: (Thor-Hand and Commander Val looked at each other and burst into a laugh) It was nice to see that…
Elisa: We understand that the Galactic Federation is not to interfere with the natural process and evolution. And it’s clear that Terra (Earth) has been going through a natural process as we already know. So the question is why was the. Actually, you know what, I’m not gonna ask this because it’s not really relevant um…I’m not gonna ask that.
Elena laughs and says: I’m going to make you laugh. Yeah, I saw Val Thor (Commander Thor) turning to Thor-Han telling him she’s feeling nervous.
Elisa: No, I just, I’m nervous because I don’t want to run out of time without everybody getting their questions answered.
Elena: Thor-Han said that you have time.
Elisa: And I also don’t want to aggravate you like I don’t want to give you questions that we can ask Thor-Han at a different time when the questions that I want to ask need to be like I said at the beginning of the chat, they need to be about you, or about Venus or about you know when you came and that kind of thing so I’m trying to keep the questions to that. So another question that we had here was…How did you handle all the lower frequencies that involve being here? Did they affect you at all? Although you know having all that fear and like, I know that our frequency is lower than possibly you so…
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): I kept away from it. I had my way of protecting myself by mind shield.
Elisa: Can you teach us how to do that now? Is that something humans can do?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): You can all do this, you just decide to create an energy field around your head that nothing can pass through.
Elisa: So it’s intention. Certain intention or just the thought of…or the intention of creating that around your head?!
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Intention, creative intention, your brain once receives the impulse of the intention, from the higher being creates electromagnetic wavelength that you can modulate to manipulate whatever you wish around you, especially thoughts of other beings will not protect it. the intention comes from the being gives impulse to the brain of the body. The brain creates electromagnetic waves. You can create a shield with this method. This is nature, you all do this you do not realize, but you all send out these electromagnetic waves throughout your brain.
One day, as we wanted to teach you. And as you will now discover by yourselves, this ability can make you do things at distance. Like for instance, moving objects, or piloting devices ship your cars, your planes anything by consciousness, creating electromagnetic waves that you modulate, and you give shape by your intention. The power is in your mind. In every level of your mind. Thought or energy, or even electromagnetic. You know that your planet has an electromagnetic shield, you do too. You can modulate it by your brain and thoughts. That is how you can keep away all interferences.
Elisa: Wow, awesome, thank you so much that’s super interesting.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Mind Control also works like this, when the waves are sent from far like satellites. This exists.
Elisa: Wow, awesome. Thank you, so you know at the beginning I had asked you if you, you know what to call you, and so, when I’m reading yours that  Frank stranges book it said that you had a different name?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Valiant is not my name.
Elisa: Okay, So what is your name?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Valiant has been invented from Val. Val is my real name, Val Thor.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Valiant is an Earth word which means brave.
Elisa: Right. And that’s why I was wondering about that name (Val Thor).
Elisa: Have any members of commander Val-Thor’s race been in contact with our current President? I mean Trump?!
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Yes. As the world on this planet goes we made contact not, especially the people from Nara, that you call your evening star Venus. But the Federation! And they are working together with this leader. I am asked, not to tell more.
Elisa: Okay, no that’s good I knew you gave me more information than I expected. So thank you so much. You know, it gives us comfort, believe it or not I mean, I know that there are certain things you’re not supposed to tell us but sometimes there are things that you tell us that do give us hope, and that’s one of them to know that at least, you guys have, you know that you’ve at least tried.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): When we do not tell. It is not because we do not care, or we do not do anything. It is because if we would, it would compromise the course of things.
Elisa: Yes. Great. No, I understand I promise you I understand, you are surely protecting us.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): I was telling this young lady earlier (Elena). We will never let you down. We never had, and never will.
Your future is in your hands. We are just here to walk beside you, and avoid you to fall. You walk your path. We cannot walk this path for you. We can just hold your backs for you not to stumble, not to fall. If you want our assistance, just raise your hand and hold our hand. We have never let you down. We were here all the time. And we will never let your humanity down. We are here until you reach your destination in the next level. And the next step of your evolution. And at the end, we will be here with you, together hand in hand holding each other, you know, arms, and you will have understood, then only why we weren’t showing ourselves. There was a reason.
Elisa: Yes, we are so grateful for this. And we want you to know that we are so very grateful we know that you are all doing sacrifices for us, and we don’t see them and I think it’s really important for people to realize that so many races are here helping us and we have no clue, and we’re not going to have a clue. We’re not going to be informed. But we have to trust that that’s happening. We have to keep hope because hope is what keeps the vibration high, we have to stay in a high vibration.
Elisa: How old are you in Earth years?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): In, Earth, years! I am more than 330 years.
Elisa: Wow. So how old were you when you came?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): I came, many times. But when I came to meet your leaders, I was 290, years old, of your time.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Time doesn’t pass the same way. On my planet, I age slower. The way I count my years is not the same way you count yours. My time is slower. Although my planet evolves around the same Sun faster. This is called distortion. A complicated science, the difference of years in my age doesn’t follow the same rate and speed, as it would if I had stayed on Earth, all the time.
Elisa: Okay. All right. So would you have, physically, aged, according to your planet, even though you were on our planet right?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): I aged, slightly as If visibly, I would have aged 10 years. I know I’m confusing, your minds.
Elisa: So, and we are almost out of time, so there is a big thing happening for us on Earth in the next 10 days or so, when the planets are going to align and we’re going to have the biggest amount of beautiful positive light coming into our planet. Is there anything special, you’re going to do during this time? Can you tell us anything about it?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): I suppose you are speaking about the planetary alignment, the solstice. The two Jupiter and Saturn. This is not the solstice. So, this has nothing to do with this planetary alignment. The fact this planetary alignment occurs one hour before the solstice point is an occurrence that is very rare and has nothing to do with the mechanism of the solstice.
Elisa: So the important part that we want to know is the solstice, on December 21, 2020 Is there anything special? What can you tell us about that day, that day?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): On the Northern hemisphere of your planet, the nights will be the longest and on the Southern hemisphere the shortest astronomical coincidence, with a planetary alignment is interesting because it will create a gravitational pull on your planet, which will be efficient upon the whole planet, of course, this will trigger slightly the tides and the geomagnetism and the electromagnetic field of your planet will have a slight pull towards the alignment of Jupiter, Saturn, which will be close even closer than usual. So anything that will be fluid will feel this pull. So it will be the moment to stop moving and sit and allow the gravitational flow to open the energies that are constructing your biofields. It will feel the gravitational pull, and many blockages, personal blockages can then unlock. I recommend, because of this gravitational pull that you can allow your emotions and allow yourselves to connect with the flow of the universe. This is what I would suggest doing during these combined astronomical events of the natural solstice, that occur twice a year, and has nothing extraordinary with the pull of the gravitational of Saturn and Jupiter, which is this that is important, that it occurs on your Solstice has only a metaphorical incidence.
Elisa: Yeah because there are some people that think there’s a solar flash and that the Earth is going to go dark and all kinds of scare fear tactics are being put out there. And I just want to make sure that people understand that nothing major is going to happen and Thor-Han has already told us this in a different broadcast. But people still keep asking about the 21st of December,2020. So, Commander Thor-Han was speaking of this earlier with me and supervisor Ardana. There is a lot of manipulation by fear and also using humanity’s ignorance. I would advice anytime something is told to scare you, or put you in a situation of mental or emotional dependence, you shall refuse it and you shall educate yourself upon the facts and the scientific truth. Please do not follow words, unless science can prove to you that these words are true and honest anything that is inducing fears it is not to be taken. This is typical of Dark Ages scaring people with messages predictions to enslave people’s minds emotionally. Seek for the facts.
Elisa: Yeah, absolutely. And that’s why I bring it up because they keep asking and asking and so it’s important for them to know that nothing is going to happen on the 21st, other than what Commander Val here, explains.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): The Sun flares are the big excuse. These are always used. Stop with sun flares, your Sun produces flares continuously. It has rhythms and seasons. It has seasons where the flares are more important. All of this is predictable. Do not believe anything If it is not double-checked scientifically.
Elisa: Okay. And the last question I have for you is if you were involved at all with the decision of haying a shed to disclose information about the Galactic Federation recently. Do you know who I’m talking about?
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): The people I am working on behalf of was involved with his revelations. Yes, I had a discussion with Commander, Thor-Han before also about this news. You must not merge together two different information. What this Terran man has disclosed is talking about the Galactic Federation of Worlds. This institution, I’m working for has contacted some of your leaders, not that far in time. Quite recently. To help your people to get out of slavery. We are working together with these leaders. Now, you must not confuse this information that this man disclosed, with the agreements, made in the late 1950s with the Ciakharrs.
These agreements, which took place between 1954 and 1957 were not made with the Galactic Federation, offers. They were made with the Ciakharr Empire and the alliances of (Nibu Orion, and the Maytre from Andromeda). These two pieces of information are separate. Please do not mix.
Elisa: Yeah, absolutely. Okay, we are past our time. It has been an absolute pleasure speaking with you. I just want to thank you so much and I hope that in the future as humans start being better spiritually that you’ll decide to maybe come back and visit us.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): I will for sure, with my family. Because by the time technology on your planet will have advanced with a great step.
I believe your people, have a bright and long enjoyable future ahead. We are here at this moment, helping you as older brothers and soon we will live as a family on the same soil us living with you on Terra (Earth), and you living with us on the other outpost of the Federation.
I would have spoken with you about all the miserable things and events that are occurring in your solar system on different planets, such as your satellite moon. Mars, it’s two satellites, Pluto. But I will not because knowing these things will not make you advance in consciousness, because these things may disturb and bring lower vibration, or fear. Do not look back, look ahead. Because ahead is where you are heading.
I trust from the bottom of my heart. And all I have endured on your planet I always knew each second that I was doing this. And during that time I had hope, and I believed you would succeed, and I still do. I am here, never far, either on a mission on your planet, either on my world, Narra (Venus). Always, not far, and now, I have connected with Thor-Han and I will keep in contact with him. And we will work together. So never we will be far from each other although, I am discreet in contacts, you will be able to reach out to me. If you need to ask something.
Elisa: Oh, wonderful.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): I was privileged to be able to express myself publicly once again. And now I will let you, but please do not forget, express yourselves as individuals, not owned by fear but filled with wisdom. We will meet again. We will never let you down.
Elisa: Thank you so much, sending you much love hear from everybody on the chat page.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Love is what binds us all.
Elisa: Yes.
Elena (Commander Valiant Thor): Goodbye, my friends.
Elisa: Goodbye. Thank you.
Elena: Thank you so much.
Thor-Han disconnects the device which is connected to Elena. Elena says that the device is closed but she is still connected telepathically with Thor-Han.
Elena was seeing everything through the eyes of Thor-Han. Commander Thor-Han repeated the questions of Elisa through Elena to Commander Valiant Thor.
Elena keeps explaining what Commander Val told her as a Federation they won’t let humanity down. Those words meant a lot to Elena as she says that he really meant it and he has such a powerful and beautiful aura and a lot of charisma and he is such a good person…gentle. His kind words of “We will never let you down” carried the whole Galactic Federation Races that are here for us present around now and even sacrificing their lives. They are here for us and will never let us down. We need to keep that in our minds and even during the moments of fear and despair when we want to shout objecting why things are this or that way. They are here on Earth. They have been always here.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post and wishing that it was an eye-opening. Make your own judgement. Remember everyon’s path is different and as humans we have a lot to learn. One of my purposes in this life time is to help myself help others and share what I believe to be the truth. I’ll keep on digging and pave the way for many to come to our awaited Golden Ages.
Love & Gratitude
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The post A Message to the people of Earth from an E.T Commander Valiant Thor for the years to come! 2021 and beyond…Any December 21st and various agendas. (This must be read by every human on this planet)! CRITICAL!!! Ways to Be a Better Human Being appeared first on EdificationCoach.
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starbrightblack · 4 years
Long Live The Noble House of Black
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OOC: No longer relevant or true to the canon of the rp.
Content tw: Verbal domestic abuse, Verbal child abuse, Threat of physical abuse, Murder, Pregnancy... It focuses on Walburga Black and includes the kind of crazy you’d associate with her.
Summary: The situations that led to Sirius and Regulus’ conceptions were not as straight forward as one might assume.
Walburga Black was raised in the ancestral home. The House of Black at 12 Grimmauld Place was in her mind a beautiful place, grand and glorious for all its gothic quirks. She was content to live there forever, but her parents made it quite clear that although she was the oldest, she would not be inheriting 12 Grimmauld Place. As a woman, it was her duty to marry into and continue on a pureblood line. However, she would be continuing her husband’s family line, not the Black family’s. Therefore, the family home was to go to Alphard as the oldest son. Walburga had always hated her brother and his peculiar mannerisms, and she couldn’t stand the idea of him taking away her house, especially when he tried to make her feel better by insisting he didn’t want it anyway. So Walburga did what any sensible witch would do in her situation.
She married her cousin.
By marrying Orion, she kept her family name, ensured at least one branch of the Black family' stayed pure, and reinforced her own claim to 12 Grimmauld Place. Alphard gave up his stake for it without a fuss, and Cygnus had always been sensible enough to know when his sister would win. She kept her home and had a husband to whom she could always speak her mind.
Once the two had been married and moved into the home Walburga had never had to move out of, Walburga and Orion got to work on the next set of expectations. Walburga didn’t particularly like the idea of motherhood, but it was her duty and had been part of the deal to keep the house.
After a few years of trying, however, the couple realized that something was gravely amiss. They summoned a very discreet healer to solve the issue, and Walburga nearly hexed him when he said there was little he could do. He explained that some of the issues she’d always had with menstruation had hinted at her problem with carrying a baby. It was possible that Walburga could carry a child to term, but it would take a lot of pain, many potions, and a great deal of luck besides. He recommended they consider their other options.
They knew they couldn’t do anything local, and most of the options he’d recommended were unlikely and very indiscreet. A pureblood baby up for adoption was unlikely in the UK and untrustable from another country where an orphanage might say anything to get them to take a child. Besides, the matter was more difficult than just finding a child they could pretend was biologically theirs. Walburga—and Orion too to a less extent—felt passionate that they could not let the Black family line die. Yes, Cygnus was now married and had just been blessed with a third child, but they were all girls. Some blessing.
Walburga and Orion turned their consideration toward another option the healer had suggested: surrogacy.
Orion had been uncertain at first, concerned that his wife would change her mind about allowing him to sleep with someone else. For Walburga, though, it seemed to offer a lot of wonderful benefits, and if someone else dealing with her husband for a little while was one of them, well, she wouldn’t voice the concern aloud.
They made a plan. The two staged a trip abroad together, but Walburga didn’t go. She trusted Orion to make a suitable pureblood choice and to bring her back before the pregnancy ended. Walburga stayed isolated inside her house, but she didn’t mind. She loved her house. She never wanted to leave it anyway, and an excuse to stay there exclusively for a little while sounded heavenly.
Perhaps she should have gone, Walburga realized in hindsight. While Walburga had sat at home musing about whether Elladora or Belvina would be a better namesake for a daughter, Orion had been led astray in his choice by beauty. He claimed that finding a pureblood witch who looked like Walburga and was willing to carry a child she wouldn’t keep was too much to expect. Walburga would have expected him to come home empty-handed, not with his hand on the shoulder of some pretty Beauxbatons dropout hard on her luck.
The girl—for she was barely old enough to be considered anything else—had been disowned by her family and was willing to do whatever Orion wished as long as he paid her for it.
“That makes her a whore,” Walburga had hissed.
“That makes her sensible,” Orion had argued.
The nineteen-year-old was stunningly beautiful, and her hair did somewhat resemble Walburga’s hair. But her glowing olive skin would never produce a child that could pass for Walburga’s.
“You worry too much,” Orion murmured against Walburga’s hair, trying to soothe his wife’s anger. “No one would call us on it. Besides, the girl is so docile. We could probably keep her here, hide her away until we’re ready for another child. I bet she’d stay.”
Walburga’s eyes had flashed as her husband proposed keeping a mistress in Walburga’s own home, but she’d said nothing. Instead Walburga waited until the baby had been born before taking him from the room, naming him after Orion’s grandfather and her great uncle, depositing him with Orion momentarily, and returning to the girl’s room to slit her throat the muggle way. Walburga did have to admit some things were more satisfying by hand.
Orion’s prediction turned out to be true that no one would dare suggest the child didn’t belong to both of them. If any whispers happened behind closed doors, Walburga wasn’t listening at the fire to find out. She was too content in her own little world as she attempted to mother a baby.
Sirius was a horridly fussy baby who screamed and cried and carried on, and nothing Walburga did seemed to calm him down. Only the family house elf seemed to have a way with him, and Orion quickly grew to resent that the elf caring for their baby meant that he and Walburga had to do more things for themselves. In Orion’s frustration, he planned another trip abroad to take care of some business. Walburga didn’t bother to hide her resentment at him leaving her alone with the child, especially now that he was starting to walk and getting into things like mad.
The trip was meant to last two months. When Orion had been gone for three, Walburga didn’t think much of it. When he’d been gone for four, she sent a howler.
That got him home fairly quickly, although Orion arrived in the dead of night, once again with his arm around some floozy’s shoulder. That wasn’t the worst of it. Orion had gotten her pregnant, this time an accident instead of a planned surrogacy, and this witch was Korean.
Walburga lost it. She started screaming and cursing right there in the entryway, furious that Orion would be unfaithful, furious that this girl hadn’t been smart enough to avoid a child, and furious that Orion’s wandering eye hadn’t picked someone who looked like her. She threatened the girl with the Cruciatus, only avoiding it because Orion got in the middle and started yelling back. In her anger, she threatened to hex him too and in a different way. What good was his manhood to her if it couldn’t even give her a child correctly?
Eventually Orion managed to placate his wife enough that she didn’t kill the girl, but it was tempting. He tried to shield her from the same fate Sirius’ mother had suffered; however, when Walburga’s eyes flashed during the girl’s labor and she’d told him to walk away, Orion had listened. This one didn’t want to give up her baby, but she didn’t have much choice in the matter. She did force Walburga to deal with things in a slightly different order. She killed the birth mother first, then named him after Orion’s uncle and carried him to Orion.
Regulus wasn’t as easy a pill to swallow as Sirius had been for the pureblood community, but when Orion insisted both were pureblood, no one questioned it. They did start to whisper about a potential affair leading to Regulus, and “Come to think of it, Sirius doesn’t really follow the Black family looks, does he?” Walburga hated it, and as Sirius grew older and began to act out, she blamed him and his heritage for every little thing.
Sirius was just five when he innocently asked his mother why he and Regulus didn’t look alike. She let loose, screaming at him about his father’s incompetency and admitting neither boy was hers. She even went far enough to admit that she’d killed “the harlots” who had carried them and threatening Sirius that if either boy ever stepped out of line, she wasn’t afraid to do the same to them. Traumatized, Sirius had fled upstairs to Regulus’ room, and Walburga let him go, her anger momentarily sated.
Upstairs Sirius openly sobbed as he clung tight to his toddler brother and decided right then that if she was ever going to hurt one of them like that, it should be him. He had to protect Regulus at all costs, no matter what happened to himself in the process.
After six years and Hogwarts, that resolve began to crack, but it took eleven to break it completely.
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murasaki-murasame · 4 years
Since the next batch of mana spiral upgrades should be coming out in the next week or two, I figure now’s probably a good time to go over my predictions for what the first batch of mana spirals for each element might be like, now that we have a good idea of what to expect from them.
This got really long so I’ll put it under a cut.
First off, I think that the adventurers in the first batches of mana spiral upgrades per element will probably be:
Shadow: Nefaria, Curran, Heinwald, OG Cleo, Alex, Audric [maybe], Kleimann, Berserker, and the 3-stars
Water: Xanfried, Laranoa, Lily, OG Elly, OG Celery, Thaniel, Luther, and the 3-stars [except maybe Jakob]
Wind: Hawk, Sylas, Louise, OG Ranzal, Su Fang, Pia, Aeleen, and the 3-stars
Light: Julietta, Lucretia, B-Zardin, OG Luca, Elias, Vixel, Amane, and the 3-stars [except maybe Xiao Lei]
I’m not entirely sure about Lily and Louise since they’re already pretty solid, but I dunno. B-Zardin might be too recent to get buffed but Cassandra was even more recent, lol. And honestly light needs all the buffs it can get, especially when it comes to the non-limited ones.
Botan might have been a special case, but it’d be nice if they include other event units in the mana spiral upgrades as well. Especially since they’ve always been particularly held back by the wonky abilities that event units get. Though I think most of them probably wouldn’t benefit quite as much from a buff as Botan did, since she was already really good.
There’s other units I want to see get buffed, like Annelie and Fritz, but I think other units need the buffs more.
Anyway, let’s break down what changes I think will be made to all of these characters, and what I’d like to see.
Firstly, going by how the flame mana spirals went, we can probably assume that it’ll be the 5-stars and the free story 4-stars who’ll get the most attention put into their upgrades, while the gacha 4-stars and the 3-stars will probably all just have their numbers scaled up across the board, and lots of them will get status afflictions added to their skills. But it’s safe to assume that every single mana spiral unit will get 100% potent status resistance [and off-element resistance units will get their resistances changed to something that actually works for them], and units with any sort of skill prep ability will get it buffed to 100% skill prep + skill charge [aside from unique cases like Naveed].
Either way, this is how I think it’ll go down per element.
[I’m starting here ‘cause it’ll be the next batch that’ll come out]
As much as I’d love to see my absolute son boy Norwin get a mana spiral upgrade, I think he won’t be in the initial batch since he’s already a pretty solid unit all around. I’d say he’s probably the most well-rounded of the 4-star shadow gacha units, along with Patia.
Orion’s definitely a candidate, but I don’t think they’ll give him an upgrade just yet. Partly because Alex will definitely get one [although they did give both Euden and Karl buffs at the same time], but also because it might really backfire if they give him built-in 100% skill prep since he inflicts blind on his S1, lol. That might lead to some unintended cheese strats, but who knows.
As for the ones who I’m more certain will get buffed, Nefaria’s basically the poster child for ‘absolutely needs a buff’, along with Hawk, but I’m not really certain what I think they’ll do with her. There’s just a lot of fundamental things wrong with her as a unit, and I don’t think that just buffing her stats would be enough. The main thing is just that since blind is such a powerful status affliction, it’s highly resisted by basically every endgame boss, and we haven’t gotten any blind punisher dragons/wyrmprints yet. So a unit like her that’s built around inflicting blind is probably just never going to work because she’ll always be shackled.
Honestly my first suggestion would just be to retcon her entire kit into being about inflicting poison rather than blind, lol. At least then she’d fit in with the poison meta that’s been steadily developing. But that might be too much of a change to make.
The other big issue with her is that her blind affliction is tied to her using her S2 and then using force-strikes. On top of that taking longer to activate than a blind-inflicting S1 would, bow force-strikes are just completely horrible in every way and need to be changed. The bow force-strike should just be a single big charged shot that you charge and fire like you do with the sword and blade force-strikes. That’d make it a lot faster and more reliable to actually hit anyone with them in the first place.
I think her two main abilities will at least get their numbers bumped up, but I think they should take a cue from Naveed’s mana spiral and add an additional effect to one of them along the lines of ‘While Twilight Arrows is activated, increase strength/crit rate/whatever by x%’. It’d at least be SOMETHING to make her stronger, and it’d help justify tying so much to her S2 and it’s effect.
I’m not entirely sure if Curran and Heinwald will get buffed, but I think they at least need it more than Yaten and Natalie do, and it’d be a bit weird if Nefaria’s the only shadow 5-star to get buffed in the next batch, so I’m including them.
For Curran, I think the defense debuff on his S1 should have a 100% chance of applying, and maybe he could get poison punisher added to it as well. And I think his S2 should have either poison punisher or defense debuff punisher [like DY-Malora] added to it. And I feel like they should change his Last Offense ability to just be Resilient Offense like Cassandra. He doesn’t really have a good way of utilizing that sort of ability like she does, but Last Offense is just kinda useless as it is, lol.
For Heinwald, I think he should inflict poison with his S1, and the cap on it’s heal should either be raised or removed. I also think that the team strength buff on his S2 should be changed to not be limited to a short-range AoE around him, but that goes for everyone who has that sort of ranged team buff, and I doubt Cygames would agree with me on this and change all of them, lol. But either way I want either him or Curran to inflict poison so they can synergize with Lathna. Since Heinwald is another unit with an S2 that activates a named effect like Naveed, I could see him getting a similar sort of unique buff added to his skill prep ability that activates while Abyssal Connection is active. Maybe either a recovery potency buff or something related to strength/skill damage/poison punisher.
Kleimann’s a pretty easy one to assume will get a buff since they seem to specifically be trying to correct the whole Gala Cleo issue, and he’s one of the more accessible shadow wand units. But I don’t think they’ll do a whole lot with him beyond making his stats better, and maybe giving him poison on his S1.
Berserker’s one of those units who really needs a bit of a buff, since he’s just a bit too weak and defense-oriented to work well in the current meta. But I think his buffs will also be pretty simple. They’ll probably raise the chance of the strength debuff on his S1, and maybe add poison to it, and his S2 will probably be changed to give him 15% HP per use, which would at least let him hit the cap in two uses of it rather than three. It’d be nice if they also added a temporary strength buff to it though, since he really doesn’t have a lot of personal DPS. I think they’ll add a flurry effect to his first ability that raises his strength or skill damage when he’s got a certain combo count, and like with Curran I think they should change his Last Offense ability to something else. At least he’d benefit more from Resilient Offense since he’s got some self-healing in his kit. [Also with Monster Hunter Berserker on the way, now would be a nice time to buff his OG version]
If they want to buff Audric, I’m not entirely sure what they could do with him aside from just raising the stats of his skills and stuff. He’d at least benefit a lot from getting 100% potent paralysis res, though. Maybe they’d add some kind of ‘dragon attacks dispel enemy buffs’ effect to his third ability, and poison to his S1, to make him even more like Euden.
The fact that Alex already got her kit adjusted before getting a mana spiral makes me unsure if they’re even going to give her one any time soon, but if they do, I think she’ll probably at least get poison punisher added to her S1, and maybe an added effect to her skill haste ability where using skills or force-strikes partially charges her skills.
I think OG Cleo is basically 100% guaranteed to get a buff, but I’m not entirely sure what they’re gonna do with healers in general when it comes to mana spirals. At least the ones that are specifically focused on healing. She should at least get full skill prep and potent paralysis res, and probably a buffed HP = Defense ability. Other than that, I think that either her S1 or her S2 should have a regen heal effect added to it.
For the 3-stars I think that they’ll just get the same sort of basic stat buffs across the board, and status effects added to some of their skills. I dunno if that’d benefit anyone to the extent of how strong Xania became with her mana spirals, though. Althemia might end up getting poison on both of her skills, but since her skill damage ability if locked behind a Full HP criteria, she might not be quite as good as Xania even then. They should also probably retcon Vida’s stun res into either paralysis res or blind res, and it’d be nice if they added blind cleanse to Edward’s S1.
In terms of 5-stars, I think Xanfried is the most likely one to get buffed, with Laranoa at a close second, but I’m not even sure if any of the other ones need a buff, since they’re all pretty solid. Really it’s the 3/4-stars that are more in need of a buff here, lol.
For Xanfried, it seems pretty likely to me that they’ll add freeze to his S1, since it’s literally called Dragon Frostfang. It’d at least be better than giving him bog, and we need more water units that have easy access to freeze. And for his S2 I think it’ll be like with Botan where a team crit rate buff for water units gets added to it. Going by how they buffed Euden, I think they’ll buff his Dragon Claws ability to be 45% strength total, and they’ll add enemy buff dispel to his dragon form attacks. Or they’ll just increase the damage that his dragon attacks do, which would at least help justify his dragon time ability. I’m not sure if this would make him meta for HBH or anything, but I think it’d make him a lot stronger in general.
I’m not super familiar with Laranoa since I don’t have her yet, so basically all I can assume from looking at her kit is that it’ll just get buffed across the board. But it’d be nice if the short-range team buff on her S2 got changed into a normal universal one, at least. I’m not entirely sure if they should add any status effects to her S1. In general I’m really worried about what might happen if they give lots of water units bog on their S1, since that didn’t turn out well for the summer units. Maybe if they were willing to rework bog into something that can be applied regularly throughout the fight without being overpowered it’d work, but since you always want to save it for a specific part of the fight, putting it on a skill is kinda bad.
OG Elly is pretty obviously gonna get a mana spiral sooner or later, but I’m a bit worried they’d make her overpowered, lol. Though on the other hand, it’d be kinda funny if in exchange for letting you upgrade her S1 to a 25% team strength buff, it locks it to only working on water adventurers. That’d help balance her to make her more in line with other buff units, but it’d probably make a lot of people mad, and it’d mess with a lot of rainbow Mercurial Gauntlet team compositions. I think it’d be worth it, though. Also they should just commit to giving her 100% burn res. That on it’s own would probably make her even better for HBH since she wouldn’t need to run a burn res print anymore.
It’d be nice to see OG Celery get a buff if only so she can get to full burn res as well, which would hopefully also make her a much better pick for HBH, but we’ll see. I can’t really think of anything to add to her kit aside from that, other than a crit rate/damage buff on her S2.
I can take or leave Luther, but I feel like he literally never gets used in any content so he really needs some sort of buff. Even if it ends up not helping him much. I’d at least want his debuffs to happen with 100% chance, though maybe they could also move the defense debuff to his S1. And he should at least get Flurry Strength added to his third ability.
I’m very biased on this one but I DESPERATELY want Thaniel to get a mana spiral upgrade that makes him as good as if not better than Jiang Ziya, lol. He at least really needs to get a regen heal added to his S2 to that his heals in HBH aren’t as tight. In a perfect world they’d add full skil prep to one of his abilities but that’d be a bit of a pipe dream. I’m curious to see if they’d add anything to basic recovery potency abilities like what he has, or if those will just get buffed for everyone that has them.
Summer Ranzal also needs a buff but since he’s fairly recent I don’t think he’ll get one just yet. But probably later.
I feel like a whole bunch of 3-stars are gonna get bog or freeze added to their skills, and I really don’t think that’d be quite as useful as what happened with flame. At least when it comes to bog, because of how that whole affliction works and how you want to save it. So that might backfire and make a lot of them even more off-putting to use. Waike’s a good example of this, since even though Joe benefited a fair bit from getting even more burn added to his kit, Waike would just use up all the bog inflictions before the boss gets broken in the first place.
Personally I’m hoping that Jurota will get freeze added to his S1 [since it’s called Avalance Blade, lol], and that doing that along with giving him full potent stun res would help make him better, at least for stuff like Void Agni.
Hawk’s basically a carbon copy of Nefaria except he’s a wind unit who inflicts stun, so basically everything I said with her applies to him. Like with Nefaria he suffers from the fact that stun is a very powerful status affliction that I think is fairly heavily resisted by most bosses, and we haven’t gotten any stun punisher dragons or wyrmprints yet to capitalize on it. And the recent banner with Kirsty and Joachim just goes to show that wind is leaning even more heavily into favouring poison as a status effect. So my first guess for him would also be to just make him a poison-inflicting unit, but that seems even less likely than it would be with Nefaria, since basically every single other wind bow in the game is about inflicting poison too, and would do it better than him. They could at least add some sort of effect to one of his abilities where his S2 effect also increases his strength/crit rate/stun punisher, but there’s just a lot of issues inherent to niche status-inflicting bow units.
This might require more of a broad overhaul of the status effect system, but maybe to get around the relative uselessness of a lot of statuses, they could introduce some kind of a mechanic where a boss can be ‘marked’ as having a certain status ailment without suffering any debilitating effects from it, so you can still benefit from punisher abilities. Or maybe they could experiment with adding something like Volk’s plague effect to their kits, so that they can manually increase the boss’ vulnerability to status effects. In general I think there’s a lot of potential for the plague mechanic to address the central issue of how there’s nothing you can do when a boss fully resists a status ailment.
Other than him, I think Sylas is the only wind 5-star who I think 100% needs to get a buff soon. The other ones are all up in the air, with Louise and Wedding Aoi probably being my runner-up choices. Even Lin You’s fallen out of relevance a lot lately, but she’s still very strong. Sylas on the other hand is just super wonky. For one thing I think the strength debuff on his S1 should happen all the time, and it should have a poison punisher effect added to it, but the main issue is just his S2. It’s way too expensive for way too little value. The easiest way to improve it would probably just be to lower it’s SP cost to around 8k so you can use it at around the same frequency as Kirsty or Xanfried’s S2s, but really the whole idea of it being a roulette buff is just fundamentally bad. I’d honestly be happy if they just reworked it into being a flat skill haste and crit rate buff. All of the roulette buffs aren’t really that important when wind already has units like Noelle, Kirsty, and Lowen to provide those sorts of buffs more consistently. So he should probably just focus on more unique buffs. Basically I think his S2 should be more like Laranoa’s. 
Also, Last Recovery is just a really weak ability, so it’d be nice if they could add some sort of extra affect to that, or just change it into something else. Maybe they could make it happen three times per quest rather than just once, and add a permanent 10% defense buff to each use of it, to make it like a tanky version of Resilient Offense. And the health regen effect would help let him get to low health several times in a fight, like Cassandra.
I don’t think much needs to be done with OG Ranzal aside from just making all of his skills and abilities stronger, but I also think that Last Defense sucks, so they should probably change it to something like a Resilient Defense ability where he gets a permanent defense buff each time he gets to low health up to three times.
Aeleen has a fairly basic kit and I don’t think they’d really add much to it aside from maybe poison or poison punisher on her S1. And maybe an additional short buff on her S2.
Pia is basically Aeleen but in far more need of a buff, lol. Her kit’s just so wonky. There’s really not a whole lot that can be done to salvage her unless they add more energy users to the wind roster. At the very least her S2 should give the team two or three energy stacks, on top of maybe another buff to make it more worthwhile, but I dunno if that’d do much to help her.
I’m not sure if they’d bother buffing Su Fang, but if they do, I think they’ll probably add a crit rate buff to his S2, and make his skill damage ability into a 35% one.
There’s not much to say about the wind 3-stars, but I hope they at least give Philia either bog or freeze res. I could see them also adding poison to her skills [and removing the existing paralysis effect from her S2].
Light’s just in a really weird situation all around where most of their really good units are event limited ones, so I hope that some of the older, non-limited ones get some good buffs. It feels like a lot of light units in general tend to suffer from being defensive in a way that doesn’t really work in the endgame, or from using energy in a lackluster way. So there’s a lot to improve.
Julietta’s a good example of being too defensive for her own good. At the very least, I think her S2 should be a team-wide defense/knockback resistance buff. A purely selfish defensive buff like what she has now is just kinda useless. It’d at least help her trigger strength doublebuffs and whatnot. And to help her DPS overall I think they should probably add either paralysis or a defense debuff to her S1. And like with Sylas I think they should add something to her Last Recovery ability. Maybe make it so that when her S2 effect is in place, she has a passive HP regen, or something like that.
Lucretia’s not super weak or anything but her energy usage is kinda disappointing, so I think they should at least make her S2 into a team-wide energy buff, and maybe buff it to three stacks rather than two. It’d also probably be nice if they added paralysis to her S1 too.
They might skip over B-Zardin but he probably needs a buff even more than Lucretia. He’s just really bad all around. Both of his skills give energy buffs to him and nobody else, so I think at least one of them should be a team-wide energy buff instead, and the debuffs on his S1 should happen 100% of the time. Though I think they should also focus on giving him a good strength or defense debuff, rather than giving him two mediocre ones at the same time. I feel like his Stunning Visage effect really needs to give him some sort of strength buff or something as well. And he’s one of the many units that make me think there should really be some stun punisher dragons/wyrmprints, lol. His first ability is also sorta weak so it’d be nice if they added something to it, but I dunno what.
I think OG Luca will probably get 100% curse res, paralysis punisher on his S1, and paralysis infliction on his S2, and not much else, so hopefully that’d be enough to make him worthwhile. But probably not. I’d also like to see Summer Luca get a buff, but like with Summer Ranzal it’ll probably take a while for him to get a buff too.
Elias is probably the event unit that needs a buff the most. He at least needs to have his S2 give two or three energy stacks, and his S1 should probably inflict paralysis, or have paralysis punisher on it. And his Last Offense ability should be changed to something like Resilient Offense, but it probably won’t be.
I honestly forgot that Felicia existed since her event happened before I started playing the game, lol. But if she gets a buff, I think her S1 should get poison cleanse, she should get full poison res, and full skill prep. I dunno how good that’d make her, necessarily, but still.
And on the topic of 4-star light healers, Vixel really needs a mana spiral upgrade if only just to fix his goddamn useless sleep resistance. Since Felicia is already based around poison resistance and cleanse, I think it’d make sense if he got turned into a curse res unit. Especially since Lucretia and Elias are also curse res. I’m not sure if he’d get curse cleanse added to his S1, but it’d nice. It might invalidate Hildegarde, though. He’s also got a kind of weird and under-tuned S2 that really needs to be buffed. It should at least be two stacks of energy for the team, and I’m really not even sure that the point of the teamwide recovery potency buff is meant to be, other than making his own S1 stronger. It’s not like you’ll be running with more than one healer on a light team 99% of the time, so nobody else would benefit from it. If they want to really lean into the idea of it powering up his S1, maybe they could have it instantly energize him [though not the rest of the team], or have it immediately ready his S1 for use. Something like that. Or they could replace it with a regular team heal. And of course he’d probably get 100% skill prep. Though if he gets curse res, maybe they could replace the recovery potency buff on his S2 with a team defense buff so that he can basically be like a light version of Thaniel, and help people deal with HZD’s opening blast.
I also kinda forgot about Amane since I don’t use her often, but I really think they should lower the SP cost of her S2 a fair bit [sorta like with Sylas], and make the HP buff into a 15% one so that it only takes two uses to hit the cap. She should probably also get a debuff or paralysis punisher or something added to her S1, and she’d benefit a lot from getting full skill prep and skill charge.
I think Xiao Lei’s the only light 3-star that’d really benefit from a mana spiral, but going by how they skipped over Marty they might also skip over her since she also got added post-launch. But if she gets a flat 35% skill damage buff like Xania on top of a stronger crit rate/damage boost on her S2, and maybe paralysis on her S1, she might become super strong.
Anyway, that’s all far too much effort put into thinking about stuff that I’ll probably get proven wrong on soon enough, lol. There’s just a lot of characters who I really want to see get improved, and with how much the flame mana spirals shook things up, I have high hopes for the rest of them.
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
My Harry Potter headcanons
Harry Potter is Bi 
Harry’s scar was growing every year. Grows from a tiny lightning bolt, to a storm overtaking his face. Only after Voldemort is defeated does it recede to just his forehead.
Hermione is Autistic
Sirius Black is pan and in love with Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin is Demiromantic and in love with Sirius Black
Tonks is nonbinary and pan and in love with Tulip Karasu
Charlie Weasley is Asexual
Luna Lovegood is Asexual
Bill Weasley is Bisexual and in a poly relationship with Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum
Severus Snape is Trans
In Year 4 Harry was an absolute Bi disaster and was crushing on Cedric and Cho and asked both of them out at the same time
Harry has hit on every Weasley sibling just to fuck with Ron
America has two major Wizarding Schools. Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and The Salem Institute of Extraordinary Magic. I chose what we all thought would be the American Wizarding School because it would be important and honestly better than cultural appropriating a culture without their permission and not allowing Indigenous Tribes to found Ilvermorny. The Salem Witches Institute is important because it will show that what happened in Salem can never happen again. An Intersectional Academy for Witches and Wizards everywhere. Taught to defend themselves, taught never to be defenseless, taught to fight and taught that what happened in Salem can never happen again. First it was known as The Salem Witches Institute, but became The Salem Institute Of Extraordinary Magic over time and accepted Wizards into their school. 
Ilvermorny was founded by Native Americans. It was their school and culture. It wasn’t until the European settlers invaded and raided  Ilvermorny and erased the Native Americans and stole everything and made  Ilvermorny their own. Basically history was written by the victors. It wasn’t till the late 1980′s that this was brought to light and the real history was made public.(Fuck your cultural appropriative ass JK)
The Hogwarts Founders are witchcraft and wizardry masters from all around the world. Godric Gryffindor is African, Salazar Slytherin is Muslim, Rowena Ravenclaw is Chinese and Helga Hufflepuff is French Indian. To erase their diverse founders image from history, a bunch of racist headmasters used magic to keep the illusion that the founders were white. It wasn’t until the late 90′s where the truth was finally revealed.
Salazar Slytherin didn’t want muggle-born kids to come to Hogwarts because It was in a period of time during which muggles were,  murdering anyone they suspecting of having magical abilities.  And when Professor Binns talks about it, what he specifically says is that Salazar “[believed] them to be untrustworthy.”  Which it’s easy to interpret as, “they might give us away to their muggle families and get us and all of our students killed.”And if you look at it that way, it’s not hard to imagine that the Chamber of Secrets was actually built as a defense for the school – maybe arguably a misguided one, but still a defense – the same way the enchanted statues are.  And that the original intent of it and Salazar’s requirements for sorting were twisted over the centuries, becoming less of an effort to protect the school from a group who, at the time, were potential threats to them, and more of a powertrip, especially once the magical community separated itself from the muggle community.I mean, Binns does also specify that the bit about “purging the school of people unworthy of practicing magic” is part of the legend and not the factual history of the school.  And it was Riddle/Voldemort who first used the basilisk.
Newt Scamander created the Werewolf Registry in a way to introduce laws that would protect and help werewolves, but the Ministry twisted it into its own bigoted laws.  It’d make Newt likeable without having to ignore the whole Werewolf Registry thing, and it’d be another chance to show just how fucking awful the Ministry is. Doing that would make Newt’s likeability skyrocket, instead of what we’ve got right now, which is him being very likeable, but the shadow of what happens is something you have to ignore in order to like him.
The Knights Of Walpurgis were the only ones who Voldemort considered to be his true friends, the rest of the Death Eaters were just followers to him.
Lily had a witch squad with Marlene McKinnon,  Mary MacDonald,  Dorcas Meadowes, Molly Prewett and Alice Lightwood
Because of Snape and Lily’s close friendship, Lily developed feelings for Snape, but when he called her a mudblood and seeing him with the Slytherins who would become Death Eaters, all Lily felt for Snape was disgust
When James and Lily started dating and Lily became friends with The Marauders, Lily became a registered Animagus to help Remus. Lily’s Animagus is a Doe and her Marauder name is Fawna
Walburga and Orion were abusive towards Sirius and Regulus
Harry celebrates Father’s Day by celebrating with Hagrid and celebrates Mother’s day by celebrating with The Weasleys for Molly and honoring Professor McGonagall
Lucius and Narcissa were loving parents towards Draco. Despite what the Draco stans do to demonize them just to woobify Draco
Despite JK’s claims, Draco does have happy enough memories to produce a patronus. He grew up in a stable home with loving parents. Draco’s patronus is a Thestral. 
Pansy Parkinson’s patronus is a King Cobra and Blasie Zabini’s patronus is a Fox
During Snape’s Legilimency lessons with Harry, Snape saw how abusive the Dursleys were towards him and it gave Snape flashbacks to how Tobias treated him and both Snape and McGonagall protested to Dumbledore about how fucked up it is that Harry has to live in an abusive house.
After Cornelius Fudge was dismissed from office, he was tried for the murder of Barty Crouch Jr 
Sirius Black was convicted without a trial and a proper investigation was just cruel and unfair. His fellow OOTP members who became Aurors who knew him best were not allowed to investigate Sirius. They knew Sirius was not capable of doing what he did but were silenced. The Ministry needed a scapegoat and Dumbledore did not want Sirius to raise Harry. Dumbledore gave second chances to people who he could use.  He gave Snape a chance because Snape was of use to him. He used Harry because Harry was the key to defeating Voldemort and for the greater good. Dumbledore randomly helped Remus when he was a boy by going out of his way to let Remus come to Hogwarts and Remus himself once admitted that he will forever be grateful to Dumbledore and Remus was a member of the Order. Dumbledore sends Remus to live with werewolves and try to convince them to join the Order. Dumbledore manipulated Remus for the greater good. Dumbledore had no use for Sirius. Dumbledore could have spoken up and fought on behalf of Sirius, Wizengamot but he didn’t and Sirius was forced to be in Azkaban for 12 years. Dumbledore manipulated Sirius’ death. He didn’t have a use for Sirius, didn’t care for him and  having Harry go live with Sirius at 12 Grimmauld Place would take away the protection spell placed upon The Dursleys which went against Dumbledore’s plans, so I fully believe Albus manipulated Sirius’ death so Harry would stay with the Dursleys.
The Fudge administration was investigated for corruption and the unjust imprisonment of Sirius Black
Neville acknowledging that, while Snape was most definitely more consistently awful, McGonagall was actually pretty goddamn terrible to him in third year with the whole "You don't deserve unrestricted access to your bed when a murderer was loose on Hogwarts grounds" punishment for a mistake, and McGonagall owning up to that and apologizing.
When Sirius returned to 12 Grimmauld Place and was confronted by the portrait of Walburga and told him she can finally say she is “proud of him” for being convicted of betraying The Potters and killing the Muggles and Sirius has never been so disgusted in his entire life  
Dumbledore was raising Harry to be an Obscurus
When Harry, Ron and Hermione came back to Hogwarts looking for the Horcruxes. Hermione apologized to Cho and Marietta and undid the jinx.
After the Battle Of Hogwarts, Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione went to Godric Hollow to fix up The Potter cottage together. Harry and Ginny live at Godric’s Hollow with their children and they are one big happy family.
After sometime of self-reflection Draco and Pansy do end up together, but realize the way they acted in Hogwarts was awful and eventually make amends to everyone. First they break away and distanced themselves from their families. Draco and Pansy reaches out seek to make amends with everyone involved with the DA. So one day as they gather at Hogsmeade, they properly apologize for everything. It takes some time, but eventually they are forgiven. Draco  even got that handshake with Harry! Draco and Pansy raise their son Scorpius together and raises him right and never to be prejudiced. They are healers together.
Luna and Neville end up together(this is my canon, so shut up) they fall in love shortly after the Battle Of Hogwarts. Neville teaches Herbology. Luna is a Magizoologist. They have two kids. Alice and Lysander
Harry and Ginny had a 4th child. Ruby Molly Weasley, named after Hagrid and Molly
After the war. Hagrid goes back to Hogwarts and finally finishes his education. Harry takes him to Diagon Alley to return the favor.
After the war, Harry turns 12 Grimmauld Place  into a children’s home for Hogwarts students who can’t or shouldn’t or don’t want to go back home for the summer or holidays. And Harry renames it the R.J. Lupin House Inspiration
When their time at the Ministry was finished. The Big Seven returned to Hogwarts as Professors. Harry became the Professor Defense Against The Dark Arts, Ron would be the Charms Professor, Hermione would become the Transfiguration professor, Neville would remain as Herbology Professor, Luna would be the Care For Magical Creatures Professor, Ginny would be the Flying Instructor, and Draco would be the Potions Master
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Gotterdammerung Lostbelt Chapter 14~END
*remembers what happened in chapter 17 first arrow*
I mean... Thank you very much for that memorable fight, it’s an honor fighting with you.
Anyway, I’M FUCKING DONE WITH THIS LOSTBELT TO FINALLY BE READY FOR ONILAND! At the price of 3 Command Seals at the end of course...
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Chapter 14
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Once more, not much comment about the fights... At least bring Alter Egos here since this and next chapters are mostly mobs under the Four Horseman class + Berserkers. 
But, subsequent fights from this... Despite amount of arrows, you’ll be seeing more story VN than fights. So it’s a good breather before your final few bosses of this Lostbelt.
And before I forgot, in that second pic which is the third arrow of this chapter, your whole party got a quick buff for this fight only for plot reason.
Chapter 15
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Caster mob in the pic here finally revealed its name as the seed of the Phantasmal tree (yes, that same exact tree from the final boss in Anastasia Lostbelt).
And this little shit enjoys eating up 10 stars at least from yours, so do watch out when it does. 
Chapter 16
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*breathes in*
*breathes out*
*breathes in*
*breathes out*
4 or 5 tries... Just to not waste my Command Seals on this fucking flaming giant. Anyway, this is one of the main final boss you’re facing from plot reason to defeat him completely.
On your first 3 turns, you’ll get permanent buff of QUICK UP, Critical Damage Up, Recover 2000 HP per turn separately.
Apparently, the first attempt with him... Euryale really gets killed big time because I seriously underestimated his own passive buff of doing extra damage on Servants with divine traits.
2nd to 4th attempt... One of them I brought Leonidas and without a doubt it’s the worst to choice to bring. I swapped Euryale with Emiya Alter which actually helps a lot after his strengthening on his NP to remove 1 charge.
By the 5th attempt, Mash survived long after unleashing her NP, George even survived long enough from him... Sigurd too especially, his third skill helps to give Fujino a delay in getting burn status for 1 turn.
And satisfaction was there, so FUCK YOU SURTR! After Robin dealing more damage in his 1/4 HP... Fujino soloed and crit him to death as he deserved for that burning pain >.>
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^And this was from the first attempt, FUCK YOU SURTR! Your two annoying gauge break debuff are pain in the ass >.>
Chapter 17 (END)
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.................... Apparently, this first fight with Shishou=Skadi and Valkyire was forced to retry after the first one.
I... I really underestimated her and Valkyire since my priority was to kill the latter before focusing on Skadi. I gloated in my head about how easy it was to deal against an old hag like her...
And well... I guess FGO lostbelt even breaks the fourth wall too. She probably had ordered Valkyire to crit Merlin’s ass with 2 crit buff to realize how much I dug my grave in there.
Second attempt went with Waver instead. Despite the unexpected charge on Valkyire’s NP, Sigurd managed to crit her to death. George and Leonidas becomes the unexpected MVP of this fight from killing Shishou.
Final fight that I forgotten to take... The fight with that fucking tree again. It’s a Caster class so bring your best rider to attack it. I went with Sherlock which with Quetz on Origin Bullet CE and his NP, I managed to clear both front 2 HP gauge until the last one.
They died and Cu plus Ishtar Rider had to chip off its HP slowly because two defense buff are hell in piercing that thing. When Cu died at 38k HP... Yup, that’s where my Command Seal went.
Because, I’m too lazy and enough shit of the first two bosses, I had Quetz to do a brave chain to chop this thing away for Oniland to develop >.>
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Cosmos Denial, checked!
Holy grail, checked!
Story-locked CE, checked!
Gotterdammerung aka GOD-FUCKING-DAMN-MERUNG is fucking done!
Things I observed/tips:
On main bosses, like Surtr and Sigurd, don’t bring Servants with mental debuffs because it ain’t working for this entire lostbelt.
This lostbelt is fucking crit lostbelt so if you have Servants who are good defense and survivability, DO BRING. You’ll find this lostbelt may need to have a turtle fight to kill them.
Avoid bringing Servants with Divine traits as I’ve constantly mentioned, or you’ll get either them being unintentional tankers or, their ass being completely burned by Surtr giant boss fight
Origin Bullet CE or ignore Evasion is still your best friend against Caster since Skadi’s own NP and Valkyire’s skill does that.
More stories than fights here but definitely don’t let your guard down especially when the RNG luck goes to favor them
ST NP Servants more recommend against boss fight here, except the fight with three Valkyire. Bring one AOE Saber and wipe them clean while making sure they survive too.
If you want budget Archers against Surtr, Robin Hood (his poison debuff still works on him), David (his NP helps to prevent Surtr from using skill for a turn), Arash (AOE Nuker but still a best one to do it), Billy and Chloe (assuming you actually have her and didn’t start new recently or so)
But main thing about Surtr, you’ll definitely want a team to survive when his HP gauge breaks with buff negate on first break (permanent on 3 turns so basically all Servants skill buff are usually including NP), and skill seal for 3 turns on 2nd break.
Healers are also welcome if you’d like. Especially with limited 2k HP recover per turn, it may outmatch against Surtr’s stacking burn status on your Servants and his unique skill to increase the burn damage.
And since he has his own skill of healing on damage he takes, try to outwit his healing by crit or NP damage.
CE wise? Shroud of Marldage (or Caren Horenista’s CE) that gives defense buff against Male enemies will be very helpful in surviving the fight with Surtr after getting idea from this video for your main DPS Archer
Kiyohime’s CE in boosting attack against male also works well here too.
Regarding fight against Sigurd, Euryale is still more than welcome to be main DPS along with Orion. Only the former’s charm will not work on him.
Only problem about him? His crit can be very often and unexpected so do bring tankers/taunter to deal with him. Also, there’s Ophelia’s buff on him as his Master, but it’s not as bad as with Kadoc, still watch out regardless.
Skadi’s final fight... Other than Origin Bullet if you’re able to get it from gacha... Don’t call her an old hag Beware her own NP gives Valkyire additional crit buff, so again, kill Valkyire first before dealing with her.
Buff and debuff remover especially the latter when she stuns your whole team on second HP break. So, here is where Atlas uniform is really recommended to use or combat uniform to swap them out.
Final boss fight with Giant Phantasmal Tree, feel free to bring Jeanne or Merlin to cast AOE invincbility since unlike in Anastasia Lostbelt, this doesn’t pierce invincibility
But, you’ll require Servants that has Ignore Defense NP because two defense buff at least will be having hell in killing it upon breaking its first HP bar
Origin Bullet is no doubt recommended for main DPS Rider, but other attack boost CE will also help
Beware of its NP, it’ll also remove your defense buff on all your front-line Servants.
Debuff remover are welcome as usual to remove np gain debuff, but you won’t be able to remove two permanent debuff of np gain and hp recovery down before breaking its first HP bar.
Overall, can be manageable once you understood how their skills and gimmicks work unlike Anastasia. But, it also means you shouldn’t take it lightly.
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writingwitchly · 6 years
Hey! ;-) I have a request. could you write a oneshot with young sirius black where his gf like gets poisoned and then faints and sirius catches her but then her life is in danger and she might not survive and sirius worries like crazy. thanks!xx ~ an Anon who gave me some quite hard work
Pairing: Sirius Black x fem!reader Word count: 2,2k  Warning: FREAKIN BLACK FAMILY / poisoning / bullying / dark thoughts / sadness / a much needed hApPiE eNdInG A/N: Ok, let’s be honest. At first, I didn’t know how to write this, I didn’t get ideas for the request, but then it just clicked in my mind and it’s such a relief to share with you the extremely odious and shallow creatures that the Blacks are in my head (Andy, Reg, and Pads deserved so much better, imma cry). Also shiiite, but this got me exhausted, wrote the final part listening to Halo, by Queen B, and it definitely gave me the feelzzz. ’m also kinda proud of how it turned out? Thanks for the request, Anon, feel free to send more in. Enjoy.
“I am sorry I brought you here.”
Yeah. He can be.
The cold air seeps through your pores, and tears have formed two little streams on your cheeks. You wipe them with one of the sleeves of your cardigan, the one you had bought especially for today.
Sirius grabs your elbow and forces you to a halt. His eyes are so full of regret that you almost feel ashamed for crying. Almost.
“I-” But the words die in his mouth.
They are replaced by anger, an ugly anger that hardens your boyfriend’s facial traits. What you just suffered in the house of Orion and Walburga Back bears no name, and deserves no justification.
Two weeks ago, when they heard about their elder son’s girlfriend, Sirius’ parents immediately wrote him a letter. Your boyfriend was quite happy: his family was showing a hint of interest in him for the first time in long years. He was diffident, of course, but even if they are the most horrible people on Earth, they still remain his family. He is proud of you, and thought they would be too.
Like the naive girl that you are, you let Sirius convince you. Maybe it would somehow calm Walburga to meet her future daughter-in-law, you thought. As if this woman was capable of motherly love, or feminine complicity.
When you arrived at the Black manor earlier this evening, a strange weight appeared in your belly at the sight of the abandoned garden and dusty entrance. You told yourself it would disappear soon, believing it was just hunger, but the sensation became heavier when an unhealthy-looking house-elf opened the door, bowing his sad, grayish head until it touched the floor.
Inside, the whole Black clan was waiting for you, superiority and derision already displayed on their faces. The women were sitting in their extravagant dresses, listening to the political discussion that the men were emphasizing by moving their richly jeweled hands in the air. The atmosphere, already full of untold reproaches and hypocrisy, was worsened by the undulating column of smoke that the expensive cigars released in the room.
Sirius was standing next to you as you observed his family members. Even if he looked disgusted by their behavior, you had to admit that, with his immaculate clothes, his perfect hair, and sophisticated features, he fitted well in the picture. A very unpleasant picture of extreme wealth. One to which you do not belong.
As soon as you stepped in, the humiliation started. ‘Her skin looks like a troll’s,’ ‘The load of rags she wears doesn’t even deserve to be called a dress,’ ‘What do you reckon happened to her hair?’ are some of the whispers that filled the place. Almost every present host criticized you blatantly, ignoring the fact that you were standing right in the middle of them all. You felt your boyfriend boiling with rage next to you, but calmed him down with looks of patience and resignation.
Everybody got more bearable when the news that you are pureblood sank in. ‘At least she’s not total garbage,’ laughed Walburga. She even offered you a drink.
Wanting to make a good impression, you lowered your guard, throwing shy smiles here and there, and placing some words in the conversations. You really wanted to help Sirius. You thought things could get better, but their masquerade didn’t last long.
The word ‘mother’ slipped from your tongue, addressing Walburga.
An icy veil fell on the house. All eyes were on you. Sirius’ mother raised from her armchair, and told you to leave. As you didn’t react, she screamed at you. She claimed that she would never allow somebody like you to call her ‘mother’.
Like an automate, you stood up, and your legs carried you toward the door. Behind you, screams and laughter echoed in the living room. You heard Sirius yell something, gasps, the muffled sound of a fist on a jaw, several more hits, and the door closed behind you.
Seconds later, the door slammed again, this time with such an intensity that it could have brought the whole house down. Sirius’ steps joined yours, and you exited the neglected garden in a mutual hurt silence, his nose dripping blood and the sinking feeling in your stomach a million times worse.
“Let’s- Let’s just move over this, okay?”
Your whisper costs you a big effort, because your tongue feels incredibly dry, but it softens the young man’s expression.
“It’s not your fault,” you try to comfort him, hating the thought that he is feeling guilty about the whole story. “It didn’t go that bad.”
Your eyes have a hard time focusing on him. The stress must have gotten to your nerves.
“Of course it didn’t.” His voice is as tense as a violin’s strings. “My whole family just showed how odious they are by being total jerks to the woman I love, my mother threw you out of the house, and I punched and got punched by my father. Funny, isn’t it?”
He furiously wipes his mouth, wet with blood.
With a flick of your wand, you attempt to fix his injury. Your mind is racing to find something to say, because Sirius just entered a vicious cycle of blaming himself for having the worst family ever.
“What I’m saying, love, is that it could have been worse,” you try to sound peaceful, but the pounding veins in your skull only allow you to frown. With a lame smile, you try to joke, “I mean, at least your mother didn’t poison me when she gave me that dri-”
A sharp pain in the ribs makes you buckle, but Sirius retains you before you can fall.
“Y/N? Are you okay? Y/N!”
He holds you to his chest, cupping your lolling head with one hand.
“Y/N! What’s happening?”
Suddenly, comprehension washes over his face.
“Y/N! What did she put in the drink? What color was it?”
Your legs are noodles. The world is spinning. Your mouth involuntarily forms a rictus.
“Y/N! For Merlin’s sake, answer!”
Why does he sound so desperate?
Don’t worry, Sirius, I’m fine here. Stop yelling. The world feels… cold… and empty. But… There are people. They say they are friends. Why can’t I see their faces? Oh, they are shadows.
Spare bits of sentences reach your brain in your semi unconsciousness.
“The drink-”
What drink?
They tell me to take their hands.
Oh yeah, that drink. I didn’t like it. It tasted sour.
But my friends, the shadows, they say I’ll be fine with them.
Why is it so important? If it makes him happy, I can remember. It was… Like his hair. Like his family.
“B- black.”
As soon as the word leaves your mouth, the world becomes darkness.
Frantic pounding resonates in the hallway.
The very last thing that Filch expects to find as he opens the school’s doors on a calm Saturday night is one of his worst nightmares, covered in blood and bruises, holding in his arms an ill-looking body.
“You!” he shouts. “What are yo-”
But Sirius pushes him aside and hurriedly steps in, his face lightening as he recognizes the silhouette standing in a velvet red night robe behind the caretaker.
“Black,” the woman exclaims in return. “I’d rather have you to call me-”
Her eyes widen in shock as she notices you.
“For Godric’s sword, what happened to her?”
Without waiting for an answer, she levitates you from your boyfriend’s arms and they both stride toward the Hospital Wing.
“Black,” she shouts, not caring to wake up half the castle, “How did L/N-”
“Poisoned,” he bitterly admits.
No more words are said until they burst into the Hospital Wing.
“Poppy!” calls Professor McGonagall.
The next moments are of agitation and worry. Madam Pomfrey and her assistant examine thoroughly your skin, eyes, and mouth, while the Head of Gryffindor walks past the exit and runs toward the Headmaster’s office. Sirius is unable to do anything but staring at your inanimate face and biting his nails. With his free hand, he desperately grasps your hand as to keep you in this world.
“When did she take the poison?”
The healer’s voice is so high-pitched that she has to repeat her question before the young man can get the sense of it. As he answers, her expression becomes unreadable.
“Mr. Black, I must ask you to leave this room.” Her cold voice makes Sirius’ hair stand on end.
“What does it mean?” He presses her.
“It means that you need to leave, please. Now,” she answers.
But the boy doesn’t like the idea of it. He doesn’t like the fear in her eyes.
“I won’t! I’m staying with her!”
His voice is hurtful, but the nurse doesn’t change her mind.
Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore, who just arrived in the room, have to force him outside.
As the massive wooden doors lock in front of him, Sirius lets out a cry of pain and frustration and kneels on the floor. It’s all his fault.
If anything happens to you, he will never forgive himself.
Hey, Sirius, look! It’s the same shadows! But they don’t sound as friendly anymore. Why are they laughing?
Oh… It’s not them. It’s your family. It’s the Blacks.
They’re laughing at me. And at you. And at Andy. And at Reg.
Why? What did you do to deserve this?
I thought they would accept me. I thought that in their heart there was a place for you. I thought that they didn’t mind Andy’s silence and different interests. I thought that they loved Regulus, because he does what they want.
But they’ll never accept me. There was a place for you in their heart, except it’s buried under bigotry and pride obsession. They don’t like Andy because she’s not as loud and hypocrite as them. They mock Regulus because he believes in making things better.
They are not laughing anymore, Sirius. They are grabbing my arms. And yours. They want to tear us apart.
Their fingers are icy.
Why can’t I see anymore? I want to open my eyes! I want to scream! I don’t want to leave you!
Where are you?
I need you.
Please stay with me.
I love you.
“I love you…”
Sirius’ words are barely audible, but it’s not like there is anyone to hear them. You can’t hear them.
Madam Pomfrey finally let him in, and he took a seat by your side.
His eyes travel from your strangely colored skin to your grayish hair. The healer said that you’re out of danger and will recover soon, but there still is a ball of concern blocking his throat.
A ray of light caresses his cheek. It’s sunrise, the time of the day you prefer. You always say that it is the best moment to start over. If only you were awake to witness it, to see the glint of light on the glass panels, to observe the clouds’ movement in the sky, to hear your voice saying his na-
His head jerks to face you.
“Y/N?” he whispers, afraid that louder sounds would break you into a million pieces.
He sighs. Was it his imagination?
No, it was not! Your lips moved! It feels so good! He grabs your hand and presses it to his lips.
As you feel his touch, warmness travels through your body, and you force yourself to open your eyes, just a little bit. Through the thin crack, his perfect smudged face and perfect tangled hair come into focus. Also his smile. His perfect bright smile. The one that got you. That made you fall in love.
“Sirius,” you breathe again.
His smile widens.
Yes, this is how he looks better. You want to see him smiling for the rest of your life. You want to make him smile for the rest of your life.
“I love you, Sirius.”
Your mouth feels dry, but it costs you nothing to say it. It’s so natural.
“I love you too, sweetheart,” he fondly answers. “But now you should rest.”
The sunlight comes from behind him, and it shines like an aura around his body. Is it sunrise? It’s the time you prefer, the best moment to start over.
“What are we going to do, Sirius?”
You let your words sink in.
Now that you understood that you can easily lose each other, what are you going to do?
He is aware of your anxiety, because he shares it.
“We are going to love each other forever, Y/N. We’ll buy ourselves a house wherever you want, grow our children there, and live the happiest life ever. I’ll keep you away from the bad things, I’ll never let anything happen to you. Never ever again. I love you too much.”
He tenderly squeezes your hand, making a mental note to kiss you as if his life depended on it as soon as you’d get better.
Your fingers intertwined, a smile on your lips, and your heart in peace, you allow the sleep to take over you.
Yes, it’s definitely sunrise.
Permanent tag list: @daytodayfun @miss-nerd0905 @funnymrspotter
Sirius tag list: @glitteryfreakslimeegg
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nibimatatabi · 7 years
@hogwarts-junkie just because you deserve to see something that’s not angst-y or Puffett centered from me XD
Summary: From that same fanfiction I'm never going to write (at least not in full), I would like to present Time Traveling Wizards. Because I like happy-ish endings. Cassandra pulls some weird wibbly-wobbly crap and the result is a not-so-sweet Black reunion (not so sweet yet; again, this is just an excerpt from something I don't have the time to write). Word Count: 1638
Cassandra sat cross legged on the kitchen floor, flipping through a photo album. Sebastian was on her knee, and Orion was laying across her shoulders. The kneazle was asleep, while the half kneazle was watching Cassandra's fingers. "I know I saw it two years ago," she muttered, thumbing through the album. Her ginger feline mrred at her, shifting his weight. Cassandra was half listening for footsteps. She should have been asleep, knew it, but... the door opened behind her and she shifted, dropping her shoulder to keep Orion from sliding off. Turning her head, she offered a faint smile to Sirius. "Hey," he was pale. He was ignoring her. Cassandra exhaled, turned back to the photo album.
"Come to bed," Sirius was digging in the cabinet when he said it. Cassandra's thumb marked her spot, her eyebrows drawing together. "Please," she heard him pouring something, but didn't want to look.
"Give me a minute to go change," she finally murmured, closing the photo album and picking up Sebastian around the middle. The old, fat cat mrred again. Sirius watched her get up, his eyes dull. Cassandra knew the sleepless look, the look that meant 'haunted.' "Your room?"
"Drawing room." Cassandra nodded her head slightly. He had said it too sharply before downing the amber liquid. Fire Whiskey. Cassandra carried Sebastian upstairs, her other hand holding Orion in place so she wouldn't fall. When she stopped outside of Regulus's room she put them both down, waking up Orion in the process. Her bag was in there, because she was putting on a good show for the kids. Not sleeping with Sirius and all, definitely going home after meetings - yeah. Sure. Cassandra opened the door, sliding her fingers through her hair. And through her hair, dragging it over her shoulder. Her eyebrows came together. There was a candle glowing on the desk. The window was open. About the time her brain suggested intruder she was aware that her hair hadn't been below her shoulders since she was seventeen. She had chopped it off and not let it grow back out, controlling that one thing. The only thing she could. Canopus flew through the window, and Cassandra recognized her blue ribbon that she used. She had found the whole store of them in the drawer. "I fell asleep walking through the door," she stated. Calm. Rational. Canopus hooted at her - confusion from the owl if Cassandra had ever heard such a thing.
Cassandra brought her hand to her mouth, tapping three fingers against her lips. Finally she walked over to the desk, Canopus following her movements. A letter sat, in Regulus's careful handwriting, with his initials. She read it once and felt her heart speed up. The second time through she couldn't breath. Her brain was playing a cruel, awful trick on her in her sleep. She was going to wake up crying she just knew it. Cassandra got up from the chair, turned, her lungs starting to hurt from not exhaling, and then the air rushed from them because Regulus was in the doorway. He looked exhausted and bewildered and scared and Cassandra's brain couldn't keep up with everything. "What are you doing here? You can't be here, you shouldn't be here, Cassandra," he crossed the room, grabbed her wrist.
"Don't," she whispered. Begging in one word.
"You have to leave. Now," he was firm. Almost forceful as he pulled her. She wrapped her hand around his wrist.
"It isn't safe," words she knew, words that he had always said. He started to push her back out the door. She saw his eyes flicker. Cassandra held fast, shaking her head, heart in her throat. She pulled his wrist, pulled him toward her as she half staggered into the hall. She caught a cat's tail under her foot, heard the yowl as she fell back into Sirius's door.
"What the ever loving fuck," she gasped, between hitting the door and finding a familiar, older, man halfway on her. He was braced with one hand on the door over her shoulder, gasping and coughing as if the wind had been knocked out of him. Cassandra's hand still held fast around his wrist, her mind trying to catch up. If she wasn't dreaming - and she would have bet the farm she was - then she had just broken every single law that governed time travel. "Regulus," she released her death grip on his wrist, bringing her hand up to his cheek, her mind alternating between being a healer and being a stunned, perhaps terrified...whatever she was.
Regulus struggled for a moment to catch his breath. He could feel cold hands clawing at his arms, neck, face; could feel the icy water flooding his mouth and nose, throat and lungs as he tried to scream. It was the last memory he had before this. Perhaps that wasn't right. He couldn't place when she had grabbed him now, couldn't make sense of what was going on. "What did you do?" He half growled, more angry with himself for failing than for her for whatever she had just done. He found her hand, her small fingers on his cheek, and pulled it away. "What did you DO, Cassandra?!" He raised his voice, but the look in her eyes didn't change. Fear had settled in her as much as in him, but he was better at hiding it.
Cassandra opened her mouth, fumbling for words, but it seemed she wasn't going to get to say anything. While his voice hadn't been loud enough to wake the children, it had woken his mother. Walburga's shrieks made Cassandra realize, more than stepping on her cat, that she was awake. Even in her nightmares she couldn't reproduce the witch's screams. "I don't know. But I need to go shut your mother up before Sirius does something stupid," her mouth moved independent of her actual desires. She pushed Regulus back gently, scrambling to her feet. Regulus followed her, confused, concerned. Cassandra bounced down the stairs, rounding the corner onto the hall. "Oi! Direct your insults to me, not your kids," she snarled as she approached the portrait. Sirius was leaning against the drawing room doorframe, staring at the painting mutely.
"You! Filthy mudblood scourge of the earth in my home! How dare you defile the House of Black!"
"Oh pretty easily since your sons seem to like me for whatever reason," Cassandra hissed in return, hooking her nails into the curtain.
"She's dead..." Regulus's voice came up the hall. Walburga went silent. Sirius's head snapped over.
"Regulus? IS THAT MY SON YOU FILTHY WHORE?!" Walburga wailed, clawing at the inside of her portrait.
"I did not just break so many laws for YOU to interrupt, Madame Black. Now shut. Your. Mouth," Cassandra wrenched the moth eaten curtains closed and wheeled around. Both men had their wands drawn. "Jesus H Christ," Cassandra considered Regulus the threat, moving between the two with her back to Sirius. "None of that. From either of you. If you can't have a civil conversation tonight it can wait til the morning," she threatened with her hand on Regulus's wrist.
"This isn't your fight, Cassandra," Regulus spoke softly, without looking at her.
"Like hell. It's been my fight for years," she took note of the kids, of Harry Potter drawing his wand. Her lip curled slightly. "Put it down," she warned.
"He's threatening Sirius. Who is he? Why did you bring him here?" Harry demanded immediately.
"He's always threatened me. He's my brother," Sirius answered, speaking slowly to keep his words clear. Cassandra chanced a glance over her shoulder, judging how well Sirius was keeping it together. Not well. Not well at all.
"Your brother is dead; you said he got himself killed by Death Eaters for trying to get out," Harry's eyes didn't leave Regulus's back.
"That's not-" Regulus stopped. He owed no one an explanation. Not even Cassandra, who was still trying to push his wand down, trying to keep him and Sirius from doing something rash. He reached out with his other hand, placing it against the small woman's hip. She seemed disarmed by that, the pressure on his wrist faltering.
"He's a Death Eater. What did you DO Cassandra?" Harry asked sharply, angrily. Cassandra's eyes narrowed. She had never taken well after Hogwarts of being demanded answers.
"That is a conversation for me to have with Sirius and Kingsley. Not with children. Children who shouldn't even be involved in this," involving children was why the man in front of her had died. Was why she still felt like she was dreaming, even though the tension in the small hall was all too real.
"Go back to bed, Harry. She's right. This is...an adult matter," Sirius's voice was thick, some of the words slurring slightly as he tried to remain in control. It couldn't be Regulus, and yet the way Cassandra had immediately moved to his defense, he knew it had to be. She would see every Death Eater burn except for Regulus. Sirius was suddenly very glad he was on his way to being black out drunk.
"Go," he repeated, his weight falling back against the doorframe. It was audible, because Cassandra turned to look at him. She wavered a moment, torn, and then moved from Regulus. Sirius shook his head, tried to prove he was fine, but staggered as he tried to get back into the drawing room.
"Both of you have too much pride sometimes," her voice was soft. Sirius wanted to yell at her, but couldn't find the strength. Regulus was alive. His brother was somehow alive. He was okay. Sirius had started to cry, which was alarming to Cassandra. She retreated once he had sat down to Regulus.
It was going to prove to be a very long night.
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ofsilverevents-blog · 7 years
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DATE: March 19th TIME: 1PM LOCATION: Palace Gathering Hall
No one sees it coming, the end of the world.
ORION CALORE stands before the crowd of people gathered once again to hear his voice cascade over the people of Norta. They’ve been waiting not for what feels like years, the women having been told from birth that this moment was to be the one they were raised for, the one moment in time that they had to shine, even if they spent the rest of their life in the shadows. They crowd together, shoulders knocking against shoulders as they all push and shove, desperate for a good view of the new Flame of the North.
“ People of Norta, I come before you today to announce what exactly it is that Crownstrial will consist of. ” There are murmurs, of course, little things spoken in hushed tones under a person’s breath; some that whisper devotion to the new king and some that whisper he’s filled with pure madness, a kind of idiocy that only a young man can have. “ There will be three trials that contestants must not only complete, but succeed in. They will fall under the categories of body, mind, and heart, none of which will be easy. Some contestants will win one category, while others may defeat them in another. Whoever does best in all three and also wins the hearts of the people will become my partner under the weight of the crown. ”
He pauses then, unsure of whether or not he has more than he wants to say. His half-sister, EVELINA NOR, gives him an encouraging smile from her place at the front of the crowd, one that says You’re doing great, Ri. Don’t worry. She’s always been a flower girl, nothing like the snake that surround her.
It’s glorious, for a few moments, a king taking in the gazes of his people. But then it is not.
He cuts his speech short, a man willing to leave his people playing more and more guessing games. ORION CALORE is just beginning to walk away from his podium when it happens. His back is turned, feet carrying him down the stairs and away from his people when two enormous flashes go off in quick succession, their timers just out of sync. He is surrounded on all sides by guards before he can even realize that they have been attacked. 
Suddenly EVELINA’S smile has faded from her face, the bomb hidden inside of the king’s podium having gone off only inches away from her. In an attempt to save their best friend. NARCISA WELLE dives towards the baseborn daughter, only to doom them both to a dark fate. 
ADELINE CALORE and her lady-in-waiting, ROMILLY GLIACON, are blown backwards from their place at the edge of the stage, the bomb having gone off a few feet in away from them. CALDER GLIACON sees the both of them fall from their place upon the stage, watches as each of them falls from grace backwards into some state of oblivion where he can see neither. There are too many faces between them for him to see where they’ve landed ( Damnit, he knew he should’ve been standing closer. ). Instead he finds the hands, usually so tender and full of a intentional kind of gentility, of NYSSA SAMOS wrapping around his own forearms like a vice grip.
JACALYN BLAKE and PORTIA BARNES stand behind the stage, watching in horror as those they serve are blown back by the impact. The impact strikes them too, but Portia is hit harder than Jack, her head knocking into the floor and her body limp. She is alive, but wounded, and Jack rushes to her side before a searing sensation stops her from helping further. Her back feels as though something is clawing its way out, and she screams, terrified and in pain. She falls to her knees, and the sight spurs GALEN DEAN from the fringes of the room, unharmed but concerned for her as most in the vicinity focus only on the royals. There is something strange about the bones around her spine, something unnatural, and it becomes apparent that the bomb is not the only unexpected event of the day.
None of them have ever know such terror.
MELODY WALSH had been bringing out more pastries to decorate the ever decadent tables when the flash of light came, followed by a deafening crack of red and yellow flame that seems to engulf the place the new king had once been standing. Perhaps by chance, or perhaps the fate’s have dug their hand’s into the situation and thrust like souls together, CALISTA EAGRIE finds herself in the arms of Melody, having been thrust into the other girl with the force of the blast. There is dust on her face and ash in her lungs and she is blinded by the smoke in the room.
THELONIOUS GRECO, half-deaf ( as, it would seem, are so many others ) from the blast, does not hear KASSIOPEA NOLLE shouting for him from across the gathering hall. They’re all desperate to know why this has happened, but the time for running was now, not for questioning, and so she runs from the room, plowing directly into AREUM MARINOS who has clearly by struck by the blast, her body covered in wounds from flying shrapnel. THELONIOUS, instead of searching for his comrades, finds himself preoccupied with saving everyone nearest to him. He happens upon a battered SURIEL ARVEN, who collapses into Theo’s arms, his leg unable to carry his weight any longer. They both are trying to make their way through the destruction when none other than NICOLAUS LARIS stumbles into them, desperate to grab onto Theo’s other side. He misses, however, and crumbles to the ground where he hits his head on a broken piece of cement. 
He was dead on impact. 
Meanwhile, OCTAVIAN RHAMBOS is drawn away from the crowds trampling and into a side hallway, one just adjacent to the gathering hall; he thinks it is meant for servants. Low and behold, he finds none other than DIEM HYNSON struggling to lift rubble off of a young red boy -- TATE WHITCOMB, whose pulse is slowly petering out into dead silence. There is a moment where he pauses -- does he run and save him self, or does he stay and potentially face the wrath of another bomb? In the end he resolves himself to step forward and help this red girl save her compatriot.
There’s slice cutting its way across EIRA JACOS’ clavicle, making its way from the base of her neck to her shoulder, as she goes in desperate search of her betrothed. In a rush to find him among the chaos, however, she runs right into the unwelcoming arms of RAHUL PROVOS. Gracelessly, they both fall to the ground, RAHUL crying out has their shoulder makes some kind of snapping noise when it hits the ground
In the end, there is only destruction. There, among the rubble and decay, sit three lost souls. EMORY and LEIRA OSANOS cradle their mother, still gasping for breath as wooden fragments ravage her abdomen, not a single blood healer in sight. It would seem they’ve all been whisked to the side of the king, who must be protected at all costs, apparently.
But perhaps the worst of all is MARIUS CALORE as they hold in their arms the weight of a soul who met its maker the moment the bomb went off, EVELINA CALORE, a flower trampled, never to grow back. First they lost a father, and now a sister. How were the people to take the Crown seriously when they kept dropping like flies?
In all the chaos, no one sees the little red girl with a can of red paint in her hands, staining her fingertips with crimson retribution. She pulls a paint brush from her smock and in huge letters upon the stage where Orion once stood, she paints these words:
                                                           WE ARE COMING.
A guard tackles the little thing just as she puts the final dot at the end -- a promise of worse to come. They’ll say it was the Scarlet Guard, this act of terrorism, a radical and callous act of bloodshed. If only they knew how wrong that was.
Everyone has scattered, it would seem, running through the castle like rabid mice, like the vermin their attackers know they are. There are countless wounded, so many that there is no way the skin healers will be able to get to them all in time, especially not as guards usher silvers into the bunkers beneath the castle; skin healers are in short supply, and they can only be in one place at a time. The dead are all around, mother’s and father’s, children, friends -- everyone has lost someone, something that binds them to happiness.
If someone would just squint through the smoke and the flames, they would see a smile, a devious, devastating little thing. They lurk in the shadows like the master puppeteers they are. While everyone runs around frantically, like birds with their heads cut off, the others standing outside in the gardens, safe from the flames in the warm embrace of sunlight.
A red boy runs up to his masters, his chest heavy with the weight of dead souls and falling ash.
“ Did the Flame survive? ” she questions, her head tilting downwards to meet the eyes of her servant. 
“ Yes, my Lady; he cut his speech short. ” 
“ No matter, ” she begins, the twist of her mouth saying she would have preferred him dead. There is nothing brash about the woman standing there now. She stands, spine straightened, her deception like poisonous belladonna in the hands of fate. 
“ The little king is rapidly running out of luck. ”
The event will be from March 19th to March 26th. 
It will begin at 1PM Eastern with the characters having just gathered in the hall.
Additional information can be found below the cut.
Hello members — As you have read above, this is an event that effects everyone. Anybody who liked this post should be mentioned somewhere above, as well as any New Bloods (who must be present for their abilities to trigger), but if not send the main a message and one of us admins will make sure to edit your character in. Additionally, if you did not like the post mentioned and you now want your character involved, send us a message and we’ll come up with something for you. A couple of things that need mentioning:
NEW BLOODS HAVE ALL BEEN TRIGGERED. A post with a list of those characters abilities will be posted separately later tonight.
There are many people who died during this attack, but in canon we’ve only killed LADY OSANOS, EVELINA CALORE, NICOLAUS LARIS, and NARCISA WELLE. If you would really like, you may message the main and ask permission for a parent and / or servant of your character to have undergone some serious injuries as well. 
Dates for this event may be tagged anytime from MARCH 19th to MARCH 25th. Flashback threads of course may occur, and threads may be played out from previous events, but any new starters should occur within these dates. 
Starters can be anything from your characters during Orion’s speech about Crownstrial, to the bomb itself, or your character in the bunkers below the castle where the guards have ushered (almost) everyone. 
This attack was not the work of the Scarlet Guard, but they are currently the most likely suspect. This should be a hot topic for discussion. 
If your character was mentioned as having injuries, the exact extent to which they are injured is entirely up to you as the mun. 
We’ve done our best to more or less place all of the characters into pairings for what is going on during the bomb, and therefore would love to see these interactions played out either on the dash, or your may do it in a chatzy if you wish -- we just ask that you post a final script to the dash so that we can read and enjoy! 
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