#out of character. ❖﹙ come inside and be afraid of this impressive mess i've made. ﹚
furyisms · 8 months
new layout who dis--
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akuzeisms · 1 year
I do not miss the Mako in ME2 and ME3.
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solheimisms · 2 years
#headcanon. ❖﹙ i don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me ⋄ i'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams. ﹚#musings. ❖﹙ i don't like your kingdom keys ⋄ they once belonged to me. ﹚#promos. ❖﹙ you made a really deep cut ⋄ and baby now we got bad blood. ﹚#psa. ❖﹙ take those mental shackles off and throw them away. ﹚#blog updates. ❖﹙ for so long your focus has been taken away ⋄ now you're breaking away. ﹚#out of character. ❖﹙ come inside and be afraid of this impressive mess i've made. ﹚#mains call. ❖﹙ now did you think it all through ⋄ all these things will catch up to you. ﹚#saved. ❖﹙ and then the world moves on but one thing's for sure ⋄ maybe i got mine but you'll all get yours. ﹚#selfpromo. ❖﹙ i'm sorry but the old miri can't come to the phone right now ⋄ why? oh cause she's dead. ﹚#dash games. ❖﹙ did you think we'd be fine? still got scars on my back from your knife. ﹚#music. ❖﹙ i see how this is gonna go ⋄ island breeze and lights down low. ﹚#visuals. ❖﹙ so don't think it's in the past ⋄ these kinds of wounds they last and they last. ﹚#ic meme. ❖﹙ but if I'm a thief then you can join the heist ⋄ and we'll move to an island. ﹚#ooc meme. ❖﹙ i forget their names now ⋄ i'm so very tame now. ﹚#answered. ❖﹙ i've got a list of names ⋄ and yours is in red underlined. ﹚#starter call. ❖﹙ i see nothing better ⋄ i'll keep you forever like a vendetta. ﹚#past. ❖﹙ but if he's a ghost then i can be a phantom ⋄ holding him for ransom. ﹚#me1. ❖﹙ i don't like your perfect crime ⋄ how you laugh when you lie. ﹚#me2. ❖﹙ but i got smarter ⋄ i got harder in the nick of time. ﹚#me3. ❖﹙ honey i rose up from the dead ⋄ i do it all the time. ﹚#me3 au. ❖﹙ you said the gun was mine ⋄ isn't cool no i don't like you. ﹚#postwar. ❖﹙ you asked me for a place to sleep ⋄ locked me out and threw a feast. ﹚#open starter. ❖﹙ i don't like your little games ⋄ don't like your tilted stage. ﹚#andromeda. ❖﹙ the world goes on another day another drama ⋄ but not for me all i think about is karma. ﹚#plot call. ❖﹙ i don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me ⋄ i'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams. ﹚
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My advice for Robert Hight.... Quote from this article: "Thankfully for Hight, someone else did notice. Adria Force, the oldest of John's four daughters, was on her way to becoming JFR's chief financial officer. She took pity on the guy her age whom she kept seeing hammering away at his station during all hours of the day and night. So she invited him to come out with her and some friends. "I said no way," he remembers now, laughing. "When you're hired by John the first rule he lays down is that his daughters are off-limits. There was no way I was going to break that rule." Adria broke it for him. She went to her dad, told him that she felt bad for this guy who was her age but had no life because he working all the time and that she wanted to take him out. Force relented and she asked Hight out. Now they are husband and wife, parents to a 10-year-old daughter." ____________ I see his daughter all the time. In fact I think my dad saw her on the TV. So I was telling my dad about how Robert broke the record because yeah I did not like he broke Matt's record but I wasn't gonna express about it. I didn't hold it that much to my life. So then I explained to my dad all the stuff I don't like about Robert mostly just to impress my dad because he knows way more about NHRA and NASCAR than I do. So when I explained how Adria is all cooped up the in office and he never lets her out my dad said "but I thought she used to drive, Ashley wasn't that her name? She was the first one of the girls that started driving with him" And I told my dad yeah "3 of his girls drive or have driven and yeah Ashley quit to start a family and her husband works on Courtney's car. But he has Another daughter he had with his first wife and she's hidden and I don't like that either" My dad didn't say anything about my being critical of others lives or how it isn't my business. He just said "okay. So he beat him?" And I said "yeah but I think it's just because he was driving a highway patrol car. You know CHiPs the TV show? Yeah he's got his car painted like that this weekend, it's pretty nice. But I don't like him in it tho, I wish it was someone else" someone like me. But I did silently give Robert credit. I felt that he believes in the police force. Believes that one day justice that I fight for for victims will be seen all around the world. And one day I can say a quiet "thank God" and know I've busted my ass for something worthwhile that had an actual end to it. I hoped that that was something that Robert Hight and I had in common. I hoped that was something the law enforcement that's on these cases I've​ been busting my ass for have in common. I hoped and still do that that was the reason that he broke Matt's record. And I hoped that he broke it because it means that the end is soon and I can stop thinking about caring about all the stuff that I think and care about and focus on me. And know that in the past I did something absolutely marvelous that no one, even me, especially me ever thought that I could do. And that's how the conversation ended with my dad. And I know he sat and prayed and hoped the same thing. He's lived every single day for 32 years in deep fear of bad cops, stupid cops, piece of shit cops and bad people they let run wild, like Jesse Gregory James and Jack Rutherford. I haven't. And after I thought and prayed and wished all I said I did. I prayed that it would be over for my father as well. And that he will finally have that deep peace that every great parent deserves. And he said "don't worry about me. Just get it done" And so the only advice I feel to give Robert Hight is to expose his wife. I saw on Twitter and Instagram the three younger Force sisters wish each other great siblings/sister day. But I saw nothing about Adria. I never hear her name. I don't even know what she looks like. So absolutely it may be her choice to be in the office, hidden from criticism and the always prying and watching eye But why can't Robert Hight whom has an absolutely volotile temper that even I don't mess with (just because I think he's a stupid jerk whom thinks everyone one else is stupid and I don't fight with people that every one can see is stupid because they tell on themselves) use that to protect his wife? Why can't she be out in the open? Matt has a few issues with me, alot Because of stupid myths about health. And he doesn't want me to be judged because of the way I look or the crazy antics I am. He doesn't want to have to defend me because of who I am. Because of the way God made me. It's more about it's what God did not what I want. And because he knows how I am, he doesn't want to deal with it. But it has nothing to do with me. It has everything to do with how people want to hurt others to get ahead or pretend like they're not trying to hurt someone by purposely trying to hurt them. Because it makes him mad. So why can't Robert Hight change and hate who he used to be? He's a great example of a piece of shit. So he knows exactly what kind of people are pieces of shit that need their noses wiped on shit. So why can't he be honest and he all "I got a trophy wife because that's what I wanted. I wanted to climb to the top and I did and I made it and I'm gonna defend the woman that took pity on me and never ever let anyone hurt her or talk her down and I'm gonna have her center stage with me all the dam time!!!"? Why is that so hard? Matt does it all the time. Of course he learned from the Queen of Awesome (me. Hello. You're paying attention right? I'm the queen say it out loud. DO IT. I'm jk) when he was only a baby in diapers. Friday night when Robert was taunting me and being stupid Matt told him "hey! She's not in this!!!" I wasn't I kept to myself. I stayed quiet. I talked to my dad about it. I said nothing. I didn't say anything nice but I didn't say anything mean either. I decided to take Peace. So him taunting me was not okay. Parading around like he taught his Gramma how to give him a blow job under the table while he fed her nothing but corn beef and hash and she was sucking his dick hiding the tweezers so no one else could see anything but an overly dramatic blow job. He should not had said what he said about me. So I should not said what I said bout his Gramma?????? I didn't say anything about her. I said how shitty his character is. It was all about him Just like it always is. Anyways That's my piece of advice for Robert Hight. The same advice people have given to Jesse James and to Matt Hagan about "hiding" me. Stop hiding your wife, dude. Tell her she's beautiful in the social media. Say you're proud of her. Say you love her. Say it enough and you might believe it. I'm so tired of not seeing Adria and not because I'm nosy but because I have empathy. I feel for her. The snubbing. The sister bond she's not part of. Every one says that Laurie Force is the driving force behind John Force. But she wasn't the only person in his life. In fact they actually separated more than once because she could not handle John Force and as far as the crash that Courtney had last year, she still can't handle John Force. So she's not the best that there ever was. So is she part of the whole hiding Adria?? John fucked someone other than me...?? He did it before they met so what of it. So maybe Adria can't stand the woman. John couldn't for awhile. I'm quite sure of that. But he's tried to make it work. Point is that there should be no reason that my dad doesn't even know that Adria exists. No reason why shes not on TV not on the starting line. Maybe she's fat. Everyone loves Terry Chandler. I think she was beautiful. She still is. Not only inside but outside. And she wasn't a tiny little girl. She was a big momma. So there's no reason whatsoever. Because have you seen Connie Kalitta? His son Scott got his looks from his momma, let me tell you. But even if I try to make people hate Connie, they still do. So maybe she's shy. Robert is not shy and he's got this great loud attitude and spirit that's absolutely a blessing when he wants to show off in a business manner. He's a good talker and he's got a great voice, good charm and no one ever ever tell the hulk, but Robert is alright looking. Now she won't get what I get when people see me with Matt. Cause all the bitches, hoes, whores, sluts, street rats and Everyone in between are gonna hate on me hard and he's gonna be so broken about it. He needs to work on it. So it doesn't bother him. So really Robert. Quit hiding the woman that bestowed a beautiful heart upon you. Learn to be patient with her. Learn her. Learn she truly cares about YOU (or did she might hate you, idk) Take her out of the dark cobwebbed office and let her out in the sunshine and let her heart be free. And protect her with that bad ass attitude that's not even afraid of me.. That's the best advice anyone can ever give. Because I can guarantee you and everyone else, she's a very unhappy wife, daughter and sister. Make time.
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furyisms · 8 months
Eron & Alisa: “good god here we are playing the role of a cheesy spy vid, how tf did we end up here???”
me & En: *giggling uncontrollably like masterminds in the background*
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akuzeisms · 1 year
kat has new banners and I am the big proud of how good they look--
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akuzeisms · 1 year
Crazy shit you sign up for dealing with Katrina:
Fighting giant alien plants with mind-control spores
Discovering ancient race’s technologies
launching ground vehicles through uncharted foreign mass relays into the heart of the galaxy’s main space station hub
snarking at politicians (and hanging up on them for fun)
snarking at ancient synthetic-organic aliens hell-bent on genocide
explosions. like a lot of explosions.
stealing the galaxy’s most advanced warship
near-death (and Kat herself dying)
investigating ghost-town colonies where everyone disappears without a trace or evidence
did I mention telling synthetic-organic genocide-mongering aliens to get bent???? it happens again.
abusing your good looks and charm for sweet discounts from every store you can think of
shitting your hardsuit while you face down giant carnivorous ground worms while your krogan squadmate laughs like it’s a game (god damn it, Grunt)
chasing down homicidal asari serial killers that mind-fuck people to death (literally)
travelling through the un-passable mass relay that the weird aliens live behind.... and coming back alive (a feat no one’s ever accomplished)
did we mention human-synthetic aliens that resemble a creepy humanoid???
blowing up mass relays with giant asteroids and wiping out entire star systems
waving a red flag at the mother of all carnivorous ground worms so it’ll go play with the giant genocidal space robot that you’re (barely) dodging ON FOOT
curing a hundreds-years-old genetic virus for your aggressive krogan buddies
(begrudgingly) saving politicians from other politicians that are trying to stage a coup (at least you get to shoot one of them…)
taking a diving mech down to the bottom of the ocean on an uncharted planet to discover aliens with crazy mind-control and convince them to be your BFF against the genocidal space robots
building a space WMD that you have no idea works but YOLO when everything’s going to shit anyway
finding out your Commander executes marine life as a hobby (by falling through a fish tank…)
finding out your favourite Commander has a clone trying to steal her identity (and she’s a bitch…)
getting shot at on ladders… where are those conveniently placed crates when you need one????
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furyisms · 2 years
#psa. ❖﹙ take those mental shackles off and throw them away. ﹚#blog updates. ❖﹙ for so long your focus has been taken away ⋄ now you're breaking away. ﹚#out of character. ❖﹙ come inside and be afraid of this impressive mess i've made. ﹚#headcanon. ❖﹙ you thought you broke us ⋄ don't tell me that you didn't hear. ﹚#musings. ❖﹙ now look who's laughing? nah ⋄ you don't wanna play with us. ﹚#promos. ❖﹙ you were a comet and i lost it ⋄ time to spread my wings and fly. ﹚#dash games. ❖﹙ live for something ⋄ never surrender and never back down. ﹚#music. ❖﹙ take our punches and hit the floor ⋄ gonna take a little more. ﹚#visuals. ❖﹙ been knocked out been beat down ⋄ ain't nothing you can tell us now. ﹚#ic meme. ❖﹙ can't hate us when we're just who you wanna be ⋄ we're what you made us. ﹚#ooc meme. ❖﹙ every day a castaway ⋄ a vagabond battle-born. ﹚#answered. ❖﹙ i've been a thousand places ⋄ and shook a million hands. ﹚#starter call. ❖﹙ i don't know where i'm going ⋄ but i know just where i've been. ﹚#open starter. ❖﹙ once upon a time i had an open point of view ⋄ but that was just so long ago. ﹚#me1. ❖﹙ bring the pain we're not fazed ⋄ we know it's coming anyway. ﹚#me2. ❖﹙ you were a comet and i lost it ⋄ watching for comets will i see you again? ﹚#me3. ❖﹙ struggle succeed ⋄ rewind and repeat. ﹚#me3 squad. ❖﹙ second that you think we're done ⋄ coming like an icon. ﹚#postwar. ❖﹙ even when they all say odds are a million to one ⋄ funny we already won. ﹚#andromeda. ❖﹙ it's not too late for broken hearts ⋄ take my hand make me wish on a star. ﹚#saved. ❖﹙ i've flown a million miles ⋄ and i've rode so many more. ﹚
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