#panna cakes are actually a thing?? They were served at dex's diner
hi! can you maybe do a cute/fluffy story of ezra surprises y/n on a date (and maybe a kiss)? I would love to see this!
Stressed out
Requested: yes!
Warnings: does being tired from work count?
A/N: ah, the random knowledge you find on the wookiepedia rabbitholes... I may have a very good understanding of cake in the galaxy ffa now. This was so nice to write, kinda different from what I usually do but I guess you'll be the judges of the final product hahaha
Pronouns of reader: she/her
To say that your morning had been disapointing was a serious understatement.
A few months ago, when rebel command offered you a position as an intelligenge analyst, you felt honoured at the opportunity to make a bigger difference and help even more with your big ideas.
Today, however, was just another frustrating attempt at getting to see some action, even after you gathered all the intel and designed the entire course of action. They always insisted on giving the mission to someone else.
-"nothing?" - Ezra asks as you step into the hall of the rebel base on Yavin IV, where you'd taken that frustration out on some innocent pillows from your bed moments before.
-"I'm seriously starting to loose hope, Ezra"
-"What did they say this time?"
-"The usual 'Thank you for the suggstion. We'll take it under advisement'."
-"That's an improvment! Last time they said 'no, and that's final'"
-"If you ask me, i think they're just trying to find different ways to let me down easily"
-"Well...at least you tried?" - he takes your hand trying to comfort you, and you sigh as he leads you two outside for some fresh air.
-"It feels like 'trying' is all i've been doing lately. What is it that Kanan said once? Do or do not-"
-"there is no try" - he finishes with a smile - "it was actually Master Yoda who said it first, i think?"
-"The point is, if even Jedi wisdom says I should be doing more than trying, there's got to be something i can do to get my hands dirty for once"
-"Jedi wisdom would also tell you to be patient, young one" - he puts on a serious face only to break out a grin afterwards, and you laugh at his efforts to try and cheer you up.
-"we're the same age, Ezra" - you say through giggles
-"Thank the Force. Or else I wouldn't be able to do this" - he spins you and brings your face closer, planting a kiss on your lips you're more than happy to reciprocate. For a moment, you let your worries escape as his company makes it a bit easier to relax.
It doesn't last long though, as you hear a robotic voice call from behind you:
-"Excuse me, commander bridger" - the droid you recognize as AP-5 looks like he would give you an eyeroll if he could - "but captain Syndulla requests your presence immediately at hangar 4. So if you are quite done with your lip-sucking we should leave at once."
You can't help but snort at what he computed a kiss as. 'Lip-sucking is one way to describe it, I guess'
-"Sorry, I have to go now"- Ezra doesn't know weither to laugh as well or scold the droid for interrupting like that - "but I'll see you at 8?"
-"what happens at 8?"
-"we go on a date. You need to relax a little, do something fun!"
You don't get a chance to reply, as he's being dragged away in a hurry by AP-5. Normally you'd object, saying you had too much work, but now it didn't seem like a bad idea; it's not like you had a mission to go to, anyway.
-"I'm not sure we're authorized to be here right now" - you whisper, but he hushes you while opening the double doors and turning on the light.
This was his idea of a fun time.
But, if his intention was to take your mind off of work, he was certainly on the right path: you would be too worried with not getting caught by anyone at that hour (the kitchen was supposed to be closed, you see) and not burning anything you made to a crisp to even think about anything else.
-"c'mon, let's put our baking skills to the test!" - he starts going through the drawers until the supplies are finally found.
-"Ezra, you can't put to the test what you don't have"
-"Hey, speak for yourself! Chef Bridger is always ready to prepare you a delicious meal."
-"and what will chef bridger be making today, huh?"- you try, but can't stop the smile growing on your face
-"let's see, uhhh" - he skims throuhg a book until his eye lands on the dessert section -"how about... some hotcakes?"
-"hmm, lemme see" - you read rhrough the instructions when he hands you the book -"oh, so it's like a pancake. Sounds easy enough."
-"A panna cake? Those are next page, i think."
-"No, not those. Pancakes." - you smile and put the book on the counter, starting to set the ingredients aside - "it's a famous food where i come from. Though panna cakes are quite similar."
-"Huh, can't say i ever tried it. Now you'll have to make some for me" - he shoots you a sly grin and recieves paper towels on the face in return.
-"Aha, no way, mister. You're helping me" - you turn around, gesturing for him to help you with the apron.
-"Alright, since you insist," - he fumbles with it for a while, but gives you a quick smooch once he's done -"I'll stay here with you. But only if I get mine with zoochberries"
-"as you wish, sir"
-"and please, don't call me mister or sir." - he chuckes and shoves a tall chef hat, posing ridiculously for you to snort.
- "The name's Bridger. Chef Bridger"
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