#please tell me there isn't anything problematic about messi that'd suck
itscooltoskate · 7 months
Lionel Messi 🤝 Timo Boll
Wonder child
Can effortlessly switch hands/feet and still make incredible shots
Stayed in one club for nearly all his career
Is/was the mvp of said club
Loved by everyone
A true players’ player
Has won pretty much every trophy there is
Has been no 1 with 36 +-1 years old
True sportsmanship
Can't separate him from his respective mate/coffee
Really cares about and takes time for his fans
Just a guy™ with some massive talent and a hobby
No drama, unproblematic king
Married to childhood sweetheart
Been a pro athlete for way longer than normal people
Getting retirement questions in interviews and answering them with “I’ll play for as along as I enjoy it and haven’t thought of that yet”
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Most importantly: adorable af
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I rest my case.
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