#pls DM me or comment here if you've got anything to say/add!!
speakofcompersion · 4 months
~A Shinee Database~
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Hello! I don't know if this is useful to anyone other than me, but I decided to try compiling a list of Shinee's shows + links (eng sub). I've created a metadata Database so all entries can be easily tagged and searched according to needs/wants. I don't have links to every show ever, but I do largely have links to more recent stuff (will slowly update to adding older stuff too).
Please visit here if you want to use the Database~ 💛 i will do my best to update as new things come out, as well as get working links for old shows.
Please share! Hope this is helpful to newer babywols and older shawols 🥰 I will be releasing monthly updates here on tumblr of all new shows added to database.
Message me here on tumblr if you have any comments, questions, issues, links you want fixed and/or links to donate/add to the database (because i am not a very up to date person tbh).
Url to Database if link isnt working: https://shineedatabase.notion.site/SHINee-Database-5af4931a767348329392e0b7d4fbc17e?pvs=25
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