#plus yknow iris being dia's successor is a dope as fuck mental imagine cnmdndmd
cheemken · 10 months
So Knight, would anyone in any of the Leagues try to leave their position as Gym Leader/Elite Four/Island Kahunas/Trial Captains, after they found out about the Battle of Unova? Either out of fear of potentially being apart of a war, or just not wanting to work for someone who helped (*tried to?) take over Unova
I imagine some of the Champions being angry or even violent if someone actually tried to leave. It would probably be someone from the Kanto, Jhoto, or Galar League as they already had suspicions that Lance and Leon weren’t the greatest of people, and the battle was the last hint that they needed to truly be sure
Not related to my question, but I love the idea of Iris being Diantha’s successor. If we’re going with the bad ending then there is nothing that can stop Diantha from corrupting Iris’ mind. But g o d do I love this concept. Because like you said, Diantha looked at Iris and saw herself in her, and now she thinks she’s doing the world a favour by teaching Iris to be a “hero” just like herself. Diantha thinks she raising Iris just like her mom did for her, but she’s so delusional at this point that she can’t see how she’s passing down her trauma to Iris
You ever watch ATLA? In the scene where Azula was given the title of Fire Lord, and she thought her dad was stepping down as ruler. But then Ozai tells her that he made a new title, one above the title of Fire Lord called the Phoenix King, where he will rule over all nations. I imagine something similar with Iris and Diantha. Where Iris is given the title of Kalos Champion, and she has authority over both lands that belong to the Kalos League/Government. But Diantha created a new title above that of Champion, where she has complete control over every single region and their leagues/government
(*I’m not sure which direction we’re going with the story, do the Unova kids win, does Diantha win? Or a different direction you’d rather?)
Ngl, I think other than the Indigo League and the Galar League not trusting their Champions anymore, the Paldea League would probs also dip the fuck outta there. Like they already don't like Geeta that much, and they know how loyal their Champion is to Diantha so ofc that's gon set em off and make em think that Geeta might use them as pawns as well, they know how she battles, she sacrifices five of her pkmn before letting her strongest Mon in the field, who's to say she won't do that w them too
But damn tho right it's a cool mental image ncmdnd hahaha idk stuff much abt ATLA tbh, but I am familiar w some of the scenes and such, like the popular scenes, so at least I know that hahaha
That's cool tho ncmxnx like Iris having that kinda power, but Diantha is still, and always will be, above her. That no matter what, Diantha really doesn't see her as an equal, despite her claims that she does. And it's the fact that Iris knows she can't do shit anymore, Kalos is her new home, but despite being its Champion, she fucking knows one wrong move and Diantha will have her executed. But it'd also be fun if Drasna and Iris meets and Drasna tells her how Diantha shouldn't even be like that™. Drasna telling Iris of Diantha's past, and Iris finding out why Dia is like that, but then she hears stories of young Diantha who only wanted to be a hero, who has the sky in her eyes shining brightly with such a hope that it was blinding, how she only wanted to help the people in need, to be seen as a hero of Kalos. But, that didn't happen ofc. Iris asked why. Why didn't Diantha become an actual hero? And that broke Drasna, "because I wasn't there when she needed me the most.. I had so much hope, so much faith, in a child who I knew needed guidance. I think we all did.."
And for Iris it's all adding up yknow, that Diantha could've been a much better person if she just had someone there to really guide her in her life, to actually tell her what's right and what's wrong, but no one ever did that, not even Drasna. Diantha never faced any consequences, even until at this point, while yes the people fear her now, but she always did say fear is easier to control than defiance. And she's now in control of everything.
That's fucking terrifying tho cause at any given moment, Diantha could legit just end the fucking world hahah like that's scary man if you think abt it having to bow down to someone who you know isn't in the right mind anymore and anyone could be pulling the final trigger and they wouldn't know shit until it's too late, like that'd fuck up anyone
Anyways w the ending bits, I always imagine the Unova kids winning w the power of friendship, bc when I wrote those concepts of Diantha coming back to Kalos, she lost that battle w the Unova kids, and it really took a toll on her mentally and physically, as she also got hit by Kyurem's attacks, ofc she was almost bleeding to death when she got back home. But it's also cool to think that one of the E4 or the Leaders actually got through Geeta, and made her see just what Diantha has become, made her see how she's going to die if she doesn't stop. And that's probs a wake up call for Geeta really, that her bestfriend is gonna die if she continues, and she doesn't want that.
And just bcmxnx ough idk fucking imagine tho like Diantha so heavily wounded and so are the Unova kids, but they look at least a bit better than her, bc they had each other to protect, Diantha had no one. And just cnxmnx Geeta getting in between them as Diantha was trying to get Yveltal or even GiraCynthia to attack, only for Geeta to block her view of the Unova kids.
"what do you think you're doing? Step aside."
And for once in their lives, Geeta didn't listen to her. "That's enough, Diantha."
God that fucked Diantha up, Geeta almost never calls her by her full name, always her lil nicknames, their endearments, Geeta never used that voice w her and it made her feel a lot of things she didn't want to feel atm. "Geeta, step aside. Please.." and god she sounded so desperate, she doesn't wanna hurt her. And just chmdndn Geeta sounded to stern and disappointed and it messed her up even more.
"Diantha, please, that's enough. Look at you, you're hurt." Then she walks towards Dia, and Dia was on edge, her grip on a pokeball was tight, almost as if she could break it. And Geeta just takes her hands gently, and wipes off the blood on her face, "that's enough, Dia.. you lost.. and.. a hero keeps their words, don't they?"
And man Dia was conflicted af now too, cause for one she refuses to lose, how could she even lose to a bunch of trainers that are below her?? How did they even beat her??? And then.. then she looks at Geeta, ever so loyal, but.. but now she's looking at Geeta's dark blue eyes, like the sea, it was so easy to get lost in them, and then smth in her kinda snapped, she screamed, frustrated, and she shoved Geeta off her, "Gardevoir!" She called out, and they all thought she'd attack Geeta, only for her Gardevoir to teleport her and her team away from all of them. But Geeta knows where she is.
Geeta turns slightly to the Unova kids, "I'll make sure nothing like this happens again. Worry not, I'll be there with her." Then she calls back all her pkmn, leaving the league to search for Diantha.
But also did word really go out tho idk, but I always imagined it as smth only the Unova League and the Champions know abt, bc ofc, despite Iris and Hilbert winning, they know what the others, Diantha especially, are capable of, and if Drayden was anything to go by, then they know they aren't lying when they say they could just kill them and make it look like a natural death or an accident. I do wanna say that maybe,, like really just maybe, some of the Unovan people know, the bw2 kids probs, Ingo and Emmet too, and probs even the professors, but the rest of Unova doesn't
Idk that's how I always imagined it to be, bc as much as the Unova League wants others to know, they also know how risky it fucking was considering that for one, Diantha has the Pokémon version of Death and the Devil on her side, even tho they won this round who's to say Diantha would just give up, and if Geeta can get through her too and actually pacify her enough to give up Yveltal and start anew
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