#porhaps he can be cute sometimes.....
poisonouswritings · 2 years
Hello!! I was wondering if you could do the main four with an mc that have powers? For example if they're blushing they'll catch fire, if they're embarrassed they start floating, if they're nervous they go invisible? This kinda happens a lot cause MC's pretty shy? And if it's okay could you add saaros, Lucan and balsam? I get that adding extra characters can be a pain tho so no pressure!
Also what would happen if they get drunk
Well at this point I might as well add Elowen and Tulsi to really round it out.
GN!reader, idiots, inconsistent powers cause I'm focused on the fun not the logical integrity, mostly platonic but pink ones are romantic with that character, last one is NSFW
Okay I just wanna point out that it takes like,, the entirety of them to keep a handle on you on a regular basis because every time you go outside you have like nine different powers activated all at once. 
Felix runs experiments with you!! On you!!! Rime helps sometimes. They wanna catalog all your powers and all the things that trigger them. Felix wants to find a way to help you control/suppress them. Rime is interested in the power you have and how you could potentially learn to wield it. Also wants to see if the Astrolabe has any effect. 
So,, thinking,,, if you and Sage are out and he gets into an argument with someone he is 10000% going to say something to embarrass you, which makes you float, which makes you blush, which makes you get set on fire, which makes you nervous so you go invisible, so suddenly there’s just this floating ball of fire and that usually makes the other people run away. 
Anisa does a good job of keeping you calm bu she thinks it’s cute when you’re happy and flowers start growing in your hair so she absolutely flatters you a lot. The first time you blush and get set on fire she ends up pouring a bucket of water over your head on impulse
Saaros had some information in their notebook about your powers to begin with but then they actually,,, see what a disaster you are,,,, and are amazed you’ve survived this long
The Griefer boys talk you into stealing alcohol and you’re anxious about it so you turn invisible and do it without a hitch. They all give you a little toast while you’re just trying to keep from flaming because you cant handle praise without getting a lil worked up
Lucan will find a way to use your powers in his quest to Befriend Wild Animals.
Balsam mostly finds it funny how a simple compliment can trigger like five different powers at once
You get hurt and Rime is taking care of you but he's being all flirty so you're getting worked up but because you're injured your powers are even more haywire than usual and like he kisses your cheek and you sneeze pollen and he's just losing it laughing
Elowen is trying to teach you how to sword fight but you keep messing up and within ten minutes you've accidentally melted the sword entirely.
In that same vein, Tulsi using you in the forge but also not letting you touch the final product of any weapon
actually!! actually Tulsi makes you an enchanted sword that basically can't be broken or lost. She's so proud when she gives it you and she teases you a bit and when you get set on fire cause of your blushing guess what!!! The sword is safe. Once you've calmed down Tulsi kisses your cheek and then you're an inferno again
Someone bullies you for being weird and Balsam headbutts them
Would Saaros perhaps be able to get some sort of Rivathi magic/technology to help you suppress your powers? Porhaps. They're gonna try but don't hold your breath
Felix needs a certain flower for a potion so he kisses your cheek and you're happy and the flower sprouts and he's like 'thanks darling! :)' and your ears start smoking
Someone is hitting on you so you're shy and uncomfy and turning invisible and you just silently escape and tell the others about it later and now they're all on High Alert
You're in public and you're having a bit of anxiety so Lucan tries to scoop you up to take you home but you're invisible so he just scoops up empty air and runs and now you have to go follow him because he's an idiot
If Saaros needs to sneak into somwhere for information then you're coming with because you never know when you'll need some daisies and fireballs to avoid getting arrested.
Felix might bring you to formal dinner parties just to have you make a wreck so he can leave faster
If you're drunk all your powers basically become roulette, in the sense that most of them will be neutralized but 1-2 will be Extra Strong and you have no way of knowing which ones. You require multiple sober observations to keep you from accidentally burning Fathom down.
,,, listen I resisted this as long as I could,,,,, Sage is gonna ask if you being invisible means that anything inside you would be invisible as well and basically he's flirting cause he wants to fuck you in public
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