#prin's pack: cecily
wolfgirlguts · 7 months
For Aife: rep, strut (...you do eat people, right?)
For Alina: looming, gnash
For Cecily: siren, slosh
Prin: Oh haha yeah I'm uh. Letting Aife see. And I'm sure she won't say anything to publicly embarrass me, right? Right okay.
Aife: Thank you, dear. Before I provide my answer, I must first express my gratitude to you, asker, for this opportunity to contribute to my dearest Prin's little corner of the internet. I'll endeavor to do so in a manner that's satisfying for everyone involved, mm?
Oh don't look at me like that, sweetie. I'm not about to humiliate you. Quite the opposite.
Now, I do eat people, yes, but it's more of an occasional hobby for me. I have nowhere near the experience or skill that Prin flaunts almost daily. I'm learning so much from her, though, and I believe she'd agree I'm a quick study!
Rep: My inner circle is aware of my recent dabbling, but I don't advertise beyond that. While I wouldn't be ashamed to have it become part of my image, and it would surely earn me more fans of a certain persuasion, I doubt I would be able to satisfy the expectations that would arise. While Prin would doubtless devour hordes of adoring fans, I'm only proficient enough to manage a single occupant at a time. Prin has teased me about wasting my potential. I must admit to becoming rather flustered when she tells me in detail what she could accomplish with four stomachs!
Strut: Now, you might think that what I've said above means I don't prioritize my stomach in my choice of clothing, and historically I haven't. But recently, Prin has made me aware of just how sexy a stomach can be, and so I've made a habit of showing it more, if only as a treat for her. Of course, that's a far cry from publicly displaying a bellyful of, ah, girlmeat? As Prin would say. No, that's a fashion choice I reserve for the bedroom. There really is nothing like adding a third to spice things up~
Prin: WOW PERFECT TIMING Alina and Cecily just sent their answers to me so I'm going to post them up and then Aife and I are going to go . . . talk. Yeah. Yeah. No. I'm gonna go suck her dry and fall asleep on her tummy. Yeah.
Alina: Sorry in advance if this gets cut short but if I don't get back to monitoring the extractor soon the experimental group could end up too burnt to be worth eating when the test is over. Then I'd only have the control, and they're so scrawny this time. Barely a snack.
Anyway, um.
Looming: That's the one about the size of people I like to eat, right? Small. Easy. Simple to contain, manipulate, overpower, and swallow. And specimens of the proper size are abundant thanks to my peculiar physiological quirk. By maintaining an unobstructed line of sight with another creature, I slowly diminish their size. The effect wears off but not for a few hours. That's more than enough time for my stomach to break them down into their useful components. I'm fully capable of stomaching a much larger meal, but I have neither the spare time nor energy to devote to processing them.
Gnash: I don't make a habit of chewing, either. While I'm not adversely affected by the sight or texture of a body so mutilated by mastication, I find it an inefficient means of acquiring nutrients. Why spend time splattering someone around my mouth when I could just gulp once? All those nutrients are so helpfully packaged neatly in their container, why make a mess of it? And deprive myself of the squirms? Also-
SHIT I smell burning got to go
Cecily: Heya Prin. Your followers have some questions for me, huh? Careful, I might steal them away from you~
Siren: Fuck. Yes. I'm so glad this is one of the ones I got asked. This is like my whole thing. So like the way I see it, predators and prey have been in an evolutionary arms race forever. We need each other and we make each other better by constantly trying to outdo each other, right? Cool, you're with me so far. Well, using tools is like the latest, biggest, baddest incarnation of that, and I'm just using the tools I've got.
For those of you unaware, let me fix that. I'm a streamer. And a ton of sluts tune in to watch me lower my subscriber count for the world to see. I go live, someone goes dead. I run a little lottery on my channel. If you throw me some money, you get access to some fun bonus content, the real spicy stuff, and you're entered to win! Every week, one lucky morsel gets picked to pad out my ass. Now, legally, I can't make anyone sign anything that actually binds them to following through. But would you really say no and disappoint everyone? You know how they feel. Just last week you were them. Just one of the adoring masses, begging for my attention in chat, waiting all week to be satisfied. You gonna deny them that? You either go out on top as a hero or you live to see them all turn on you.
Don't blame me. I didn't make the internet this way. A huntress either takes advantage of the tools in front of her or she starves. A girl's gotta eat, right?
Slosh: This is the digestion time one, yes? Well what do you know, I've got a bunch of those timed down to the second. See, some of that bonus content I mentioned includes some time-lapse digestion footage. Laying around for hours and hours in front of a camera might sound tedious, but what else am I gonna do? Besides, I spend most of that time sleeping. I could get you an exact average, but it's easier just to say about two days. You could see for yourself, of course. Bet you'd love to watch me churn some nerds into sludge. And hey, what are the odds that your name comes up this week? It's barely a risk. C'mon, it'll be fun~
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wolfgirlguts · 7 months
Party Crasher: Session Zero
Prologue to an interactive vore story series
"Let us gather to honor and remember our fallen friend Lycaea. Her mind was as keen as her aim was true, and she was ever a loyal companion. She will always be remembered by the remaining Dawnhollow Dunces, and her faithful mecha-steed, Murdertronic 9000." Astrid held the painted miniature up and finished her solemn pronouncement. The others at the table cast down their eyes respectfully. The unicorn set the mini down in the middle of the map of the group's last battle. "Alina, she was your character. Any final comments?"
The fox seated beside her smiled and shook her head, the light catching on the green-tinted sunglass lenses she wore even indoors. "Just that I'm proud of her. Going out on her own terms, giving the Gloaming King the middle finger. We should all be so lucky."
"Using angel blood in the explosive was inspired," Evonne said, and the rest nodded and murmured agreement.
Astrid raised an eyebrow. It was rare for the blue-haired doe to pay a genuine compliment to anyone, but she had seemed truly moved by the artistry when Alina had revealed her character's crowning achievement last session. Astrid would have expected Evonne to start feigning snores the second the fox pulled out actual blueprints. Maybe the party was growing closer. Or maybe Evonne just admired the sadism involved in Alina's idea for getting that much ichor out of a celestial. Okay, yeah, now that she thought about it, that was definitely it.
Oh well, whatever kept the players engaged.
Astrid looked around at the group. Her party, and a few friends who'd shown up for the epilogue session, just to spectate. And have cake, of course.
There was Alina on her left, a slender woman with red fur and green streaks in her pulled-up hair that matched her lenses. The little necklace of bright plastic skulls she wore clacking together as she animately explained that the angel siphon was based on a device she'd built for an experiment in real life earlier this month.
Next to her sat Sonja, looking a bit sickened. Though it was unclear if that was due to Alina's detailed description or the state of her stomach. The tall draft horse had been experiencing significant discomfort for the last few sessions on account of having an entire guy in her gut. That wasn't anything special in this group. Almost everyone here had shown up with a 'passenger' in varying digestive states at one time or another. But Sonja's guts were one of the least equipped of the bunch to deal with predatory dalliances, and had been gnawing away at the same person for about a whole month. The other girls had been referring to the lump beneath her sweater as her boyfriend and, much to her embarrassment, had actually managed to have a few conversations with him in the time between showing up and starting to game.
At the far end of the table was Prin. The wolf's leather jacket hung off the back of her chair, the front two legs of which were off the ground as she rocked back, idly texting on her phone. As the reminiscing died down, she looked up, brushed aside her violet bangs, and asked, "Soooo, we going to send Lycaea to Valhalla by way of the goat now?"
One seat over, opposite Sonja, the goat in question blushed and clutched the edge of the table. Aspen played the party cleric, but that wasn't why it was on her to deliver last rights. No, that was a result of her real life talents. "Um, I guess if you're all done saying goodbye. . ." She trailed off in a small voice.
"Oh, is she gonna do the thing? Vanilla said, walking back over to stand behind Prin with a slice of cake on her plate. The white rabbit had an athletic build and, not counting her ears, stood only about as tall as Prin sitting down. "I've never actually seen it." She wrapped her arms around the wolf's neck, and fed Prin a slice of her cake as she rested her head on her shoulder. The wolf and rabbit were on-again-off-again . . . something . . . and right now they were on. They'd probably go back to being bitter rivals in a few weeks, which Astrid at least found preferable, but for now the unicorn had to endure them being all lovey-dovey.
"Aspen always helps us say goodbye to a character," Astrid explained, and gave Alina's mini to Evonne, who passed it to Aspen, who wiped a spot of drool from her lips before receiving it reverently.
"I think it's cool you guys are still doing that," Cecily said from where she sat with Kinsey, a little off from the rest of the group. The lynx and the lioness weren't part of the party, but Cecily had been in the campaign before this one. She'd had to leave when her streaming took off and there was too much schedule clash. She turned to Kinsey and explained, "When your character dies in Astrid's game, Aspen here gets to eat your mini. She's like a little goat-shaped trash compactor."
"Oh, more gets put into her than trash," Prin said, and there were a few snickers around the table. "Remember the vampire's castle?"
"What happened at the vampire's castle?" Kinsey asked, leaning in and pushing up her glasses. The lioness was becoming more interested by the second as the conversation wore on, especially when she saw how much this teasing was causing the plump and pretty goat to blush. Her ears were practically steaming. She was so cute! Kinsey didn't even realize she was licking her lips.
Evonne wrapped an arm around Aspen, who squeaked in surprise at the contact but didn't pull away. "Oh, Aspen here got charmed by the lady of the castle and her cleric became the Countess's personal bloodbag. But Aspen got to do some sucking as well, didn't you girl?"
"Y-Yes," Aspen said, her face on fire now.
"It took us three sessions to find what we needed to break the spell, and until then, Aspen spent her game nights under the table," Evonne finished with a wink.
"Ohhhhh I SO wish I had more nights free so I could play with you guys," Kinsey breathed, adjusting the hem of her skirt.
"They could've saved her much sooner," Astrid said smugly. "But I wish they'd dawdled even longer. Having Aspen's head between my thighs was doing wonders for my creative energy."
"Great hoofrest, too," Evonne added fondly.
"And she never once made a mess!" Astrid finished with a laugh.
"N-No gag reflex. . ." Aspen murmured, somehow shy and proud at once.
"Speaking of which," Sonja cut in impatiently as she shifted in her creaking seat. Her stomach warbled and bubbled with complaints as faint lumps moved beneath her sweater. "We should probably get on with it, right?"
"Yeah. Bye Lycaea. You were so much fun. I hope there are demolitions in heaven," Alina said.
"Yeah, I REALLY don't think she's going to heaven," Sonja said under her breath, then gritted her teeth and rubbed at her stomach as her 'date' weakly shifted to make himself more comfortable inside.
Everyone watched as Aspen lifted up the painted mini of the artificer with shaking hands, then popped it into her mouth like a piece of candy. She rolled it on her tongue, eyes fluttering as she tasted the paint and pushed her tongue into all the nooks and crevices, rough and smooth, that made up her magical armor. A hush had settled over the room, broken only by the irritable rumblings of Sonja's gut. Aspen didn't bother to chew, of course. She swallowed in one fluid move, rolling her tongue back and feeling the width of the base and the pointed edges of the plastic sculpt jut into her throat. It slowly sank, a lump visible in her neck, and the goat swayed side to side, a soft moan displaced by Alina's avatar sinking irrevocably into her belly. As she came back to reality, licking her chops, she felt everyone's attention again and shrank down in her chair.
Kinsey spoke first. "So, ah, how many is that this campaign?" She clasped her hands on her lap to conceal her growing interest. It didn't stop Cecily from noticing and giving her thigh a squeeze.
"Well," Prin said, sitting up and kissing Vanilla on the cheek, "there's been three deaths, but that's only the second mini Aspen got to eat. I died when we were level . . . 8 or 9? And the rest of the Dunces managed to resurrect me. But when Evonne lost her bard to a dragon she decided to move on and try out a druid. So we let her first character stay dead. And there's not enough left of Lycaea after the explosion, and it's the end of the game anyway, so. . . That's two on the goat hips."
"Aww, you didn't want to be on the goat hips?" Vanilla teased, playfully nibbling her ear.
"Oh, shut up," Prin said with an equally playful growl.
The conversation meandered for a while longer, with everyone reminiscing, and the slices of cake and the bowls of chips all dwindled. Soda cans and cider bottles littered the table, then got pushed toward Aspen, who did her thing, sending the recycling crumpling and clinking down her gullet and into her swelling tummy, causing Kinsey to squirm ever more. There was a lot to talk about. It had been a wild, twisty, epic story they'd all made together. And it was late when it all finally calmed down enough for a silence to linger, and in that silence Alina asked, "So what's next?"
The group looked to their game master. Astrid absolutely ate up the anticipation. "I've got a few ideas. . ."
Evonne spoke up. "Actually, I wanted to run something by you nerds before we get into all that." The doe leaned forward. "I've been telling one of my friends about our game for a little while, and she took an interest. I told her I'd run it by all of you, since we were starting a new campaign soon. Her name's Portia. I could add her to our chat, maybe? I think you'd all enjoy getting to know her."
"Oh oh oh!" Prin said, jumping up. Her tail wagged. "Thanks for saying something! I've got someone I want to bring too. Her name's Charlie. We work out together. She's awesome, really funny—"
"Well, hang on now," Evonne started, feeling like this was getting further away from her thing. Then Aspen piped up as well.
"I-I've been talking to my friend Livie, and I told her I'd see if there was a spot for her to-UUURP!" She covered her mouth in surprise. Though the metal-and-sugar taste that came up was not unwelcome.
"Wait, Livie from the coffee place on the way?" Prin asked, and Aspen nodded eagerly. "She's hot. We could totally—!"
Evonne started to say something again, but Astrid put up her hands. "Wait, wait wait wait. Look, we've got five players now. I could do six. I think. But eight is asking a lot. You need to decide among yourselves, somehow. I'd offer to choose, but you know I'm traveling the next couple of weeks. Besides, I'd probably just eat them all anyhow. Most of my restraint gets used up on you girls."
Cecily had been quiet for a while, but now she sat herself on the edge of the table near Astrid. "Now that's an idea," she said, dancing her fingers teasingly up the unicorn's horn. She tossed her hair as she turned toward Evonne and the others who'd spoken up. "Any of your friends people-eaters?" The lynx smiled very fangedly as she waited for the others to process her meaning. "We're all top of the food chain around here. Anyone who sits at this table giving off prey animal vibes isn't going to last long anyway. Hell, back when Astrid was running for me, Prin, Sonja, and Aspen, the goat would kick off a feeding frenzy every couple months. So unless your nominations can miraculously come back just like her, or hold their own, I wouldn't go getting attached."
Alina rubbed her chin. "Mm. You're thinking we pit them against each other. Decide that way. I like it!"
"You're asking them to sacrifice their friends?" Vanilla asked, though she didn't seem as aghast as she could be.
Prin cracked her knuckles. "Only if we think they'd lose. And I don't think Charlie would lose."
Vanilla's ears tilted back. "Wait, Charlie's a predator? She's so . . . small. And that's coming from me."
"I stopped underestimating the small and hungry a long time ago. You haven't been working out with us as long, Vanilla. You haven't seen her come in with prey-weight to trim down. We haven't talked about it, but . . . I get the vibe from her. I'm worried about Aspen's barrista, though. Livie seems like a sweetheart. She should probably sit this one out."
Aspen flushed. "A-Actually, she's had me a couple times now? She's more dangerous than people give her credit for. She's got a collection like yours, Prin. I guess, if she loses, I'd miss adding to it. . . But I'll be trading up if I get to be eaten by whoever beats her, so it's okay?"
"Evonne?" At Astrid's word, everyone turned toward the doe.
Evonne blinked. "Huh? Oh. Yeah, sure, whatever. I don't care."
"You just. . . You seemed so excited for us to meet Portia a second ago?" Sonja said, rubbing her gut.
"Nah, I was just trying to get her here so she'd be easier to eat. But this tournament thing sounds fun, so why not?"
"Three people is a pretty lousy tournament," Vanilla said. "I suppose . . . I could suggest someone for the running, too."
In the end, everyone but Astrid had someone to offer, and a bracket was drawn up. Eight unwitting souls. A series of blind dates. One survivor. The girls clustered eagerly around the table as dice were rolled to decide the matchups.
Welcome to Party Crasher, an interactive vore saga! You decide who becomes girlmush and who lives to see another day. Stay tuned for Round 1, Livie vs. Portia (part 1 of 2). Coming soon!
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