#probably won't keep majy of these
New breed, pretty cool. Some thoughts on what I may eventually go for
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Request for Anon!
Hellooo lovely people! Sorry to keep you waiting, literally all year, but I'm back! I had a lot of fun with these because I've been in such a big Maji' mood <3 hope y'all enjoy!
Romantic Majima HCs ♡
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WARNINGS/NOTES: NSFW under the cut, gender neutral reader w AFAB anatomy, Y1+ Maji' in mind but some hcs can still work for Y0 :3
• Loves claw games, will win everything in the machine for you if you ask. On second thought, Majima would do ANYTHING for you if you asked
• Doesn't matter how long you've been together, Majima will always be flirting with you. He'll always finding something about you to compliment and makes extra sure that you know you're loved by him <3
• Plans the most sporadic dates. Always jumping the question when you least expect it. He found this neat looking sushi place a couple blocks from your place, what about dinner at 8? Tonight? Of course, tonight! He saw some kids eating some ice cream just now and it sounded perfect! You're not busy, right? Let's go!
• If you've got a job with the public, you know he's skipping out on his duties to come visit you. You work in retail, he's holding up the line to flirt and swoon over you. Your boss hates him
• He can't let anyone know that he's the biggest sap over his s/o. You've got him wrapped around your finger, Majima isn't sure if he enjoys it or not.
• Favorite moments are early in the morning, when you both first wake up. It's so domestic. Loves getting to cook breakfast with you, holding you close from behind and smooching you up <3 his kisses taste like coffee
• Plays into the "Mad Dog" nickname a lot, calling himself your "guard dog" and being positively feral and the slightest bit protective over you.
• Loves to bite. Anywhere. He'll leave marks, and end up maybe getting punished because he left a big ass hickey where clothes don't cover it
• Loves loves LOVES to cuddle. His favorite place to rest his head is your chest. Or your thighs, he ain't picky. He could cuddle you all day if you'd let him, especially after a bad day at work. Your fingers in his hair is an absolute dream
• Sings in the shower
• Has a notebook of important dates that he always keeps on him, so he doesn't forget them! Some dates include your birthday, and your anniversary of course!
• Turns into a big baby when allergies kick in. Now he's got you around, he begs you to take care of him. Let him bundle up in your bed, feed him some warm soup, massage his jaw when it starts to ache, won't you? You just love him so much, right~?
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• Okayyyyy.... Maybe it's a little indulgent... But he'd be so down to try pet play. Probably prefers calling you his little kitty/puppy, but it feels pretty damn good the other way around, too
• As much as it hurts to say. Look at him. I don't remember seeing a spec of hair on him, minus the facial hair. That mf waxes. Brazilian. And if I am misremembering... It just feels in character, ok
• Loves to see you dress up. Loves to see anyone in a suit or dress, if it's a special occasion he will find some place to drag you to so he can show you one hell of a time. Oh, the risk of getting caught? Just adds to the thrill, doesn't it?
• Switchhhh. Through and through. Can be a big bully, or he can be a big ole masochist. Loves pleasing, loves being pleased. Majima in the bedroom is very 50/50, everyone is happy
• Fav place to cum is. Anywhere on you. Ass, stomach, face. Will he clean it up... Probably. If you tell him to.
• LISTEN.... He's down for some freaky stuff... If you tell him to lick it up, he just might. He's always been pretty unpredictable, hasn't he?
• Loves rough sex. Nothing better. However he does have his softer spells. Will go easy on you if you ask. But you better beg, he loves listening to that sweet, sweet voice of yours
• All of my faves have voice kinks. Because I said so. Solidarity k 🤝
• Like mentioned he can get pretty cuddly afterwards, but he can still take care of you if you're wiped out. Just get ready for some hugs and a whole lot of smooching
• Okay. Crossdressing. Are you surprised. Making him wear dresses, making you wear something you normally don't.. just something about it
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starlight-phantom · 2 years
How about Relationships for Akio, Facts for Hoshi and the Bonus questions for Yumia? :3
Do they want a relationship?
He's not particularly interested in having a relationship. He's more focused on developing his culinary skills so he can take over his family's diner when he's older. But when that happens, who knows?
Do they have a lot of friends or not so many?
He's a bit of a weird in between where his rebellious delinquent phase scared off a lot of people but once he found a healthier, less destructive way to deal with his grief, people noticed what a nice guy he is. However people still judge him because he kept the punk style. So he is quite popular with a lot of people that like him, but a lot of them tend to keep their distance.
Do they get attached easily?
Not really, it takes quite a bit for him to consider someone a close friend. The group are a special exception on account of saving his life.
Are they more closed off?
He's not exactly closed off, he's just awkward so whenever emotional topics come up, he has no idea what to say. He's basically Zuko's "That's rough, buddy" moment. (Although I stand by my opinion that was a completely understandable response)
Are they the type that's like "in three minutes you will know my entire life story"?
No, never that quickly. He'd slowly give you small details over months until he finally feels comfortable to tell you more about himself.
Are they the type that's like "you won't know anything about me until fifty years from now"?
This is basically the opposite of the above question, so that's still the answer.
What do they always carry?
He has the usual stuff like phone, tissues, hay fever tablets, chewing gum, etc. But he also has two notebooks that he always carries around: one for his detective notes and one for jotting down any story ideas that come to him throughout the day. Although he does have to be careful not to mix them up.
Any things that are super important to them?
He has an antique type writer that he found in a charity shop that he adores and uses to write his stories. He knows that it's not as practical as typing on his computer but it makes him feel so fancy and official so he puts up with the small inconveniences.
What languages do they know?
Hoshi is fluent in English, Japanese, French and Spanish. He tried to learn German once but he ended dropping it after having a lot of difficulty with it.
Favourite smell?
He knows it's a little bit basic but he loves the smell of cinnamon. His family have a tradition of making cinnamon rolls for breakfast whenever they're celebrating something so he associates the smell with happy times.
Favourite songs?
Thanks to his slightly creepy smile and odd sense of humour, people always assume he has quite a dark, edgy taste in music but he's actually the opposite. He loves listening to bubbly, cheerful idol music, especially the songs made for idol anime and video games. So if he's sat there with his headphones in and his weird smile on his face, he's probably just vibing to something like Maji Love 2000% from Uta No Prince Sama.
Favourite animal?
Owls. He just finds them so fascinating and so cute. Especially when they tilt their heads and stare at him with their huge eyes. It's one of his life ambitions to have a pet owl at some point.
What's your character's backstory?
She really doesn't have much of a backstory tbh. She met Kotone as a child after Kotone saved her from bullies and they've been best friends ever since.
What's your character like?
Yumia is quite ditzy and has a tendency to be off in a daydream but she is a very bright young lady who is very set on her goals and will pursue them with everything she's got. She's also someone who you do not want to anger because if you push the very long way it takes to actually make her angry, you will regret it.
Does your character drink coffee?
Yup, she loves it. She especially likes cappuccinos because of the froth. But she will drink any type of coffee. The only coffee she doesn't drink is the coffee from Akio's diner because Akio's father has a tendency to accidentally burn the coffee beans and make the coffee way too bitter.
Is your oc a morning person?
Yup, the whole group joke that she's like a Disney Princess because she'll make herself a cup of coffee and breakfast while watching the sunrise and listening to the birds and then work on some of her designs before she has to leave the house. And she looks elegant the whole time, much to Kotone's annoyance.
What's your favourite headcannon you have for your oc?
Yumia is unfortunately one of the ocs I haven't developed as much as the others so I don't really have any headcannons about her yet.
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books-and-catears · 3 years
I'm crying now. That ending was amazing. But I'm also a soft and emotional baby who needs a not super sad ending. I'd really like to see what you'd do for the epilogue.
Awww no!!! Don't cry!!! So sorry this took so long! I have a nasty habit of starting new things before finishing old ones! Especially because I thought most people didn't want an epilogue, but here's for the few who do.
Chapters in the Masterlist
Epilogue to "How long are you going to Pretend?"
"I'm home."
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When you made it to the other side, you found Diavolo and Barbatos waiting with the biggest smiles and open arms.
"Ah it's been too long, MC. We missed you!" Diavolo engulfed you in a tight hug, almost lifting you off the ground.
Barbatos merely held your hand in his gloved ones and kissed the back of it. You smiled before you shot him a questioning look.
"Does he know?" You asked, eyeing Diavolo who was now rushing down to make preparations for your welcome party. "That I'm not the same MC he sent through that portal?"
Barbatos's smile grew sad. "No he doesn't. And I won't tell him if you prefer to keep it that way."
You nodded. "Thank you. I'd like that. Also about my descendence from Lilith-"
"That'll be kept secret from the brothers too. Diavolo has sworn not to speak of it until you prompt him to." Barbatos assured.
"You really know everything. No wonder you're so reliable." You said as he lead you downstairs.
"I hate what I see sometimes." Barbatos's shoulders tensed as his gait turned slower. He probably remembered you dying.
Diavolo was excitedly waiting at the bottom of the stairs in the ballroom. "You have some visitors, MC!"
Seven heads spun around in unison just as your name was spoken. You smiled down at the familiar bunch for the first time in months. "Hi guys...I'm home."
Mammon was the fastest and the first to get to you. You had barely reached the bottom of the stairs when he crashed into you.
"Where the HELL have ya been?! Do ya even know how long you've been gone!? How could ya leave without telling me?" His voice cracked as he spoke into your shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Mammon, never again okay?" You cooed, running your hands through his hair.
"Enough Mammon, move aside! Let the others have a turn!" Asmo pulled you out of his grasp and hugged you from behind. "Ah I missed you so much, MC."
"I'm sorry Asmo, I wish I came back sooner." You said.
"Look at me! I got dark circles because I couldn't sleep knowing where you went away! You're going to the spa with me tomorrow to fix this!" Asmo whined. You laughed and nodded.
"Oi Asmo... It's my turn now! MC's my best friend too, you know!" Levi stomped his foot trying to pry Asmo's hands off you.
"How have you been Levi? Did you finish that Dogi Maji level we were stuck on?" You smiled as you held his hand in yours.
His eyes teared up slightly as he let himself hold you tight. "MC you remembered?! All this time I thought maybe I repulsed you so much you had to leave! Also no I kept that game away, hoping we could finish that level together! We can do that now right?"
Beel was silent throughout. He noiselessly walked over to you and waited till Levi was done. Once the otaku let go, he held onto you for dear life.
"How are you big guy? Did you miss me too?" You joked, trying to hug him back. He was silent for a while. "Beel...?"
"I thought...I thought I lost you too." Beel's voice seemed hoarse from crying. "It's such a relief to see you again, MC."
"Have you forgotten about me so soon?" Satan sneaked up on you from behind. You spun around to face him. His hair was a mess like he just woke up and ran to the castle.
"Of course not. I thought of you everytime I laid eyes on a cat or passed by the library!". You smiled as he ran his fingers through your hair.
"If you don't mind me asking, weren't you supposed to go to find out how Belphie escaped? It took this long?" Satan questioned. "What happened in there?"
You had made up your mind to keep it all to yourself but as you saw Belphie approaching you from the other side, you reconsidered it. Perhaps you could tell two of the brothers about it. The only two you could trust.
"Come on Satan, listen to MC's story after everyone's turn is done. Can I hug you now MC?" Belphie said before breaking into a smile. The same as before.
You glanced around nervously. Surely he wouldn't start something like last time while all his brothers are here right?
"Hi...hi Belphie." You let yourself into his arms gingerly, and moved away just as quick. He frowned in disappointment.
"Are you still shy because we've only talked through the door before? Ah it's really a pity I barely got any time with you, MC.." Belphie shook his head. "I will steal you away from brothers from time to time, okay?"
"Alright Belphie that's quite enough." Lucifer's intrusion came as a welcome relief as he stood between you and Belphie now. Belphie muttered and moved away.
"Lucifer hi-"
"I owe you my deepest apologies, MC." Lucifer was on one knee now, holding your hand in his gloved ones. "The way I treated you, the way I almost... It's inexcusable."
Oh. You remembered now. In this timeline Lucifer was about to rage kill you before Belphie dropped in. Sigh, it's almost as if death liked to follow you around.
"It's okay, Lucifer I don't even remember it that well. Get up now."
At the dinner table, you were lucky they only talked about the things that happened here since you left to fill you in. You were secretly delighted not to be called Lilith even by mistake.
When the day comes, maybe just maybe you'd tell a few of them what really happened in there.
But for now, this was it. This was your happier ending.
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boozye · 3 years
Dogi Maji Revenge
I don’t have time or energy to make another few pages comic for one of my absurd ideas right now. And I’ve been meaning to write more, so that I can get more comfortable doing it. So I thought I’d get 2 birds with one stone this way. This one is cheesy compared to the goofy comics I made, but it is a direct continuation from the last one (Dogi Maji 4) and also the last in the “series”.
You will notice it features the actual dialogues from the game in some parts, cause I have fun writting and thinking around that. I guess this could be considered my 2nd rewrite of some sort.
Thanks for sticking around for my shitposts 💖
FanMCDaniel(they/them) x Satan (either platonic or romantic, it is up for interpretation)
Warnings: None.
Words: 1307
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Mammon: “Wait... this is serious! They clipped through a wall?! Can they even come back from there?”
Leviathan: “Oh, nah, no need to worry. We all get relocated by the entrance when a new day starts. And the day is almost over so, they don't have much time to mess with anything.
Besides, we are in the late game. They can't sabotage our progress unless they somehow get into the save file...”
Satan: “Hmm. So how do you know they won't get to it?”
Leviathan: “Because I've been keeping it safe! Heheheh!”
He proudly takes out something from under his desk, it's a device similar to a tablet with a hot pink case adorned with hearts.  
Levi: “Ta-da! And we can check our progress on it too! See?”
He taps on the device and brings up a screen with 4 bars, next to which is each of the player demon's faces. Each bar is only barely filled. But some are fuller than others. Mammon steps forward, and grabs it to get a closer look.
Mammon: “Hey uh... aren't these all very low?”
Levi's grin doesn't falter.
Levi: “Yeah, but I'm the highest.”
Lucifer, who with Satan looked at the screen over Mammon's shoulder, chipped in.
Lucifer: “Are you sure about that?”
Levi blinks, and yanks the tablet back.
Levi: “What are you talking about? I was the highest this morning when I checked!! BUT NOW YOUR PROGRESS DOUBLED SINCE THEN?? How did you do that?!”
The eldest looks smug, but for a brief second averts his eyes.
Lucifer: “It was probably because I helped them with something they wanted.”  
Satan: “How ridiculous.”
Then the bickering started, with Levi yelling about haxx and Mammon having assumed too much, trying to pry over what his older brother did exactly.
Quietly, unnoticed, Satan stepped back, and left the room. He was not in the mood to join their banter right now. Instead, heading to the library. Thankfully, there weren't any active NPC's there at this time of the day. So noone would bother him.
Sitting there for a while, he rumminated. It was a surprise how much it bothered him, but the image was clear in his recent memory. His bar was the lowest of all four.  
He told himself.
Satan: “It's just game stats and progress. Whoever they choose, we'll be out of this in a few days. They'll probably go with whoever comes first. I know they want to get out of here too.”
The daytime gradient in the sky gave way to the sunset one. Soon the day was over. As Leviathan said, Daniel showed up the next day, unscathed. During lunch, they bemoaned the little time they had to explore. But overall seemed more content, like they'd finally had some fun for the first time in their playtime.
Not long after, the last day of the game was upon them. The day before graduation. They all gathered in a classroom for a chat before the days end.
Lucifer: “Dani, no matter who you choose, you shouldn't have any regrets about it. In the end, this is only a game after all. So relax and pick whomever you like.”
Daniel just sighed and nodded, with a weary smile.  
Mammon: “... Lucifer, you're bein weirdly nice to Dani. What gives?”
Lucifer: “I want to get this idiotic game over with as soon as possible so we can get back to the real world.”
Leviathan: “You SAY that, sure, but perhaps it's all part of your plan to raise your intimacy score?"
Lucifer: “Think whatever you want.”
Satan: “...Dani. Do you have a second?”
And with that, they were about ready to greet the days end. Daniel, left the classroom, no doubt heading for one of their last walks on the premises, but stopped in their tracks.
Satan, who left the room close behind, had called them.
Daniel shrugged lazily.
Daniel: “Sure.”
Satan: “I feel bad, and I'm sorry.”
The human's eyes widened and met with the demon's.  
Daniel: “About what?”
Satan: “Lucifer and I are the reason you got caught up in all of this weird business. And before we go back to the real world, I just wanted to apologize for that. Well, see ya- “
He turned to let them be. But their voice chimmed from behind, with a tone he hadn't heard before, asking him to wait. They asked him to come have a chat one on one.
The two sat outside. Satan was thinking about when would be the next time he'd see them again under the "sunset" like this. But his thoughts were interrupted by his own curiosity.
Satan: “Did you have something you wanted to say?”
Daniel pursed their lips. And then talked. With a rarely seen earnestness.
Daniel: “You don't have to force yourself to like someone you don't, Satan. Lucifer doesn't see you as a child as much as you think. We both know he only wants to look good in front of Diavolo as his N°2, right?”
They are showing honest concern? A demon couldn' help himself.
Satan: “...Pff, what do you know, human?”  
Their eyes fell again briefly.
Satan: “...I'm kidding. Sorry, I just wanted to say that.”
Daniel smiled and snorted, leaning back on the bench.
They nodded and smiled.
Satan: “You're saying Lucifer doesn't think of me as a child? And he only acts like that because he doesn't want Diavolo to think less of him? I can't say I agree with you there, personally. But even so, you also said that I don't need to force myself to like someone I don't. Hmm...
That's a refreshing point of view. You are the first person who's ever said anything like that to me.
Hmph. And here you are, just a human... Thanks.”
Daniel: “Anytime. Thank you for listening.
I'll go on my walk now, okay? See you tomorrow.”  
Daniel got up and waved for a bit as they walked away, without turning back. Satan thought he'd like to join. But he knew they'd been around people all day, and he had noticed how much it tired them. They probably needed the break. This would be the last time for a long time they’d be able to go on a walk by themself, once they all returned to the normal life in HoL.
He got up and headed back inside the building. A ruckus could be heard from the classroom they had left. Right as he was aproaching, it's door flew open. And out stomped Leviathan, looking grim. He noticed Satan standing there and yelled.
The blond blinked in surprise.
Satan: “Levi, what are you talking about?"
Envy incarnate lifted the save file device to his face, where all the progress bars had been before. He had completely forgotten about it by now.
Satan: “What's wrong with the file?”  
Leviathan tapped the screen exhasperated.
He read the screen this time. The four bars were there like before. But now the one bar next to his face was the fullest.
His heart lept, but his mind and words focused on getting his older brother to stop screaming and not start breaking walls trying to attack him. Lucifer and Mammon dragged Levi back into the classroom to calm him down. They asked Satan to leave them for a minute, since his presence was clearly upsetting Leviathan right now. He gladly obliged and headed to the library for his last few minutes before the game's day cycle began anew.
Satan: Acknowledgement, and an apology. That was all you wanted, huh?
He sat there with a canned tea. Drinks weren't allowed in the library, but there is no need to worry about penalties right before the game ends.
He muttered to himself.
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