#r's lovely welsh accent love you forever r's lovely welsh accent...
steelycunt · 1 year
aaa no but seriously i just had to paste two blocks of comments (ssrry well it must be said yr writing makes me insane) but i completely FORGOT to mention i love love loveee what u did w/the accents in this fic ridi !! it's sm more like,, prominent?? like it's so obvious remus' welsh accent w/bits like [Si-rius, just a tidy-up like, Si-rius,” Sirius sings, in an appalling imitation of Remus’ accent.] & [“a few minutes. I’m not…Christ. I forgot how much I hate apparating. That’s fucking awful, that is.”] and u did it w/ sirius' obnoxiously queen of england accent too!! being pointed out in lines like . [I saw what it was about, Moony,” Sirius snaps, teeth flashing. He says it like, Myew-ny. ] aa i just love it so so much if i was more capable of sorting my thoughts rn id give a more coherent reason but we'll just settle for i loved it & think it's so lovely & think YOU'RE lovely okay gn<333
HI AGAIN omg so. i am actually just about to go and read ur lovely comments i saw them come in while i was halfway through watching a lecture recording and promised myself i would save them till after the lecture as a. little treat xx but i am sooo pleased you picked this out actually!! i think accents are so fun i think finding ways to work them in is so fun i think r having this lovely lilting welsh accent while s sounds like a fucking windsor is sooo fun i think i gain a health point every time i read something where their accents are mentioned. for the pitifully few lines where they crop up there was actually an. embarrassing amount of accent coach/dialect youtube videos watched, especially for s' accent because there are all these little specific things about the way i imagine him speaking which sets him apart from just. a normal average-posh standard london accent like mine. and which personally i think he should be booed at for but anyways xx THANK YOU this ask made me very happy and i think your comments are about to make me. even happier i love you the most layla MWAH!! <333
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elfynevans · 3 years
tagged by my beloved mother @maverickvinales
A - age: 22
B - birthplace: wales (i ain’t being more specific lol)
C - current time: 2:49am
D - drink you last had: vodka coke
E - easiest person to talk to: noora my beloved <3
F - favorite song: good 4 u rn but forever adam’s song cause emortions
G - grossest memory: the time i scooped vomit off the floor with a mcdonalds bag
H - horror yes or horror no: yes but i’m picky (copied from noora cause true)
I - in love?: lol no
J - jealous of people?: fomo is strong so i guess yeah?
L - love at first sight or should i walk by again: eh
M - middle name: Peace in a different language (i ain’t being specific lol)
N - number of siblings: two
O - one wish: happiness
P - person you called last: mam
Q - question you are always asked: “where’s that accent from? not from around here?” YES FROM AROUND HERE BITCH IM WELSH
R - reasons to smile: lol idk
T - time you woke up: 8:45 (fuck work)
U - underwear colour: pink
V - vacation destination: 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 (take me back there bitch <3)
W - worst habit: not being able to break up with my boyfriend (at least i admit it noora lmao)
X - x-rays: nah
Y - your favorite food: cheese
Z - zodiac sign: scorpio
i tag: @jedivszombie @brawn-gp @hoodricciardo @dams-racing @redbulllracing @redpaint (i’m drunk and dont have the energy to check if you’ve done this so feel free to ignore lmao
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