#re: 'low emotional empathy but highly conscientious' i'm projectinggggggg i see my flaws in simmons' flaws so intensely lol
banamine-bananime · 1 month
i really really like simmons quite a lot but i think i like him for different reasons than a lot of fans because usually i don't see the traits i find compelling emphasized as much as i focus on them.
really enjoy simmons as the intersection of "guy who Needs Constant Praise Or He'll Die Probably" and "in a constant state of agonizing about what is the Right thing to do/what he is Supposed to do/what is the Normal thing to do [while not seeing any distinction between these]" and "constantly chasing this ideal of being recognized and respected that is really not realistic, at least not with the way he's going about it like you can fill up the Respect Points Bar by grinding chores and the most obsequious dialogue options" and "would sell absolutely anyone to satan for a corn chip of that recognition/achievement/praise".
VERY fun to have a guy chronically brownnosing a) because he's genuinely reduced to an emotional wreck by any whiff of something adjacent to fatherly approval AND b) for rather cynically ambitious reasons totally ready to starscream it the moment he gets the opportunity. Very fun to have a guy who a) worries about things like recycling and veganism AND b) is down with turncoating and murder. Very fun to have a guy a) who idolizes and strives to emulate authority figures AND b) really at his core does not respect them except as someone who has achieved what he desperately wants, and secretly knows he would obviously do it soooo much better than these idiots. Very fun to have a guy who's a) really anxiously, fastidiously conscientious and cares about the right thing in abstract AND b) really low emotional empathy and gives surprisingly few fucks about other people when it comes down to it
because people contain multitudes, and characters evolve, etc. there's a wide spectrum of in-character simmons characterizations but i think the most fun are definitely playing with the ruthless asshole end of that spectrum lol. Obviously i don't mean like literally doesn't give a shit about anyone or would do LITERALLY anything in self-interest. clearly he does care (sometimes) and is not Evil. he's only half-evil on his dad's si- /shot
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