#re: koku's entire. Entire. god.
trainingdummyrabbit · 11 months
what is your favorite demon slayer arc?
ouuhhgg this is. a Really hard question actually. because iam so full of love for pretty much all of them WAHAHAH
if im being honest (sticking mostly to the anime to be fair,) its pretty evenly split btwn season 1 and 2 for completely different reasons, even though thats kind of a cop out answer bc. Three Seasons. but i do what i want.
season 1 was just so deeply, Deeply charming in every way-- things were new and novel and Scary!!! it really does a good job of introducing a "new world," ESPECIALLY with the starting arcs of the season. it felt really personal for all the characters, and because it's mostly focused on the kamaboko squad, you can really feel the way their bond and their own arcs start to grow!
watching the kamados adapt to the new way their world looked was ridiculously fun, and i would kill t get to really go into their bond like that again. how much they care abt each other just bleeds into their every word and action, and watching the way they adjust themselves around to support each other is just. shakes fist. cries... iam also ridiculously fond of The Boys(tm) fooling around with each other too. seeing how they get used to each other and grow comfortable is so so ridiculously sweet.
also bonus points for having susamaru in it.
and season 2, honestly? i just feel like its just. The Best One. stunning visuals, excellent setup, fantastic payoff-- like. i can barely find any specific thing to point at because all of it just feels like one really solid experience! uzui and the wife brigade were ridiculously fun to watch in action, and seeing the kamaboko squad fall into a stable rhythm working with each other is So delightful.
daki and gyutaro are insanely fun to watch villains-- especially daki, she is such a cool character and everything about her is Literally Iconic, i fucking adore her. and then the setup for the parallel of the kamados and the shabanas-- and how it plays off of the buildup of the series' themes as a whole! its just a completely fantastic time!!!!
after all that happens in mugen train, what that means for the cast-- seeing them fight that hard and win is so so satisfying-- the stakes feel Real! the horrors feel Real! the victory is Real!!!!
also its the one that has zankyou sanka in it and honestly i think it wins on that account alone.
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