#roman josi x reader
btsgotjams27 · 3 months
things you didn't say (3) | jjk (teaser)
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✨ title: things you didn't say (part three) | tydk couple ✨ pairing: jungkook x f!reader ✨ genre/au: angst | ex-best friends to friends(?) ✨ rating: PG-13 | ✨ teaser word count: 340 ✨ teaser warnings: lana threatens oc with a fork, minor language ✨ a/n: tbh, i didn't think i'd revisit this couple again, but here we are. it's just a small teaser! i don't want to spoil too much.
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✨ read part one | read part two ✨
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Lana picks up a fork, threatening you with it. “I swear to god if you don’t tell me—”
“Okay, okay. The other day when Jungkook called to invite me to Jimin’s dinner party.” Lana narrows her eyes and hums, intently listening. “At the end of our conversation, he said, ‘Can’t wait to see you’, and he seemed excited.”
She nods her head, waiting for the rest of the story, but you don’t say anything else. “That’s it? God–that’s so boring. I thought you guys kissed or something.”
“Lana!” You cry out, almost knocking over the wine bottle.
“What? I thought he would’ve made his move by now.”
You roll your eyes. “There’s no move to make. He’s with Josie, remember?”
“Josie Schmosie—she’s old news, but you,” she points and grins, “You’re back and here to fuck things up,” she claps with a gleeful smile.
“Oh, will you stop it? I’m not back to do anything—and what the hell, Lana? You’re not helping!”
Lana chortles, covering her mouth. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m sure what Jungkook said to you is just a simple expression of how much he can’t wait to see you and get you underneath his sheets.”
You sigh, shaking your head. “I don’t even know why I bothered you with this.”
“Okay, I’ll stop. I promise—just kidding. Can I ask one more thing?” You wave your hand for her to continue. “You’re telling me you don’t even want to revel in the idea of the two of you being something more than just friends?”
The iciness of the tiled counter becomes apparent underneath your fingers, and you’re faced with a question you never wanted to answer—aloud at least. Jeon Jungkook has been—scratch that—is your Roman empire. He’s the one thing you’ve come back to even when you didn’t want to. It’s the same three questions you’ve had:
Is he okay?
Is he happy?
Does he miss you too?
And if you’re completely honest, the answer is yes. Of course, you’ve reveled in the idea of you and him.
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kniesyswrld · 3 years
NHLers As Women And Their Vibes
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sapphic-hope · 3 years
revenge ⸝⸝ oneshot
pairings: hope mikaelson x vampire!reader
warnings: angst, betrayal (the reader pretends to be someone they're not to manipulate hope), death (mentioned).
summary: centuries ago, you made the mistake of helping katerina petrova. to punish you, klaus murdered your entire family. you want revenge, and what better way to get it then to manipulate his only child? if only you didn't end up getting to know the real her, or even worse falling in love. // set in season five of the originals, klaus is still alive and roman doesn't exist.
word count: 800+
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Becoming a student at the Salvatore school is surprisingly easy. A few lies here and there, a well thought out sob story that the headmaster eats up, and you're in. Absolutely no compulsion needed.
Honestly you are horrified how little time the school spends checking out your backstory, despite the fact that it works in your favor.
For a school meant to keep their students safe they sure as hell don't seem to be doing their job that well. You're surprised the Klaus Mikaelson would have ever sent his only daughter there.
Getting close to Hope Mikaelson turns out to be nearly impossible, not that you expected it to be easy. While the rest of the students are quick to accept you as one of them, the vampires happy to have you, even the witches and the wolves warming up to your presence, Hope stays away.
You soon learn that's normal behavior for the tribrid, staying away from the other students. You hate her just a bit more for that, your mind happy to make it's own judgement. Because of course the high and mighty Mikaelson stays away from everyone, full of herself just like her father had once been.
Time passes quickly and you make little to no progress in befriending the girl. But surprisingly you aren't that mad about it, while the 'bunny' blood does take some time to get used to, you find yourself enjoying being part of the school. Even if you know it's only a means to an end and not something you should allow yourself to get attached to.
It's Josie Saltzman of all people, the headmaster's daughter, that ends up being the key to befriending Hope. She is one of the few people at the school that Hope doesn't go out of her way to avoid. Obviously being friends with Josie would take you one step closer to Hope.
In hindsight you should have realised that sooner, but better later then never. You don't let your thoughts linger on why using Josie's good natured friendship didn't come to your mind weeks before.
It's a little shocking how easy things go after you realize that. A few kind words to Josie and a few days later the four of you – Josie, Hope, Josie's sister Lizzie and you are hanging out together. The twins turn out to be far more fun to spend time with then you thought, in another life you may have even been actual friends.
Hope takes some time to warm up to you, but you have all of the time in the world. And it's not like there is someone waiting for you in the outside world. After all, Hope's father made sure of that centuries ago when he slaughtered your entire family.
Months pass, you have a routine now, one you can admit to yourself you will miss when everything is over and you leave. Hope is still distant but you're confident that you could be considered friends now. She still doesn't mention her family, not even a word on anything you could use against them, but you learn that you don't hate spending time near her as much as you did before.
The universe seems to have something against you, so of course everything goes horribly wrong the moment you dare to think you might be close to getting what you wanted.
An accident happens, a group of humans attacks the school and Hope ends up killing one of them. Triggering her wolf side.
You're surprised that you are the person she goes to. She's a sobbing mess, trying to explain what had happened, repeating over and over how she didn't mean to. It's only your vampire hearing that makes you understand what's she's saying.
And for the first time, your heart breaks for her. Ignoring the internal turmoil insise your mind is easy when you fully focus on her, gentle and oh so kind as you hug her and tell her it's all going to be alright. She only stops crying once she falls asleep.
You stay by her side and it would be so easy to hurt and maybe even kill her then and there, asleep on your bed, her guard down. You don't.
Next time you see each other, you both pretend it had never happened. Hope leaves the school for a month, you assume her mother came to get her so the two of them could spend Hope's first full moon together. But you don't dare ask her about it when she returns.
You don't mention it but there's a silent understanding between the two of you now and you're closer then ever. You love hate it. You promise to yourself that it if you ever get a chance to kill her again, you'll take it.
(It's a lie. And deep down you know it.)
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elejah-wonderland · 5 years
Love Hurts/5
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Part 5
Elijah Mikaelson x reader
Summary: Y/N got a letter from a lawyer from New Orleans that she had inherited a part of Mikaelson Estate. She will go there to find out what it was about, and meet two brothers Elijah and Klaus, who also part own the Estate. Why will love hurt?
a/n: thanks for reading and liking. I appreciate it  so very much. xoxo
tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @goddessofthunder112 @elejahforever@captainshurley
The next day
In her office, Camille took her phone and opened the gallery now viewing a photo of her and Elijah, a friend of hers took at the party.
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     "Finally, I got you."- she said with a big smile on her face.
"Got who?"- her associate Will Kinney asked as he entered the office.
"Elijah. I am engaged."- the blonde attorney said chirpily.
"Seriously? He proposed? I didn't see that one coming. I didn't think he would marry anyone after the whole Sabine disaster."- Will said.
"I am not anyone. And we've been together for a year."
"You mean he has been sleeping with you for a year"- Will said not pulling any punches.
"If you don't have anything nice to say keep your remarks to yourself"- Camille replied.
Will huffed away-"You're so infatuated with him, which- seriously I don't get at all-when will you open your eyes and see that he doesn't love you. That he never called you out, unless it is something he needed, or you are working on all his endless cases."
"What are you talking about? He asked me out"
"When?"- Will was relentless.
"Last night- we went to Borrega."- Camille replied.
"Cortez invited you- him- all of his family and friends. When did he send you flowers? Or when did you go out for a romantic dinner - or just out - you and him? And where is the diamond ring?"
Camille was quiet, and Will continued-"Never, right"
"Oh, just shut up!"- Camille now said feeling all tensed up, and now changed the subject asking him if he brought her the brief.
Seeing that he went too far, he now apologized-
"I've known you since college- and  just want you to be happy."
"Then stop being so -just-  let's talk about the case."- Camille said.
The attorney nodded and they proceeded with the work, him looking at the love of his life with pain on occasion wishing she was insanely in love with him.
In the Mikaelson house, 
Y/N woke up from the worst hang over ever. She looked at the clock and couldn't believe it was nearly two. Quickly she got into the shower and got dressed looking at her phone. There were loads of different messages. As she walked down she made a few calls, one of the most important and that was to her friend Bonnie.
"I will pick you up"- Y/N said.
On the other line, she heard Bonnie saying that she shouldn't trouble herself as she and Damon already arranged a car hire.
"Oh, good"- Y/N said venturing in the kitchen. Mary greeted her and as Y/N sat down on the table, the woman got a jug of a red drink out of the fridge giving it to the brunette.
"What is this?"- Y/N asked.
Klaus, who came venturing in said-"Mary's special Bloody Mary. It will bring you back to life in no time. It's magic."
Y/N looked at Mary and then at Klaus, who both now made gestures to her to drink this magical hangover potion.
"You need to get used to partying down here yet."- Klaus continued-"you got really smashed."
Y/N kept sipping down the drink now flashing back to the party.
Gaspar now came to the table where, Elijah, Klaus, Y/N and Camille were sitting bringing a bottle of champagne to them.
"More champagne, didn't we just toast to Amelia?"- Klaus said surprised he brought a bottle to them.
Gaspar opened it and said-"Well, Amelia overheard that Cami and Elijah got engaged- so- this being a special day- she is sending it to you."
Elijah looked at Camille not pleased that she had already spread the world about their agreement to get married like wild fire, but he was also not the one who would make a scene and so he accepted it.
Camille quickly tried to clarify the whole thing and said- "When I congratulated her she said hopefully you're next, and I just - smiled- that's all."
"So it's true? Oh, come on. It was kind of sooner or later with you two"- Klaus said taking  the bottle pouring everyone a drink.
Elijah swayed his look a bit at Y/N, who seemed to be in a slight state of shock, trying hard not to show that she felt like she was hit by the sudden news.  
As the all took a sip of drink, Y/N suddenly wanted to go and dance some more. Gaspar followed her. Dancing hard and drinking more tequila then she shouldn't have.
"I am not like this. I never get slashed." Y/N now said feeling a bit embarrassed- "I don't quite remember all"
"Don't worry, you didn't do anything too crazy"- Klaus said.
"Oh, please no. What did I do?"- Y/N was not happy hearing that she might have done something really bad.
"He is just teasing you."- Mary said-"You fell asleep in the car, and Elijah carried you to bed.That is all."
"He carried me to bed?"
"Well, yes."- Klaus said-"you see, nothing major. I can see headlines- the great heiress passes out partying hard."
"Oh, this is bad."- Y/N said.
"It's lucky we are not celebrities anymore"- Klaus said-"like this family used to be once upon a time"
"I don't know how you do this- party all the time- and work."
"We don't really party all the time"- Klaus said-"you just got into a string of different events, that's all. There are dry spells, aren't there, Mary."
The housekeeper nodded and now put some pretty greasy and heavy food in front of Y/N.
"Cajun breakfast hash"- Mary said.
"Eat it"- Klaus said suggestively-"and pretty soon you will be cured from the worst hangover ever."
Y/N did as suggested. When in Rome do as the Romans do, Y/N thought. Or when in NOLA.
The magic hangover option or the food, whatever it was, it helped her pucker up and she was now like a busy bee. Later on as her friends arrived, all was even more enhanced. There was so much they had to catch up on. Then meeting the family, and seeing New Orleans from Klaus' perspective.
"So, just tell me what we are going to do about the mother- daughter thing. Are we doing the avoiding thing?"- Klaus asked Y/N about Bonnie and Abby.
"For now we are doing the avoiding thing. Tomorrow, I am taking them to the Plantation and I plan to stay there till Monday. Then on Monday, I will gently break it to Bonnie that her mom is here, directing the play you are in. Deal?"- Y/N said.
"Deal."- Klaus said.
Y/N was happy that she was busy with her friends going around New Orleans. It made her think less about Elijah, and his engagement, as well as her feelings for him that she just wasn't able to shake.
As Bonnie and her were alone at one point doing some shopping, Bonnie said-
"Is it my imagination, but, there is this thing between you and Elijah."
"A thing? What thing? There is no thing."
"Now I know that there is."- Bonnie said.
"What are you talking about?"
"The way you talk to each other. You get all - eyes at him and he is so nice to you when he talks."
"Elijah is nice. That is how he is. Sweet and nice."- Y/N said.
"Sweet and nice"- Bonnie repeated-"Ok- why are you denying it. You are in love with him."
"I am not. I just like him, that’s all. ’"-Y/N now sat down on a puffer
Bonnie sat down on another puffer-”"
"Ok. I get it - he is engaged and - shame. I think he is like the one for you.”
“I think that - I should - give Stefan a chance.”- Y/N now said.
"Really, but  - you never looked at Stefan like you look at Elijah"
"Stop it, please"- Y/N said-"Anyway, after  the Ball, I am going back to Mystic Falls- yesterday I go the call from the Dean and they have offered me to run the research team."
“Seriously? That’s great news.”- Bonnie was delighted to hear the news.
“Yeah. Bu then - I really love this place. It's like this thing I have been waiting for- this city is so great. With my degree in history, I can find work here, and the NOLA Historical Society has already offered me a job. I also want to make the Mikaelson Plantation house open for tours and make it into a museum."
"Wow. What about your parents? Have you talked to them about it all?"
"Not really. Well, we just spoke briefly. They are now deep in the Amazon and will stay there another month. When they get back to Rio, I will fly out there. And tell them everything."
Bonnie knew the way her friend gets when she was passionate about something. It was all or nothing. And whatever happens she will be there for her.
And so, more fun, and partying ensued. As she said she took her friends to the Plantation house.
The whole family went out as well. The dinner Klaus had planned for his fellow colleagues from the theater was rescheduled. But all the food Mary bought was now brought over to the Plantation and a grand dinner was done there for Y/N's friends.
Elijah invited Jackson, Josie and her boyfriend as well.
At one moment in the kitchen, Mary asked Elijah if he knew if Andrea was still in New Orleans.
"She is."- Elijah said-"I had a drink with her yesterday. She is going to stay and she wants to start seeing Hope on a regular basis."
"And Klaus? Have you talked to him about it?"- Mary asked.
"Not yet. I try to find the right time. I'll do it the first thing we get back into town."
"Jackson doesn't know that she is back either. So far, she has not come out here."- Mary said-"I don't know how he is going to take it seeing her again."
"It's going to be tough"- Elijah said.
"I will have to tell him."- Mary said.
"Yes. It is best."- Elijah said.
"May I ask where Camille is?"
"It is her uncle's birthday party tonight. She had to attend the dinner party. She will be out here tomorrow." - Elijah replied and taking the big jug of iced tea went out of the kitchen.
Suddenly a lot was going on, as if someone had opened the strangest Pandora box of them all.
That evening, everything went off in a grand style. The place was buzzing as it did a long time ago when Esther and Dahlia were young.
Mary watched them all with great happiness and delight in her heart.
At the break of dawn Elijah walked out on the back porch. And his looked aside, seeing Elena sleeping on the porch bed swing.
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      He smiled a little and now walked to her, and sat down on the neighbouring  armchair looking at her lovingly. She slept serenely. His heart trembled with love that flowed right through it, as it did every time he would see her. He could not understand how life had always dealt him the worst card possible. He was in love with a woman, he could not be with. Making a little silent sigh he stretched his hand out to her face wanting to caress it, but stopped hovering over it, gulping as he then made a loving movement in the air, pulling his hand back, not wanting to wake her.
"Love you"- he said in a  very soft whisper. He continued watching her soaking the moment  in to hold it in his heart forever, it murmuring  something Gaspar said-Eres la persona correcta en el momento equivocado,  pero también eres lo más bonito que me a pasado”
♡Elijah now got up, turning for a split second to take one more look at her and as he moved to get of the porch at the corner of the stairs he kicked a pot of flowers. The clanging sound made Y/N open her eyes seeing him stare at her apologetically saying-
"I'm sorry- I didn't want to wake you"
"Hey"- Y/N said sitting up, rubbing her eyes a bit-"I - it was too hot in my room, so I- came down some time in the night."
"Yes- it's been quite hot - in the night"- Elijah said somewhat clumsily as if he was caught doing something he shouldn't have, continuing- "I also- woke up early- cause it was too hot to sleep."
"It's - good now"- Y/N said.
"Yes, it's about 80 F."
They both went quiet. Just looking at one another.  Standing still, as if wishing this moment doesn't ever pass, the moment eyes streaming- 
"Admit it, you feel it too, forget the world, this is about us-let's feel it- life is just a moment. Why don't you dare, this doesn't happen often, remember that we only have one life, my love, we could either be cowards or listen to our hearts. You're here and I am here, Let's feel it, let's not waste anymore time, let's forget about the world."
All his feelings were now getting the better of him and if he didn't turn away breaking the look he would walk over to her pulling her in her arms and never let go.
"I'm- was going to take a walk"- he said as he looked back at her.
Y/N nodded a little and he did the same, and to stop the awkwardness  he then slipped faintly-"Later" walking away, putting his hands in his jeans. She watched him till he disappeared between the oaks. Feelings she thought she had dimmed down, came rippling back like never before. She took a deep breath and walked into the house.
Later, in the afternoon
Bonnie and Damon went for a walk down the Mississippi, and Y/N waved at the couple looking at them happy they found love.
"I'm going to Josie's with Hope. We are having a painting workshop thing with kids. Wanna come?"- Klaus appeared.
"I have to make some calls."- Y/N said.
"Right. See you later then."- Klaus said and got back in the house now calling Hope asking he if she was ready to go.
Y/N walked back into the house and into the kitchen as she thought she had left her phone there.
"Have you seen my phone?"- she asked Mary, who was packing the apple pie in a box.
"I don't know. Maybe it is in the salon."- the woman replied adding-"I made some fresh lemon blueberry tea. I am going to Jackson's, and will be back to do supper."
"Oh, don't worry about it. We will make something. Please don't rush back because of us. Enjoy yourself."- Y/N said to the woman with a little smile-"Ok, I am going to look for my phone. See you."
And she ventured in the Salon looking all over for it, finding it on the window sill, and then remembered it leaving it that morning as he was talking to Elijah.
"Hey"- he said as he walked in the Salon.
"Hey"- Y/N replied.
"I-"- Elijah started-"well, I wanted to tell you this for quite some time now"
"Yeah, what?"- Y/N nos slipped her phone down on the window sill.
"Ahm, last night, I - heard you talking about the Ball and all that you - everything that went on since you came here. The way you spoke about it, this place, and - us- the family. I have not seen anyone talk about this with such love, putting your whole heart in it like you were born here and lived all of your life here. It is extraordinary. You gave this place its dignity back. And- like I said some time ago- well, Klaus actually said- you brought sunshine back to all of us."
Y/N's eyes watered- and she slipped a big thank you at him.
"I thank you, Y/N."- he said to her dearly.
Y/N now walked over to the photo table where all the photos of the family were. She took the one of Dahlia and Esther in her hands drawing a deep breath-
"I never thought I would talk to - a picture like Mary or Bonnie does, but since you  - this is crazy but - I just have to talk to somebody because- huh- I don't know who I can tell how I feel- and I tried not to feel - but" -she drew another  deep breath now tears welling up in her eyes-
At the same time Elijah came out of the study that was opposite from the Salon and stood still as he now heard Y/N say-
"I tried so hard no to - but - I’m in love with Elijah - I love him - and I don't know what to do-  oh, Ms Dahlia,  I just- I don't know what to do- please, help me"
Elijah, now  walked in  the room. Y/N now having heard the creaking sound of the old floor as he stepped in, made her turn around. It was clear from his look that he had heard her confession. Gulping, Y/N, exhaled, wanting to say something, but what was there to be said - they now rushed to one another- crashing into a kiss.
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