#sabotage Remy's properties and all
dollya-robinprotector · 11 months
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oyasuminto · 3 years
School Trio + Wren and Alex finding out you're stuck on Remy's farm?
Alex wouldn't consider themself a violent person, but Remy better watch their fucking back. Sabotaging the farm was bad enough, but kidnapping people and turning them into animal hybrids is a whole 'nother level of evil. Alex will break into the underground farm with brute force and physically carry you away if they have to. Not to mention, freeing all the other 'cattle' if they can.
Kylar doesn't care if they're outmatched. They don't care how dangerous the moor is. They're marching into that farm and getting you back, no matter how many tranquilizers or knives it takes. If they get captured? Well, that's just an opportunity to find you and escape! Feel free to tell Kylar off for putting themself in danger, but they just have a one-track-mind when it comes to you.
Robin is terrified. They know they won't be able to get you by themself. They plead for help from everyone they can; the police, the other orphans, their regular customers, even Bailey, until someone listens. Robin may not have brute strength, but they do have a lot of determination and the ability to build strong collections. Remy will have a horde of angry orphans to deal with if you're not home soon.
Well, what's a grand theft auto, destruction of property, and technically kidnapping to Whitney? If that freak in the moor won't give you back, Whitney will just go get you themself, even if that means stealing a car transport you, breaking down fences, and burning that shithole of a farm to the fuckin' ground. Sounds like a fun night out to Whitney and their friends.
Sure, Wren often joked about Remy taking an interest in you, but that was just a joke. Wren has never been entirely loyal to Remy, and they certainly aren't now. They already know that just asking for you back won't work, so they'll have to cause a little chaos throughout the farm and the estate; hiding weapons, agitating livestock, 'accidentally' leaving fences open, riling up the 'cattle', whatever it takes!
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