sydneychaseindigo · 1 year
Shumann's Resonance Off The Charts
We are definitely witnessing some interesting changes here on the planet. Last weekend in particular. If you are not familiar with Shumann's Resonance you can check out the wikipedia here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schumann_resonances There have been some huge fluxuation patterns in Shumann's Resonance this past weekend which can be seen on twitter here. https://twitter.com/LiveSchumann/status/1670503106667503616?ref_src=twsrcgoogletwcampserptwgrtweet If you look closely at the second image to the far right you can see what seems to actually look like Merkaba vehicles. If you haven't already done so please pick up your Indigo Merkaba Activation E-book right now. It is very important that you do so. Activate Your Indigo Merkaba, Complimentary E-Book https://page.co/f8i4xw Many great changes are afoot. Drink plenty of water. Ground yourselves. And cleanse and protect your energy. Your energy vibration is your most important asset. You may check out my YouTube video here on The Indigo Room channel. Read the full article
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ineffably · 12 years
KZ- Gedenkstätte Dachau
from 13th April 2012, some hotel in Munich
I think I heard Schumann’s Resonance- the earth’s heartbeat, in KZ- Gedenkstätte Dachau today. Baudrillard was right. There are no words. But I will try. The air in the bus that shuttled tourists from the Dachau train station to the memorial site was heavy with the public knowledge of eminent tragedy-confrontation— how is one supposed to feel, knowing where one is going? Where one is going on purpose. What is the purpose of going to such a place? Those who talked talked knowing that people could hear them- they spoke awkwardly of Auschwitz, tried to give a few pathos-coloured comments and then fell silent. The words I’m writing are too simple, too reductionist. I absolutely abhor them and know with that dying certainty that they will never be able to describe the feelings the memorial site provoked. But I will try. I know that I will always come back to this post, critical and frustrated. At the information counter, I bought an audio-guide. As I entered the compound, listening to the prepared narrative, I grew impossibly furious. And I became even more incensed as the day went on. Impossibly furious with all these other tourists wandering around, holding audio-guides to their ears, listening intently. Impossibly furious with myself, for doing the same. Appalled at the large groups of teenagers laughing loudly at something- this is not the place. Impossibly angered at the thought that this place of cruelty is now a tourist attraction, somewhere people can say that they “had gone to”. Impossibly, even more impossibly- angry with those taking photos- how could you. ‘Artistic’ shots with barbed wire, posing beside ‘Arbeit Macht Frei’. How could you. I was even furious at a girl wearing bright pink. There’s something wrong, something intensely disrespectful about the musuemification of the Holocaust. Not that anyone is at fault. There isn’t any other way to educate the public, to preserve historical pain. But I couldn’t help it, everything I saw today seemed to desecrate the memory of the place. The immaculate mowed down barracks- so flat and clean. The handsome Chinese tour-guide who talked too loudly, and gossiped with his customers on the bus back. The museum- so educational, so informative that I read everything- but which reduced the event to literary inspiration, ‘gobits’, quotes. The narrative guide attached to the crematorium wall reducing the mass incinerations to an appropriate bible verse. Literary inspiration. “even the type of sociohistorical dimension that still remained forgotten in the form of guilt, of shameful latency, of the not-said, no longer exists, because now ‘everyone knows’, everybody has trembled and bawled in the face of extermination- a sure sign that ‘that’ will never again occur.” The Holocaust is now public property. How could everyone. It was in Dachau Room B where I was overwhelmed. The room was where the dead bodies lay in heaps before being shoveled into the crematorium- baked like dead bread. I could only look at the room once. Now the image of it is unreliable and indistinct- how could i forget. But guilt aside, I want to remember how that single, brief look around caused me such overwhelming grief. That that room- this room, that corner, where I had stood on- had lain so many of the innocent dead- in heaps, diseased, with no other purpose than to be hauled to the next room to be incinerated. I want to remember that look as the first look of grief I have ever had in my life. Unadulterated grief. Grief, which I have never known. I still do not know. I had to walk on quickly. I looked at the furnaces with blank (what?). Blank something. I walked out. The original barracks had been torn down and are now indicated by concrete markings of the perimeter of each barrack, the middle filled with stones. Looking across the Dachau concentration camp now, across the thirty-two large flat expanses of stone and pebbles, I was just hit with the sense of space. The space purged, it gave the site the feeling of post-. Historical distance. You could see the vast expanse of the sky. As I walked back, away from here, I walked near the edge, where the perimeter of each barrack started. I walked down the length, knowing that if I stretched out my hand just a little so that it crossed the concrete perimeter- there a person would have slept, here another one would have slept, maybe they leaned against the wall that used to be here, I can touch them i can see their faces hello i wish i knew you so i could cry with you, instead of looking at you from so far away. now i see you. i couldn’t see you when you were frozen in the enlarged photos. in the painstakingly simplified museum descriptions but i see you now. i see the three of you looking at me. your faces are dirty and your eyes are large and unbearably sad. hello. The Earth pulses with a special kind of resonant wave. I felt it today, heard it in that moment when- finally breaking through benumbed museumification, my hand ghosted through space and found them.
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