#see ya'll after ep 4 drops
mysterylover123 · 3 years
Mysterylover Watches Bleach Episodes 353 "Pigtails, Meet Hime"
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1. Right off the bat we have Ichigo back in dark robes and with a sword! Yeah that feels like Bleach.
2. We get our basic Shonen fight where the hero gives it his all and the villain just catches his sword.
3. Just when the villain is getting into a good monologue his sidekick shows up to give Ichigo a harder time.
4. And now our main character has been turned into a black square. Um ok. This arc is so weird.
5. OK I see Ichigo is now trapped in a video game. That's pretty much what this whole arc feels like. Bleach does Wreck-it-ralph.
6. And apparently the villains are now playing Ichigo's weird Video Game. These two vs Chad apparently for Ichigo's Soul
7. The villain Duo and Chad trade blows for a little while. It's your basic back and forth and honestly not too exciting. I'm really missing Hime and Rukia right about now.
8. Oh, and apparently Ichigo's game is done cooking or whatever. Some gauge on the game box fills up. It's all very bizarre.
9. Pigtails is back! Thank goodness I needed my usual dose of Bleach Ladies Running around and kicking ass. She's saving Ichi's but, I think at least.
10. What's happening with Sado?! Damn Ichi's friends dropping left and right now.
11. OH SPEAKING OF! We finally check back in with Uryu and Orihime. Thank God I was worried the plot had abandoned them.
12. They go through some exposition and seem to have figured out what's going on. You two need to get on that now so Ichigo can get out of the video game or whatever it is.
13. Thankfully the weird cast has gotten Ichigo out of the game already. OK well that felt pointless.
14. After a lot of exposition that I really don't followe we cut back to Hime. She and Uryu have hashed out what's going on and Chad finally brings her in on the plot. Thank God now we've got the time reversing goddess on our side the plot should hopefully pick up the pace a bit.
15. And back to Ichigo and the fullbringers playing video games. Man they're just like all teenage boys.
16. OOH but now Pigtails is meeting Hime! Please be best gal pals I'm missing all the lady friends from the last arc.
17. Hime owns the whole ep of course as she sassily states she's over her issues with healing and ready to have Ichi's back. FYEAH that's our girl.
18. We end with Hime joining the video game and a little bit with Urahara. Wow that was a lot in one episode ya'll.
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ilchohand · 4 years
Ichidai San vs Seidou: Koshien Aftereffects
@ Anon-san, here's the essay haha!
I've officially watched the Ichidai San vs Seidou match for the fourth time last night. My adrenaline was so high, I couldn't sleep until 3am that I ended up wanting to unleash all these feelings for this show.
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Daiya, Act II ep 13
And I kid you not. I'm writing 'bout everyone in Seidou.
Coach Kataoka & Ochiai
Let's start with Boss. I'd like to reiterate that he always had high hopes for Eijun.
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Daiya, Act I ep 5
He placed Eijun in the first string even when the boy was still shit with his form, his control, and zero baseball knowledge. Even Osaka Kiryuu's coach implied that it's actually Eijun who is Kataoka's secret weapon.
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I remember him even letting Eijun pitch against Raichi during the batter's next at-bat against Eijun. That was cleary a sign that he was starting to trust Eijun. But clearly Eijun wasn't still good enough back then. Kataoka knew of Eijun's potential, it's just that he didn't expect him to grow soooo fast. Eijun was bound to get there someday, but not this soon. However, seeing Furuya's pitching in Koshien, he too was blinded by it since he was desperate for a real ace with an impact. Of course you'd wanna parade your pitcher like that. This is where Ochiai enters the picture. (If you've ever felt personally victimized by Ochiai, please raise your hand! ✋) Kidding. Ochiai was shit during his introduction. It took a long time to warm up to him, but he was an essential addition to the coaching staff. Kataoka, although tough is more of a feeling kind of coach. While Ochiai takes information at face value. Clearly in the Ichidai game, Ochiai was the one who was practical even suggesting that Eijun's pitching is more effective (even though he likes Furuya as a pitcher more). Kataoka was blind, and it was glaring. Why? You see the other teams were watching. And every single coach of the teams Seidou played against with is wary of Sawamura- even Inashiro's Coach Kunitomo. Eijun is the kid who rallied Seidou to one out away into reaching Summer Koshien- during his first freaking year.
This is why I really like it when Ochiai said Kataoka is human afterall. I guess Kataoka also has some growing up to do.
I'd like to add that these two coaches were blinded by the Koshien performance that they didn't even notice that Furuya's form was crumbling. Quoting these reddit posts, the coaching staff was purely after results. If it's not broken, don't try to fix it. We all gotta say thank you to baseball jesus, Chris-senpai, for we won't be having this problem with Eijun.
Contrary to people saying Furuya became selfish, I feel like he actually knew what his role is and the expectations from him. He never once lost the goal to win Nationals. It's just that, he didn't know how to actually do it. He was chasing his best performance. He didn't want to be Japan's #1 pitcher for the title you know. He wanted to be the top pitcher to bring his team to the top.
Let's accept it. Despite being a monster rookie, he shouldered the ace number prematurely. Of course the weight of it would one day catch up to him. This is why the phrase 'There are no shortcuts.' keeps being reiterated in the story. I felt bad for Furuya so much. This phase of his baseball life is pretty parallel to Eijun's yips arc.
How do I even start with our ball of sunshine? He really puts relief in 'relief pitching'. Such a refreshing player. Woah, like Sanada Shunpei. Yes we know that an ace carries the whole team, we know that an ace saves the team during a pinch, and an ace uplifts the overall mood. Already sounds like Eijun right? We know the role of an ace and how an ace should perform towards the team. What the Ichidai San match highlighted is how a team, in response, acts towards the ace. Trust. It really slapped me in the face the same way it frustrated Eijun. The extreme difference in trust given to an ace versus a relief pitcher.
This was the turning point for Eijun. Probably why I love rewatching it despite the angst. (For a more painful experience, try rewatching the episode before the Ichidai San match 🤭🔪🦝) Anyway, during that scene where Kataoka was dumbstruck with Eijun's top tier pitching I kept remembering that one quote from HQ by the U19 coach--
"We don't look for them, but that doesn't matter. They come to us with solid, undeniable strength and they make us choose them."
Literally screams SAWAMURA EIJUN!!!
Miyuki Kazuya
Where should I stab him? (Ya'll stop taking me seriously when I say stab okay?) I've been saying this all the time but our personality is the same. It's nasty. I love him and hate him at the same time okay?
Anyway, I hope we're all aware and agree that Miyuki also saw Eijun's potential from day 1. Sakuhin shit right there. Miyuki likes interesting people or happenings. This guy played catch with noob Eijun during his day-off! Offered, in fact. (Act 1, ep 5 during that intra squad game of 2nd/3rd yrs vs 1st yrs).
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May I also add! Chris didn't like Eijun in the beginning. It was Miyuki who ended up covincing Chris to look at Eijun clearly and say "to a catcher, he's the most interesting kind of pitcher". However, this boy has his first string duties so it was understandable that he focused on Furuya for a while. But what's unacceptable is, during Ichidai's game, he was guilty of prioritizing Furuya over the game. This is 99% on Kataoka but 1% on Miyuki. Bitch you were losing and you couldn't even send distress signals to the coach. He trusted Furuya because of the Koshien performance and the ace number when a whole ass Sawamura Eijun exists. That's why he was quite guilty when Eijun dropped the 'trust' word on him during the switch.
And while I like that Eijun's performance during the Ichidai San match was eye opening to the catcher, I still haven't forgiven Miyuki for the day before the game when he 'ditched' or put Ei on the back burner. No, no. I'm not simply being a bitch about it because we know Miyuki's POV at that point. He needed to figure out what's wrong with Furuya and a match was looming. He didn't throw Eijun away, he just put him off a few hours. What I'm angry about is the way he put it to Eijun.
We all know Eijun is dying for some Miyuki acknowledgement. I'm pretty sure Miyuki is so unaware of this fact. Which brings me to the point. Miyuki is unaware of how his words come across to Eijun. How it impacts the little pitcher. That a simple jab to Eijun like "ace-sama wants to pitch" is a big sore spot. We see this later at night when Eijun keeps repeating, "Since I'm already put at the back burner!". Miyuki was being sarcastic about the ace-sama thing. But you see, Eijun is a big idiot. He takes everything at face value. Miyuki even brushes it off as they practice catch, "You're still angry about that?" he jokes.
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And whooosh, everything's okay! Or is it?
You may say I'm being dramatic about it. But no. Here's why. During the Ichidai match, Eijun flashes back to two things. One, while on the bullpen frustrated that Furuya's messing up, he recalls the day before when Miyuki chose to catch for Furuya even though he promised to Eijun. (The other one, at his at-bat, he remembers when Kataoka didn't let him pitch the last inning.) So what seems to be a simple nasty joke to Miyuki is a sore spot to Eijun. I have observed this time and time again, but Eijun is quick to under value himself, and these jokes Miyuki pulls aren't helping. Recall that crippled Sawamura self deprecating joke he did, and him saying he was put in the back burner.
(Well anyway, Miyuki was praising Eijun in his mind the night before so I'm appeased. This is one of those TJ inconsistencies I hate, but okay, that's another post. ☹️)
Everything got better after the Ichidai game. Because as Eijun made Kataoka look at him properly. He also did the same to Miyuki. Eijun's performance just screamed, "I'm here. I'm ready!" It lit a fire to everyone in Seidou.
I want to end my long ass post with a good one. I wanna highlight the team's performance during the Ichidai game.
While Furuya was pitching, I could go as far as say the fielder's were baby-ing him. They were so soft and encouraging because they knew Furuya when he is at his best and that it was off day during that time. The fielders were playing primarily to relieve Furuya's pressure.
In contrast, when Eijun was playing on the mound do you guys know how the batters felt? Kanemaru? Kuramochi? Utter frustration and hopelessness. And I was giddy as fuck when that happened. Because Eijun was performing his best, but they couldn't get any runs in response to his amazing pitching. It mothafuckin felt so good watching them feel powerless.
Don't you love this whole match? Obviously I do haha! If you guys ended up reading everything, then thank you! I really wrote this for myself because I was overwhelmed while rewatching it. 😅
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