#she'll take her little bit and get on with her unlife))
thevalicemultiverse · 3 months
Conversation at dinner:
MY WIFE: Hey Google, how much blood is in the human body?
MY WIFE'S PHONE: According to Wikipedia, an average adult has between 1.2 and 1.5 gallons of blood in their body.
MY SON: That's enough to paint a shed!
I fucking love my family.
Alice: [chuckles] As long as your son doesn't get any ideas about where to get the materials to paint any sheds you may or may not own...also, interesting factoid there. I never thought about how much blood there was in a human body.
Victor: [raises an eyebrow]
Alice: My condition doesn't mean I have to know how much blood there is, just that it's there.
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eighthdoctor · 5 months
If Sylvanas primarily sees her position as Warchief as a means of accomplishing her goals, would she want to continue being Warchief if she actually managed to reach those goals (ie the Forsaken are no longer at risk of being wiped out and don’t get sent to superhell anymore)?
The honest answer is so straight forward that I'm going to spin it sideways a little, because the answer is "she absolutely would not but I can't talk more about it because spoilers". Which seems a little unfair to give you as an answer when you are spot on and I like people being right, and anyway there's still a problem here.
Ie, what the fuck is the Jailer's deal.
putting a cut in bc we're gonna talk about a suicide attempt
Some context to catch people up: About 15 years before Teldrassil, to condense a whole lot of plotting into one sentence, joint Alliance and Horde forces kill Arthas and replace him as Lich King with another person who hopefully will not quite so quickly become evil. Sylvanas is not part of this. Sylvanas is not consulted on this. Sylvanas is halfway around the world kicking demons out of the Undercity.
When she does find out that the person who killed her, raised her, used her as a puppet to defeat her homeland, and has generally been the worst thing in a life/unlife that's already pretty full of bad things was not only killed without her but REPLACED by someone who she's just supposed to TRUST isn't gonna try to do the same damn thing again--
She jumps off a cliff onto a field of saronite spikes and kills herself. Because why bother, why keep going, the revenge she held herself together for has been taken from her, so let's just. Finish it.
UNFORTUNATELY it turns out that after Sylvanas dies she's going to superhell for being gay for uh, reasons. Which reasons depends on what source you're looking at, but it's typically a combination of a) Sylvanas does bad things or WILL do bad things in future and so therefore is ALWAYS doomed to superhell and b) all Forsaken go to superhell bc they're fundamentally abominations.
Since this is Calvinism in a fantasy trenchcoat, Sylvanas hauls herself back together and makes a deal with 9 angels Val'kyr (Warcraft has never met a mythology it didn't want to plunder). The deal is to the effect of they'll resurrect Sylvanas* and in return she'll free them from working for the Jailer, who it turns out is the guy who runs superhell.
* Sylvanas is very complicated to resurrect. Every time she dies it's a sacrifice of 3 Val'kyr to bring her back. As of fic-start she has 3 left, which makes her a little nutty.
All of which is to provide context for one of Sylvanas's main motivators: Not going back to hell. Ideally also not letting the rest of the Forsaken wind up in hell for things they didn't do. It's important to preserve the Forsaken on Azeroth, because every one that dies goes to superhell (the Maw), but it's ALSO important to destabilize the Jailer and dismantle the whole system.
Which is all kinds of interestingly fucked up, so Blizzard just completely dropped the ball in the Shadowlands expansion and therefore I'm ignoring almost all of it.
Who is the Jailer? I recommend not opening the wiki page because it actively rots my brain cells; Blizzard has a thing about Categorizing that over the last 25 years has inevitably meant there's about forty different pantheons of various eldritch abominations and/or gods running around, except for when there's only six. Anyway. The Jailer is a very powerful eldritch thing that's been delegated to run the Maw as punishment for trying instead to take over the entire afterlife. Perhaps foreseeably, putting the guy who wanted to run the afterlife in charge of the portion of it filled exclusively with supervillains led IMMEDIATELY to a lot of plotting on how to take over successfully this time (this bit is, remarkably, canon).
In Shadowlands this then turns into a massive scheme that rewrites the actual plot of about four expansions and also is insane and also extremely bad.
So let's just leave it at that: The Jailer wants to run the afterlife (understandable) and is trying to get there by recruiting (or conscripting) various Maw-denizens to help. One of them is Sylvanas, who--because she's undead in the first place, because the demon experimentation that turned into the Helm was way more successful than the Legion realized, because she's only halfway supposed to be there at all, because she's that desperate--gets out. Who talks the Val'kyr into breaking their own chains and Raising her back to life.
Sylvanas scrambles back into Azeroth knowing that the afterlife is fucked beyond all reason, and that most Forsaken don't remember any of that at all, and that there are multiple gods (or entities on that power scale) behind this, and that the Forsaken are unspeakably doomed--and, from the events leading up to her suicide, nobody cares and nobody will help.
So with all of that in mind: What do you think it will take to fix the Forsaken's situation?
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