#she's so childish and immature i'm genuinely still so shocked
eliseliedl · 2 years
my disappointment is immeasureable
#this is about h*llena taylor#THIS WOMAN... the audacity she has is fucking incredible#the way she lied so shamelessly knowing damn well nothing she was saying was true#and encouraged the fans who have been waiting for YEARS to boycott the game#because PG couldn't pay her the ridiculous amount of money the greedy bitch wanted#PEOPLE CANCELLED THEIR PREORDERS OVER THIS#because she played the victim so well and tried to guilt trip ppl by saying you aren't true Bayonetta fans if u don't support ME#who the fuck does she think she is holy shit#i hate that i tried to defend her all this time#i wasn't about to cancel my preorder just cause she said so but i did try to take her side#and even after being publicly exposed as the fucking liar she is SHE STILL WANTS US TO BOYCOTT THE GAME#GIRL FUCK YOU like full offense you are a terrible person the Bayonetta franchise gave you everything?????#it's quite literally her only role and she was so ready to throw the games under the bus out of spite#she's so childish and immature i'm genuinely still so shocked#i mean how were we supposed to know she was lying she broke her contract ALL to make the game flop#imagine going to such lengths. you literally ruined your career for such petty thing#i hate her so much rn. the last thing this franchise needed is another fucking controversy#all my support to jennifer hale who had to even deal with h*llena talking shit about her bc she took 'her' role#i mean bitch what did you expect!! PG tried to keep you in the role all they could but nope. you had to ask for more#A LOT MORE#ugh. anyway glad the truth is out#i did think the timing was too perfect and the way she spoke about jennifer was despicable but man......... she really lied about everything#what a snob#delete later
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mara-xx217 · 2 years
Yes finally !! Killer ( which you like but i think ghosie, frank and maybe Trickster) reactions to when they try to catch their favorite surv (s / o) as he/she jumps through the window, palette, but their pants / skirt remain in their hand. He / she runs away, but they see their pink panties with bunny pattern. ( i ask about this request in other places too but is to funny , and wanr to see how other can do it, if you not want ignore this)
I'm so down with this lol And I love the add of the undies being pink AND with a bunny print on them! I might have gotten a bit carried away... but, eh? XD
Evan Macmillan/The Trapper
It's just work. He had zero intentions of hooking you, but he understands that you're merely doing your part, too. He hunts, you run. It's simple. But this time, something took both him and you seriously off guard.
While trying to grab ahold of your waist, Evan just barely missed his mark, instead taking hold of your pants. That were cleanly removed from your lower half.
With adrenaline running so high, neither of you noticed immediately, but, uh, as you stumbled and nearly fell to your knees, you certainly noticed the cool breeze tickling your thighs, and Evan's eyes were immediately drawn to the... unusual undergarments you are wearing.
You want to cry- no, wait- You are crying. And Evan couldn't be more embarrassed on your behalf. He can't even process how... childish and immature your underwear of choice is. It's too much to take in all at once.
You keep crying as you put your pants back on, and Evan is torn between kinda turned on at the turn of events, feeling terrible about you getting upset, and paranoid that someone saw you in such a state of undress.
He'll apologize when you come find him. Evan's shit at comfort and taking responsibility, but he really is sorry, and it was a genuine mistake. No, really! It was a mistake! He swears-!
Philip Ojomo/The Wraith
He was just trying to get you out of the way. You can be a stubborn prick, just as he can be, and he wanted you to sit and behave so he didn't accidently hurt you. But no, you just... wouldn't stay put!
Philip had a death grip on the back of your pants as you tried your damnedest to struggle out of his grip. He wasn't letting go, and you had no intention of going without a fight. And you kept fighting, and before he knew it, you had actually unbuttoned your pants and slipped out of them.
What should he be feeling right now? Annoyed? Impressed? Huh? Wai- What are you wearing?!
You are the biggest annoyance he's ever had to deal with in his entire life. You couldn't give less of a shit, running around in not only your underwear, but in such an unbelievably childish pair to boot.
Now, instead of going after his actual prey, Philip has to chase you down while silently begging you to PLEASE PUT YOUR FUCKING PANTS BACK ON! You only laugh and tease him to Come and make me, baby!
Oh, you piss him off so damn much, but God, if you don't force a smile on his face. He's so mad, but when he hears your breathless laughter and the squeal of shock when he does manage to catch up to you? That anger dissipates into something much softer, though make no mistake: he's still very annoyed with you, and he will make that annoyance known after the trial
Max Thompson Jr./The Hillbilly
It was a complete accident. Max was after someone else, you moved out of the way. It was completely fine, but as you were vaulting-
You're stuck. You are stUCK OH GOD OH FUCK-! You panic far more than is necessary. Max would never hurt you, you know that, but still. With all this adrenaline, you can't help but to flail and pull, and struggle even more when you feel Max attempting to help tug you free. With all this pulling, it's no wonder that eventually something just-
RIIIIP! You don't even realize what happened at first, still flailing and hyperventilating. But Max sure as hell knows what happened. You're dropped and Max starts to blubber, stumbling through an apology with his voice trembling. The sincerity in his voice helps ground you slightly, and much to your horror, you realize exactly what has Max tripping over his words.
Your pants are ruined, and Max got an eyeful of your embarrassing panties. You want to die. He wants to die. You both want to die. Oh boy...
Max wants to cry; he feels so bad. But it was an accident. You know that after you calm down, and you don't blame him one bit! Really, Maxie! It's okay, I'm not mad at you.
He'll still feel sooo bad for the longest time. That, and he can't get the image of your butt in those cute panties out of his head! It'll drive him crazy and he totally doesn't want to see them again...
Danny Johnson/Ghostface
The asshole did it on purpose. Danny looooves tormenting you, and he had full intentions on either hooking you or mori-ing you in the instant he started chasing you. The longer you ran, the more his blood ran hot, and he needed to get his hands on you and make you scream.
You vaulted, but just a second too late. The back of your pants was grabbed, and you slipped right out of them as you fell face first onto the ground.
It was such a terrible mistake. Not only are you completely vulnerable, now, but he's got an eyeful of those cute panties that you are wearing! Maybe... maybe he won't kill you, after all...
Danny tackles you, saying the most profane and filthy things that's ever crossed his mind. How he's going to fuck you, there and then, hoping- praying, that the other survivors find you in such a state of bliss as he's fucking your brains out.
And you know better than anyone that Danny has the bite to back up his bark. He'll not only fuck you in the middle of the trial, but he'll kill all of your friends and go back for seconds and/or thirds as well. Don't think that you'll be let go after this. He'll still mori you, all while giving you a gentle kiss on the cheek all the while.
You'll be expected to wear more cutesy underwear in the future. You must. It's nonnegotiable in your relationship from this point forward. And don't expect your treatment to soften in the slightest. In fact, be ready for him to get even rougher. He can't help it! You're just so damn cute...!
Frank Morrison/The Legion
Now, Frank might not hurt you on purpose in trials, but he sure does love giving chase. You always get so flustered, and when you are finally cornered, out of breath and with that feral look in your eyes? Fuck, it's so damn hot.
Frank's doing what he does; he flushes the survivors off of gens, finds you and starts to chase you, playfully calling out to you and egging you on. And you reciprocate, flirting with him and being coy. Everything is pretty much business as usual. Until your pants catch on a windowsill and rip, fully exposing your ass to the cold Ormond air.
Yeah, that not only hurt physically, but hurt emotionally, too. Frank starts laughing, and then he sees them. Cue the wolf whistling and cat calling, making you even more annoyed than you were before.
You stutter that I-It's the only thing the Entity g-gave me...! Which was a lie. You were wearing them when you were taken. Oops. Frank will give you a playful smack on the ass and tell you exactly how much he enjoys it.
He could make a fifty-cent whore blush. It's foul and vulgar and you wish that the trial was over so you two get down and dirty, already...
Well... you could do it now. What do you say, babe? Here, on the bar...? Right fucking now...?
Ji-Woon Hak/The Trickster
It happened like this: you were moving out of the shack, your pants snagged on some wood, and then- they tore wide open. It was wildly embarrassing, and it left you unable to move for the entirety of the trial.
You couldn't let him see you like... this! Nope! No way in hell! It was the last thing you wanted. E-Especially since- s-since...!
Of course, he found you anyways. You tried to hide in a locker, but to no avail. Your K-Pop star and killer of a boyfriend is gonna see you in all your bunny underpants glory, and there's nothing you can do about it. You want to cry, you want to get mad and tell him to fuck off, but you don't. You can't, and it's too late, anyways.
He doesn't even say or do anything, at least at first. Taking his time in soaking in your embarrassed face and the sheer ridiculousness of your choice of underwear.
It's cute- No, really! He's genuinely impressed! You wear it quite well, little muse~ Why didn't you tell him that you loved such cute things?! He would have gladly seen too it that you had so much more to your wardrobe that just... THAT.
You'll never live it down. Never. Sure, he won't bring it up all that much, but the burning embarrassment that you feel will be ever present, and it doesn't help that he keeps gifting you overtly girly things with the same cute factor as your favorite undies.
@prettycutebunny @gore-loving-whore @kennbb @cherrysodalite @dead-bxtch-walking @space-arsonist
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