#she's still quite capable of getting information herself tyvm but sometimes people are like ''THE jb fletcher???''
don't think i realized how much of a sucker i am for the Found Family trope until a one-off character i barely had an opinion of said "can i come home now?" to the main character he was staying with meaning, obviously, "can i ditch this weird dinner you've sent me to and come back to your house, which i am spending a few days at" but my whole brain went "HOME??? adopt him? new son/nephew/precocious younger sibling/protege? 11/10 yes please. i love him i want to protect him etc."
#found family#murder she wrote#michael digby#unfortunately fan wiki says he's in exactly one episode#aND nobody else has yet posted a convoluted au fanfic in which he does stay in cabot cove#but consider#1. travel writer who is successful by Travel Writer standards#2. BUT not as name/face-famous as J. B. Fletcher best-selling mystery author#3. down to do whatever weirdass bullshit mrs fletcher points him at#4. One Weird Trick To Prevent Drunkenness is already 10/10 but elliot spencer this man and give him a ton of weird tricks#tldr he is the perfect partner in crime-solving#i want five seasons and a movie of him calling her up from wherever he's writing about to tell her about Suspicious Events#sometimes she drops everything immediately sometimes he has to talk her into it#always holds back the weirdest detail in case she REALLY needs persuading and then he's like *sigh* ''okay#i guess i'll just never know how the victim's shoelaces ended up in the garbage disposal#but if you're too busy on your FAKE murder to help with a REAL one i guess--'' ''stop complaining michael i'm already packing.''#she's still quite capable of getting information herself tyvm but sometimes people are like ''THE jb fletcher???''#''i've read some of your books and ALSO read about your real-life detective skills in the paper!''#jb: ''…okay michael they're on to me#you're gonna have to ~coincidentally~ befriend these people''#he's very ''dammit jess i'm a TRAVEL writer not a MYSTERY writer'' but he always gets something useful#one ep she can't come to his murder because there's one in cabot cove#they consult via phone on their respective murders#he does some top-notch sleuthing she pulls one of his One Weird Tricks they both catch murderers#he ends up living in cabot cove when he's not travelling to 'relax'#*episode in which he buys a house there: three people in cabot cove are murdered*
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