#shoutout to me having to google 'is captain nemo real' like an idiot
I don't think fgo's Nemo is supposed to be the historical Indian version (though he would much be appreciated), more leaning over the European Triton angle, thus I don't think it could be considered white washing. I too want an adult Indian man Nemo but I just don't consider out current Nemo as him. He's more of an original character at this point
ngl this ask confuses me bc captain nemo isnt a historical figure, he's a guy from jules verne's 1000 leagues under the sea who is later identified as Prince Dakkar, the son of an eastern indian raja who lost his family and kingdom in the indian rebellion of 1857 (this is the same war lakshmi bai fought and died in btw). he's a book character given a background based off of irl events?
fgo nemo is then also combined with triton for some reason, but if im being totally honest i dont see much of him in the character-he was typically depicted as a merman, which fgo nemo is decidedly not. they do both have a conch shell? he's also described as being sea-hued and ruling the sea...tbh their main connection is the fact they're both aquatic- he's much more nemo than triton, and if anything it seems more like a case of zhuge liang/waver or ganesha/jinako where one party is just not present. of course it could be that later on triton DOES pop out, who knows i cant read
i do alsoknow that irl india is an incredibly diverse place and people have a lot of skin tones there, but the fact that fgo consistently picks the palest option more often than not is annoying to me personally even if it isnt technically whitewashing, and it DOES reek of colorism. not to mention we have so many blonde blue eyed people, can we have a break from it? please?
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