#since i got health insurance last year i've been diagnosed with other genetic diseases that i should prob warn him about anyways... yikes
fxa · 1 month
got my sleep study results. no diagnosis yet, got a second sleep study and an MSLT scheduled for july. the only thing i'm interested in right now is that the sleep study found i fall asleep within 3 minutes on average????? like holy shit that is SO fast. i never could relate to people saying they count sheep or imagine an empty white room to induce sleep, but i thought i simply fell asleep easily, not that it was basically instantly compared to normal people. threeeeee minute average. dude i close my eyes and i'm checking OUTTTT of consciousness. my eyes shut and i'm unconscious faster than a twister heading for an elementary school. omg. i guess i never realized because it's not like i lie awake WAITING to fall asleep. i start dreaming within a few seconds of closing my eyes but before i'm asleep so i get absolutely zero time to sit there and think "yep i'm still awake huh" lol
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