#so how is everyone else's valentine's day going ๐Ÿ™ƒ
sub-hoshi-enthusiast ยท 2 years
In other news, I accidentally fell in front of the cutest girl in my class today and she brushed it off like it was nothing but omg-
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So I'm having a rough day week month year and I'm just gonna yell into the void for a little bit โœŒ
So I have fucking flu like symptoms again because my bitch ass doesn't know how to not be stressed? This is the third time I've been sick in 2022 AND ITS FEBRUARY! I've been in bed all day only leaving for brief bathroom breaks and then! As I'm going to bed! My knee does a weird wobble thing AND NOW I FUCKED UP MY KNEE TOO!!!! I've been having the most intense body aches and my knee really said "hahaha you know what'd be funny!!!!" So I hobbled my stupid little ass up the stairs and now I'm lying in bed again trying to feel tired but I'm just NOT. All day I've been exhausted and barely awake and now my brain is just like "hey, hey, hey, you have all kinds of shit you need to write and edit and all you did today was cry" brains are fun. I really do miss my boys though, I've been so sick that I've had to step away for two months and it's been harder than I expected. Writing is how I make things better but I'm just so fucking exhausted. And to make all that so much more fun there's so much drama happening in my extended family (who I haven't talked to in years mind you). Okay here's the tea, some therapist decided on a hunch that my grandfather has dementia. My grandmother, being the naturally conniving person she is decides to make it everybody else's problem instead of getting a serious diagnosis. So what happens? She calls my dad and says "dads doing really bad, he's sick and he's not going to be around much longer" so of course we scramble to try to get them over here. They completely ruin our Christmas and everyone ends up fighting the entire time, they go back home, my dad talks to A REAL NEUROLOGICAL DOCTOR who ran tests on good old granddad and says "yep there's nothing wrong with him, just normal aging" I DONT HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY ABOUT THAT!!!!
You're probably like wow that's really shitty, but wait! It gets worse!! My grandmother decides to call my mom one day out of the blue freaking out about the Russia Ukraine situation and tells my mom that she heard my brother was going to be deployed. MY BROTHER DOESNT EVEN TALK TO THIS WOMAN AND WE TALK TO HIM MULTIPLE TIMES A WEEK so we knew for a fact that was NOT happening but noooo grandma knows everything and anyone who disagrees shall surely be put to death. Oh I left out the best part of their holiday trip, grandma saw my pride flag (in my room she demanded to see after I said no) and refused to talk to me the entire trip, unless it was to say something snide or critical of course. Oh and one more thing, Christmas day happens, my family spends so much time and effort and money to include them for OUR Christmas right? My grandpa gets a call, it's my cousin who sings a Christmas carol to him and hangs up. He then loudly declares to my brother's girlfriend that that was the best Christmas gift he has ever gotten from any of his grandchildren and I'm literally standing right there cleaning up the wrapping paper from all the presents he opened.
Anyway all this shit right? All of it! All of it that they've put me through for fucking DECADES my grandma texts me feb 14 "Happy Valentine's Day! Hope Your Day Is Sweet N Special As You Are! Love You So Much! โค๏ธ๐ŸŒนโค๏ธ๐ŸŒนโค๏ธ๐ŸŒนโค๏ธ๐ŸŒนโค๏ธ๐ŸŒน"
I'm so fucking done with this shit seriously. I didn't even answer. (Same woman by the way, that when my dog passed away a few months ago texted me "well dogs die, it happens" also they spent their entire trip reminding me that she wasn't around as well.) ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ
Okay different tea but on my mom's side. My mom is completely estranged from her family because they refuse to accept the fact that they're terrible people. Well come to find out my moms step grandmother died a few days ago and had been in the hospital paralyzed since Christmas. Now I'm not surprised by any of this because like I said they're absolutely horrible people but the only way we found this out is because they sent my dad a link to a gofundme to pay for her funeral. (My mom hasn't talked to these people in at least ten years, and my dad maybe more) but yep. Find out through gofundme. It's not like I really knew this woman or that she was truly family to me in anyway but that's still really fucked up.
Guys I'm fucking tired. Thanks for letting me vent, I don't know if it made me feel better but at least it's out of my system I guess and hopefully it made you realize that you're probably not all that crazy โœŒ
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