#so i guess we get to find out if good ol' omelette shows up at the iron throne even if you didn't do his act 1 quest
blackjackkent · 26 days
OK, the Underdark bit I've been most worried about for Rakha...
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"Ah! A visitor! You're a welcome sight!"
Rakha is on guard immediately meeting this man. The only other such person she's met before - Wyll identified them as hobgoblins - was Ragzlin, one of the three leaders of the goblin camp aboveground. This fellow, though, smiles brightly at her and turns away from the large stack of books he has been examining, with no trace of hostility or malice in his manner.
"But," he goes on cheerfully, "let us observe the customs of the locals."
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Narrator: The scholar's brow tenses. His voice spills into your skull, the spores connecting mind to mind.
Rakha squeezes her own eyes shut as her brain seems to vibrate with the man's voice. Blurg, proud member of the Society of Brilliance, at your service.
Then he flinches back and groans, rubbing his temple. "Hgn--nzzt. Or perhaps not. Your mind is far more complex than that of the fungi."
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Rakha opens her eyes slowly. Society of Brilliance. She recognizes that name, too - the trader on the road to the creche mentioned working for them. The trader Rakha killed for being an ass to Lae'zel and threatening to steal a githyanki egg.
The man seems harmless, but she does not trust him. "Were you here when the duergar attacked?" she asks carefully.
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Blurg smiles ruefully. "I observed the fight from a distance," he says. "Combat is not my field of expertise, but the myconids handled themselves well enough." He gestures around him. "My colleagues and I are working to improve conditions in the Underdark. This need not be such a dire, hostile place."
Rakha considers this, then relaxes slightly. Whatever this Society might be, Blurg does not grate on her the way Esther did; the beast urge remains at its low-level hum in the back of her mind.
Blurg, on the other hand, is looking at her with sincere interest. "It's curious to find a surface dweller here. What has brought you down so deep?"
(A/N: As usual - Rakha's primary resemblance to Hector is that her inclination is to be completely honest roughly 100% of the time. However, the only honest answer here goes straight to the tadpole; I think Rakha would have been more likely to talk about Moonrise Towers and their destination.
I know why they did it this way - bc they're setting up Omeluum's arrival - but it's always a bit annoying when the exact conversational tack I want to use isn't an option. Cos realistically it's already been established that telling a stranger who knows about such things that you have a tadpole is a recipe for being treated like a ticking time bomb. But we work with what we've got. XD )
"A mind flayer infected me with a tadpole," Rakha says with a slight shrug. She doubts this man will know anything about what that means, of course - and if he does, his reaction will probably be only fear. But there's no more point in sugarcoating the situation here than there has been anywhere else.
To her surprise, though, he perks up curiously. "Truly remarkable! But why come to the Underdark where they hold so much power?"
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Rakha blinks. Curiosity is not the reaction she expected. And she can't help wondering if there are answers to be had here.
Explain the whole story.
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Blurg listens with intent interest as Rakha, in quick clipped sentences, lays out the state of their adventure so far. He clicks his tongue thoughtfully when she's finished. "You were infected by an illithid tadpole? It's a miracle you're still intact. You must be worried sick - but have no fear! I have a friend who may be able to assist!"
Before she can ask him what she means by that, her head rings as the hobgoblin gives a shout through the connecting network of spores around them. Omeluum!
A pause - and then another ringing mental voice, this one lower and more resonant than Blurg's. I hope this is important, Blurg. My zurkhwood samples need constant attention.
"It is!" Blurg says excitedly, abandoning the mental communication and calling down the pathway behind him. "This adventurer has an illithid tadpole inside her head. But she hasn't turned!"
"No ceremorphosis?" says the deeper voice, now aloud as well. Rakha turns in time to see the new arrival--
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"That's impossible," the mind flayer says placidly. "But intriguing. Are you looking to have it extracted?"
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All of them go completely still, staring wide-eyed - for a moment too astonished to react.
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Lae'zel finds her voice first, and her tone has gone ice-cold with trembling rage. "Ghaik!" she snaps. "Your head will make a fine trophy for my queen!"
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"Please - hold," says the illithid; its tone has a muted urgency that might be a panicked shout in any other race. "I understand your rage against my kin. One of my brethren forced a tadpole into your eye - or ear, perhaps? But I assure you, I stand with the Society of Brilliance, not the colonies of my people."
Rakha barely hears him. Her heartbeat feels suddenly very loud in her ears, rage suddenly consuming everything else. Her vision pales out and the beast roars in her head. ENEMY. KILL.
She trembles with the urge to leap forward as she did back on the nautiloid, to hurl itself at this creature that is like those who captured her and destroy it, rip the tentacles from its head and shove a knife through that gaping maw of teeth beneath.
She looks past Lae'zel's seething expression to Wyll behind her. He knows the hunting of monsters, but he has gone still with an expression of wary curiosity. He hears the same thing she does - there is something different about this illithid. Something strange, a mystery that tugs at the rational part of her mind.
And if she fights here, it might turn the myconids against them. And she does not wish them dead; she wants to bring them Nere's head and purchase another moment of peace.
"The myconids wouldn't appreciate us fighting here," she rasps out, her voice strained with the effort of resisting the blood urge. "I'll listen."
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"Fool!" Lae'zel snarls. "They infest your head and invade your dreams, and still you would parley?"
Rakha ignores her. This isn't about the illithid, not really-- it's about the strangeness of this moment, and her need for answers, and her own inward struggle. It's another moment where the beast has wanted to kill and she has held it back, which is a sort of victory.
She half-expects Lae'zel to attack regardless, and hasn't quite decided whether to stop her. But Lae'zel remains still; her eyes are burning like coals with frustration... but she follows Rakha's lead and waits, a hand on her sword but leaving it undrawn.
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The illithid seems to relax slightly. "I ask only that you refrain from violence," it says gravely. "I respect that your opinion of my kind may be... charged." It takes a slow, careful step forward. "If that settles matters for the time being - would you like a diagnosis? Open your mind to me. Let us see what lurks within?"
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Rakha's jaw sets tightly at once. She has many invaders already in her head; she does not need another. Certainly not an illithid. "Never mind," she says curtly. "I'm done with mind flayers touching me."
The illithid tilts its head to the side. "I see," it says. It does not seem bothered by her attitude - but there is an odd air of regret in its monotone voice. "I will remain here... if you change your mind..."
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diariesof-kg · 3 years
Listen Linda!
I am excited!!  My VH1 credit should be on my IMDB page real soon.  Pause why Black Panther is filming in ATL and I never knew when they started filming.  I definitely need an agent in ATL, I have the financial ability to fly back and forth.  I just don’t know if I am willing to shave my head.  Even if they offered me 500k, I’d still be hesitant. Lol.  And they are filming in the middle of fall and winter and I can’t stand being cold.  God is good!  I am unsure what to do with my health though.  Again, I’ve come to terms years ago, about what could possibly happen.  I bet ol girl would be happy if I perished, she wished it on me anyway. Lol, But that besides the point at hand.  Something is definitely wrong with my body and I am beyond over it.  Thank God for life insurance I guess.  I barely have debts except for my school loans.  I wrote out my goals, I just need to make a vision board at this point.  I am definitely hoping everything manifests.  I’ll be debt free by December of this year.  And then my credit score should be above average and then I figured out how to get a Tesla without spending 40k.  The most I am willing to spend is 30k but that’s where negotiating comes in.  Unless the car goes over 300 miles per charge, I am not spending that much.  I’ve driven a Tesla. Model S and the charge goes down quick with all the usage.  I want a model S so bad, but Ill take the Model 3 or Y. 
My child got out twice now.  I told her the outside is for the street cats and she’s not about that life, of course she responds. Lol.  I am definitely blessed for her.  Who would have thought I’d have a cat that responds and talks to me.  Understands commands.  It’s beyond crazy sometimes but I am grateful.  I remember after the incident I was crying so bad and Zena was trying to get in my lap but I kept putting her on the floor.  I feel so bad she waned to comfort me and I rejected it.  But I truly love her to death.  I bought her a leash to train her to go outside but she isn’t having it, but then yells at me to put it on.  I guess she runs everything.  She also loves helping the clients.  Lol.  Whether that’s talking while I’m on the phone or typing random shit from the keyboard.  
I finally broke my silence.  Not entirely.  I’m still hesitant about reaching out to my community about what happened to me.  I told one person in the industry and I said, it’s not about exploiting or exposing but it’s about safety.  If I was attacked I am sure it’ll happen to someone else and that’s the point of speaking on it.  I would be in the wrong if it was lies and I made up this whole story for revenge, but unfortunately it really happened.  I have the court documents saved as PDF and people can look it up with my name or the case number.  This is why I am blessed my record is clean.  Because on my IMDB, it shows if the industry is googling you or reviewing your page.  And if I had a criminal or something as a restraining order on my record, I could lose out on bookings.  Reputation matters.  Producers always call me back for a gig.  And no one wants to work with someone who can’t control their anger.  Thank God that isn’t me.  I can be upset, but I’d NEVER put my hands let alone bite someone.  I am hesitant about posting pictures of the bite, but I feel like that’s my finally closure.  Closure and forgiveness is a beautiful thing.  I think that’s how I am able to receive all these blessings.  I always forgive people in order to set myself free.  The misery I would feel if I didn’t. 
*side note; I am craving Prank’s Egg white omelette and potatoes. ; with some syrup.  I am not sure when I’ll make it over there but it’ll be soon.  Most places don’t even do egg white omelette which too me isn’t as dry as a regular omelette. It’s like being in love with the first bite, it’s so good. 
Imagine on my birthday a Tesla arrives.  Yall I’d pass out.  Lol.  I definitely want that car and then I’ll get a townhouse.  The way they check your credit though itll be tricky I suppose.  And of course mom can rent out my room.  This room is beyond 600 sq ft.  Its a whole ass studio.  Matter fact if she takes the entertainment room, where my sister sleeps and my room and the bathroom, that’s a steal.  I have been looking for townhouses to rent but some are two bedrooms and are tiny.  And I am spoiled to be honest.  I refuse to live in a box.  Which means paying over 2k a month.  But that’s the whole point of upgrading your life.  I will never forget when I met my brother for the first time and he said I was boujie because I had a Champion jacket on. Lol, SMH!  What’s so wrong with upgrading your life.  Phew, black people never can just say something is cute or looks good without the extras.  The Champion jacket was hella expensive and I bought it on my credit card, because I was broke.  I like the color and how it looked. Lol, never knew it would categorize me as boujie.  
That’s why lowkey I am scared to get the Tesla.  Because when next year comes around and I FINALLY heal and get myself right to date.  I don’t want to go out on a date and they think, because I have a Tesla I got monies.  I was ignorant for that too.  My ex has a big ass house and a Mercedes and I quickly learned it wasn’t even like that.  Plus a Mercedes is really an expensive Chrysler, both vehicles share the same interior, but who gon tell them?  Can we just clap for people who upgrade their lives.  Can we do that starting 2022.  My plan is at the end of this year to finish doing overtime and then grab my savings and get a loan, hopefully at least 20k and I pay the rest like 10-15k.  And BOOM a Tesla is born.  I am always planning, I created a whole financial excel sheet to predict how much I need to make to reach my goals.  Then I have my Godson and his future.  I may go ahead and put 5k in his savings just to set him in stone for the next two years.  I am waiting for my credit card to say zero!  If I have extra I might send my friends a couple racks.  When I am blessed I have to pass the blessings to the next.
I love the BUFFINS!!!  I just can’t over how beautiful their lives are.  Sevyn wanted Annie and she got her.  They proposed and got married and three years later had their first child and I am just so happy for them.  I am like this, let me re-manifest someone from the ATL.  Because my homeboy literally is moving to be with his fiance after meeting her a short time and he’s a Capricorn.  Listen, I was so close but I ended up getting violated violently, so lets start over.  Caps are so loyal and faithful.  But I am not ready to find someone yet.  I kind of want to establish a few things first.  I want to HEAL.  This was definitely a traumatizing experience.  Adding more to my PTSD.  I want to be comfortable speaking about it if asked.  There is a lot to work on at this time.  Plus, I want to get this car and this townhouse.  Also, I don’t want to be afraid to jump into the deep end.  Like when I fall in love again, I dont want to be hesitant to make someone my girlfriend, even if it’s a short period of time.  I don’t want to rush but I don’t want to hold back my emotions either.  I pray I can fall in love again.  I honestly do.  I thought I couldn’t and then I did to a person who attacked me.  Feels wasted.  I want to take chances.  I should have taken that second date with this other girl. Lol, fuck !  And I wouldn’t have been in this mess.  
To end this, I know relationships are not easy, I was in one for five years.  I have the strength but also, I don’t have to tolerate shit.  If the universe sends me a damn Taurus, we going straight to counseling, because I refuse.  Lol, they are literally all abusive asf.  In the meantime, I am waiting for the victims group to get back to me about my case.  If they agree, somebody going to jail and it’s not me.  I mean literally what happened to my bff ex, lordt.  we call her crazy bish, but she was mad she was arrested for the DV.  Like how can people be upset about their own actions that they chose.  Now you see why, when my bff asked if she was a Taurus and she said yes, why they were scared for me.  Lol, because them May Taurus are real life abusers.  Someone prove me wrong and Ill give them 10k.  But on a good note.  God is good!!!!!
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borrowedbackpack · 6 years
Travel Days
Well folks, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. Apparently that saying also extends to great, awesome, epic, enlightening, and truly groovy things, because yesterday I finally left hippie land. Was I sad to leave Hippie Land? Yup. A little bit. Did I consider just not getting on the bus back to civilization in favour of hanging out with dogs/cats/camels/weird people for a few more days? Sure did. Did I remind myself that, just a week earlier, I didn’t want to leave ‘Kech cause it was so great? And that just a few days before that I didn’t want to leave Poland because Poland is so great? Yup. And so, self-realizing that there are lots more cool places in the world I have yet to peep, I got on that bus and said “see ya later and keep it real, dude” to Hippie Land. I will return soon, inshallah.
Before I got on my bus out of Hippie Land, I had a bit of time to kill, so I did an activity that I recommend to anyone trying to kill time in Morocco: eating. Let me tell you, Morocco does breakfast RIGHT. Shit’s a never-ending carb parade! You hand over 20dh (like 2 Euro?), take a seat in the sunshine, and you go IN on those carbs. First they bring you the bread (the Moroccon bread you get at every meal, khobz, I think), and the honey. And a lot of butter. So you dip your khobz in your honey to get things started off right. Next comes the tea. Then the orange juice (but just hold on a second, cause buddy’s gotta step out for a second to go get some more oranges. No problem, no problem). Next is msemmen, which is like a square crepe, kinda flakey and cinnamony. Roll that shit up and dip it in your honey. Or maybe that orange jam-like substance that just showed up at your table. Oh and hey, well you’re at it, do you want an omelette? Why not? I’ll make you an omelette, no problem. And here’s your orange juice. Some pastries maybe? Or this bean-y breakfast soup? Sure! You need some more bread with that?  
So yeah, that’s basically your typical Moroccan breakfast scenario. I highly recommend it. I mean, I highly recommend everything about Morocco (except for the purple soap…gave me a gnarly rash. Avoid at all costs).
ANYWAYS, I hopped on the ol’ bus and proceeded right out of Hippie Land and right back in to the craziness that is Marrakech. I saw a whole HERD of camels on the way! A herd! Of camels! Frick I love this country.
I made it to the Marrakech train/bus station with no incident, and then took the bus to the main square, still without incident. Then I found my hostel (I stayed at a different, but really nice hostel this time called Kaktus. Really cool place, really cool people, recommend x100) still without incident. What a day. Didn’t even step on any scary snakes.
Unfortunately, my last night in Morocco wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. I was definitely feeling my two-ish weeks spent in the third-ish world at that point, and your girl was suffering. Rampant, itchy, red hand rash situation that was a) ugly and b) burned like hell (luckily much better today – I’m pretty sure it was just the weird purple soap at my hostel, as previously mentioned). Major blistery ear sunburn (even when it’s cloudy/cold/windy, the tropical sun will burn ya). Catastrophic runny nose (not the kind of sickness I expected to get in a foreign tropical land but I’m okay with it. As much as I loved Morocco, I was ready to hit up some western medicine at this point.
After a restful sleep at the Kaktus, all my ailments and I were back to our usual sparkly selves and ready to take on the day. The first order of business was to find a taxi that would take us (+ the NBF) to the airport. As previously stated, prices don’t exist in Morocco, so this sort of thing isn’t always the easiest, especially if you’re white af, sunburned af, and very obviously foreign. Luckily, the NBF and I were pumped up and ready to not get ripped off. A taxi approaches us. Dude seems pretty nice.
“I’m going to the airport. How much will that cost?”*
“15 euro! No problem!”
“Hm” I say.
“That’s the standard price for airport transfer!”
At this point I do a little chuckle and take off my sunglasses to assert my dominance. I stare right into that guy’s soul and inform him that I am aware that a standard airport fare does not exist and that I will pay him 50dh to take me to the airport. And what do you know? 15 minutes, 50dh, and some random Euro change later, the NBF and I have made it to the good ol’ RAK airport.** We even saw some camels on the way.
*do not get in a taxi in Morocco until AFTER you’ve established a price.
 **Definitely the most beautiful and probably the most efficient airport I’ve ever had the pleasure of flying into/out of. Go to Morocco.
So I enjoy the fancy airport life for a bit and then board my silly Ryanair flight to . . . guess where? One guess only! You’re right! I’m back in Krak. Classic Anna. What can I say, it was the cheapest flight back into Europe, and I’ve been known to enjoy Poland. So here I am. Just hanging out for a couple days and then moving on to some weirder* parts of Europe, so that should be swell.
I’ll also be catching up on blogging/uploading pictures during this lil stint in Krak, so stay tuned!
*recommendations for weird/cheap parts of Europe welcomed
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