#so people don't pay attention [badum tssh] to the cause of his grief
thepringlesofblood · 7 months
fckin. i've watched Tin Can Bros' masterpiece Spies are Forever a bajillion times. I've listened to the soundtrack a bajllion times. when my phone malfunctioned and I lost all the music I downloaded from my dad's giant folder of pirated mp3s, the fuckin Spies Are Forever soundtrack was one of the 3 albums that remained bc it was one of the only ones I'd actually bought. which means i listened to it over and over and over until I was able to get student-discounted Spotify (and tbh i do still listen to it over and over, just on Spotify).
and I JUST NOW realized that Curt's beard from the 4 years after Owen's death is a double entendre.
the only other queer person he knew in his line of work just fucking died. of course he gets a beard.
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