#so there's some fun seth lore and Tragic Character Backstory for you
mixsethaddams · 1 year
Silent Tears (Read the warnings before proceeding. Dead Dove Do Not Eat.)
Day 17 for @febuwhump . Yes, I skipped forward on the other prompts that I'm still catching up on. If I don't get this out of my brain I'll lose my mind. I might have to abandon febuwhump entirely though and just work through the prompts at a different time. My fic for the steddie big bang is heavy whump and doing this too isn't really doing me any mental favours 😅
So now. CONTENT WARNING. *Pinches the bridge of my nose* This is a noncon story. The characters are trans male Steve Harrington and dark/creep/perv!Eddie Munson. We're all grown up here (or at least we should be because this is an 18+ blog and I block minors) so we can all put 2 and 2 together on what's going to be under the cut. It's exactly what you think it is. I'll say it one more time. This is a noncon story, it is a dead dove fic with rape as the subject matter. Do not act surprised when it's exactly what I've said it is.
2264 words. Rated E (obviously). Modern AU, no powers, no upside down, no kids. Characters aged in mid 20s.
Story below the cut.You're responsible for yourself from here on out.
Remember me fondly as the writer you thought I was before reading this. See you in hell <3
Eddie heard a rumour. 
He wasn’t really one to listen to idle gossip, but whenever it concerned Steve Harrington, he paid attention. Steve, who had been on the fringes of Eddie’s social group for about a year now, who never seemed to have a girlfriend, who seemed to pick and choose who he spoke to about his past. 
Eddie was always going to have his interest peaked by someone like that.
Eddie watched Steve for a long time. They flirted back and forward after a few drinks whenever they saw each other, but Steve always shut it down if Eddie got too close. He always batted Eddie’s hands away if he tried to touch his thigh or put an arm around his waist. God, he was such a tease. Eddie wasn’t against chasing after someone who was playing hard to get though, it was half the fun. Eddie revelled in the glances that Steve shot him while others spoke, especially if he tried to act like he hadn’t been staring in the first place. It was cute to look over and see Steve looking the entire opposite direction, as if Eddie didn’t already know how badly he wanted them to make eye contact instead. 
But fine, Eddie could play this little game for a while if it meant finally getting his prize.
So when someone whispered in Eddie’s ear at the bar one night that they’d been to visit Steve and his roommate at the same time Steve’s mom was there, yeah, Eddie took notice. They told all about how Steve’s mom kept throwing a name around, one that definitely wasn’t his. Eddie rolled his eyes at first, pushed his friend away and said no way, man. But as time went by, Eddie couldn’t help but let the idea float higher in his brain. 
A friend’s house party was the perfect setting to finally find out. To stop the hunt, and go in for the kill. The house was big, plenty of bedrooms that had been locked in advance of everyone arriving much to Eddie’s dismay. But there was a small laundry room between the kitchen and the downstairs bathroom that was well enough out of the way. It wasn’t exactly what Eddie had pictured when he thought about getting his hands on Steve, but it’d have to do. He was sure Steve would be happy to let him make it up to him in other ways.
Eddie watched Steve all night, closer than he had been before. Steve must have known that their little game was turning up a notch because he definitely didn’t look Eddie’s way all night. He acted like he was fully immersed in his glass of gin and the girls who cackled around him. It drove Eddie wild, and his brain was fried imagining Steve feeling the same way. He was practically bursting out of his jeans at the thought of how the night might end. They could put the pretence behind them at last and Steve could stop acting like he didn’t even notice Eddie. 
It was almost 2am by the time the chance came. Eddie was hanging out in the kitchen listening to someone who might have been called Michelle cry about her boyfriend. Eddie’s advice of “If he’s such a cunt then dump him” wasn’t very well received and she just wailed even louder. Two of her friends came over and glared at him, and when he rolled his eyes, he caught sight of Steve going towards that downstairs bathroom.
Eddie waited until he heard the sound of the door closing before following down the hallway, and slipped into the laundry room. He left the door cracked open, and when Steve had washed his hands and was making his way back to the kitchen, Eddie shot his hand out, and grabbed his wrist. Steve gave a small wail of surprise as he was pulled into the room. 
“Shhh sweetheart, it’s only me,” rumbled Eddie into Steve’s ear, holding his waist tight and pressing his weight forward. The room was dark so it took Steve a second to figure out who had him pinned against the wall. 
Steve tried to push Eddie’s hands away from him and started to make loud protests, but Eddie clamped a hand over his mouth.
“I said quiet,” he said, firmer than before. The door was still open a crack and a line of light from the hallway left a strip across Steve’s face.
Steve whimpered behind Eddie’s hand, his eyes wide. He was still trying to wriggle free.
“I heard something about you,” whispered Eddie right into Steve’s ear. “Think maybe I should find out for myself if it’s true,”
Steve froze as Eddie’s other hand moved from his waist onto the button of his jeans. 
“That’s ok, right?” purred Eddie, flicking the button open. Steve pushed back towards the wall and tried to shake his head loose from the hand over his mouth. Eddie flexed his fingers into Steve’s cheeks. “Stop that,”
Eddie unzipped Steve’s jeans and pushed his hand in, pausing to play with the loose material at the front of his boxers. Steve’s breathing was shallow and fast now. If Eddie wasn’t so sure that it was from excitement, he might think it was panic. As his fingers dipped into Steve’s underwear, Eddie removed his hand from his face and instead placed it around Steve’s neck. No pressure, not yet. Not until he thought Steve might like it. He licked over Steve’s trembling mouth.
“Oh shit, sweetheart,” said Eddie, rubbing over Steve’s pussy. “The rumours are true,”
“Please, please don’t, please stop,” whined Steve as Eddie’s middle fingers slipped in between his folds. 
“I’m just gonna feel it, that’s all, just gonna feel how much you want me,” cooed Eddie, kissing Steve in a sloppy open mouthed movement. “You’ve been such a tease, I think I deserve this,”
Steve shook his head again, hands frantically trying to push Eddie back. Eddie was stronger than he was though, even though they were the same height. Steve was stuck. Eddie moaned lightly as his fingers breached Steve’s hole. 
“So warm, feels so good,” breathed Eddie. “Bet it’s a pretty one too, huh? Pretty boy like you must have a real pretty pussy,”
Steve sniffled.
“Don’t be shy now, come on,” said Eddie, rocking his hand back and forward, tightening the hand around Steve’s neck. “You can talk to me,”
“I’ll yell, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll call someone,” stammered Steve. “You can’t… I don’t want this…”
Eddie chuckled. He pulled his hand out from between Steve’s legs and pushed the jeans down further, exposing him completely. 
“Sure you do,” he said, looking down to admire the sight in front of him. “Look how wet you are for me. We don’t have to play this game anymore, you can enjoy it, it’s ok,”
“I’ll scream, I’ll scream so loud,” said Steve again. 
Eddie sighed and rested his forehead against Steve’s.
“No you won’t,” he said plainly, gently petting over the skin between Steve’s legs again. Steve was shaking with what Eddie assumed must be anticipation. He was delighted. “You’re scared people will find out about this,” He gave a small squeeze to the mound for emphasis. “You don’t trust any of them, out there, do you? You don’t know how they’ll react. That’s why you never told anyone,”
Eddie felt Steve deflate, and smiled, knowing he’d won this round. 
“Please don’t,” said Steve quietly. 
“This would be so much easier if you just relaxed,” said Eddie, slipping his fingers inside Steve again. 
Eddie used his other hand to start fiddling with his own jeans, unbuckling his belt and quickly unzipping. 
“Please no, please no, please,” pleaded Steve. 
Eddie just smiled as he took his dick out, stroking It slowly. 
“Is it how you imagined, sweetheart?” asked Eddie, brushing their noses together. “All those times I caught you looking at me, is this how you thought my cock would look?”
A tear slid down Steve’s cheek now and Eddie smiled wider. It was so great that Steve was so happy to be here with him. It didn’t even matter that they weren’t in a bedroom, this was perfect. 
Eddie slotted a knee between Steve’s and pushed his legs open as much as the jeans around his thighs would allow. 
“Gonna make you feel so good,” sighed Eddie, rubbing the head of his dick over Steve’s pussy. Steve let out a yelp and Eddie clamped a hand back over his mouth. “But only if you’re quiet,”
Eddie’s voice had an edge of warning now. Steve squirmed as Eddie bent his knees a little to line himself up.
“I’ve been wanting to fuck you for a long time,” said Eddie, breathless as he pushed into Steve’s hole. “Fuck you feel amazing, feels so good to finally get you on my dick,”
Steve was crying openly now, tears hitting the top of Eddie’s hand. Eddie rocked his hips forward in increments to get his dick as far inside Steve as the awkward angle would allow. Steve pressed his hands to the wall behind him, hoping desperately that it might just fall down.
“Would’ve, oh shit, yeah that’s it, would’ve preferred to have you in a bed but,” Eddie huffed out a low laugh. “Ah, ah, this’ll do. It’ll be a fun story to tell people for our first time, right?”
Steve’s eyes were screwed shut as Eddie put his other hand on the small of Steve’s back to roll their bodies together. 
“Hope I’m not hurting you,” said Eddie, kissing Steve’s cheekbones and licking away the tears that were there. “I know my dick is big but you’ll get used to it,”
A sound from outside the door made Eddie stop moving. Steve’s eyes shot open and he looked towards the sliver of light that was cast over them. Some of the girls from the kitchen were making their way to the bathroom. Eddie held his face level with Steve’s, and raised the index finger of the hand that was over his mouth. Eddie pressed the finger against his own lips, in a gesture to tell Steve to keep quiet.
Eddie let his hips twitch forward again in a few experimental thrusts, eyes locked with Steve’s, making sure he was making no noise. Eddie’s grin returned as Steve made no effort to get noticed by the people right outside. He just closed his eyes again. When the girls finished up in the bathroom and the sound of footsteps faded back towards the kitchen, Eddie spoke again.
“Good boy, Stevie, fuck, such a good boy,” he puffed. “Knew you wanted this just as much as I did, you didn’t want them to interrupt us either,”
Steve’s shoulders bounced now as he sobbed while Eddie fucked into him. 
“Oh shit,” said Eddie, his voice strained as the rhythm he built up started to falter. “I’m not gonna last much longer here, I’m usually much better at this but jesus your pussy just feels too good. Maybe next time you’ll get to come too,”
Steve started to try and speak against Eddie’s hand. Eddie moved it aside to hear what he had to say. 
“Don’t come in me, please, please don’t come in me,” he whimpered. 
Eddie laughed softly again, the sound making Steve’s stomach turn.
“No can do, sweetheart,” he said. “Boys like you are on the pill, right? So what’s the problem?”
“Please don’t,” sobbed Steve again quietly. “Please don’t, please,”
Too late. 
Eddie snapped forward three times in rapid succession, burying his face in Steve’s neck to cover the grunt he let out. It was a good thing no one chose that moment to walk to the bathroom because the sound of skin slapping on skin was definitely loud enough to draw attention.
Eddie lifted his head up and planted an wet open mouth kiss on Steve’s cheek. He bit the skin there and held it between his teeth as he pulled out and tucked his dick back into his pants.
Eddie leaned back and pulled Steve’s jeans back up for him, smirking as he lifted the zip and refastened the button. 
“You were perfect,” Eddie told him. “Just like I knew you would be,”
Steve lifted a hand and wiped the tears from his face, looking at the ground. Eddie put a knuckle under his chin to lift his head up, forcing eye contact.
“So can we act like adults now, hmm?” he asked. “Can we be less coy about how badly we want each other? Because I gotta tell you sweetheart, I’m gonna want this again real soon,”
Eddie grabbed Steve’s ass roughly and grinded them both together. 
“Don’t worry though,” said Eddie, putting small kisses over Steve’s mouth and inhaling the little cries that were coming out. “I won’t tell anyone your little secret. I wouldn’t want to have to share,”
Eddie stepped back fully now and made sure his own jeans and belt were fully done up. He smoothed down the front of his shirt and put his hand on the doorknob. 
“I’ll call you, I promise,” Eddie winked and pulled the door open, and was gone. He made his excuses shortly after to leave the last dregs of the party. No one cared who was or wasn’t there at this time of night anyway.
When Steve was found an hour later, on the floor of the laundry room with his knees against his chest, he blamed the fact that he was sobbing on the gin for making him an emotional drunk. 
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