#so while i expand on details in some places i'm also leaving a lot unsaid
syoddeye · 1 month
wip wednesday
snippet of a submission for the upcoming ghost challenge! i rolled d100s and got the following prompts: omegaverse + brother's best friend (which i've twisted) + caught in the rain. no warnings necessary for this snippet.
As far as you know, the various blood work and lineage reports come back satisfactory. However, their contents are a mystery, as you’re not allowed to request copies without his permission, and you’re not about to ask. You don’t even know how to reach him. He said a dozen words to you at the house, then vanished after speaking to your aunt.
The following week, you nearly wear a track on the floor with your pacing. No announcement regarding your impending bonding appears in the paper. It isn’t required, but it isn’t out of fashion. You suppose more modern rituals are exclusive to immediate family nowadays, without the need for public acknowledgment. You shudder at the thought. If you’re to be humiliated, you’d rather as few people witness it as possible.
Another week passes. You start to receive letters and packages in his name, ‘S. Riley’. Then, a deposit appears in the account Johnny opened for you. You don’t touch it. You won’t legitimize a thing if you can help it.
You return to work. Everyone expresses their sympathies, and you meet with the omega representative in human resources to apprise them of your status. Their smile is tight when you dodge their questions and simply update the paperwork from ‘J. MacTavish’ to ‘S. Riley’. Every day when you arrive home, you wonder if you’ll find him sitting in Johnny’s chair. It sets your teeth on edge. Alphas and their mind games.
By the time a month turns over, you wonder if you’re stuck in limbo. That you’re the one who died, now cursed to languish where you only glimpse your brother in the periphery.
Simon reappears thirty-three days after he buys your life out from under you.
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