#someday i'll draw something actually interesting but i guess these will do until then
prongsfish · 1 month
thank you @fandom-trash-goblin for the tag!!
1. Are you named after anyone? nope :)
2. When was the last time you cried? i'm not sure actually, but definitely within the last 24h. i cry very easily
3. Do you have kids? noooo. i'd say i'm too young but actually i'm not all that far off from how old my mum was jeez... i don't exactly plan on following her lead in that though, she was quite young and atm i don't ever plan on having kids. i don't think i'd be a very good parent and i don't think i'll ever be ready to make a commitment that big.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? i do sometimes but i'm not a very dry type of sarcastic, i usually over-exaggerate to extremes
5. What sports do you play/have you played? i played netball as a kid but i'm not very sporty... i also played a bit of volleyball in hs
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people? i'm not sure honestly. just, their appearance i guess? i have a bad habit of judging people very quickly based on their appearance and other similarly shallow factors, so i guess the first thing i "notice" is just whatever category i put them in inside of my head
7. Scary movies or happy endings? these are two entirely seperate things, but in general my favourite movies have ambiguous or bittersweet endings so probably scary movies? i don't watch a lot of horror because i prioritise an impactful story over anything else and i don't like realistic scary stories, but i like general scary atmospheres and some of my favourite pieces of media are horror (donnie darko, the haunting of hill house)
8. Any special talents? not really? idk, there are things i'm good at, but not any interesting talents that come to mind
9. Where were you born? australia. that's the most specific you're getting sorry
10. What are your hobbies? doomscrolling, listening to pretentious music, consuming + talking about media, reading/writing fanfic, drawing, and... not much else really lol. i don't do much, and there are more things i'd like to do but i barely have time to do the hobbies i already have lmao. maybe someday i'll finally learn guitar...
11. Do you have any pets? none of my own but sue me i still think of the family pets as my pets, so two dogs and three cats :)
12. All-time fave piece of media? this is an insane question but okay uhh. i seriously don't know if i can choose... i think i have to say the social network, it's my favourite movie. normal people by sally rooney is close behind (the book, i haven't seen the show yet)
13. Fave subject in school? i pretty much hated everything until i understood what was going on and then i loved it until i didn't again, rinse and repeat. but probably economics or english lit!
14. Dream job? realistically, i'm on track to becoming something in finance, probably a financial advisor or an accountant of some kind. that's kind of my "dream" field because i've been set on it since i was like 13/14, and i enjoy it! but it's definitely a compromise between enjoyment and money. for a real dream job? if i had my way i'd be a uhh professional analytical thought haver. thesis statement writer, perhaps. unfortunately it seems like there is no demand for that kind of career so i will just stick with finance LMAO
15. Eye colour? brown
no pressure tags: @crackeds0b @xeme-starx @sapphos-queer-kid
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iavenjqasdf · 4 months
why do you like ero guro stuff? genuine question cause I’ve found myself liking it recently and idk why and I’m anxious about it
Idk lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"Why did someone's personal meat computer that has trillions of variables going into it at all times for decades and counting end up in this particular state" is a question for, like, god or whatever, and idc what the answer is. So I'll just talk about a few of the variables that I noticed and find interesting I guess.
I remember always feeling A Strange Way about seeing violence as a little kid. 2 particular memories: seeing a preview for something on Russian TV where a dude with long blonde hair and a denim jacket was standing on top of a hill and got shot in the chest and fell into the sea all dramatic, and leafing through some kinda super bloody samurai comic/manga that someone had misplaced in the kids section of the public library. Then there were the edgy Newgrounds flash games and Happy Tree Friends and the very concept of seppuku...
I was always a super scaredy kid and would tend to get fixated on stuff like that and replay it in my head for hours at a time, in absence of external stimuli or reassurance. Stuck in the backseat on a long boring car trip, worried skullkid was hiding in the trunk and was gonna chainsaw through it any minute, unable to share my fears with my parents cause I should've been old enough to know I'd hear the saw motor running if death were actually that close by.
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I guess with time, I found the best way to stop being so scared of it was to jack off to it, and in the post nut clarity, realizing that I hadn't died, or accidentally killed anyone else either, so maybe it wasn't the end of the world, and it got easier with time, as I kept testing that apocalyptic theory.
Another thought that helped: the Saw movies make hundreds of millions of dollars. Probably not something that could happen in a society where attraction towards gore was genuinely something you'd be widely shunned and exiled for, at least on that level. Bringing sex into it of course squicks out a lot of people, but that's true of everything, cause we're still so weird about sex generally.
But I saw unsimulated executions on liveleak before I watched any R rated movies. We had drills in elementary school to make sure we never forgot the possibility that a stranger would come in and shoot us to death someday, so we covered under our desks, until they told us it was time to feel safe again, and we could go back to our coloring books or whatever innocent little childlike things we did back then*.
I didn't get Formal Sex Ed till like, high school, but the kid who showed me Happy Tree Friends explained the basics of it to me on the playground back then, too. Stick the deadly weapon you were born fused to into someone else's holes until fluids came out. Same basic principle.
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So I guess the cute tidy answer would be: I grew up in the American capitalist antisex death cult. How could I not end up a bit weird about the concepts of death and sex?
Explore what you like, nonnie. Never let anyone shame you for thinking or feeling anything. The only thing that Actually Matters is how you treat other people, and if you're not going out and hurting people without their consent, you're light years ahead of all the cops and soldiers and capitalists out there who are thoroughly convinced that they are Good People™ for doing what they do. Looking at images with a higher % of red pixels than average, or reading graphic descriptions of mutilation that don't have the characters turn to the camera mid-scene to say THIS IS NOT GOOD TO DO DON'T DO THIS IN REAL LIFE BY THE WAY, isn't some type of uniquely irreversible soulcorruption you need to rescue yourself from or whatever.
Let that rotten flesh-stinking flower in your mind bloom ❤️
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*I never knew what to draw as a kid; my first ever drawings were imitations of Children's Drawings I'd seen on TV and whatever. Stick figures living in a box-and-triangle house unlike any I'd ever actually seen, never mind lived in, snowcapped purple mountains in the background when the only ones I knew were the very much unsnowed-upon, earth toned Hollywood Hills. I distinctly remember crumpling up and throwing away a drawing in 2nd grade because I didn't feel like my art was "marketable" enough.
I'm glad I'm able to express myself a bit more truly nowadays, at least in some regards. I guess I found my market :)
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akimajo · 4 years
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i just think she’s cute!
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