#sorry for the Extreme Inactivity over here i'm just focusing like All of my time on klaus so i haven't been around
cbncb0280 · 5 months
To all my online friends I have on Quotev,
I can't lie here but I've recently gotten so bored of Quotev underneath (even if I still feel temptations to log back into my account after a long time) cus I don't really do anything much on it anymore (other than roleplay and talk to my friends which is fun).
Yea, it's true that I am going to be very busy in the upcoming months, but another side to the truth is that... I want to do loads more other than just social media practically all day long as I did last year. In the very end, I got bored cus I used it way too much and (I'm so sorry Earth Angel to admit this), but sometimes, the amount of roleplaying we did all at once for months drained and prevented me from doing other things. Not that I never enjoyed roleplaying with you, but it was quite a lot for me to take in doing nothing but roleplay for months. I'd prefer to do it every once in a while and at my own pace. I really didn't wanna hurt your feelings so I never told you and I am so so sorry if I have upset you just now, but this is the truth. I'm a true free-spirit and I like to do all sorts of things whether it'd be roleplaying, writing stories, making food or music, going out with friends, researching about how to avoid 9-5 and 8-6 jobs, many things. You're a truly great friend to have and I don't ever want to lose you, but I needed to admit the truth to you as well as my other friends I have on Quotev.
Going back to giving a message to everyone I have as friends on Quotev, I also felt as though when I was using Quotev too much last year, I was losing myself and who I was since I wasn't entirely focusing on other things I like and it was as though my life was all about social media and roleplaying. I'm not trying to blame anyone for this as it's my fault entirely that this all happened. However, as a New Year's Resolution for 2024, I'll be spending much less time on social media and my gadgets to remain true to myself and understand who I truly am as a person.
I also need to prepare big plans for the kind of job I want to have when I'm older as I don't want a full-time, traditional job due to my free-spirited, self-reliant nature. It's quite serious and I desperately need to focus, improve my motivation, go out more, do more activities and slowly start to overcome my ADHD. So unfortunately, as a result of all this, I'll need a lot of time off Quotev in order to process everything that's going on in my life.
Right now, I'm going through a period of not using my gadgets from 12pm-9pm in order to accomplish my goals. This'll make me extremely inactive on social media. Last year, I was horrified to discover that sometimes, I used my gadgets for over seven hours!!! 😩😨
But I'll still be in touch every once and I can promise you all one thing: I will properly return to Quotev one day, but I'll not be as active as before.
Thank you for understanding and I love y'all so much and will miss you.
Alien Spotlight/Essiana Ray Whisper
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