#sorry i'll probably not talk about toh again for ages i just had this big brain moment my bad *slithers back into goodomens + moomin hole*
mayhasopinions · 9 months
OKAY this is my first owl house post in months but i just thunked something amazing. in any other show, luz, the quirky main character, would have gotten with hunter, the typical bad boy archetype. amity would have remained a stereotypical mean girl and willow would be stuck being the nerdy, sweet chubby friend of the main character. but the owl house didn't do that.
instead, the quirky main character ended up with the 'mean girl' instead of the 'bad boy' with the i-can-fix-him mentality, and it turns out the 'bad boy' was never bad-turned redeemed but still with that edge. no. he became an utter soft boy, losing most of his edge that would usually appeal the main character to him, because he's happier. instead of dating her, he forms a close sibling relationship with the main character. the 'mean girl' turned out to be the sad girl who needed a hug and someone to lean on, and the main character became that person to her, helping her become the best version of herself and doing the same for her in return. and the chubby friend became strong, sporty and confident in herself but never lost her kindness (or her glasses!! she didn't need to take them off to be beautiful because she already was!!), and the supposed 'bad boy' of the show became embarassingly and obviously smitten with her, instead choosing her to be with rather than the main character.
this has all probably been said before but the thing i adore about the owl house is how it flips the typical character sterotypes, archetypes and dynamics we've become accustomed to in american media and completely flips them on it's head and subverts them. god, this show.
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