#suki being here makes me so happy 🥹
sapphic-agent · 2 months
i love your team avatar rewrite! can you talk more about kids?
You don't know how happy this makes me🥹 I'll break it down like they're OCs (even though the only technical OCs here are Tyro, Suma, and Lian).
(Link to the original Gaang post: https://www.tumblr.com/sapphic-agent/747738712838995968/rewriting-the-gaang-in-lok?source=share)
Kya (major changes to canon):
Earthbender (Lavabender)
Firstborn child of Katara and Haru
Green eyes, brown hair; resembles Katara the most
Temper like Katara, but lacks her caring and nurturing nature. Blunt and to the point like Haru. Can come off as rude, but that's not her intention. Her mouth got her in constant trouble as a child. Loved probending as a child and looked up to Toph
Probender (later Manager of the Probending Arena)
*Notes: I like canon Kya just fine. But similarly to Katara, I feel like LOK really just didn't bother to do much with her. She's mainly there to give Tenzin a reality check and reaffirm that Aang was a shitty father. So I really just built her up mainly from scratch. You can resonate her with canon Kya or think of her as a completely different character. Katara was always going to name her first daughter Kya, so to me it makes no difference. Also, I made her a lavabender instead of a metalbender to match her temper*
Nonbender (Chi-blocker)
Firstborn and only son of Katara and Haru (middle child)
Blue eyes, brown hair; looks a lot like Sokka
Calm demeanor like Haru, but empathetic and softhearted like Katara. The most sensitive of his siblings, but also the nicest. Learned Chi-blocking from the Kyoshi Warriors after visiting Kyoshi Island for the summer. Very interested in law and politics from watching his mom
Attorney, President of Republic City
Sexuality undetermined, closest guess is pansexual
*Notes: Tyro loves his sapphic aunts (Mai and Ty Lee). I like to think of him as that friend that's always there for you, even when they're going through hell (but not parentified like Katara). Why did I make him president? I don't know*
She/They (I know I wrote daughter, but she doesn't mind being referred to as daughter or sister by her family)
Waterbender (Healer)
Youngest child of Katara and Haru
Blue eyes, brown hair; looks like Haru (same complexion as his mother)
Finds it hard to understand emotion, doesn't pay attention (spaces out when people are talking, can't focus on classes that don't interest her in school, etc.). Comes off cold, even to her family. Most assume they don't care about anything. It was a shock when she chose to become a Healer, but her patients usually love her
Healer at the Republic City Hospital, Head Healer at the Republic City Hospital
*Notes: Suma is probably way closer to canon Kya than my Kya is. But they're also a lot less emotionally invested in people than Kya. They're definitely on the spectrum in case you couldn't tell*
Lin Beifong (basically the same as canon):
Earthbender (Metalbender)
Firstborn child of Aang and Toph
Green eyes, black hair; resembles Toph
Grouchy, tough, and a hardass like Toph, but has a strong sense of fairness like Aang. Bosses her siblings around. Butts heads constantly with Suyin because of this. Studied under her Aunt Suki to become an officer
Republic City Police Officer , Republic City Chief of Police
*Notes: As you can see, I didn't change much about Lin. The biggest thing is probably that she didn't become a police officer to impress Toph, she did it because of her own sense of justice. I love that for her*
Tenzin Beifong (basically the same as canon):
Firstborn son and second born child of Aang and Toph
Gray eyes, black hair; resembles Aang
Tries to be calm, but has a short fuse. Feels like he has to live up to being the only Airbending child of the Avatar. Can be distant with his family because of this, especially Aang. Finds it hard to connect with his siblings
United Republic of Nations Councilman
*Notes: Tenzin is way more of a black sheep here than the golden child in canon. Him and Aang having a hard relationship because of the expectations placed on him is one thing I'm very proud of. I think he feels like he has to be this perfect son and feels like he can't approach Aang about it. And Toph is a less than understanding person, so he can't really talk to her either. His biggest regret is never opening up to his father before he died. So he suffers in silence (lmao)*
Suyin Beifong (basically the same as canon):
Third child of Aang and Toph
Earthbender (Metalbender)
Brown hair, green eyes; resembles both Toph and Aang (has the complexion of Toph's father)
Free-spirited and fun-loving like Aang, but extremely stubborn and hates rules like Toph. Very clever and innovative, a troublemaker as a kid. Clashes with Lin heavily due to her issues with authority and competes with her. Leaves Republic City (of her own volition) to travel the world and creates Zaofu and the Metal Clan
Leader/Founder of Zaofu, Head of the Metal Clan
*Notes: I'll be honest, I love Su and think she's over hated in canon. Maybe it's because I see a lot of myself in being the youngest child and having a bossy and condescending older sister. But anyway, her backstory is one of my favorites in the show, so that's why I didn't feel the need to change it too much. Also, her choosing to travel the world similar to how the Air Nomads did is a nice touch with Aang being her father. Although, a fight with Toph might have been what made her leave, I'm not sure. Demi because I can't see her loving anyone she doesn't share a deep, personal connection to like Bataar*
Bumi Beifong (slight changes to canon)
Youngest child of Aang and Toph
Gray eyes, black hair; resembles both Toph and Aang
Extremely intelligent ("mad genius"), but absolutely can't take anything seriously. Prankster, the bane of Lin and Tenzin's existences. Looks up to Aang and is very close with Su, drives Toph crazy. Very interested in combat, war, and strategy
Soldier in the Second Division of the United Forces, Commander in the Second Division of the United Forces
*Notes: Nothing you guys say or do will ever convince me that Bumi isn't a man kisser*
Only child of Sokka and Suki
Waterbender (+Chi-blocker)
Blue eyes, auburn hair; looks like Suki but has Sokka's complexion
Playful personality, loves bad and corny jokes. Easygoing for the most part, but knows when to get serious. Trains with the Kyoshi Warriors like Tyro does
Firefighter, Chief of the Southern Water Tribe
*Notes: I love Lian a lot. It's so weird that Sokka of all characters didn't have kids. Out of everyone, I would think it would be Toph. So I obviously gave him one with Suki. I don't think I said so in the Gaang post, but yes she's a Waterbender. Also, why are both her and Tyro pan? The Kyoshi Island affect, it's something in the water*
Izumi (basically the same as canon):
Only child of Zuko and Jin
Suspected Firebender, unconfirmed
Amber eyes, brown hair; mostly resembles Jin
A calm, rational person. Loves history. Painfully non-violent because of that history. Her heart is to the Fire Nation and repairing the damage her country has done. She also has a deep love for Ba Sing Se because that's where her mother is from. Some might call her reserved before they get to know her, to her friends she's one of the nicest people ever
No one knows if she's actually a Firebender or not, she's never confirmed or denied it even to her closest friends. Doesn't feel the need to. Looks at it like a political strategy; no one can say she's favoring benders or nonbenders. She is a master swordswoman, though
Archeologist, Historian, Fire Lord
*Notes: I decided not to choose if Izumi's a bender or nonbender. I like the theory that she keeps is secret in canon as a political move. I don't know if they kept it vague in canon on purpose, but I like it that way. I kind of based her off Nico Robin from One Piece*
That's pretty much it for the Gaang Kids! I'm pretty proud of how everyone came out. Hope this satisfied you!
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