#sye's babbles
syekick-powers · 8 months
english's pronunciation rules are absolute bullshit poopoo made up crap but one of my favorite side effects of this in written english specifically is like. altering the spelling of a word in such a way that it's technically pronounced the same. but reads very differently when your eyes go over it in written form. and that sort of dissonance between the proper spelling and the altered spelling producing the same basic sounds in your brain creates an unprecedented level of comedy.
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sye216-fr · 6 years
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vampcubus · 3 years
Kissing over someone’s insecurities? (Like if Izuku gets shy about his freckles and scars or Ralph’s scars). -👀anon
God just peppering absent-minded kisses over Izuku’s freckles, softly counting them under your breath as he rattles on about how he’s shy about them. He just gets redder and redder, eventually just babbling nonsense that he loves about you instead. So easily-distracted 💜
And RALPH omg, so so sensitive about his scars, always thinks he’s being stared at and ridiculed whenever you convince him to go outside with you. He’s had the scars so long that he’s scared to get them looked at, if they even can be fixed. Oh but the way he whimpers and melts when you press gentle kisses over them, whispering such sweet things to him. Ralph thinks that maybe... if you like them then, maybe they aren’t so bad?
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syekick-powers · 2 years
yeah yeah everyone's fine drawing a guy with visible top surgery scars but when's it going to be popular to draw visibly masculine people with boobs. i mean drawing a guy with a full beard and bear levels of body hair and just massive honkers. top surgery scars are nice and all but i just want to see more men with huge boobs that aren't just pecs. give me the be-titted men you cowards
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syekick-powers · 11 months
gotta say, i do not like how lately i've been seeing posts from people who use a person having colorfully dyed hair as a sort of shorthand for "leftist who is actually secretly an asshole." like people making comments like "the girl with blue hair and perfect eyeliner wings is also the one who won't give up their seat for a disabled person on the bus". like we already have to deal with the right-wing fascists using "blue hair and pronouns" as a shorthand for "leftist (trans) person who is insufferable and oversensitive", can we please not turn brightly colored hair into a caricature in leftist circles as well. having brightly dyed hair is not some magic symbol of "person who claims to be a leftist but is actually secretly an asshole". it is a morally neutral trait. and while i'm not discounting anyone's experience with someone with brightly dyed hair who treated them badly, i think that turning it into some kind of shorthand for "asshole" is just going to ultimately hurt us more than it's going to help.
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syekick-powers · 3 months
STOP putting annoying music over cat videos and START letting us hear all the noises the cat makes again. i am no longer asking.
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syekick-powers · 5 months
some of the funniest trans headcanons are when a character someone hc's as trans has a bad relationship with one or both parents, and the parents are undoubtedly still shitty--but they're 100% accepting of their kid's transness, while still being undoubtedly shitty. like posts i saw going around about zagreus hadesgame being a trans guy and how hades would be instantly, completely accepting of the transness but still constantly call zagreus a disappointing failson. i just love the idea of a shitty parent being like "yeah my kid is pathetic, but im not gonna misgender them. that would just be too much."
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syekick-powers · 5 months
it's starting to get really fucking old how certain people (usually feminine cis white women) have started using the term "pickme" derogatorily against masculine women or transmasculine people & trans men, implying that expressing masculinity when you're expected to be feminine is done to appeal to shitty men. like. girl what universe are you living in. masculine women and trans men & mascs, even if we're in a cis-male-dominated social circle and "accepted" as "one of the guys", are rarely actually valued for expressing masculinity beyond just nominally being "one of the guys" (and usually end up being reduced to a therapist role for the guys in the group anyway because they still perceive you as inherently more Caring and Nurturing even if you're not like that at all). and, in fact, there are tons and tons of cis (usually straight but not always) guys out there who constantly talk about how "disgusting" masculine-presenting people who were AFAB are. like...... surprise, gender nonconformity isn't fucking rewarded by society!!! being a masculine woman or being perceived as a masculine woman is not really something that gets you the favor of most cis straight men!!! and to be fuckening honest, most of the women who i would actually call "pickmes" trying to get mens' attention by throwing others under the bus are almost always the hyperfeminine tradwives who think women need strong men to "train" them. like where did this fucking "AFAB and masculine-presenting = pickme just looking for male attention" shit come from, for real. in what goddamn fucking universe do you live in where being perceived as a masculine woman actually nets you positive attention from cis men. get fucking real.
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syekick-powers · 2 months
i think probably the most surreal thing about hatsune miku specifically becoming kind of mainstream is that her fame is detached from her roots. i.e. a lot of people who are only hearing about miku via cultural osmosis don't actually know WHAT she is. i see people make a lot of comments about what miku is without ever actually being correct. "she's a robot" "she's a persona" "she's a hologram" for fucks sake she is a synthesizer. she is an app, a program. she is not AI. the voice samples used to make her voice were given with consent and you actually have to plug in the words and melody manually instead of just typing in a prompt and generating something. and one of the side effects of this particular semi-mainstream status is that miku kind of eats up all the popularity that could be going to other vocalsynths. like unless you've been in the vocaloid/vocalsynth community for a while, the likelihood that you're familiar with literally any other vocalsynth aside from MAYBE gumi is like astronomically low. and even if a vocaloid song with other vocalsynths manages to get popular in this landscape, it most likely gets covered by utaites/youtaites and other adjacent singers like vtubers over and over until the original version of the song gets completely buried. and it's just a tiny bit exhausting.
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syekick-powers · 2 years
ever since my post abt lou sullivan took off i’ll every once in a while get a reblog where someone asks in the tags of their post “WHO is saying [that trans men didn’t contribute to queer history] i’ll FIGHT THEM!!” like i appreciate the enthusiasm but i literally cannot see a single post about a historical trans man without seeing like 200 replies from angry ra/df/e/m/s being like “how DARE these TRAs try to STEAL WOMEN’S HISTORY?? this is CLEARLY a butch lesbian and/or A Woman Crossdressing To Get Male Advantages!!” when the historical trans man in question would literally attack and/or threaten anyone who called them feminine terms, absolutely insist people call them men even in private, write in their journal about how they “wished they were born a man”, have sex with men and not “reveal their real gender” to avoid getting charged with buggery or sodomy, and write in their wills to be buried/cremated in the clothes they were wearing at death so people couldn’t see what their AGAB was. like. people (especially ra/d/fe/ms and r/a/d/f/e/m adjacent people) will fall ALL OVER themselves to deny that historical trans men were ACTUALLY men and not just butch lesbians or crossdressing women. i know people not knowing this is just a result of transmasc erasure but it really makes me wonder where people are NOT seeing this relentless minimization of trans men and transmascs of all genders.
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syekick-powers · 1 year
the absolute funniest thing about going from childhood to adulthood is that when you're a child, you see a lot of childrens' media try to push "The Power Of Friendship" and the idea that caring for your friends can change the world and things like that. and when you're a kid, this just seems really stupid and preachy and annoying. like from a kid's perspective most of the time that shit just doesn't make sense to you, and it annoys the hell out of you because it's EVERYWHERE. but then you become an adult and make friends and you hang out with them and just sometimes get overcome by how goddamn much you love them and how happy you are to have them in your life and you feel completely sure that the depth of this joy could change the world. and then you watch a kid's cartoon about the power of friendship and think about your own friends and just get so emotional. like. how come most of the media where The Power Of Friendship is a major plot point is kids media. when most of the time, it's adults who feel most strongly about their friends and their relationships.
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syekick-powers · 3 months
you know i normally dont comment too much about AI art in general because ive seen some absolutely bugfuck insane takes from both the pro- and anti-AI crowds, but the one thing about the pro-AI techbro crowd that boggles my mind is like. how they don't seem to understand that sometimes the process of making the art itself can be equally as or MORE satisfying than just having the finished product. like yeah, making art is nice because i can get ideas out of my head and on paper, but sometimes the idea changes as i work. sometimes the process of customizing every little detail of my art is incredibly satisfying. sometimes making something that i spent hours shaping and perfecting makes me genuinely happy even if the piece isnt perfect. and the "oh why dont you just type a prompt into midjourney" people don't seem to understand that i LIKE the process of making art. i LIKE how my art shows little bits and pieces of myself in it. i LIKE being able to spend a few hours just chilling and working on something. i know not everyone has the same capacity to spend hours working on something like i do, but the AI techbro "just make it with AI" crowd make it really obvious that they value art as little more than cheap consumption when they say shit like that. like they must be blind to the personal touches you can get when you buy from human artists. it's just rly fucking annoying. sometimes the journey is more important than the destination, man.
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syekick-powers · 1 year
been giving myself Porch Time at least once a day for the past week or so and it is truly wild how breathing in the fresh air, getting some sunlight, and Appreciating the Local Creatures has a noticeable impact on my mental health
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syekick-powers · 4 months
absolutely nothing funnier in a splatoon match than when the enemy team shuts down your devastatingly aggressive push where you get very close to a knockout and someone on the enemy team squidbags you really aggressively because of how tilted they were you got that far. and then you win the match because they never manage to muster a push to counter your lead. and when you see the screen of everyone's kills/deaths/specials, the guy who aggressively squidbagged you got half the kills you did, twice the deaths you did, and got off maybe one single fucking special. like. way to broadcast you are the most tilted individual playing in queue right now. have fun fuming over getting your ass severely beaten by my gay little octo doing his gay little run across the map and limp-wristedly swinging his painbrush at you. perhaps you should invest in some gitting gud
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syekick-powers · 8 months
very funny for me to wake up this morning to the sound of my phone exploding because a post i'd made like two and a half weeks ago suddenly started blowing up with notifs. me slowly oozing into consciousness at 8:30 in the morning to turn my ass over in bed and hearing the sound of my phone beeping nonstop
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syekick-powers · 21 days
a funny thing about me is that i generally don't feel that drawn to a whole lot of f/f ships simply because i am mostly a gay man and mostly find myself resonating with m/m relationships in media as a result, but every once in a while i will laser focus on a f/f ship like crazy and go absolutely rabid over it in a way that's completely different from how i generally ship m/m content. anyway pearl and marina are the best splatoon idols and i would set fire to government buildings just to see art of them being affectionate. you cannot even imagine what i'd do to see them making out sloppy style
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