#tagging some of the most influential zombie media I've partaken in
madbadash · 3 months
I love you Zombie Apocalypses
I love stripping the humanity from the world and seeing what is left behind
I love the corruption of humanity and questioning when does something stop being human
I love moral dilemmas that become more than time sensitive because of how excruciatingly fast and unpredictable zombies are
I love decayed corpses that could never be more than a shambling mass of deadlines
I love almost human looking zombie that takes someone off guard and infects them
I love being unable to decide whether the mercy is killing someone before they turn or after
I love the horrifying idea that the human is still trapped within the husk of a corpse
I love alien zombies, fungal zombies, viral zombies
I love slow zombies that would probably never be an issue
I love fast zombies that are the most terrifying and lethal
I love infections that take hours to days to turn
I love infections that happen in a matter of seconds
I love you the inherent idea that if a zombie apocalypse happens that the world will only be filled with evil and that you never know who you can trust.
I love you deep horror zombies, and comedy zombies
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