#tfw your kid runs off with some fae asshole who whines his way out of using condoms and you can't convince her to leave his sorry ass
theveryworstthing · 3 months
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The Witch's Granddaughters
local witches Mishthill Vine and her husband Joe found a very badly woven basket full of strange infants and wildflowers on their doorstep about 26 years ago. they did not have to read the note tucked in with the babies to figure out that their daughter had found a new way to give them migraines. 
everybody wants to be a monster-fucker, but nobody wants to deal with the results. 
Ashe and Arrow rarely see their parents but they don't really mind anymore. they used to go on little holiday adventures with them when their mom remembered they existed (or needed something from Maw and PopPop) but that was... A Lot. these days they're full grown witches plotting out adventures of their own while helping their grandparents keep the local magic bullshit under control. 
they're good kids. 
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